HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 23, Page 32, March 23, 1954No. 32-_._.- - - - Proacedings of March 23, 1954 Board of Commissioners City of Paducah March 23, 1954 At a Regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commission Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.MI. on March7.3, 1954, Mayor Cherry presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). Mayor Charry offered motion that the reading of the Plinutes for March 16, 1954 be waived and that the Minutes of said meeting as prepared by the City Clerk be approved as written. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and iiayor Cherry (5). Ray Jacobs V I•ayor Cherry made the following appointment: Golf Com.. The term of office of Ray Jacobs as a member of the Paducah Golf Commission expires on March 26, 1954, subject to the approval of the Board, I hereby re -appoint the said Ray Jacobs to serve as a member of the Paducah Golf Commission for a period of six (6) years so that said commission as now constituted shall be composed of the following members: I Jack House, whose term will expires on larch 26, 1956 E. J. Paxton, Sr., whose term will expire on March 26, 1958 Ray Jacobs, whose term will expire on March 26, 1960. Approval Commissioner Riggs offered motion that the action of the Mayor, Robert C. .?ay Jacobs appointment Cherry, re -appointing Ray Jacobs to serve as a member of the Paducah Golf Commission for a further term of six (6) years, be approved. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). Petition / Commissioner Hughes offered the following motion: I move that the petition re::GV0 ✓ buildinz of .rs. Jane Durham and others requesting that the house at 228 North 8th Street in 228 ii 8th Paducah, Kentucky, be torn down, be received and Filed. I further move that the City Manager be requested to notify the owner, Joe 1.1. diZgins, to take immediate steps to remove said house according to the terms of an ordinance adopted by this board on August 21, 1953 selling the property to him with pro- vision that all structures on the land be removed within 180 days. Adopted on call of the Roll, .eas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). Liability Commissioner I?annin offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive, fil policies: r.C.Jennin-s and approve liability insurance policy issued by the Connecticut Indemnity Company Leslie Fe3t Protecting the City with respect to work done by R. C. Jennings for a period of one year from January 19, 1954; aloo policy issued by the National Union Indemnity Company to the City of Paducah eoverin,•; work clone by Leslie A. Feast for a period on one year i'ro. Harch 27, 1954. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes Jacobs, Highs and 1.ayor Cherry (5). KGi'liu4` ceCo.:micsioner Hannin offered the foll.owin,c motion: I move that the SETTEEMa'idT: Sott_.ar.t rGb, l CITY ACCG CT _ February 28, 19154, prepared and submit'tud by the Paiucah :rater dorrs ie received and Piled. T further Bove that the check in the a"Ount of ;),9 91...G bo turned over to the City Treasurer to be depo34-ted in the General Fund. Adoptod on call of the Roll, Yeaa r Ccraissioners Hannin, 'rui:,F.e3, Jacobi, i<i,s and t,•ayor Ci;carry (5). r ) I Na. - --.._ _33.. --- Proceedings of Board .o£ Commissioners _ City of Paducah I%arch 23, 12511 Seport o Dairy✓ Commissioner Hughes offered motion that the letter from tfie Chief of Police sport o= Chief of Police pertaining to the investigation of the operation of Sealtest Dairy Products Company, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, I. Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). Liability Commissioner Hughes offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive, policy & bond Sanderson & Mile and approve liability insurance policy issued by the Fidelity and Casualty Company P•fciiinney of New York protecting the City with respect to work done by Louis E. Sanderson & Richard McKinney d/b/a Sanderson & McKinney for a period of one year from I•larch 22, 195 ; and also the bond of Sanderson & McKinney in the amount of 1`?'1,000 dated March 22, 1954• Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Idayor Cherry (5). Plater Co. f Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that the Financial Report of the Paducah Financial ReportFeb. 'Water :Works for the month of February 1954, be received and filed. Adopted on call 1954 of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Payor Cherry (5). Street Light Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that the report of the Police Department Ma,-gie & / Palmer v concerning the need for a street light at the intersection of Maggio and Palmer Streets,) I be received and filed and that the City Manager be authorized to request the Kentucky Utilities Company to make such installation. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). Street light / Commissioner Riggs offered motion that the report of the Police Department , Sunset & ✓ Hilldale concerning the need for a street light at the intersection of Sunset and Hilldale, be received and filed and that the City Manager be authorized to request the Kentucky Utiaities Company to make such installation. