HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 22, Page 84, July 25, 1950N__ Prooeadings of—"--oard of Commiosioners City of Paducah Jul;; •`:5, 1950 Ate i<egular fleeting of the !soard of Commissioners hold in the Commission Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.t.. on July 25, 1950, payor Johnston presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commisaioners -annin, Jacobs, dims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5). S'inutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. i ater line ;;✓ Commissioner aims offered motion that the petition of Dr. E. G. Stamper, Sr., for 'anerva Place Stamper permission to make one connection with a 3/4 inch water pipe lino to the 2 inch water pip line o:ined by Loren 1.1. Jones so as to furnish water to one residence to be constructed o real estate owned by Dr. E. G. Stamper, Sr. on tin east side of Minerva Place near the intersection of Minerva Place with slandvillo Road outside the city limits of Paducah, Yy , i-. be received and filed and the request petitioned for therein be granted subject to the terms and conditions contained in said petition. It is understood, however, that in granting the privileges sought in said petition neither the City of Paducah nor the Commissioners of 'Mater 1+'orks shall be obligated to buy said pipe line or any part thereof, and no such obligation ai-all be obtained or be g implied hereafter should the territory to be served by the water line to be laid under t le ,i authority herein requested be taken into or made a part of the City of Paducah. It is further understood that the petitioner will subscribe for rater service at y the rates now or hereafter prescribed for water service to consumers outside the city IN@ limits and subject in all respects to the rules and regulations of the City of Paducah or its Commissioners of 1,hter Works which may be now in force or hereinafter onactod. .othing in the granting of this petition shall obligate the City of Paducah or its Coamissionr�ra of ,later •1orka to guarantee water pressure or service and said water service may be discontinued through said pipe lines or any part thereof at any time when in the judgment of the Commissioners of eater 1.7orks the iurnishin" of water to the etitioner or his successors in ownership of the iroperty now owned by him may interfere r in any wise with the adequate supply and distribution of water inside the corporate limit of t^e Cit;j of Paducah. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fannin, Jacobs SLzs, Thomas and :•ayor Johnston (5). aahiar Ada Co=L:sionor :tannin offered motion that the Board of Co miJalonors approve the 0.atery rvs to contract for the sale by the City of Paducah to ben Covington of Grave !1o. 60, in dock "on covirg;nn No. 7 of the Ruahin-, nddition to Oak Grove Cemetery, and toot the attached executed con- '; tract £or tn0 sale Of said cemotory property be delivered to the purchaser. Qdoptod on call Of ti:e :ioll, Yoas, Corcaisaionars Fannin, Jacoba,Sims, 1'homaa and !:.ayor Johnston (5). suahlnL, .. i Comnisaionor Hannin offered zad.ion that ti -.e :-oard of 1;0m:nis3ioners approve the ^ei;otory ;nave to ccntrart for th,) sala by tho City of _ad;zca-: to ; oulah !doss of Grave !;o. 59 in dock !do. :-oulah ;leas 7 fw:o '>ushirk- r;:inion to Oak novo Ccaotory, and that the attached executed contract for the sale of rail! ;e:rat,ry ,ron,rrty he dollve'rorl to the purchaaer. Adopted on call of the o'_1, Youa, Cc-ui.:sieners tannin, Sacobs, :;ims, 'h(­Y,s and t.ayor Johnston (6). Zeno offered motinr, trot a; rainanco ontit:leci: "Ai 02;)l_'. ifasr:inuto 3nth t0 ":ohm Ave _ _.. ...... .... .... .. ..... :. ... ,.. ,:J rROUTL`.., � . 'frIE :.t.... ... :. 28TH 3TRFir'T `ti AVii:iJE ii _.. i.�.__ 'i ti. J., , •.-. t0 t C1M d.LGL QC C4.. ��: t:".9 :•e:.{, :ural, Ccr•,'.,iaaf.t2�ra :6�:sin, JSce 4J, Vii.. ...._.:i:1 :,fl :.:Tij'it .,,,;ywtGn {j, I i A No.