HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 22, Page 80, July 11, 1950No.-. ..80 __ _ Proceedings of Hoard of Commissioners City of Paducah July 11, 1950 At a Regular -'eot:inr. 6f the Board of Commissioners held in the Commission Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:00 P.t1. on July 11, 1950, 1.1ayor Johnston presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners j Fannin, Jacobs, Sims, 2homas and Layer Johnston (5). Tanutda of the previous mseting wore adopted as read. Member Thomas offered motion that the petition of Earl Lee _.idd, Dorothy Iiidd, Leo Bechtold, Hazel Bechtold and Cecil Dowdy, residing on Rutter Street and Howle Street, outside the corporate limits of 'Paducah, Kentucky, for authority to connect a 3/4 inch water pipe lino to tho privately owned pipe line of Schneidman Road water Line Number 2 for the purpose of providin:, water service for domestic purposes to the property of said petitioners, be received and filed and that the request in said petition be granted in accordance with the terms set forth therein. It is understood, livaever, in granting the privilege sought in said petition neitho the City of Paducah nor the Commissioners of nater dorks shall be obligated to buy said p pe line or any part thereof, and no such obligation shall be contained or be implied hereafter should the territory to be served by the water line to be laid under the authority herein requested be taken into or made a part of the City of Paducah. It is further understood that the petitioners will subscribe for water service at the rates now or hereafter prescribed for water service to consumers outside the city limits of Paducah and subject in all respects to the rules and regulations of the City of Paducah or its Commissioners of '!later dorks which may now be in force or hereinafter enacted. l' ;IothinL in the granting of this petition shall obligate the City of Paducah or its U Comnissloners of dater Works to guarantee pressure to service and said water service may be discontinued through said pipe line at any time when in the judgment of its Commission N ora of gator .:orks the furnishing of water to the petitioners or their successors in ovine r his of the property owned may interfere in any wise with the adequate supply and distri- ct k bution of water inside the corporate limits of the City of Paducah. Adopted on call of ( the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and I:ayor Johnston (5). Runhir^ Add Cor�issioner Fannin offered motion that the 1ioard of Commissioners approve the Cometery i✓ ;cavo to C contract of sale by the City of Paducah to Noah hardy of Crave No. 55 in Block No. 7 Noah 17ardy of the iiuchin Addition to Oak Grove Cemetery, and that the attached executed contract for t:.o sale of -laid eomotery property be delivered to the purchaser. Adopted on call of the Roll, Teas, Co :assion•ra Fannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and i.ayor Johnston (5). d R'3b PriYL'� Idtl Commienlonor tannin offered motion that the Board of ommissioners approve the Cerra tery t "✓ ^ r,ravo to I contract for tre sale b;r the City of raducah to Anna Bursey of Crave :To. 58 in Llock No. Ar'. -.0 :-'ursoy F of the ::shin,_•7. Adlltlon to Oak ;rove Gsaotery, and that the attached executed contract fo the aalo of said comm tory property be delivered to the purchaser. Adopted on call of th Roll, Yors, :Co:_:+J.1lo:.ors :;annin, ,'acn-'s, 31ms, 'ihomaa and !-Ayor Johnston (5). Traf_lo "c._asslancr .i:4coc3 offarol motion ;tat tho :.card Of Comminaionorn reco.tva and filo invQati "u certain ` the le tier tt;,, ...s.. Inaci.s Club requeatir. - tho .•oar<l to contact the ,tate ;il,h'vay inter- a00ttons :.epartti5nt a:,: a3 .. thoi corolll:v a traff/c o•aunt at tr.o folloaln•', Intersections: "2C G rv. .._ .. '.1 ,tt rr,. 17tti ar.::.. .. No.- -- 01 --- --- Proceedings of 'onl�d of CommiS4lonora _ _.._._City of Paducah July 11 1950 _ to determine whether it is advisable to install traffic lii;hts at those intersections be received and filed, and that the City Manager be directed to contact the State Highway Department requesting such traffic count at these locations. