HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 23, Page 368, January 8, 1957111 —cl—i-Slone-1 city of Paducah Jnnuary 8. 1057 — +t; a of the. Board of Commissioners held in the rommisrion chanha, or the ,it- i1-1 Pdllcalh, Kpritiickv, at 7:10 P.M. on January 8, 1.957, Mtyor Jacnbs orosidpd nn.d noon call of the Rol!. the followtnp answered to their names, ■ Commissioners Clark, Lally, McBride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (5). Jacobs offered motion that the readin,, of the Mi.nnteq for J n y 2, 1957 he waived and that the Minutes of said meeting as nrepared by the City Clerk he a,nroved as written. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, LAU-7, 'IcBrid-.. Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (5). Re pealn,otio7. Commissioner Clark offered tritell foowin, g motion: I move that the follow1n sell ^rave Rushin P. Ad notion, which was adopted by the Board of Commissioners on January 2. 1,957, be, and the to Ine Cobb sare is hereby renealed: "IT move that the Board of Commissioners approve the sale by the Cit- of Pad,i,!nT, to Tre Cobb of the west one-half of Lot No. 25 in Block go. 7 of the Rushinm Addition to Oak Grove Cemetery, and that the City Clerk be authorized to execute a Deed of conveyance to said cemetery --ave." Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, McBride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (5). F Commissioner Clark offered motion that Calvin Coley, a mechanic helper r romot e �,Ivin Cole- in t'- street division of the Public Works Department, be promoted to the position. on .,t. Div of auto' renat -mn- in s,ich eona-tment at a salary of `1.57 per hour, effective Janliary 1957, Adontpd on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, DInBrid-, and Mayor Jacobs (5). Commissioner Clark offered motion that the Co-t,act.. dated Tjn,,,jry h, 1.0.57, between the City of Paducah and The National Cash Repister C.om?)an--, for sal.e to the City of two "!ational Accountinm Machines, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Yeas, Commi ssion-rr Clark, Lally, McBride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (5). Commissioner Lally offered motion that the report of the police department. on improper uarl/in, and drink under the wheel for the neriod entiinn Jarplary 7, 1.957. ane filed. Alicpt-d on call of the Roll., Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lal.l. v --j" ,nn and Nno, Jacobs (r). Lnll, offered the followinp motion: T move that the lett- -.4 the rit-, T'.nnq"Pr, roa,noIntin,m -A.F,.Bovd a member of the Air Poll,ition eCraryen County, be received and filed. T further movo that the and that the term of service shall be for f'oiir­nrr, and that r- -4 Pnr"tAtcjtoH sh-ill he comnoqod of the followlnm rn-11—S. ?1-11 1111'r- will ­nir- Oetnber A, IQAO wlin,!- term will —pir- October r, I997 Wnndnll wlhnn,� tenn -dill —ni 'e October 6, 1998 oncrn Clnrl,, McBride. Trevathan nnrl Oont-act, dated jnn13A-V -I, -.F70 Cltn of Ped"'al., And!:c,mnanvfor ono rrA-jrjt :nin 3ort*r and Goll: r, ­­'ved and rt I P1, adont,Pd nn r.,l1 n r Hw, 1W I ., V-.1 q, W-3rido, ,n-; No -Ito Pioceedingsof n��^i of i;ommj^eSonA's City ofPad—h fanysi^• A, File ennt.ract. ✓ i'm—issi.onnr MnRride offered motion that the Contract, dated December 31, 1954-. Adt�t'n 4fin°•raph 'oro, n'+ between the City of Paducah and the Ad.dressorranh-T•initicranh Corvoratior, for one (1) 'i Granhnt.•me i:c new eleetrical.ly operated t,mewriter keybnard-rnnhot;-nn machine, be rncnived and filed. Adopted on call. of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, hall •, NcBrldn, Trevathan. and Mayor Jacobs (5). Hilbert G, Crn^mi.ssi.oner McBride offered motion that the resio_na.tion of Bilbret G. lfondbrn Tloodbrov r-sienation as a member of the Paducah Fire Department, effective Janna-,, 1, 1957, he received, fireman filed and accepted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissionnrs Clark, Lail,,. McBride, Trnvathan. and Mayor Jacobs (5). Taxes Commissioner McBride offered motion that econerati.on �1g479_A i.n t.hn n-,rint of axone^aced •r1QL7A_A ,1!•.,12 which was prepared and delivered by the City Treasurer, be received ,,I filnd and that said amount he exonerated on the tax hill, as shown b« said n•,onnration. Adopted, on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, P,.Bride, Trevat.hnn and r7 -or Jacobs (5). C^eck frnn / Commissionnr Trnvathan offered motion that Check No. r1('-250 of the Commonwealth St^te CD nnt.chir P,nof Kentucky, in the amount of .?151.$5, representinf full payment of the Federal Civil Defense AdministrattonTs share of Matching Fund 1955 State Project No. KY T-2-55, FCDA Proiect No Ky. P-7 (55), be received and delivered to the City Treasurer for deposit in the General Fund Account of the Citv. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, McBride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs ($). Cemetery char Commissioner Trevathan offered motion that the City Treasurer be, and he is here , Waive one -ha burial fee authorized to waive one-half of the 650.00 cemetery charge acainst. Kennedy Funeral Home Kennedy Funeral home for the b`irial of R. Marsales on September 3, 1.956, leavinc the net char -e to he paid for such burial in the sum of .325,00. Adopted on call- of the Roll, 'leas, Cnmmi.ssionn•s C ark, Lally, T;cBride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (5). Police Dent Commissioner Trevathan offered motion that the Report of the police denart•ment for Yen-',- rnoort the :,ear 1956, which was prepared h.. Lt. Mr!Do+rral and S -t. Johnson, ho received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Cnr,mivsinners, Cln^lc, Lnit-•, r lridn, T"nvat'-.n-, .end T'avor Jn.eohs (5), ^� o- ^,o • ,..r.ioner Lall•+ offnr!d mntinn that an nrdinance nnt4tln4: 'r AH ORDTPI:INGE f,_r; OF THE 1APPO'iNTIVE RMPLOYESS, CTVTL -SERVICE ORDIN9PIC.r•.t, ilF3ICII 7,0',,RD OF C(NI-I1SSTONER8 OPT DE,cr •:rt;?R 2, 181.7 A ll ?METIDFD ON OCTOIiRR - c " l Adontnd on call of `.h,• nil Yeas, Cnmmissinnnrs ,,^.7nrk, ,r.ann ami ;ta.;•or Jacnbs (,). n- adjourned. „ • t-.,,,. .. 1 rl - / APPRO?rFo 1 EGL%