HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 23, Page 183, July 26, 1955n rd ni Cenu*insi.orers __ Cit of Paducah lV " 1. 55 P.oceedings of Y At a Regular KeetinZ of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commission I Chamber of the City IIa31, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P•Ii. on July 26, 1955, Iayor I Cherry presided and upon call of the Roll, the followrInS answered to their names: Commissioners Iiannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Nayor Cherry (5). :•ayor Cherry offered motion that the reading of the i:inutes for July 12, 1955 be waived and that the Minutes of said meeting as prepared by the City Clerk be approved as written. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Conuaissioncrs Hannin, Hu;hes, Jacobs, Riggs and i•Iayor Cherry (5) . Petition Commissioner Hannin offered the following motion: I move that this Board passa�;evray w drainage receive and file the petition signed by hhn. B. Mattingly and others requesting that 27th � Clay a permanent passageway, writh the associated adequate drainage, be constructed on city property reserved for that purpose at the rear of the residential lots in the area i (, bounded by Clay and Harrison Streets on the north and south, respectively, 271Gh Bond of Gut I•Iay-Bro okha Bond - 'Jest Tenn Limest Co - filed Liability $olicics dannan Co:: itoscoe sur 4.'C. W ilkin Tor. ioswel R.C.Jennin G r' H Plb. Street on the crest and the undeveloped area on the east. I further move that this matter be referred to the City Manager for investigation and that he report back to this board as soon as possible. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and i•ayor Cherry (5) ' Commissioner Hannin offered the following motion: I move that this Board receive and file the recommendation of the Paducah Planning and Zoning Corml- ission regarding the acceptance and approval of the bond furnished by Guthrie i -•ay in connection with the resubdivision of Brookhaven Subdivision. I further move that said bond be received, accepted, approved and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). Commissioner Hannin offered motion that the Contract Supply Bond in the amount of 01,500.00 executed in behalf of Vest Tennessee Limestone Company, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs Riggs and i•ayor Cherry (5). Commissioner Hughes offered the following motion: I move that the Board of Commissioners approve the sale to J. C. Milburn of the Horth one-half of Lot Ito. 2 in Block iio. 2 on Holt Avenue in the Nausoleum Addition to Oak Grove Cemetery for the sum of ;,160.00. I i'urther move that the City Clerk be authorized to execute a deed to said cemetery lot. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Cordzi.ssionors Ilannin, Ilu;;hes, Jacobs, Rig,_s and i:ayor Cherry (5). Courissioner IIWhes offered the follo;ani notion: I move that the - liability policies be received, approved and filed: Policy .issued by United Jtales Vidolity an,i Guaranty Company to r:vunott D. Durran and David Hannan d/l,/a ii.U.Ilannan Cosa an for p Y a period of one year from July 31, 1955. i i I Policy issued by united tltates Fidelity and Guaranty Company to City oi: j'a:uca : coverir,�: wor✓ hone by :cozcoe :>urgess ;bra rind of one r Pe year troi,: July 9, 19�5� oiicy issue i b;. l,i, -Idre insurance Co:.,pany- to City of Paducah coveri • crori: done I ©y Dora -�oswali for r period of one year from July 11, 1955. Policy `-seed by Tire _ ilelfr.y ar.d Casualty Company to City of Paducah covering work done u'.T.:iilkinzon for a p:=.rio:: of one vear front July >, 1955• ' t Ne--- - -- .. .. 