HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 23, Page 14, February 9, 1954-CC.'.'. t:• Oi] ^. vl'i1:1 L•" 9.
Proceedings oF.� City of Paducah ---
L, '.var
A pprov;:
., .ESL
.atcr 1
:•ater line
.1 'Xie Ave
janr• i ..: cin-- o1 the "Bolla of Cot::missioncro .'I :1:; h thi: Ca:: ir:;ztln
o' "all, 1 at.ucah, l:ontuchY, at 7:30 r--- on F,.L) un
Cherry l'`IVsii:.::. '1;.: iipoli call. of L'llo Goll tho zollowini, answ•:a ee; to liat::cs:
Cary:iscioncrs ::alliin, llu,hes, ili�:_s and i.ayor Chorry (4), Co:.riissioncr Jacobs boin;;
abz':r .
.:.ayor Chcrr;• oiforoc: motion that the readin;; of the i:inutcs for February
2, 1954 be waivod and t:,1t L -he ;:inutes of said meetin;; as prepared by the City Cleric
be approve:: as —ittor_. (ldopted on call of the roll, Yeas, Commiscionero Ilarnin,
/llu;;hes, s and l:ayor Cherry (4).
✓ ayor Cherry made the follo:•lin;; appointment: The term of office of
S. -ar ;er as a men:b:;r of the 31ectric Plant Board having c;cpired on February 6, 195
1 hereby reappoint tlio said . S. Par;;cr for a furthor torr: of four (4) years, so that
sail Loard as now constituted shall 'cc co -:posed of the followin raembers:
John Q. _.ussell, whose tern caniros February 6, 1955
T, I.I. 3triciland, whose terra, e: mires February u, 1956
fluhes 1_e3rightr .chose tern: oxpires February 6, 1957
,. Barger, whose term expires February 6, 1953
Co._.:issionar llannin offered motion that the Board of Commissioners apmovc
the action of ::obert C. Cherry, : a•or, reappointing :].S.Barger to serve as a Llonbor
of th; 3lcc':ric Plant: Board for a further term of four (4) yaar n from ?eb-ruary a, 1951;
Adorn ed on call of the :toll, cas, Co„missioners Tlamiin, T.u;;hes, Uzz;s and Layer
Co:.::airsioncr Ilannin offered notion that the petition of Lillian Lynn
1;ohof'_- for perimi_ssion to nahe threo 3/4" connections to the 211 privately
pip:: line of A. Cole, so as to furnish .-rater to one residence to bo
acc: of lots 2, 3 and 1; in the A. S. Cole Sub-riiv ision, waich lots f% o. t 2;11,
_ ... ..ch on %--. north lido of Bucimor La'ro in 1,'cCraaken County, Pentucky, be received
and filed and that the request petitioned for therein be granted subject to the tarn.;
ar.'_ ccnlitions in said petiL'ici:. cnt on call of the .:oil, .Cvas, Cora:;issio>i._
:9.on that tTLo Petition of '.lilliar. ..._ _ ...
and wii , c.: ' o i.iakc one 3/4 inch eonnoetion to
.,Ands Goad Coi:munity':laior Cc..;
purposs c� .nce only upon a lot o:med
frontin, 5G feet c.. :,venue in ileCrac'_:on Cou:_.
received and file,. ;ioned for L-horein be ;; :_.:x oubj:c Cc
the tarma ard: e:. :,tiers in sail: not Alonced on call of the :.ell, Tea:,
No.-- - __U_ - -------- - ._
pard o2 Corni sionors city oPaducah
Proceedings of .------- _--- a
✓ '._-oz- Cherry offered notion that the petition of David I:cpncr and wi e, Dotty
:;he residos on Yarbrouji Lane in :.cC achan County Ourcid3 the Corporate limits
o_ i''a ucalh, l entucly, for authority to lay and construct a nate-_ line for the purpose
of proviin:; crater service to one rosidence only located on the prop,-_-,".-.- c' ,_.:ionors
be received and filed and that the request in said pebition be �rantoC. :.- .cc(, ' „nc
with the terms set :forth t:verein. Adopted on call of the ,oll, Yeas, Cc:..'.'..: _r: ,..•,
Hannin, I:ughes, Zig-, and -ayor Cherry (Tt).
Strcot 1i -^ht Commissioner ;:annin offered the following motion: I move that the Police
2nd c Jacson
Department be directed to mako an investigation to determine the need for a street
light at 2nd : Jackson Streets by Russell Janos Cold Storage Plant.
If it is determined from said investigation that a street light is necdod, I �
,xuti:ex rove that the Actiar City 7ianager be directed to have the Kentucky Utilities
Company install said lia}xt. Adopted on call of the moll, `'Yeas, Comu;tissionars
Rannin, Hughes, Riggs and Iayor Cherry (4).