- .----85 ... _ __. Proceedings of. 3oard of Commia3ionors City of Paducah -July 25 1950 tayroll tax Commissioner .annin offered motion that the Board of Cormaiasionors receive and file ;otter ✓ Attorney the copy of Ernest Fannin's letter of June 8, 1950, written to the Hon. A. E. Funk, General Attorney General of Kentucky, concerning the necessity of submit tin; to the voters the question as to whether the payroll tax ordinance should be repealed if a petition re- questing its appeal should be filed with the board; together with the reply writton by ;alter C. Herdman, Assistant Attorney General. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Colmnissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5). Rushing Add. Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that the Board of Commissioners approve the Cemetery Grave to contract for the sale by the City of Paducah to Lossie Atkins of Grave No. 61 in Dlook Lossie Atktns No. 7 of the Rushing; Addition to oak Grove Cemetery, and that the attached executed I contract for the sale of said cemetory property be delivered to the purchaser. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fannin, Jacobs, aims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5). Rushing Add. I, Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that the Board of Commissioners approve the Cemetery Grave to ✓', contract for the sale by the City of Paducah to Dorothy Hillsman of Grave No. 54 In 31oek Dorothy Hillsman No. 7 of the Rushing Addition to oak Grove Cemetery, and that the attached executed con- tract for the sale of said cenetery property be delivered to the purchaser. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Payor Johnston (5).i Letter Ygr.,,� Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that t'�e Board of Commissioners receive and filo re- Traffic lights the letter of the City Manager, dated July 19, concerning the traffic lights to be placed at 52nd and Broadway and 28th and Broadway, the four way stop signs already erected at y 28th and Jefferson and 28th and Park Avenue, and the traffic count to be made at 17th 1 and Broadway. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fannin, Jacobs, Sins, Thomas and N'syar Johnston (5). Liability Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive, file policies Chastain & and approve liability policy issued by the Fidelity and Casualty Company protecting the Rabacker Chas. Boyd &' city of Paducah with respect to work done by Virgil D. Chastain & Jos. C. IIabacker, dba on Chastalhe E: Habackor, for a period of one year from July 10, 1950; also endorsement to 7 policy issued by the United Statos Pidolity and Guaranty Company to Charles Boyd & J. Ci. Boyd, dba Charles Boyd and ;on, for a period of one year from July 16, 1950. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, commissioners rranain, Hacoba, Jims, Thomas and itnyor Johnston (5) Rushir.- ­rld Commissioner Thomas offered motion that the Board of Cormnissioners approve the Cemetery =rave to contract for the sale by the City of Paducah to +-at;;;io :Liggins of Grave Ido. 56 in Elock ;rtt ;o. 7 of the Rushing Addition to Oak Grove Cemetery, and that the attached executed contrat for the sale of said cecotery property be delivered to the purchaser. Adopted on call of tae Roll, Yeas, Comraissionors Fannin, Jacobs, aims, Thomas and ,'ayor Johnston (5). rI.; cf, Conmical.onor 11-o:mas offered motion that the Loard of Cor..missLonora receive and j _1a e file the financial stato;-.43nt of the eadueah Veterans Village and the Rhodos-iiroady Court I _cr tin :i:cal year ondl.V; Juno 30, 1950. Adoptod on ca_l of the Roll, Yoas, Comm- aton-iro anrlr., Jacobs, arra, T}romaa aha '..ayor Johnston (5). rcmRiasicrsr ^.oris offered motion that the letter of the City Treaouror reeormnd V _, in,, te.e r.L^ea�se of eert4in O: Ice equippmont to bo used in connection