184— Board of Colmnissioners City of Paducah July 263 1955 Proceedings of _ i, Renewal Certificate issued by the United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company to the City of Paducah covering work done by W. F. Gilbert d/b/a G w II Plumbing & Heat . Company for a period of one year from July 11, 1955• I! h Certificate of Insurance issued by the Connecticut Indemnity Company to R. C. Jennings i dated April 4, 1955 and which expires January 19, 1956. F Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Ifughes, Jacobs, Riggs and 13yor Cherry (5). Gal; Grova,Commissioner Jacobs offered the following motion: I move that the Board of Cer_etery v lot to Commissioners approve the sale to Halter Timmons of the Horth one-half o f Lot No. 13 Jait e_ _T:L=ons in Block Ifo. 1 on Tully Street in the Mausoleum Addition to Oak Grove Cemetery for the sum of w60.00. I further move that the City Clerk be authorized to execute a deed to said Cemetery lot. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and I•ayor Cherry (5). Settle Commissioner Jacobs offered the follorri.ng motion: I move that the claim of Claim I' ^dward A. Edward K. Stacey against the City in the sum of x65.25 for damages caused to his auto - Stacey mobile by a manhole cover at 30th and Jefferson Streets on July 20, 1955, be approved and that the City Treasurer be, and he is hereby, directed to issue a check of the City in said amount to the order of Edward K, Stacey after securing a full and complete rele- t ass. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). Deeds Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that the following; deeds be received and file Dallan Eaton Henry R. Dallam & wife to City of Paducah dated June 27, 1955, recorded in D.B. C1}rsr to City 363, page 193. W. V. Eaton & i<rife to City of Paducah dated June 15, 1955, recorded in Deed Boo 363, page 195. 'd. V. Eaton and wife to Cit of Paducah dated June 22 1955, t Y , recorded in Deed k Book 363, page 199. Earl 0. Clymer & trnfe to City of Paducah dated June 12, 1955, recorded in Deed V Book 363, pale 197. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Iughes, acobs, if-gs and Mayor Cherry (5). Tar, Exonera- ' Corniz;3iorer Jacobs offered ruotion that exonerations prepared and delivered by tions 16012 th t;a City 7_.asurer, beim; ,,16012 through ;;'1$$03 inclusive be received and filed, and 16603 that the at.ounta Cf sane totalin ;,23,715.$3 be exonerated on the tax bills shorn and rieaiLnatsd h; pail exon<;rat ions. Acopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Cor:'imizsioncrs F'arnin, fi;h: J:,•oi,�, -0--7 and syor Ciasr'V (5). Closo 2jC Ce:_15;;utoncr ,tij- s offered the : o1_ 1 g c:ri.r ; motion: I move that this Isoard Strset hrookhays i receive and -ilo t... ..,corr.,endation o:' the i'ariucah Plannim`; and Zonlnl, Coma:iasion :iU U portiorn 0: "hent,-i'ift7' .:trust, rr:;at oC its intersection with Cl:::ayfieb? -c n;.ec:_;;c.atc a propozied resubdiviii.on of isrookhaven Subdivision, as shown _ L' is ..aid Corsasai .:n::; u.dtii..l tod to thio ors cos:: 0 ,-,i; portio: o: :.'tvc:;ty-fti'th 3traot be I app Evac n "t tea ,.. ocee.iin a r,c Ina' tu�a:i, si ujr,ct to the dition that the exNnss ..,:. 0: l 'r.0 Lorne r , t'ie sui;a vi.der. Adopted on caL of the :roll, Yeaa, CCOMIGsioners tannin, i:, i,sa,'Zaco:js, :riga and I°ayor Chorry (5). 