HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 23, Page 100, October 12, 1954P --dings of ra airi^ on r city of Paducah October 12 Nei l: At a Regular Maeting of the Board of Commissioners hold in the Commission tl Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P-14- on October 12, 1954, Mayor Cherry presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Hannin, Hughss, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). Kayor Cherry offered motion that the reading of the Minutes for October 5,,1954 be waived and that the Minutes of said meeting as prepared by the City Clerk be approved as written. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). Board o*' VIP Mayor Cherry offered the following motion: I move that Waller E. Albritton, Equalicatic n for 1954 777P John W. Crider and Jess Thurman be appointed to serve as members. of the Board of appointed Equalization of the City of Paducah for the year 1954, that the members of said board, after being first duly sworn to faithfully discharge the duties of their office, be directed to meet at the City Hall on the 18th day of October, 1954, to elect from among themselves a chairman and a clerk, to notify the City Auditor that they are ready to receive the assessment books and to then proceed with the equalization of assessments on all real and personal property within the City subject to taxation in accordance with the provisions of law, the members of said board to receive for their services the amount fixed by ordinance. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). Water Commissioner Hughes offered motion that the petition of Lawrence S. O'Rourke Cornnect,3,0 n Court Ave, and wife, Dorothy Jean O'Rourke, for permission to make one 3/4 inch connection to Lawronc 03 O'Rourke a 61! water pipe line owned by Paducah Water blorks so as to furnish water to one resi- dence only located upon lots 37, 38 and 39 in Block "B" Sunset Court Addition to the City of Paducah, Kentucky, fronting 75 feet on the north side of Court Avenue in McCracken County, Kentucky, and outside the Corporate Limits of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, be received and filed and that the request petitioned for therein be granted subject to the terms and conditions in said petition. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5) Settle Claim / Commissioner Riggs offered motion that the claim of Basil Overton against the Basil Overt' On City of Paducah in the sum of 3104.65 for damages done to his automobile by a truck owned by the City of Paducah on or about August 28, 1954, be allowed and that the City Treasurer is hereby directed and authorized to issue a check to the said Basil Overton in said ar-ount, after obtainin-, a full release. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners 17annin, Huzhoa, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). 'Orun u f- er 1,syor Cherry offered motion that the Treasurer of the City of Paducah, Kentuck `fund Lin r - 4 �Und m*n% cc, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place all funds in the City of Paducah L. Paducah liank. I 'tLr.-; rn deposit in the Paducah Bank of Paducah, Kentucky in an account to be , . - _ "City of Paducah Unking Fund"; but 'unds on deposit in he shall not place such f : lintil -aid tank has executed it bomto the City as roquired by iCiS 92-030 in ar,.e-.:al to tP-e I-Axir-um amount Of such funao to be dapooitcd in said bank. C:11 Of the Roll, Yeaz, Varinin, Ilughon, Jacobs, iiixu and (4)- "z"M"--ionor Vote, Aoqua-t i--*IZ; Jacob ci-- RE'JOLIMON on Lca.--;er RTIiE I%iT.iCIIA;Y T111;UTY OF -4: T JL31, .r, '+ IC I T&f!-:Z Allir CONDITIM' No. - - 101 -.. Proceedings City of Paducah_ �Sr�her Boulevards Various Rezone nest side 4th St btw Monroe I4adison Monroe Street Boulevard 3rd to 28th Petition protesti One -may _cnroe Cne-way 3 amendment TO BE COMPLIED VIITH BY BIDDERS", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Ycao, Commissioners Fannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). Commissioner Fannin offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "All OMNAIICE AMENDING SECTION 2 OF AId ORDINANCE ENTITLED: TAN ORDINANCE FIXING THE RIGHT OF WAY OF TRAFFIC AT VARIOUS INTERSECTIONS IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH AND FIXING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF', WHICH WAS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF GOI•74ISSIOI-IERS ON JANUARY 15, 1952 AND AMENDED MAY 25, 195411, be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, mmissioners Fannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). Commissioner Riggs offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "Aid ORDINANCE APPROVING THE FINAL REPORT OF THE PADUCAH PLANNING AMID ZONING com-ISSION RESPECTING THE REZONING OF PROPERTY ON THE ('LEST SIDE OF 4TH STREET BETWEEN MOIdROE AND MADISON STREETS", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, /--hes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). Commissioner Riggs offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AAI ORDINANCE DECLARING T•IONROE STREET IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY A BOULEVARD FROi=I THE EAST LINE OF 3RD STREET TO THE EAST LINE OF 28TH STREET, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE INTER- SECTIONS OF 8TH STREET, 13TH STREET, 17TH STREET AND 21ST STREET; REQUIRING ALL VEHICLES TO STOP BEFORE ENTERING OR CROSSING SAID STREET AT ITS INTERSECTION WITH OTHER STREETS; PRESCRIBING THE PENALTY FOR ANY VIOLATION THEREOF AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES III CONFLICT HEREWITH", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Aiayor Cherry (5). / Mayor Cherry offered motion that the petition signed by I'1. H. Hughes and others• protesting the passage of an ordinance making Monroe Street s one-way street from 3rd street to 28th Street, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and i•ayor Cherry (5). d Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AAI ORDINANCE AN•IEADING SECTION 1 OF AN ORDINAIICE ENTITLED: 'AAI ORDINANCE DECLARING CERTAIN STREETS 11; THE CITY OF PADUCAH ONE-WAY STREETS, L11-11TING THE USE THEREOF, AND PROVIDINIG FOR VIOLATION' THEREOF', WHICH WAS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COI•?-iISSIOIIERS ON JUNE 3, 1952, AIID AMMDED ON AUGUST 5, 195211, be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yoas, Cosmissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs (4),I•iayor Cherry votin' "tion. Corseissioner Hughes offered motion that an ordi:ante untitled: "AN ORDIIIANCE 0? NAY YCt TRAFFIC AT THE INTE1:3EETION OF JEFFEltSOII STREET WITH 17TH ;: THIS CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, A u FiX1i:G TPI; PONALT'.t i;. adopted. Adopted on call o> the 1,,011, Yortis, Curmii:;yiotu:r• and i,'.ayor Cherry (5). aujourned. APPrtovED Cc. � �-��•� i i