with tip adminis- t rratlon c:' t! -.e ca;;roll toy, ordinance and the oolleotl.on of license taxes payablo un•ror saL7 r_^di ::a:ce -e reaflive! and filed. AdoptOd on call of the Roll, teas, Commiu3ionero --r�::as and !Layor Johnaten (b). No. 86. _ Proceedings of-- 10, of Commissioners City of Paducah July 25, 1950 Jar:es Rnb-'cc+hti L'avor Johnston offered motion that the zoard of Comminsioners approve payment of the salary thru August 31, salary of officer James C. Robison through August 31, 1950- Adopted on call of the Roll 1950 Yeas, Com-aissionors Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and :.'ayor Johnston (5). Park Co -n. ^:ayor Johnston offered the following motion: The terms of office of the members of thi (Colored) ismbers Boas of Park Commissioners (colored) having expired on June 12, 1950, I hereby appoint Appointed Haskell Grogan, b:anuel Bolen, Thawson Jackson, 17. H. i'ord and Fred Horde to serve as mombers of said board for terms of five (5) years as provided under RRS 97.400, their terms i of office to expire on June 12, 1955. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and :,ayor Johnston (5). Resolution Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that the certified copy of the resolution adopted b of Hospital Commission the City of Paducah LSunicipal Hospital Commission entitled: "A RESOLUTION REQUESTING T"dE Application BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, TO APPROVE THE FILING OF AN APPLICATION WITH THE GENERAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATION OF 71E UiNI"•ED STATES OF AMERICA FOR ADVANCEMEENT.OF FUNDS TO DEFRAY THE COST OF PREPARING PLANS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF All u ADDITION TO WE RIVERSIDE HOSPITAL", which was adopted at a regular meeting of said ( hospital commission on June 29, 1950, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5). espital Commissioner Thomas offered motion that a resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION AUTdORIZ ;rpl3cation A.lvanced MG TFL FILING OF AN APPLICATION WITH THE GENERAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATION OF THE UPNITED end Zyor STATES OF AI.NERICA FOR Ali ADVANCE IN THE SUM OF X36,624 FOR THE PREPARATION OF FLANS ocute TO CONSTRUCT All ADDITIONN TO T;E CITY OF PADUCAH MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL, IUQONN AS THE RIVER- SIDE HOSPITAL, PURSUA:dT TO THE, TERMS OF PUBLIC LAW 352 81st CONGRESS OF THE,UNITMP STATES APPROVED OCTOBER 30, 1949, AND AUTHORIZING STUART JOHNSTON, THE MAYOR, TO EXECUTE SAID APPLICATION OII BEHALF 01 THE CI1Y OF PADUCAH", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Holl, Yeas, Comaissioners Hannin, Jacobs, aims, Thomas and Mayor i1ohnston (5). i. ':.plication Commiacioner Jacobs offered motion that the application executed by the Mayor and the a,.Vanced flmdn City Clerk pursuant to a resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF °pa,.aal r. A:: ALPLICATIO:N YNITH TRE GENERAL SERVICE AI14IN23TRATZON OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A. ADVANCE 1P: TIN: SUM Or ;,35,624 FOR THE PREPARATION OF PLANS TO CONSTRUCT AN i AD TIC,i ?0 712 CITY OF PADUCAH MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL, KNOt'N AS THE RIVERSIDE 1103rITAL, rUR3:)AN:T TO THE TER',`.3 OF PMnLIC LAa 352, 81st CONGRESS OF TfIE UNITED STATES A111<iOV D OCT BE,11 31, 191, AM AUTHOHI'LIPNG 3TUART JOHNSTON, THE LIAYOR, TU EXECUTE SAID Ai,PLICATIOI C.: iipAllrC:1 TId CIT! 0_ r"DUCAR, which was adopted at a regular meeting of the board of coy=iaaionors on July 25, 1950, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, h 7 Yeaa, Cocciasionera IAnnin, Jacobs, aims, =homas and Mayor Johnston (5). ` Com-t;sioner :;1 a offered motion tient a resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZ- -7 CZTi .WW',uR TO Abl iRT ZF :OR 6ID.; r7R THE NURCHASE OF A BOOKKEEPING ',,,AC I!J FOR J PIiNAME G__'_'Ci:.,'fJf 3Ci='L'.uNG TI! T:ii'., AND CONDITIOiNN U:NDHR .:'ICH BIDS SNiAi. L! ;,e adopted. Adopted on ca:l of the Roll, YOaa, Commisaionera Hannin, --ayor J�i:.Zston (_:). L 0...re'I ..'C'_:.. that a ::730114tion untitled: "A Hi;CQ.UTION RELA'II.Ni➢ _ _ .. _. .... 