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Minutes Book 23, Page 312, July 24, 1956
No Proceedings a -'�. ^`} o`• ";'� c"—L'==--= — City of Paducah __ A1_u '___,.T_1c;<, At a Regular eetin� of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commission Chamber of the City EaL, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.M. on July 24, 1956, Mayo -r Protei Trevathan presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Colamissloner; Clark, 1.'xBride and I,ayor Protem Trevathan (3), Mayor Jacobs was absent when the meeting was called to order. i:ayor Pro Tem Trevathan offered motion that the reading of the Minutes for July 10 and July 1$, 1956 be taived and that the Minutes of said meeting as prepared by the City Clerk be approved as written. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Cosmissioners Clark, "cBride and hayor Protem Trevathan (3) Commissioner Clark offered motion that the executed copy of the contract between the City of Faducah and Henry A. Petter Supply Company for the sale to the City of 2000 feet of 2LI inch hose, be received and.filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, McBride and '-ayor Pro Tem Trevathan (3). Commissioner Clark offered motion that Charles Gossett be, and he is hereby, employed as Field -Office Helper in the Refuse Division of the Department of Public 'clerks at a monthly salary of 0265.00, effective August 1, 1956. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, idcBride and tayor Protem Trevathan (3). Commissioner Clark offered the following motion: I move that this Commission receive and (ilei 1. The letter addressed to the Assistant Corporation Counsel by Cornell Hopes Corporation under date of July 6, 1956 concerning the bond previously furnished by Guthrie hay and the Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation, Ltd. to assure the placing of markers and monuments in Brookhaven Subdivisior according to the recorded plat of said Subdivision. 2. The engineer's certification attached to said letter. 3. The recommendation of the Paducah Planning and Zoning, Commission concerning the release of the said bond. I further move that the bond referred to be released and that such release be 'ad . r'-trcactive to July ll';!:, 1956. Adopted on call of the Roll, 'leas, and mayor Pro Tem Trevathan (3). Cc s 0c-!on2r ;ride offered motion that the Board of Comm3n si.oners receive and Me t-'c_e lettor frc.; J. Y. O'cannon relative to the condition of Oak Grove Cc::etorJ. o!a call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, : cHridc and �Layor I'ro ... _ . _. . _ (3) . orfArei �:ot;9.on that the Board of Coumissiorers a;:provn the sale b'= t.. of Paducah to ::rs. .00lc o: the west one -}calf of Lot i1o. 21 In _. .. ..,. 7 of the :ius`r:ilu; ndcitt'_o:: to ';rave Cemetery, and that the City C1orI: .e r. ....tis®d to execute a dee^i o"' _ .. ,o said cemetery tray , Adopted or; call Of t; s_ sell, Yeas, C yor Protoua Trevathan(3). Commieei©aur .it;�ri. r,_ O;'.^4"ei, ::ti.., i,.. .. ... _- O iC�: rCC3 Comr'�Ios ., ? --Y^I i:... ad approve IKdesr 3;ielt.ty amt '•7P ?Ur!^G": .. _ ... ... _ ... tU 71Gr<L GOn!? ,U7: of one Year , :. b;o. `.. ..il of the No. 3113 Pmceedingsof. row+ 9 of r -m -r rriOnn"s City of Paducah Jul- 9b ?tic contract Commissioner I•;cBride offered motion that the executed copy of the contract Haror. m.:. _..,a aese beti-men the City of Paducah and Mannan Oupply Company, Inc. Cor the sale to the City of 1,000 feet of 1': inch fire hose be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, ;icBride and Iayor Pro Ton Trevathan (3). Refuse Settlem Commissioner McBride offered the following motion: I move that the settlement June 195E of refuse accounts receivable June 30, 1956 which.