HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 22, Page 99, August 31, 1950Proceedings of Board of Commissioners chy of Letter Attorn Re Payroll , tax ordinance City t.gris v Report of Inv.;' Petition 6 Affidavits Petiti on Petition Au�ntst- 31, 1950 At an Adjourned :toeular :�cetlnC of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commiaairn Chamber at the City Hall, Iaducah, rontucky, at 7:30 P.LI. on Auruot 31, 1950, i.".ayor Iro tem Hannin presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: rpornlssioners Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Pro Tom Fannin (4). 2%yor Pro Tam Fannin o: fared motion that the letter of Adrian H. Terrell, Attorney for the City of Paducah concerning the various questions whioh have ariaon in connection with the payroll tax ordinance, together with the copy of the latter written by tla said Adrian H. Terrell to Mr. Guy H. Herdman, Assia tant Atborney General, relative to the same matters, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeaa, Commissioners Jacobs, aims, Thomas and Mayor Pro Ten Fannin (4). i::ayor Pro Tem Fannin offered motion that the letter of Mr. C. R. f.offitt, the City Manager, containing his report of investigation concerning those persons who .:ere 1 not eligible to sign the petition protesting against the passage of the payroll tax ordinance but whose names appear thereon,lie received and filed. Adopted on call of tto Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and i.:ayor Pro Ten Fannin (4). i Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive and fila tho affidavit and sworn statement of Dorothy Morris relative to the signing by her of ; other person's names to a petition protesting against the passage of an ordinance oro- I viding for the imposition of a license tax against persons employed by others; also the I! affidavit and signed statement of James Day relative to the action taken by him when obtaining and certifying petitions protestinG against the passage of said ordinance; t and also the affidavit of Charlie i.:orris in which he states that said petition was not signed by him. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Jacobs, Sims, Thoaas and I:ayor i•ro Tom Hannin (4). Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that the board of Commiisionars receive and fil� the petition of Lirs. 11innie Grogan and thirty-five other persons whose Ramos were subscribed by a person other than themselves to a petition filed by Joseph S. yrooland with the voard of Commissioners on fLugust 22, 1950, protesting the passage of the ordinance levying a tax against persons employed by others, and in which the said I:ra. Yinnie orop_an and the aforesald thirty-fivo other persona have requeatod that their name] be withdrawn iron the petition submitted b,: the said Joseph S. FTooland; that their request be ;ranted and that each and all of the aforesaid porsons who sinned and swore to the petition requesting that their names be withdrawn from the aforesaid petition submitted by the said Joseph S. Freeland be permitted to withdraw their names therefrom, and the namea of each and a 1 of said petitioners be stricken from the aforoaaid notitior proteatin.; t'ne fansago of the aforesaid payroll tax ordinance. Adopted on call of the :;oil, 'rocs, Coc.aisaionora Jacobs, :,ima, Thomas and i,.ayor Pro Tec: Hannin (4). 0::::1aaloaor ::Sms o:forod motion that the :card of Conirlsaionera rocoivo and filo the etition u: Armin .:h611 and 2:) other persons whose si,;'naturos apf)) ai' on tFu pet'';';n siio9 J septi roeland oto Au:;uat L' , M50, protestin;, tho Iiasaa;;u of ttfi ordina:co lav In a tax a-al:.at I:ernona rmnloyod by othora for tho I',rivilo;o oi' unga,'i11. t In occ,.patinns for nugh: or:pinyees, 1.trt; Iaatf.tion thea said ":ra. A„nio ,I.e:l ane the other 2a si�7,nora have re,;•:.estod teat, a-:•ts ba withdrawn frum the putition at:c- Xmitted by the said .;ose,;!: request i;e ;.