HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 23, Page 259, March 6, 1956Proceedings of Board of Conami.ssionersCity of Paducah z,rC'. ci, 1 2' Harold Magner rest nation Housing Conn. 'Robert C Cherr houDin; Comm. Approve appnin dent Robert C. Cherry HousinL C or. -miss ior. �.cccint Comet- :advisory Broad ipyrn✓:.• :. .c:ta At a Regular :Ieetin,, of the Board of Conm:issioners held in the Cor,vnil;--ion Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 F.I.I. on i!;arch 6, 1956, l:ayor Jacobs presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their namos: Commissioners Clark, Gangnath, McBride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (5). iayor Jacobs offered notion that the reading of the iiinutes for Pebruary 26, 1956 be waived and that the I•iinutes of said meeting as prepared by the City Clerk be approved as wmitten. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Gan3nat;:, ; cBride, Trevathan and ayor Jacobs (5). Commissioner 3-IcBride offered motion that the resignation of Harold :'Ia nor as a member of the City of Paducah :unicipal Housing, Commission, be received, -Piled and accepted. Adopted on call of the -toll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Gar, nath, 7•c11ri.de, Trevathan and Layn r Jacobs (5). L;ayor Jacobs made the following appointment: It appearin that Harold l9ct_ner, a member of the City of Paducah i•iunicipal Housing Commission, whose term would have expired on July 22, 1956 has resigned as a member of said Commission. I now appoint Robert C. Cherry to serve as a member of said Commission until July 22, 1956, so that said board as not., constituted shall be composed of the follo,;'in- members: Robert C. Cherry whose term expires July 22, 1956 J. L. iunal, Jr. whose term expires July 22 1957 Pierce Lackey whose term expires July 22, 1�5o^ William Reeves whose term expires July 22, 1959 George Jacobs, F"ayor and 3x -Officio iiember y- Commissioner i•IcBride offered motion that the Board of Commaissioners approve the action of George Jacobs, 1-layor, appointing; Robert C. Cherry to serve as a !.; =:icer of tiro 1 City of Paducah Municipal Housing Commission for tine unexpired portion of tho L-er::, ending; July 22, 1956. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, i Gan nath, K-cBride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (5). ayor Jacobs n.dc the following appo,.ntments: :PrI'ERBAS, by an ordinance adopted by the Board of Commissioners on June 20, 1955 there was created an! es ..l'rl,- ..:,i a "Cometery Adv,-sory Board of the City of Paducah, Kentucky" to be composal n_' lvo neiber who shall be of legal are and rosidents of the City of Paducah; throe of sane to be appointed for a ter:; o tto years and two of same to be appointed for a tor:., of threw years; anal - - appointments have been .:ado to such board; appoint rigs. Gus Hank, !�:r. J. ' . =:oss ani ::r. Gcor;:^ A. Iiannin, 1-1 board for a :.:;:, of taro :,oars from Juno• wt,, 1955, ,,,, , T fzrvhar ,. ::cCann and . _. John :i. Giucr as n,nl;cr:, es sai..l boar.'.' ' three , 1955. th;ib the n ;;raga Cot:�:,isaionor:; tvCn;, alMnIii, Gus iia,,!=, I,r. J. id; ,r :;n.:.. ,, rve an _ ,r "i:<tiletery Advioor, a ter:.: fr^ou Jura 22 1 r , 755, _ t;r iwe to serve as nembers ni' Ler'. Proceedings of_.-_ City of Paducah Cov__ti osionor clar1: offered notion that the Contract botr:een the City of -u and Yellow Cab Company for the sale to the City of certain radio equipment, racair_.! and filed. ndoptad on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, ,an ;rZJi., b :.cBride, Trevathan and I1ayor Jacobs (5) I Co _missioncr Gangnath offered the folloninS motion: 'UHSREAS, Frank A. Becken- iPay for _,..r a:z employee of the City as a member of its fire department until the time of vacation tim _ on the 15th day of February 1956; and 3 -AS, according to the records in the Finance ,Department the said Frank A. at the time of his death was entitled to 16 days of paid vacation; I I, 130.; THERF.F'ORE, move that the City Treasurer be and he is hereby directed to gay to the personal representative o: the Estate of Frank A. Beckenbaugh, deceased, r in fail for such earned vacat6on time. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Gangnath, McBride, Trevathan and bayor Jacobs (5)• )Citizens Ban Cocmissioner Clark offered the following motion: I move that the letter of .4xelunge Secu itias Fred L. t<a�el, President of Citizens Bank & Trust Company of Paducah, Kentucky, dated arch 5, 1956 to Oscar Talmage, City Treasurer, recotmnendinS the exchange of '"'1,000,000 in United States Treasury 1-5/8is notes due I•arch 15, 1956, purchased for the Account of { the City of Paducah Sanitary Sewaraoe Improvement Program Construction Account for a like acount of United States Treasury 2-5/8>, Certificates of Indebtedness due February 15 i 1957, be received and filed. f - further move that the City Treasurer be, and he is hereby, authorized to !{ -Change the aforesaid •.;1,000,000 in United States Treasury 1-518,; notes for a like i amount of United States 2-5AE' Certificates of Indebtedness to be issued in six ( ) denominations of {0-'-'l00,000 each and eight (8) denominations of .,,50,000 each for the use ^ci benefit of the City of Paducah Sanitary Sewerage Improvement Program Construction and that any interest collected on the notes to be exchanged be placed in said ;;'a-unt. Adopted on call o: the Noll Yeas Cormtissioners Clark G• -n• m a ath, i'•IcBride, /-, i,an an ayor Jacobs (5) . =';l c3✓ ::c _;r._.3o offered motion that the raport o" the Police Department ) 1956, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Holl, Gan, ::cDride, Trevathan and. I ayor Jacobs (5) , §✓ i ._ut nth offered r:otion that the financial Report of trio Paducah 1;'55 cc received and filed. Adopted on call of the ro7' rjdo, Trevathan and i-fayor Jacobs (5). that the bid of Sd^ar LiL�on, in the c, .r .•:;t ,urci:..,. of one (1) used 9 :iccel i:otorcycle, :r: .],reefed to exccuta .2 Sill of Sale the 16:9d ar::nunt o, Y100.vri. Yrovathai: Proceedings of'n' �- - 7—n"^— _City of Paducah l 3eguestbid Corr::issioner Claris offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A i7E:i0LU":IO:i 2 trucks R0,,UESTIiG T14L CITY J•IAIIAGER TO ADVERTISE I'ONi SIDS FOP THE PUItCHAS3 OF T::O (2) i;.::i l-A:.SL TRUCR.S FOR USE III THE POLICE DEPARTI•IEI.'T, AND PRESCRIBIIIG T113 CO-.-IDI-210173 UFO:: Jti!011 :;A -D PURCHASE SHALL BE I•:AD'E11, be adopted. Adopted on call of the itoll, Yeas, Coimaiso i nn- ers Clark, Gangnath, I•:c3ridc, Trevathan and 'Mayor Jacobs (5). �aquest bid Cor.missioner ?-Ic3ride offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTMO police ca R EQUESTI: G THL CITY f•:ANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR. BIDS FOR THE PUdCHAS2 02 T:iO (2) ::E 1956 =IVE-PASSFAMR, FOUR -DOOR AUTOTMILES FOR USE III THE POLICE, DEPART:_IT, AI•',D PR.,SC:tIBII:G THE COEDITIO S UPON; I'1IIICII SAID PURCHASE SHALL DE I:ADLU, be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Ganrcnath, icBride, Trevathan and Kayor Jacobs (5). Amend Sac Commissioner Clark offered motion that an ordinance entitls,,: "; it O_tLliaAiICE G -B Civil u Service Ord 6P•127DIIIG SECTION 8-B OF THE ?0POIETIVE . dPLOv_EES CIVIL SERV*_u_ v j_ :.._ C11, 4LICH IdAS II ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COi• 1ISSIONERS Oil DECEI•MER 2, 191'7 A__, ... OI: APRIL 26, 195511, be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Coiiimissioners Clark, Gar,;: -cBride, Trevathan and Kayor Jacobs (5). dd Sec 7-A Commissioner Gangnath offered motion ti2at an ordinance entitled: "i: 0_:jI:::,!_J� Civil Servi e Crd_nwnca RELATING TO THE 1APPOIFTIVE LKPLOYESS CIVIL SERVICE ORDIIIAZC3' BY ADDII,G SECTIO.: TO SUCH ORDIHAI CE, .,IHICII ORDII;AIiCE WAS ADOPTED BY TNS BOARD OF C012-:1S3I0i,123 0i I•. 2, 194711, be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Cnr::missioncrs Clark, Gar,,, ath, _.chide, Trevathan and Kayor Jacobs (5) . As2•and Sec. / Co.%nissioner Trevathan o££e_ o:i motion that an ordinance enti1 .' 7 Civic 2/ Ser• .1 ca ECT10:. 7 OF THE IA_PPOI TIVS X1.00-rzaZ CIVIL SERVIC.: C.. , Cr friss: ) u. -,RD 01.' CON•1iISSIO:. 3;. 0:; DEC.:]]L•:H 2, 1947 d:.0 6.. Uc,_u_re.:,, Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Ccs-_Iaiso-.Iono o Clark, tiara nat'h, I:cBride, Trevathan and I�:ayor Jacobs (5). On motion the ::^etir.;; a,ljnurnac1_ tii''t:tC.'.iJ Cr i