•ras prepared and submitted by the Paducah Water 'dorks, be received and filed. I further move that the check in the amount of •19,454.35 be turned over to i ithe City Treasurer to be deposited in the general fund. Adopted on-call of the Zoll,Yeas, Commissioners Clark, i-IcBride and Mayor Pro Tem Trevathan (3). George ;:yers,Jri. Commissioner i?cBride offered motion that George Myers, Jr. be, and he is advanced to fire alaru. hereby, advanced from. a Grade A Private in the fire department. of the City of Paducah operator to Fixe Alarm Operator at a salary of ;`2$5.00 p y per month effective as ox :iu_ust 1, 1955. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clay::, I:cisricl.^. lAnJ Mayor Pro Tem Trevathan (3). _rezone Bridge Commissioner Clark offered motion that• an, ordinance entitled: "Ai: bet.een f/ hur.an and APPROVIi.'G THE FINAL REPORT OF THE PADUCAI: PLA;.TNIP.G AND =%'TING CO-,IIISSION, RESPECTING Ashcraft THE REZOi=G OF PROPERTY OH THE EAST SIDE OF BRIDGE STRWY BETVF,; : THUM-W: STR EGT A10 j ASHCRAFT AVi.1:UE AMD AMIDING THE PADUCAH ZONING ORDIiIANCE SO AS TO EFF2CT SUCH j REZONING", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Co;mnissioners Claris, ::cBrido and Mayor Pro Tem Trevathan (3). lc)5� Appottionr. I ntj Commissioner idcBride offered motion that an ordinanco entitled: "Ai: ORDINAECE ordnance FIY,IM THE APPORTIONMa'rs'lIT OF THE PUBLIC FUiIDS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, Liu TUCKY FOR 1^i 73AR 1956 Aid) APPROPILLATIiIG THE PUBLIC ZL.*3I;UE iii.D Ii:CG: O_ THE; CITY OF PADUCAN Fui: SUCH PURPOSES", be introduced and remain on file for at least one (1) week for Public inspection in the conmleted form in which it shall be put upon its final passa„c. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Coruai.ssione.rs Clark, I=:cBri-de and 7"-yor Pro Torn Trevathan (3). "_c'cert 3. C'cr_r, Mayor Jacobs rude the folloirin3 appointment: cii r,: "card It anneariA; that the terra of office of Rbbex t C. Cherry as a -,xf abnr of tho City or Paducah Kuni cipal Housii>,S Commission on July 22, 1')$6, subject- to tilc approval o: the board of Commissioners, I hereby appoint the said :tobort C. Cherry for a further texe o' four (4) years, so that said board as now eol;sti.tutcd shall da cos:pase;i of t'^.e :ollo:anr:embers: :. _rn ea?rxes July 22, 1957 .•,:- _xpi.yos July 22, 1959 Gilliam .ceew•: , ri.rt;s July 22, 1959 obert C., ........ „.. ;,i. „u�, .2 1960 Georj;a Jacc , . _ op;' .1nci ,...- , . . ... - �' Coxi8siolc. 'gred e : of Gecr re.- t 1; .. :. �.. ... :a I i• :cu.::UnjO!p4l 1{4 .. cr. i'or a ,3 lather torr of ,, . , u tl;eRoll, Proceedings of c.:: 5 0. Co- i-:z!i >: — -_-. City of Paducah J111y 24, 1951-1 I =u}ror Jacobs offered the folloi,4n_ motion: v 9 :r. Geo --Se A.Hamain,Sr., having resi-ned as a member of the Cemetery N advisory Board; i I now therefore move that fir. George Rock be appointed as a member of u said board to _ill the vacancy caused by the Resignation of Kr. Hannin whose tea_1 was a period of trio years from June 28, 1955, makin- the Board as now t constituted as follows: b:rs. Gus Hank whose term will expire June 28, 1957 ?r. George Rock rPaose term will expire June 28, 1957 i:r. J. Edgar Ross -inose terra .-rill expire June 28, 1957 a _,filler T. .-cCann whose term will expire June 28, 1958 q::r. John W. Crider whose term will expire June 28, 1958 Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, KaBride, Trevathan and "layer Jacobs Payor Jacobs made the following appointment: The term of office of W. E. Fellers as a member of the Board of Civil Zrn Service Commissioners having expired on December 9, 1955, I hereby appoint Amos i Chittenden for a period of three (3) years, so that the Civil Service Board, as now constituted shall be composed of the following members: V George Byrd -inose term rxpires December 9, 1956 John Ryan those term expires December 9, 1957 Amos Chittenden -:hose term expires December 9, 1958 ( Commissioner Trevathan offered motion that the Board of Commissioners -prove the action of George Jacobs, %ilyor, appointing Amos Chittenden to serve as a _r of the Board of Civil Service Commissioners for a terra of three years from ^rear 9, 1955• Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark:, —vat' an and'!ayor Jacobs (4). Gn r;,otion the maetin�; adjourned. APPROVED LST'