5..., r,:._ ;,.'N, r,....;1.,.. , AND A i•RoViPi Cr' LOUISVILLE, r-' '-'a!! of tree roil, i0stn, Cori tcnern :a:;nin, %Cuba1 31 ?..^moo ar.:t 37 No.- proceedings o. Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah July 25, 1950 Amend '::onlnr Commissioner Sims offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE APPROV-' Park Realty Cc Add. II:'G THE FINAL REPORT OF 951E CITY PLANNING AND 'LONriG CObIId133I0II TO AMEND SECTION 2 OF AN Increase restriction ORDINANCE EITITLED: IAN ORDINANCE ArPROVING THE ZONING OF THE PARK REALTY COMPANY ADDI- TION TO THE CITY OF PADUCAH AS A RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT, AND PRESCRIBING BUILDI1iG AID CONSTRUCTION RESTRICTIONS THEREIN, AND FRESCRIBIN, PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION TNEREOFT, AND AMENDING SECTION 2 OF SAID ORDINANCE WHICH VIAS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF C0:,4.1I6SIONERS ON DECEMBER 2, 1957, AND AMENDED ON I.'IAY 20, 194711, be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5). Assistant Commissioner Thomas offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE License ✓; Collector I� AMENDING SECTION 1 OF All ORDINANCE ENTITLED: PAN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT Amend Ordinance OF AN ASSISTANT LICENSE COLLECTOR TO BE TEMPORARILY EMPLOYED FOR A PERIOD OF THIRTY DAYS; PRESCRIBING THE DUTIES AND FIXING THE AMOUNT OF HIS COMPENSATION; AND AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF THE SUM OF X00 FROM THE CONTINGENT FUND TO THE ACCOUNT A.PROPRIATiD ,TOR PAYMENT OF SALARIES OF EMPLOYEES lel THE OFFICE OF THE CITY TREASURER', 7+"1IICH 'AAS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COISAISSIONERS ON JULY 11, 195011, be introduced and remain on file for public inspection for two weeks in the completed form in which it shall be put upon its final passage. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, i Thomas and Ibayor Johnston (5). Zone Jeffers P myor Johnston offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE APFROVINC it 17 to 19 ii THE FINAL REPORT OF THE CITY PLANNING AND ZONING COIriAI3SIO3I PROVIDING FOR TILE ZONING OF PROPERTY Oil BOTS SIDES OF JEFFERSON STREET FROM 17TH STREET TO 19TH STREET FOR RESIDEN- TIAL PURPOSES, AND PRESCRIBING THE PENALTY TO BE IMPOSED FOR VIOLATION OF THE RESTRICTIONS SET FORTH IPI A RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THE CITY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION ON JULY 21, 195011, be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Ifannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and 1;ayor Johnston (5). Contract with Mayor Johnston offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "API ORDINANCE AL'THORIZIN Murray Hodges Fridge Lumber THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT '.:TTH LIURRAi IIODGES FOR THE 'PURCHASE OF 13,722 r. BOARD FEET OF TREATED RPD AND ':lIIITE OAK L; ACCORDANCE ',7ITH TILE TERMS AND SPECIFICATIO143 SET FORTH IIl THE RESOLUTIO.1 UNDER MICH 'RIE CITY M—PlIAGER WAS REIUESTED TO OBTAIN BIDS, A:;D iROVIDING THAT THE SUM OF 41,852.47, THE PURCHASE PRICE FOR SAID LUMBER, BE CHARGED TO THE APPROI•RIATION TO 'HIE STREET DEPART4IENT III THE YEAR 195011, be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, 'rnomas and "mayor Johnston (5), ^ n'•o:•iuto Com.-�issioner Sins offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "ATI ORDIPIA::CE I a:: ditional ,:.t1oi;.ated .-X)iRIATING OR CERTAIN GOVERNMENTAL PURPOSES IN THE, YEAR 1950 T.iE JUN OF :;.38,505 r.jvcnue --D i iw " '1SC COLLECTION OF LICENSE TAXES LEVIED AGAIId3T' Fc.RS01IS EIiPLOYED by � Ni !