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). Request bids 1// Commissioner Hughes offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION Asphalt Xiyer AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF ONE (1) ASPHALT MIXER AND CERTAIII ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT, AND PRESCRIBING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS TO BE COPD?LIED 1.111TH BY BIDDERS", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Comm- issioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Payor Cherry (5). 'i;ilson & Powell Mayor Cherry offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTIOP, reps e3enta. i, of City in ✓ AUTHORIZING D. CLARENCE PiILSON AND LEE POSWELL AS REPRESENTATIVES OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH,I hih school ' construction KENTUCKY, IN CERTAIN MATTERS PERTAINING TO THE CONTRACT BETPJEE! THE CITY AND ALGERNON- BLAIR, INC., FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEW PADUCAH HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, R;ggs and 1-iyor Cherry (5). Advance fuhds Co=niozioner Hannin offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "All ORDINANCE 1 to Air Pollution APPROPRIATING IHE OF :;3296.21 FOR THE USE OF THE AIR POLLUT1011 CONTROL DISTRICT OF EcC-'=Y .Ii CGUNTY-1, be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissionors Hannin Hurhe3 Jacobi 'ti gi;s and I•'ayor Cherry (5). G City Managor ./ Co^ i33iorer Jacobs offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE Car h3.lo4rirce' AI.PuiDING -'ECTIO:i 1 OF AN ORDINANCE ENTI^tLED: vAN ORD1I1ANCE ALLOW -1"G THE CITY 11ANAGER C7 HE CITY Of' PADUCAH, Y,ENTUC y OIJE HUNDRED DOLLARS P it 1.101iTSf FOR USE 0r 1L[S PP:RSOIia '•10-03 VZHICL31, t1:iICN. WAS, ADOYTt•:u DY Ti1r: BOARD OF COI•211,^rSICIi(1113 Oil JULY 28, 195311, be adopted. Adopted on call of the 1t011, Yeas, Co missionors Hannin, HuCho3, Jacobs, RiCZs anti Vayor Uierry (5). Nu. ___34_ Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah ATarch 23. 1954 •ity Physici n Mayor Cherry offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE Ordinance amended AA!ENDING SECTION 3 Or. Ail ORDINANCE ENTITLED: TAN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE EMPLO)9.01TI OF A CITY PHYSICIAN rOR THE TREATMENT OF ALL INDIGENT WHITE CITIZENS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY; PRESCRIBING THE DUTIES TO BE PERFORATED BY THE CITY PHYSICIAN; FIXING THE AMOUNT OF HIS COP•iPENSATION; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITY', WHICH WAS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ON JANUARY 23, 1951, AND AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 4, 1952", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). Wharf ✓ Mayor.Cherry offered motion that a letter signed by Harold Linn Lockwood an letter Loc;avood j, Ernest B. Lockwood, regarding the operation of the Paducah City Wharf on a lease basis, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). Street light/ Commissioner Hannin offered motion that the City Manager be directed to have an 26 & B+Way' investigation made to determine the need for a street light at the intersection of 26th and "roadways and if upon investigation it is found that said Street light is needed, that he instruct the Kentucky Utilities Company to make such installation. Adopted on j call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). School / Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that the letter of Algernon Blark, Inc. building ,/ letter to the City of Paducah, Kentucky, dated March 18, 1954, extending the 45 -day period Algernon Blari, Inc,, for the issuance of a work order for the construction of the new high school building work, order be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, /Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). Mayor issue / Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that the request adopted on March 23, work order ✓✓✓ high school. 1954 by the Board of Education of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, requesting the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah to issue a work order on the neer school building be received and filed and that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized to issue such order. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). Resolution Commissioner Hughes offered motion that the Resolution of the Board of Board of Ed., Accept bid Education of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, under date of March 23, 1954, recommending Hilliard A-. Son J that the bid of J. J. B. Hilliard & Son and Blythe & Company for the purchase of •,'2,750,000 of School Building Revenue bonds, be received and filed. Adopted on call j of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs & Mayor gherry (5). liids on ✓ Idigh schoolComzissioncr Riggs offered motion that the following bids received for the bona:; -:filed purchase of b2,750,000 of School Building Revenue bonds, be received and filed: Mein Bros. & Boyce; J.J.B.Hilligrd & on & Blythe & Company and Allen & Co. New York., The Ohio Company, Columbus and The /. C. Thornburgh Company, Cincinnati. 'Adopted on ca l / of the Ro33, Ycaa, Cornissioner-, Hannin, Hurhes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). Accept bid J CCa.^isciorer Jacobs Offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTI higi::O1d :c::col Bonds CF cot tD 0' CO '? ;I CilE:. OF THE CI'T'Y 0FPADUCAH, KEf7TUCKY, ACCEPTING SUCCESSFUL BID ON + :2,7;C,C%0 OF C TY OF FADUCLH SCHOOL BUIL51Nt RLVrNUE DOiiD3 DATED APRII. 1, 1954", be I, I Adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, COrlaincioners Hannin, Hu•,he , Jacobs, Riggcl and .7 -'- yo:- Cherry (5). i Ca co' is ;etir ; adjourned. -y�I dr /gg// payor