HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 23, Page 309, July 18, 1956No 3017 _
Proceedings of Heard of Cor mi-ssi onrrs City of Paducah July 18, 1951
Plate Glass
Letter Bd of
Open Ditch
btw Rudy 1N
Gpen alley
(Ad :avfi:eld
Rd !,. Lincoln
Liability I
Roe : ilkins
iploy *--
SGA :ter as v
Report of
. Disiaic:.
.,t a Called :`-eeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Cornmiosion Chamber
Chamber of.the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.ii, on July 18, 1956, bayor Jacob
presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their dames: Coramissioner
Clark, LcBride, Trevathan and i-,ayor Jacobs (1t).
iayor Jacobs offered motion that the copies of the notice of Called ideeting to be
held at 7:30 P.Ie. on July 18, 1956, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the
Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, ::cBride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (4).
Commissioner Clark offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive, approve
and file Certificate of Insurance issued by Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company
to Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company covering the use of the crane located at 128 South
3rd Street for the three (3) year period from July 1, 1956 to July 1, 1959. Adopted on
call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, i•'ecBride, Trevathan and payor Jacobs (4).
Commissioner Clark offered motion that the letter from the Board of Education
dated July 13, 1956 relative to a tax equalization program, be received and filed. J
Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, iicBride, Trevathan and 'ayor
Jacobs (4j. I�
Commissioner Clark offered motion that the letter of July 10, 1956 from C. L.
Timberlake, President of the West Kentucky Vocational School, asking that a ditch
be opened along the alley between Rudy and Thompson Avenues from 13th to 14th Streets,
be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commiissioners Clark,
i•cBride, Trevathan and mayor Jacobs (4).
Cormiissioner Clark offered motion that the letter signed by 0. E. Lee and others
requesting the, city to open an alley between Old Mayfield Road and Lincoln Street be
received and referred to the City Manager for an iinvestigati.on and report. Adopted on
call of the :roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, f:cBride, Trevathan and :ayor Jacobs (1,) .
Commissioner Clark offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive, file
and approve Kemorandum of Insurance issued by The Fidelity and Casualty Company to Roe
.,''9,!Mns and the City of Paducah, Kentucky for a period of one year from July 13, 1956.
Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, i'.cBride, Trevathan and Payor
Jacobs (4).
Commissioner Clark offered motion as follower: I move that dilliata E. Suiter be
and he is hereby employed as a temporary Laborer for 'lie City of Paducah, Kentucky,
under the iirection of the City Manager, at an hourly rate of $1.17.1 per hour. I J
fart,7ier rove that this %otlon be retroactive and that such: onploynent i.s authoidzed i
on July 16, 1956. Adopted on call of the Roll, 'Leas, Corrmissioners
sr;.<he, _r .vath ar. and iayor Jacobs (4).
Senor ;:c:_.ririe offered motion that the letter o' 1-ro. Jar:,a:: Sullivan, J
c i err-"ry of '!ni.ted Dau ;liters of the Con f e.i'racy, cnJorsin;; ti;:
r. o: t i;cuse .is a mer::ori.al to :mal ail:i.aa Glaris, i
' r,u e:,1.7. of tho Moll, oa 11:c..;.:;sionc+rs Cl.i:• I
, ,
c .r or ti;at, til .apo o' wor is r;'or.;ed t.y the
-rt,m:. nt i rc.i Ja; u,.. ,= 1, 1; , to July 16, 19if: j)
or call o. .r:a :icl 'Crass, o.":;c,:;ia ors Clark,
Proceed;cgs of _= --. City of Paducah-.____ _
:c:j o,: �;_,; u_ '. j•c , J:•. be advanced __ora
the position of Extra `ireran in the fire department of the City of Paducah, Kentucky
to a 2iremar, in such department at a salary of ,245.00 per•nmonth, effective July 1$,
1956. Adopted on call of the boll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, McBride, Trevathan
and I•ayor Jacobs (4).
Commissioner i;cBride offered motion that the letter dated July 10, 195.5 fro
Gerald Steuart, Chief of Police relative to the position of major in the police depart
went, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners
Clark, NcEride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (4).
Commissioner IdcBride offered motion as follows: I move that the letter of
Ed Turner, Fire Chief, addressed to the City Manager dated July 17, 1956, advising
that Jiilnie Curtis Hooper has completed fifteen (15) days of probationary period in th
=ire department and recommending that his appointment be made permanent as of July 17,
1956, be received and filed, and I further move that the said Jimmie Curtis Hooper be,
::nd he is noir made a permanent employee of the fire department, Adopted on call of
the roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, IdcBride, Trevathan and .'Mayor Jacobs (4).