__.4 _ ::.: LICENSE3 LEVIED AGAINST P RSONJsOR ME rR'VILE3E OF OPI?RA'T`ING i _ IICLS3 LI 111E CITY OF PADUCAH; A 'D iROV1DING F0h TILE APPORTIO;,- f I i _..:T::i :.• `10.0 ; POR SUCH PUREOSES% be introduced and romaln on file I i for two weo%: for I,u..11c Inatection in the final form in which it shall be put upon ita final ; aaarc. Ado ptod on call of the Holl, Yens, Co::anianlonors !:Armin, Jacobs, <;1ms, � y cr Jatr1 tca (5 ). i "e'= :aycr .:ocrztcn 0<farcfl motion that "Ill ;iumioea, Prof. Y. ;,Pri.tooldea and Rev. 'W.' ^r...�.. a Le a;.;:0ia e,1 t act as tho Colored ;:cunin-dvlaory Co ;-Ittea, eitio, us ropre- j montatives of their race ar.all a•Ivlso wlth rna ride roco^.r:endaticns to the Clty of cadLrah i 1ur11riPal :OLwinx CO=:.9sion roncernin,:; a.! mtters far tkio row colwrcd F,ousin,- project, 6 i E N.. procecdir.as of_ - oa,_,�j of �ommisa loners City of Paducah July 25, 1950 as as any other complaint or matter which effects the interests of colored people. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Bannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Payor Johnston (5). Ame -lid y Mayor Johnston offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE AIIEND11IG Section 7 - N Civil er, SECTION 7 OF AN ORDI :ANICE ENTITLED: 'Ali ORDINANCE PLACING OFFICES AND POSITIONS OF TRUST OR EMPLOY111EDIT IN ME SERVICE OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, K2NIUCKY, UNDER CIVIL SERVICE RULES AND REGUIATIONS PURSUANT TO 'TE PROVISIONS OF KRS 90-300 TO 90-990; PROVIDING FOR THE APPO11111,1FITT OF A BOARD OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS, FIXIITG AND PRESCRIBING THE 2,UALIsICATM',13, TEWS OF OF -,.'ICE, FO -HERS AND DUTIES OF SAID COM-IISSIOITERS; PRESCRIBING .TFz- RULES BY iSHICH RIE BOARD OF CIVIL SERVICE C01zlISSIONERS SHALL BE GOVERNED IN THE GIVIIIG OF EXAMINATIONS TO APPLICANTS FOR 51PLOYMENT; FIXING THE NUMBER, CLASSIFICATION AND SALARIES OF ALL RIPLOYEES IN EACH DEPARTVMIT IdHO SHALL BE AFFECTED BY THE CIVIL SERVICE RULES AIND REGULATIO113 PROVIDED HEREIN; AiTD PRESCRIBING THE RUISS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING WE CONDUCT OF ALL EMPLOYEES AFFECTED THEREBY AND THE CAUSES FOR WHICH ANY EMPLOYEE 'SAY BE REPRILIANDED, SUSPENDED, DISMISSED OR RE:zWED FROM EMPLOYMENT BY 'ME CITY PROVIDING FOR 0D ESTABLISHING A RETIREMENT SYSTEM AND THE CREATION AND MAINTENANCE OF A PENSION FUND FOR APPOINTIVE EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND AUTHORIMIG THE LFTZ OF A TAX MID THE ASSESSMENT OF EMPLOYEES FOR MIE CREATION A"M MAINTENANCE OF SAID FIND; PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTIONT OF A BOARD OF TRUSTEES TO ADMUNISTER SAID FUND; FIXING AND PRESCRIBING THE 'QUALIFICATIONS, TERMS OF OFFICE, PGJERS AND DUTIES OF SAID BOARD OF TRUSTEES; PRESCRIBING TIE RULES AIM REGULATIONS BY WHICH SAID BOARD OF TRUSTEES A'ID ALL APPOINTIVE EMPLOYEES SHALL BE GOVERNED WITH REFERENCE TO THE GRANTING AND ALLOIAF- A::CE OF PENSIONS AND OTHER BMEFITS; AND PROVIDING A SEPARABILITY CLAUSE, WHICH WAS ADOPTED BY T BOARD OF C01811ISSIONERS ON DECTMER 2, 1947, AND AMIYNDED ON JUNE 27, 1950"Rtlk . be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners m-Lnin, Jacobs, maims, homas and Mayor Johnston (5), Iaycr Johimton offered motion t,at an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDIn; 'U1 SIXTH EE KEI -Y ?(R L:�ASIVG 00 THE 1_ -1P 0:1 NORM SIX STR� T IN IRIE CITY OF PADUCAH, 11VCh 'TO SM -VICE AND :31]'PLY COMPANY FOR U32 AS A SITE FOR THE COLLECTI0.1 ALD DIS- ',;,,2BAGE A:1 -D RUBBISH; AUMORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE ;AID ;-Z A_--LNALF OF . TIE CITY OF PADUCAH; AND PRESCRIBING TIE TIEMEZ Ai;D CONDITIO:.Is 3Z 0'.'.' 'Y) '71--r:EIII", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yous, Commission- ers i:annin, jacoba, firs, -1homan and 7..a,,or Johnston (5). On r--(jt',rn the rootin-. adjourned. A?P.ROVEj/, Layal, 1-2 L -C "d,-/