HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 23, Page 365, January 2, 1957I
Proceedings of ^oard of Con^i.ssinn,^s City of Paducah Jn^uar• 2 1()57
ditki.ns Co.
Rnhert c Jone;
Re -alar fire -
Report Cant.
Robt 1, Catl.et
Fire Dept. r/
Coll -S.
.T,s9e. Pas^hal
r^ motei to
^rade A
Fol A - man
nol'cy ..
Cnmoa v
it. a Reeulnr Meeting of the P,oard of Com-insioners held in the Com-isni.on
:1 a 1,vr of the Cit" Tia11, Pndncah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.;d. on .Januar7, 2, 1957, Mn•or
•Tncobs nresided and upon call of the Roll. the .foll.owinr answered to their names:
t'o^ issioner8 Clark, La11.11, McBride, Trevethnn and Ma"nr ,Jacnhs (5).
.Javnr Jacohs offered motion that the readin^ of the Aiinut-s for December 2%.
1954 he waived and that the Minutes of said neet.inR as nrepnred by the Cit; Clerk
hn a„nroved as written. Adonted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark,
Lall••, 1-IcRride, TrPwathan and i•ta?or Jacobs (5).
Co^missioner Clark offered notion that the Board of Commissioners receive,
file and apprnve Certificate of Insurance issued b_, The Fidelity and Casualty
Company of New York coveri.n- ric^i.nr.. operations of Grover C. Watkins Comnan.- wit',in
the City of Paducah for a neriod of one ^ear frnn January 1, 1957. Adnnt,d on rnll n,
the Roll, Yeas, Conmi ssi.oners Clark, T,^11:-, i•ic'ari.dn, Trevathan and bia,,nr Jacohs (5) .
Commissioner Clark offered the following, motion: I move that the letter
dated December 26, 1956 of Ed Turner, Chief of the Fire Department, requestin-- that
Robert E. Jones be given a permanent anpointment as a regular fireman effecti.ve as of
January 1, 1957, be received and filed; and T Pirther move that. the said Robert E.
.Tnres he, and he is herebv, annointed as a regular member or the fire denartment
afr<ctive as of January 1., 1957, at the beei.nninp salary of ',2145,00 per month.
Adnnted on call of the Roll., Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, McBride. Trevathan and
Mayor Jacobs (5).
Commissioner Clark offered motion that the report prepar,d by Captain Robert L,
Catlett, Chief Drillmaster of the Louisville Fire Department, of his fi.ndi nr. pertai.nin
to the Paducah Fire Department while conducting a training coarse here .from October 1G,
1956 thru October 28, 1956, be received and filed. Adoptad on call of the Roll.,
Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, NcRride, Trevathan and Mayor Jannb (S).
Commi"ionnr Lally offer -,d motion that the letter of Rrlin ialiott, Ch—f of
the Pol4ce Department, dated December 2h, 1Q5,A, rannestinp that .Trsse Paschal he
n^mm�t,d to the stats of a Grad, it natlnan in the nolire dnnartmert, effective
.Jamrary 1, 1917, be received and filed; and he further moved that, the said .Tess,
Pasnhal be, and h, is hereb" promoted to the nnsitinn of Grade A natrolman in the
Police denartment of the City, effnctive Jnn„a^v 1., 1.0 7, at the monthl- salary of
V;9.00. ",Innt.n,i on call of the Roll., Yeas,i ani.
Comm one^^ 1:'I-arTr r,a11v, 1cRride,
T .Jacobs (5).
...'mgr Lallv off—ed motion that the r,nnr, of hue nnl<re denarrrnerit, Or
rmr,- - „-,i dr^m'v ,rude,. the wheel For th• neriod e lin, .Ja-r,ary 1, '195',1, hr•
e e•i. Adnnt.nri on. rail of t•he Roll, Yeas, :ncmiss<nne^., Cl;r^k, L;tt.l.,
-:,T i ✓ n3 i',, nd '.nr,. Chat th, iIoard of Com jap,4nn:..• rc.,.
ip:. ;1
by Thu ;:srielity
WO r ganga r v r:mmnanv of'
r..r.w `omnanv and t.h,- .:rt.•✓ of P.adnrah, Knntuckv for n,rind of nre
A..rin T,'.,::1 or -,al i of th. On, I , Yean.i:nmmi gni nun^e
: r rvathan sad a la,,nr •iambs (5) .
Proceedings of Boa . ni _n-1' rsi nr p, Cify of Paducah Tnn,,a,v 2, 1057
dpf•,ri nrn CommiPSiono- Tally off—d motion that the rheck of Paducah Centennial, Tnror-
no-ait.nd, ;r the s,.im of '101•..00, as a ref,ind of a donation to Padv.cah Centennial,
Irnornorated, be rece;.vPd and dative -ed to the Citv Treasurer to be doposited in th-
Ge^Prat hind of' the M tv. Adnpt-d on r.all of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Mari,.