Li,bilit-,- Commissioner Hannip- offered motion that the Board of Coi,_nissioners receive, fil
n of i c; _r
.olley Plumb-� and approve liability insurance policy issued by the Coal Operators Casualty Company oo
_ _. Cccapary
-e City of Paducah covering work done by U. Z. Holley d/b/a Holley Plumbin�3 Company- i
for a period of one year from 'ecember 9, 1953. Adopted on call of the Roll, j
Yeas, Cpmmissioners Hannin, Hughes, ?i3 s and Layer Clhorey W.
or esccute Co7::missioner Hughes offered motion that the ;:ay or be, and he is hereby'
Cas to
authorized to execute a release to Bred F. i:CCandless in the sw o_' .;l'2.23 ill fUl
pay-ent of the damage done by him to a car owned by the City o7 Paduca on January 16,
g 1954. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Cosa issione-ro ;:annin, :u 17 ; , ,:i s and
'i ayor Cherry (4).
-- ComTM.'issioxher flu ;hos offered motion 'that the claim of John lTi� ins, in t77c
o' ;£1.50, for dar.7a es done to his auto::oL-il_ on or about Vobrua:-- 1, 1';>'l, in
_ ccri of 313 .. _ ctrh Street, be allcniod and thatha
Cit; ^. ea u er be and
-r .::ua a shed: in said anount to Jo:_'..
Adopted on call o.f the
^.1:-:, :.'Iyer Cherry (4)
✓ _ -... _�..-� _ o=foroCl 7 COnt.'a C:.
'....'- i' .:. � „ : , :: ..:. r^.--::.alr, I;1CC'i Q•O , ...,, G' (.
Proceedings o!-_
City of Nducnh
_ _ ....'.cr. o 34 in
e .c: to saic. '.v <0p cc: cell ci In :oll,
hos, ids an :::ayor Cherry (4) .
„Zs Offered r.:otion 'that the statenent from +'ho:aas J. Bolan ',e
V t:._ c ..,322-60 =or services renc:o_ od by Seth 1. Gic::3 Associatec, alto the
lc ire_: t._c Pa;:uca h :--unicipal 1?ospital CoLimission by its Chairman, anprovLnh; the
of said account, be received and filed, and that g^;nc:ent thereof be approved
an.: Ci�y Y_•sazurar be directed to pay sane fren funds in the Riverside hospital
L,uilain;; i:ccouat. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners 11annin, ii:,=' _:;,
and 1:ayor Cihorry (4) .
.ayo Cherry offered notion that the letter of the Corrhunity?'Iolfare Club
Of Pacuca", mucky, dated January 25, 1954, and a d.essed to the Layor and
PCom issior. _s, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yoas, Cc::.-
issio_ ere: _nmiln, :"U _;?acs, 71i -Gs and r ayor Cherry (4)
/ ..ayor Citorvy offered r:otion that the Board of Cormrissioners approve the sale
City of Paducah to Willie Greer of Grave 1:0. 35 -thein Block i,o. C of nushinZ
to Oamh Grove Cemetery, and t.at the City Cleric be authorized to execute a
_ c? Of conveyance to said cemetery gave. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas,
Cc.:_.J%z;siorors Hannir., HUS110s, 3iCos and _,:ayor Cherry (4).
C.issior_or ??uohcs offered notion as follows: I novo that the Board of
ion,zs raceive and file the bud3et propar0d by .Fred 1'.:or• a.n, for the period
1, 1954 t"rou;1h Jocanbe-r 31, 1954, said bud et containing his letter of
t^l, a table 0. -art and estiritcd revenues, a table of past and recorrionded
1.a.:. ion and justification of recommendations, and includitzl
Ce:.J.ar:dad foi pa;^. ^nt of current e. penses and for p
_ ;nartr:rnt and division thoreof for th aforosaid fisc^.7
in _parallel eolurms of the appropriations anc? a :rn .. _ . ..
an" enproariacions and c;cpend:iturvs for the year pi': c.
and and docreases in tho apnro:,j•i-a':.iers
cc,.. :_ ,: with the e:cpondituroz _or t
vonuos of c'r, cit_ .'0_a'0.
cc ... , . _ ... it lrrt•all•e1 coltu ns oY
and tiro incr,_-azQ
and propos ;
I to burr :Ove t:^at copies of thn 'vu';ct :7::ir_i 1mve boon grin;,.:. L:• :. a:ailalla :0h
Ser Qiatributiior and that a public -. -.. _ • r :-1' On :saic'. u,l„ :t at ? ,
cereirs� of Via S-1 of Corr;:lnsic.. 23, 1954.tldol,taci'on` o^ll c:;' I
:nay COSmi.ssioners La 1 aill ,:Qygr Cheri.
est ei9�sr Hsani« offu -; _4.: 3t a ::c elution entitled:
:.'.STUB Ta Si'4Sa law, f .mr A 'SBsa
i0 lAt ; C.'li is Ir rAP 1 :: t
Proceedings of ---- City of Paducah-
i,.,otion that an orCinar.co entitled: A: A
0.- 22, 1953
110, UCAN ZC'�j— i 1C.- S
3 2. CITY LOU11DAiff, )"jo."IF ZO, C _ 1. C:; 30 AS
CT SUCH be adopted. Ldoptcd on call 02 oll, ','eas,
ic.--.iss-ioners 11annin, and iayor Cherry (4).
On motion tli-D adjourned.