0 Nu.. ------- 165_—._----- Board of Commissioners July 26, 1955 Proceedings of City of Paducah Grave in Rudinr, Add Frank Hu_rhes, Sr Cemetery lot Oak Grove to Elsie Farmer Bond > R. C. Jennings Sell Grave Rushing Add i.ason Benne- Settlement Refuse Account ✓ June 1955 Bids on t' =otorcycles Final Payr D.W.'ralls Const. Co. Request bias Corrugated metal pipe Commissioner Riggs offered motion that the Board of Commissioners appro the sale by the City of Paducah to Frank Hughes, Sr. of Grave No. 79 in Block No. S of the Rushing Addition to Oak Grove Cemetery, and that the City Clerk be authorize to execute a deed of conveyance to said cemetery grave. Adopted on call of the Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Kayor Cherry (5). Commissioner Riggs offered motion that Oak Grove Cemetery Deeds iios 395 399 executed by the City on I.Larch 9, 1940, conveying lots ,310 and o'309 in Block 13 to Elsie I•terry, be received, filed and cancelled on the cemetery records, and in consideration of the cancellation of said deeds that the City Clerk execute to the said Elsie Merry, who is noir Elsie Farmer, a deed conveying 6 x 9 feet at the south corner of Lot 15 in Block No. 5, said lot having a frontage of 6 feet on the Italkwa in the }•?ausoleum Addition to Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yea Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). Mayor Cherry offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive, aF and file be of R. C. Jennings in the amount of 91,000.00, dated July 13, 1955. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). Mayor Cherry offered motion that the Board of Commissioners approve the sale by the City of Paducah to Hason Bennett of Grave No. 76 in Block No. S of the Rushing Addition to Oak Grove Cemetery, and that the City Clerk be authorized to execute a deed) of conveyance to said cemetery grave. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). Ij Mayor Cherry offered motion that the SETTLEI•EN T: CITY REFUSE ACCOUNTS June 30, 1955, prepared and submitted by the Paducah Water Works, be received and filed He further moved that the check in the amount of 910,061.31 be turned over to the City Treasurer to be eeposited in the General Fund. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Huglies, Jacobs, Riggs and I:ayor Cherry (5). Mayor Cherry offered motion that the followinC bids on motorcycles be received and filed: Albert E. Griffith Bob Carter Clarence }dilam Don Martin I Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners llannin, }iu hes, Jacobs, R:i�.Z and 1:ayor Cherry (5). Commissioner }tannin offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A Re;SOLU- tion AWIiOAI:'.IilG '!12 PAY IZ;T TO D. W. FALLS COi1STRUCTI0.1 COITAIiY OF THE BALAUCE 0,1111f. 0:i = ;.; COII'TiUCT I.SC i'OH VU CONSTRUCTION OF ST03i: S.Zz , P OJuCT 110. I:Y 15 -CF -1111 TO C :tTA3.?: CO;:L1.'i�011 be adopted. Adopted on call of tl,e .toll Y o_ta, I Or::lssioncrs "annin, l:uti:hes, Jacobs, ili!*Us ;i:?.! ..or Cherry (5). j Ca issionor :.i,Zs o}"Pored. i^oCio.. ,..... :'s,.mh.ition entitled: "A RE,OL1yY'10 T:-! �;' TY G A..Nc'iJ . (. ,i',. .. I'U:iCHASE I3Y 1111, CITY OF PADtCAH OF Cm3'A CG" CiA ... „T F,. Ct ::AI.S, iu:ll P2' C'1l i:;i i IN .KI -t,9 2.3 C0;.7I:ZG..:; TO 9. bo ad0Ptc:=..i. ArlOptt?d On call of the Roll, Yea$, "annir,,:.ig:;s 7An1 I tyor Cherry (5) 1; No - Proceedings of oa^_' o:' Oor-mi_sioraz•s City of Paducah July! 26• 1955 Ilannin offered motion that an ordinance entitled: THE SALE TO THOiAS ELLISOII OF LOT 110. 