HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 23, Page 189, August 9, 1955Proceedings of °'_ Crc_ o,,,_ -.r_ .-----_-_— Cay of Paducah- Au• Lls t 9. 1955
At a 'Zerular ':eetin3 of the Board of Commissioners hold in the commission
Chamber o." the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.id. on August 9, 1955, 1-ayor
NI Pro Tera Jacobs presided in the absence of Mayor Cherry and upon call of tho Roll the
l following answered to their names: Commissioners Ilannin, Hughes, Riggs and Nayor Pro
Ten Jacobs (4).
I;ayor Pro Tem Jacobs offered motion that the readin_of the b:inutes for July
26 and July 29, 1955 be waived and that the I_inutes of said meeting as prepared by
j. the City Clerk be approved as written. Adopted on call of the Roll, `leas,
{j Cor.missioners Hannin, Hughes, Riggs and idayor Pro Tem Jacobs (4).
Cross Creek
Drainageiri i Commissioner Hannin offered motion that the memorandum from T. A. Bradley, City
Structre // Engineer, dated July 6, 1955 relative to Cross Creek Drainage Structure, also the
letters T.A.
Bradley w letter from Black & Veatch by D. L. Blackwell dated June 16, 1955 on the same Subject,
Black &Veatch
be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin,
Humes, Riggs and I•iayor Pro Tem Jacobs (4).
LiabilityF / Commissioner Hannin offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive,
Roz Wilkins 11 approve and file the following:
Edward S. Dorm§
Liability policy issued by the Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York to tit
& Son
G & H Plumbing
City.of Paducah covering work done by Roe Wilkins for a period of one year from July
p 21, 1955.
Liability policy issued by the Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York to the
City of Paducah covering work done by Edward S. Dorms and Joe E. Downs d/b/a Edward
S. Dons and Son for a period of one year from August 6, 1955•
I: Certificate of Insurance issued by the United States Fidelity �: Guaranty
Compsny to G. & H. Plumbing & Heating Compsny for a period of one year from July 11,
1955• Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Riggs and
Mayor Pro Tem Jacobs (4).
Pile contract
Commissioner Hannin offered motion that the contract between the City of Paduaii
and Caskey Pontiac Company for sale to the city of four (4) automobiles for use in
the police department, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas
Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Riggs and Mayor Pro Tem Jacobs (4).
Bids on
corrugated ✓�'
Commissioner Hannin offered motion that the following bids on corrugated metal
t:etal pipe
pipe be received and filed:
J. .-. Chick
Arn.co Draina o and fetal Products, Inc.
Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Huzhes, Riggs and Idayor Pro
Ta: Jacobs (1.).
settle claim
H 2< :'. i:otors
Coe:missl.oner :iu^hew offered the following motion: I move that the claim o£
aj;ainst thr, City of Paducah in the sw;; of :'105.00, for damagoa dona
to two of its aute.obiles by painting :-rork of tha City on or about the 8th day o;'
July, 1955, be approved and tLat tho City Treasurer be and ha is hereby diructud
to `. .-._ a eerk for sal,4 amount to tiie order of :. :. is I:otors after securitt; a z'u11.
Ad.opt�$d on call of tie doll., Yeas, Co;:J::i3ai011erU Ilannin,
?or Pro Tem Jaco::a (4).
Ne--- -- 1c0 — —
Proceedings of Board of Commissioners city of Paducah Aueust 9, 1955
3equest Commissioner Hughes offered motion that the letter dated August 3, 1955 of
'now.ati or. P
Buckner J. P. Carruth, 4000 Buckner Lane; J. A. Curtis, 4006 Buckner Lane and A. L. Riley,
4010 Buckner Lane requesting annexation of their property, be received and filed.
Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Riggs and Idayor
Pro Ten Jacobs (4).
City Commissioner Riggs offered the following motion: I move that the letter
Em loyees
salary from city employees requesting a monthly raise of ')25.00, effective September 1, 1955,
request be received and filed.
.I further move that the City Manager be directed to investigate the availabili
of funds for such purpose and report back to this Board. Adopted on call of the Roll,
Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (4).
Sterm Sewer Commissioner Riggs offered motion that the letter from Charles A. Williams,
C.A.Williars Attorney for R. C. Jennings, regarding the balance due his client by D. W. Falls
claim Of
.R.C.JeaninF., Construction Company, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll; Yeas,
; Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Riggs and Mayor Pro Tem Jacobs (4).
Proposal % Commissioner Riggs offered motion that the letter of John Hancock Life
Group Ins.
Insurance Company, dated August 5, 1955 to the City Manager and its proposal of group
life insurance for various city employees be received and filed. Adopted on call
of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Riggs and Mayor Pro Tem Jacobs (4).
Liability ?-ayor Pro Tem Jacobs offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive,
Littleton file and approve i+Iemorandum of Insurance issued by The Fidelity o: Casualty Company
Plb. Cc
of i;ew York to Dan Littleton d/b/a Littleton Plumbing &- Heating Company for a period
of one year from August 8, 1955• Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners
R Hannin, Hughes, Riggs and Mayor Pro Tem Jacobs (4).
Regulate Commissioner Hughes 'offered motion that an ordinance entitled:, "AN ORDINANCE
specal in
g PE7:ALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas,
r Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Riggs and Mayor Pro Tem Jacobs (4).
On motion the meeting adjourned.
t/e3 1955 APPROVED
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