-ranted a:rl ri;at each and a:1 of the r,£crhssir ;nrar.::a wt ; :.i -,no to the pot.itlon ro Iueatin, that tt:eir i i 1C 0 Pro_&ngs of � rd m. Coruulzsiotxrs City of Paducah IW'ust 31, 1950 names be wlthdrarn from aforesaid petition submitted b;; the said Joseph S. Froeland be permitted to withdraw their nanes therefrom, and the ptamos of each and all of said petitioners be stricken from the aforesaid petition submitted by the said Joseph S. Freeland. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Jacobs, Sims, Phowns and;Zayor Pro Tem Hannin (4). Petition Commissioner Thorns offered motion that the :;oard of Commissioners receive and file the petition of --arry l`dooly and 29 other persons whose signatures appear on the petition filed by Joseph r". Freeland on Au est 22, 1950, protesting the passage of the ordinance levying a tax against persons employed by others for the privilege of engaging; in occupations for such employers, in which petition the said Harry .Tooly and the other 29 siCners have requested that their names be withdrawn from the petition submitted by the said Joseph S. Freeland; that their request be granted and that each and all of the aforesaid persons who signed and swore to the petition requesting that their names be yp withdrawn from the aforesaid petition submitted by the said Joseph S. Freeland be per- mitted to withdraw their names therefrom, and the names of each and all of said s petitioners be stricken from the aforesaid petition protesting the passage of the aforesaid payroll tax ordinance. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Pro Tem Hannin (4). :etltior Commissiom r Thomas offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive and file the petition of _Tana Johnson and 27 other persons whose signatures appear on the petitio filed by Joseph S. Freeland on August 22, 1950, protesting the passage of the ordinance levying a tax against persons employed by others for the privilege of engaging in occupations for such employers, in which petition the said Lena Johnson and the other 27 sl.,pers have requested that their names be withdrawn from the petition submitted by the said Joseph S. -Freeland; teat their request be granted and that each and all of the aforesaid persons who siGned and swore to the petition requesting that their names be with:lrawn from the aforesaid petition submitted by the said Joseph S. Freeland be per- mItted to withdraw their names therefrom, and the names of ouch and all of said petitionors be stricken from the aforesaid petition protostin, the passage of the d aforesaid payroll tax ordinance. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeaa, Commissioners .:La, "homes and..ayor Iro Tom Hannin (4). L-o011no r -1-a offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RE50LJTION to rc;:oali or :a'.:onit 1r` T OR 0:31IT YU TiE VOTERS OF THE CITY OI' PADUCAH, KN;1YUCKY, AT ,,aest_nn tb vete ..�:i :..,.. s.. -�.. �7:E ......-_';_; P:IE PASSAGE OF AN ORDIIIAIME TTITL_''.J: 1AN I >F G -:I i G:; c; i LIl ::.i :'EES I Of? THE PRIVIL 3 E 0. IGAGIM G r' A i::::.; , iC ,.:'1 OF PADUCAH, ii�T P' , : Y ALL ...1:.. T'P 0. WE GR083 . ..... i ... ._r .. r. .. .. .., i.. t....i (.. ... ... .� �...� , .. .v ....�.. I..t O;fUAT:;..: TO ..A .-.. , _ ... .. ... .. .... .7!.7 lir( f ..1. 1. ...... .. ., L• Cl T No. _.. 101 r MPd of Commis ii ons r� _ Cit of Paducah „ur us t 1 , 1350 Proceedings of -_---— Y -----�—'"--- ALL ORDINANCES N CONFLICT THEREWITI AND PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUDE', L7IIICH ORDINA:I TdE BOARD OR COMIISSIONIRS �iAS WMESTED TO PASS UPON A PEPITION FILED ';11TH SAID -OARD AT A REGULAR I..^ETIM HELD Oil August 22, 1950", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commie -stoners Jacobs, Sims, :Thomas and i.ayor Pro Tam Hannin (4). On motion the meeting adjourned. ADOPTED 1950 Ar PROVED. L mayor .�.^.�C �i /.rw...._ .. .