23 III BLOCK I;O. 1, OH C .. S25 0[. '1LLst: STREET III THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KEIiTUCKY, AILD AUTIIORIZII:'G THE CIT' w:1.ZK TO EXECUTE A DEED OF CONVEYAITICE TO SAID PROPERTY", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, RigLs and ::ayor Cherry (5) _ - Co;:_:issioner HuChes offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "All ORDIi:i::: PROPOSi1s,iATI Oi: AIM DECLARII!G THE DOSIRABILITY AND NECESSITY OF EXTEIIDIIIG THE DCL•IJ<_:.. G_ '_E3 CITY OF PADUCAH, KEi1TUCKY BY AIII'IEXII4G CERTAIN PROPERTY OF GUS T. DuBOIS SKITH, LOCATED AT THE i70.ITHEAST CORNER OF TILE INTERSEC^1I014 OF Atm -UE AILD 40TH STRZET, AIM DEFINING ACCURATELY THE BOUIIDARY OF THAT TSIMIT03Y PROPOSED TO BE Ii1CLUDED I9ITHIN TIG CITY LIDIITS OF THE CITY", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Rigs and ;:ayor Cherry (5). Commissioner Hughes offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "Ail O:DI::b::CE AllET I;G 110TION 6 OF AN ORDIIIAIICE EiITITLED: . +„Ii ORDIIiAivCE PRESC.ZIDING :'.UL:;a A: --D REGULATIOIIS FOR THE POLICE DEPARTI.15I:T OF THE CITY OF PADUCAII, IZEFTUCKY; P _:;JC:•S3I :G THE QUf•.LIFICATT_OUS, POi'TERS AIID DUTIES AND FI'IIi:G THE CO, 1-.:I.3ATIOK OF THE _,L::S OF TIi3 POLICE DEPS - 1i.: iiT; PROVIDII:G A SEPARABILITY CLAUSE, 's"i lli G :uL 0:uIi:A37CES III C0i 7,FLICT TILiEaITH}, ilIIICII VIAS ADOP^1c;D BY TIG BOARD 0: OF TYE CIT? 0: PADUCAII 0; JA:rUA-RY 7, 1947, i::D : I:DZD iiAY 8, 195-1!1, be adopted. Adopted on call of the oll, Yeas, Cormissionors Ilannin, Htv hes, Jacobs, ?ti lts and Layer Cherry (5). Co=:issioner Jacobs offered motion that an ordinance entitled: 11Z. ✓ G :C _T::.iL ? PO, -LT 0' TII.1 PADUCAH PLAD11Y:G AFD ZOI:II;G CO;::ISS! C:: iaOP3RT7 EOUIJED DY i:,s';i DELTLI:i., HIGIIIIAY, Cliff, r7" , _ td STXZ 1, ', i -UL MAY 01,1;U<:, OLIVi STREET Z,017-- 02 iC: 0 iw TO 1.1'. ?CT SUCI= ...�;Oi:1i: call of tire .ell, ).cas, Coi:uaission�ra Ilannin, i:n i1e5, Jacobol -`- ;s o::_,_.;[, motion that an ordinance entitl^c;: CO: :P I'.Y, C. b'U' ..d, CILW3 AAD STOPP...J, .. C_.._ be adopted. ocr cd of C:111 0_ No.- Proceedings of D a,rl of .ornyiaaionors. City of Paducah ' L 32 -Li --- Cherry offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "A: O:,,MTAilCE i 'T OT TIIE PADUCAtI PLAIIiIIi1G ANDZOIT 11G col. ssio ! RESPECTI-EC sections 20-A-3, 21-A-3, 21-A-4, 21-A-5 MID 22-A-8 OF T112 YkDUCiiIl __:DI`YG SAID SECTIOiiS", be adopted. Adopted on call of c..., Tv Anctnna ✓ Lid:;est Video Corporation 0 Noll, Yeas, Commissioners Ilarnin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Payor Cherry (5). I•:ayor Cherry offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "All OR NAIiC GRA11T'II:G P::IIIISSIOI; TO I•;IMMST VIDEO CO`1PORATIO:! AIID/OR ITS Aj3-fG::S TO COESTRUG':, OPERATE A D :,iliY^tAII! TELEVISIOiY SIGBIAL CABLES, LIiIES AIM APPURTMAUCES UPOi;, ALOIiG, ACiOSS, OV; -3R Al -ID L:IDGR THE STREETS, ALLEYS A11D PUBLIC WAYS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, 1:EIITUCRY, AIM P31--3CRIBIiYG T11E TEP,I.IS AllD COIIDITIOPYS UPOH WHICH SUCH PE2!:ISSIOi: 15 G.,^.."SITED", be introduced and remain on file for public inspection for at least one (1) wool: in the completed form in which it shall be put upon its final passaZo. Adopted on call of the Roll, Ycas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, and'b:ayor Cherry (5). On motion the meeting adjourned. i ADOPTS. _1955 APPROVED . `G,1 -tfr;