Lally. McBrid-, Tre
vathnn and 1•.a -or Jacobs (5).
Rannrt Commissioner KcBride offered motion that the report of the police dnpartMOnt
eo'lirp nen
I showin? S,xmmary of' Arrests, Ti.nkets Collected and Total. Collections for the month of
Denember, 1956, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas,
Commissioners Clark, I -ally. i•IcArlde, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (5).
Sell rave Commissioner McBride offered motion that the Board of Commissioners approve
hinr Ad
Husom Adam the sale by the City of Paducah to Husom Adams of the east one-half of Grave No. 21,
in Block No. 7 of the Ru Shin? Addition to Oak Grove Cemetery, and that the City Clerk
beauthorized to execute a deed of conveyance to said cemetery Prave. Adopted on
call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lally, McBride, Trevathan and Idavor Jacobs (5),
Settle Clan Commissioner McBride offered motion that the claim of Loranzo J. Lambert aeai.ns
Loranno J.
Limber' the City in the sum of 250.00 for iniuries received by him on or about J-Ta1. 2$, 1956 at
Elmwood Court Anartments, be approved and furthar moved that the Citv Traas„rer he and a is
hereby a,xthorized and directed to issue a check of the City for said amount after
j; racaivina a complete release. Adopted on call of the Roll., Yeas, Commissioners
Clark.., Lally, Nn Bride, Trevathan and I•Iayor Jacobs (5).
1rettl- c7ai=^ Commissioner Trevathan offered motion that then claim of Mrs. Harman Harnes
`^n, Harn;j
1'a^nes LY✓ a„ainst the City in the sum of ;75.00 for injuries re.cpived by her on or abort
J?ovpmhar 6, 7956 on the sidewalk at 61.5 %Torth 11th Street be approved and further
moved that the City T.rpas„rer be, and he. is hereby, authorized and directed to issue
a check for said amolint after obtaininP a full and comnletn release. Adopted on call
oi' the Roll, Year, Commissioners Clark, Lally, McBride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (5).
Renort Pol,normissioner Trevathan offered motion that the report of the pnlice department
Dept for
Dec. 1956 for the month of December, 1956, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll
Zeas, Cor..ni zni.oners Clark, Lally, ,McBride, Trevathan and Mayor .Jacobs (5) .
3el1 Graves ^i.onpr Trevathan offered motion that the Board of Commissi.onnrs annrovo
11,10inr 'd
're "obb ra)n nr' P,adncah to Tne Cobb of the `cleat one-half of J,ot 1,;o.2F ;n Block
Oak Grove Cemetery, and that the City Clerk be
r,nv,ya,.ce to said cPmet.Prn mrav[?. Adonte!i or nill.
^lark, J.a117,MxBri.de, Trevathan and J•Ta-,o._ Jacobs (5).
iiosnital / 1
' � ,'nl e•.,ri n^ ion: Then term of offices of Cha—les A.
A. mho+•r of the 1 n� 1To^n4ts)
�„ 1 A^s 'r• ,ny Fa , nn Paducah r' i
PtRny Fs*r n n
ASon mho „h,. r,nv• i.h9t 'n., 1 !' 1 l
nnpnintad n:: r,A a mP^xh
an n -b,- ,.,i , 'n,• i:nm or
so -;-n,'%: ; „ , now constituted sh,,,i o"mnosnd of the
`” ! `r Decs•,
Pclher j 1 + 7-g4u •
No. 367
Proceedings of +n [La-Gn^ m ion^ City of Paducah Jsn„ary 2. 1.117
Release hone
00 Midwest Vide
Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Lall;,, McBride, Trevathan and
Nayor Jacobs (5).
Commissioner Lally offered the followinn motion;
WHEREAS, on June 1, 1956, Midwest Video Corporation as Princi.nal and Standard
Accident Tnsurance Company as Surety, executed an indemeity bond to th- City of Paduca
in the sum of -,25,000.00 --naranteeine a completion of a community television ant^nna
system in the City of Paducah within a reasonable rime, and to be�ir renderinn service
in a reasonable time; and
?JHEREAS, it appears that such installation has been nomnl.et.ed and servi.en is
beim- rendered accordi.nr to a letter .from 0. R. Renfro, i%anarer of Midwest Video
T now therefore move that Midwest Video Cornoration as Prinri.oal and Standard
Accident Tnsurance Company as Surety, be relieved from all further liahilit,? h- reason
of said indemnity bond. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commission-rn Clark,
Lally, McBride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (5).
On motion the meeting adjourned.
ADOPTED January $,^ �,_�1957 APPROVEDT_