Commissioner IdcBride offered motion as follows: I move that Calvin H.
Le,and he is hereby, employed as a temporary laborer for the City of Paducah,
under the direction of the City Manager, at an hourly rate of +A-17�- per
-further move that this motion be retroactive and that such employment is
c •': ^d to Iays started on July 16, 1956. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas,
Clark, ?dcBride, Trevathan and ?-iayor Jacobs (4).
Commissioner IdcBride offered the following; motion: I move that James E.
Bell be, and he is hereby, employed as a temporary laborer for the City of Paducah,
under the direction of the City I•:anager, at an hourly rate of 'A.17-- per
.o,no that this motion be retroactive and that suchemuloyment is
started an July 16, 1956. Adopted on call of the Roil, Yeas,
ern:. cc:.orers Clark, McBride, Trevathan and :"ayor Jacobs (4).
-c: -:iac over iic3ride offered the following motion: I move that the letter
of the police department, re.conunending the admission of
,o the i:ational Police Academy of the Federal isureaui o1' In-
:izcl filed, and I further move_ that such applicaticn be approve
?cp':Q on call of the Roll, Yeas, Ga aniss•i.oners Clark,
Jacobs (4).
offered r.,otion that the letter of Pe^;y Connor,
;or Club, r equcstin„ the removal o' the bar.. -?a
Avenue, be received and filed. Adopted on call
U':'4 rk, .:r,'..^i•ie, Trnvathan and ,:ayor .:..cob. (4).
CC::ass1Qn,)r .revatnar. o_'fore_ ti:c roliowin-; 11•004on: 1 raova t -at Pranl;
-4-': , ... ,.^ .•, employ: -1 as a ?..;.•.,orer in the Re1'3an uivision o:' Lica i•uvla.c
a :.... at an i,ovrly rate of :;:7..17 per hour foo tier,
erecter..a1_ t ii.::oti.on br
evplopment is authorized to have started ou July 13, 1
6:: :all O. tnc ...at..l., _ ... , 4'(3YSai3 HiORRFH G',i.. , .. , .. -:v: .... :,til GC
Proceedings of n" :or'niazdan. s !_ City of Paducah
Lose Loo Commissioner Trevathan offered the followin; motion: I move that Loao Leo be,
Laborer in and he is hereby, employed as'a laborer :in the Refuse Division of the Public '.orkc
Refuse Div.
Department of the City of Paducah at an hourly rate of 1`1.17, per hour for the first
six months and X1.25 per hour thereafter. I further move that this motion be retro-
active and t hat such employment is authorized to have started on July 1, 1956.
Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, 1-:c2ride, Trevathan and 1-:ayc.-
Jacobs (4).
Commissioner Trevathan offered the following motion: I move that the letter^
ire dept. from Ed Turner, Fire Chief, addressed to the City &arager dated July 16, 1956,
advisin; that Charles A. i'Jilliams has completed fifteen (15) days of probationary
period in the _ire department and recommending that his appointment be made pormanent
as ,of July 16, 1956, be received and filed, and I further move that the said Charles A.
;Williams be, and he is nos made a permanent employee of the' "ire department. Adopted oq
call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, iicBride, Trevathanand i ayor Jacobs (1,.) .
Lorenzo Commissioner Trevathan offered motion that the employment of Loranzo Lambert
Lambert II
Pefuse Div. inthe refuse division of the Department' of Public 'Jorks be terminated effective
terminated I
immediately. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, I•:cBride,
Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (4).
Bond of ilidwe t Commissioner Trevathan offered motion that the endorsement to form a part: of
Dairy Corp.
chanZed to Permit Bond Vo. 2338$96 issued by the Fidelity & Casualty Company to ::idtirest,Dairy
City Products
Corporation Products, Corporation changing the name' of the insured to City Products Corporation,
lie received, approved and that said endorsement be attached to the original bond
which was received and filed on November 14, 1950.: Adopted on call of the Poll, Yeas,
Commissioners Clark, ±1cBri"de, Trevathan and iiayor Jacobs (4).
Accept bid of Commissioner Trevathan offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "Al, GRDI1WICs
Georgie ft.
o' _p -
be introduced and remain on file for public inspection for at least one (1)
heel: in the completed fox:a .Tn which it shall be put upon its im1i pasca;,e. .Wopted
on cail of tiie Foll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, i_eBride, Trevathan and i:ayor Jacobs (4),
Gn motion t.-, nocting adjourned.
AyOi'i': i JLl7 2A T-1956 APPMVED