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Minutes Book 23, Page 262, March 13, 1956
Pmcngs of. City of Paducah ee& v o..' oo:,iixissionorq helt! in t'hc Ccrlmioc--1: v:,x.O:.y, z", 7,00 P-!.- on 1 -arch 13, 1156, .-ayor J,-:e�7 .cai :.ns,.,.,arod to nw:v?r. Co _ 9rs; 0, J,1Co,I-S (5). I C,21 the reading; of the !:inutoc I ',or _.arch u .`nu;;os C s.Ad maat-'-n� as prepared b-.= the City Cleric be app:2c-,-, C:,, ca -1.3. o' ':.hc Aell, pas, Corojiissionors Clark, Gan.,;rmth, nvtlor. that the rencrt of the Board of ,qxallzatior year f,*Ie(', and spread upon the :'Inutos. tion 'LY',za%r 'c 1955 On C'.il :Cll, '.0as, Commissioners Clark, Gan,,�nath, -:cBmdo, Trovathan an; n -:-cobs (5). "orsonal Property i�z ,, C oe S _ri ants for 195 tine � C -_' 'nntuch,, (Full Pate) Board 25,121.210. 504-120. '54,905. ;::.3. -,.eal Zstatc IMprove-ment3 (Full aatc) T" - 3'r-er, by Bc-,.-.,-,, .:11,908.860. -390. IJ i, I 'iTl,,; (Alairizan No. - Board of Ccr,L.:i.asioners Proceedings of city of Paducah Letter City 25th Street Fell lot in _.ushjn, Add to Elncra Conn3r gall lot in :tushing Add to Richard !.:ansfi Report PoliceY Dept Pay Yellow Cab Comany for" Radio iquip ll lct 4r Ruskin- ad' tcj Letter C'riier Police re sh==a vclde: Ly C.ty Jud;;e 5o 1 at Audi lots c?ch A. ::,cadwaly Ccmmis.a,.oiier Gan -'hath offered motion that the lot:::_' ._xc:: aadressod to ..r. Lloyd C. Emery, City :lana„ er, frem T. A. !Gy Ter, giviriS the approxirate cost of gradinand _,ravelling 25th _c;: ilauama Sur a. to "Cu Street and constructing a concrete culvert across 2 ti,:a wcrt of Alaiiaiva, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the toll, 'Yeas, Ccyxwl.ssiou�rs Clan':, Gan_,nath, 17 Bride, Trevathan and i•ayor Jacobs (5). Commissioner i-:c3ride offered motion that the Board of Conmissionors approv^ the sale by the City of Paducah to Elnora Conner of the East one-half of Lot hlo. 12 in Block Iso. 7 of the Rushing Addition to oak Grove Cea:etery, and that tike City Clerk be authorized to execute a deed of conveyance to said cemetery ;;rave. Adopted oil call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark., Gan�natlh, McBride, Trevritlian and :ror Jacobs (5). Commissioner EcBri.de offered motion that the Board of Careaissioners apprcve the sale by the City of Paducah to Richard ?;ansfield of the cast one -hall of Lot lio. 13 in Block h•:o. 7 of the Rushhin,, Addition to i:ak Grove Cemetery, and that the City Clerk ' be authorized to execute a deed of conveyance to said cemetery brave. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Gangnath, :..c --,ride, Trevathan and i.ayor Jacobs (5). I Commissioner h-icBride offered motion that the report of the Police Jcpar';.nient on arrest sheets and the disposition of same, be receivedand filed. Adopted on call of the :toll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Gan3nath, idcBride, Trevathan and h•layor Jacobs (5). Commissioner i•:c ;B±'ids offered the following motion: ::Fis:2AS, hereto_ore andon February 14, 1956, the Board of Commissioners authorized the purchiaso of certain radio cquiozen� from Yellow Cab Company for the purchase price of ,;750.00, and it appears that such equipment bras formerly clahed by Yellow Cab Compam but rc:: caned by Paducah Auto Rental. c;: thee^'er•; move that the City Treasurer be, and he is hereby, authorized t c::':cuts a checl: Zar `.750.00 payable to the order of both Yellow Cab Company and Paducah ;nU'o .''.entzl. „-lopted on call of the doll, Yeas, Coirmiisstoners Clarlc, Gan nath, uE, Trvv th;:n ani _•.ayor Jacobs (5). C(:-.ni.sr on.�r Trevathan offered motion that the "c"<'u of Comniss�cnera apprcvo cif, ._L- Ly ti: e Cit; cf Faducah to _'rs. Jessie Hayes of tiie waot orc-llal eZ Lot i:e, Bloc:: i:o. 7 c' t.r_ ushin Addition to Yak Grove Crlete . a:ha a deed of conveyallce to a_. ..i ce:,etery :.:rave. Y , , oda Ccx::= issicne^n CL,-r!-,,Gan;;riatIh, : -e _ • , ( ) r.Grf IS3!01'.e :re V.: W :.iti o:fered Illoti0:1 ti it �erzld :.teaart, C I c' iolic,3, referring to v,, e..; sv_uiions voi,. rce'vel and filed. Adopted on call of tike doll., Yeas, Ccr; ,':,. ' Gari riati, ct3°:P�, `;rev4than and 1 yor JI&LOWb9 (5). Cc*,,s raa ?or OLir.k offna 'rre,] motion tJiat esolution ©nt' s.:. . . ia�afu.1, I.:h.r� ,.__ C1 i s•:iik:AG...0 _� +a:i�r :...tTl:,,. $D.t+TAS:: -:r;AL ESTAT.: u^' ., , No.- Proceedings of City of Paducah Permit tc v 7 A -'-!an T .vhi eta ^ivat i u1T TG A rZ i Sewer t:6 �, :i0, ll la BLOC!: b C;P L. L. --' _ -• .... ..... , 2'.tdjC3T_IMIG 1ii!� L(.T 7 {,_�.:IIIA A7!) on call of the :.oll, Yeas, Cci'missionors Clark, Ganunatli. -_�:'-or Jacobs (5). c' an offerer, *notion that an ordinance entitled: °fiii CITY' C1 .... ': i. __.-"CUTE, U:T E HAL_ Ur Ti CI'ec t F Ul!C,iri, uC._, .. IIsaR TH3 11,TL_RS3Cilc C_11::_ .!...... _• _. CI!s ', I::C. iam PR --3C_._ ! „[:C °, be adcnted. adopted on call of the Roll,"cas: Cc.:.__•.'.r:axs Clark, GumGnath, i:cBride, Trevathan and I:ayor Jacobs (5). ,n motion the mentln_ adjourned.