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5). Liability ✓i Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive, .filo policies C:. H. Ya nay and approve the following liability policies and endorsemonta: Emmett D. Hannan G & H Plumbing, Policy of G;, H. Yancy issued by the Coal Operahors Casualty Company for a period of company one year from June 17, 1950. Endorsement to policy of cinmett D. Hannan dba Ed. D. Hannan issued by the United I� States Fidelity and Guaranty Company for a period of one year from July 31, 1950, and l Endorsement to policy of G. & H. Plumbing & Heating Company, issued by the United States Fidelity & Guaranty Company for a period of d)no year from July 11, 1950. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mityor Johnston (5). St. Lights ✓ Commissioner Thomas offered motion that the reports and recommendations of the Chief. High St. :-onroe btw. of Police and the City ?Tanager relative to the installation of street lights on High Street 17th and 19th i midway between Jefferson and Broadway, and on Monroe Yidway between 17th and 19th Streets; 1 be received and filed, and that the City Manager be directed to request the installation of street lights at these locations. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5). Cemetery report Comm' sioner Thomas offered motion that the report of John W. Crider, Superintendent June 1950 of Oak Grove Cemetery, for the month of June, be received and filed. Adopted on ca -1 of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5). 3rd & Media on ✓ Vayor Johnston offered motion that the Board of Commissioners rooeive and file the water Co. offer to purchase letter of the Board of Paducah 14ater �Iorks in which they offer to pay to the City of Paducah the sum of -X2,500.00 for the triangular parcel of ground at 3rd and t:adison t Streets, and I further move that the City accept this offer and that the Corporation Counsel be directed to prepare the necessary inatrumonts to effect this transfer. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thou and ?,'ayor Johnston (5). 3ialf holiday / ', :'ayor Johnston offered the following motion: Thursday, July 20, 1950, having been for :'air officially designated as "Paducah Day" at the ",last Kentucky Fair, I move that all city II employees, with the exception of Police and Piro Dolartmont personnel, be granted a half holiday beginning at 12 ofelock noon, July 20, that they may attend the Fair. Adopted on Scall of the loll, Yeas, Commiaaioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sibs, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5). Copy offer for :.^.ayor Johnston offered motion that the copy of the Offer of sale of land to tho sale to i.0Ua1nr,- cc::aisaion of 1 City of =aducah i..Unicipal Housinp, Commission for use as a site for construction of the j land owned by city now housing, project, which offer was accepted by the ?,,Ayor pursuant to an ordinance adopt0d by the ;card of Com:,iasionera at its moetinr* ou June 28, 1950, be received unci filed. aAdopted on ^_al'_ 0" the Roll, 'leas, Coimnlnaloncrs Hannin, Jacobs, Jima dnd LYiyor Johnaton (4), Co.TM .las=over hoaas "!toll. ! Water Company f '"-,.isslonor .:ims offeror; rcticn ttlat the financial report of the Paducah +atur .-sport for May 'Forks for tr.e n-rr-'nof May .e roonivod and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Youa, Co-sisa.cwr. 'mnnin..%cobs, ims, '.homes and I.ayor Johnston (5). i N.. S•c P--d;ngz C( J+rd of Comisiasionors City of Paducah July 11, 1950 Liability % Commissioner Sims offorod motion that the ioard of Commissionors resolve, file and policy _chard S. i approve the insurance policy issued by the Bituminous Casualty Corporation, No. 42838, to Downs the City of Paducah, said policy providing liability moverage for three months from May 8, 1950, in connection with the liability of the City of Paducah arising out of the issuance of per- m its erwits for construction '.:•ork performed by Edward S. Downs and Son; and also the eortificata of insurance issued by said company on June 15th, 1950, said certificate showing liability and property damage coverage of the said Edward S. Downs and Sons under its policy ,To. 'ILF-27195. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Comnissionors Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5). Liability / Commissioner Sims offered motion that the board of Commissioners receive and file the rolicy 'encral Elea. public liability policy issued by the Electric Mutual Liability Insurance Company conditio - 3a;ply Co. ed for'the-benefit of persons suffering injury, loss or damage ti their person or proport resulting from any negligence in connection with the use of the steps of the General Electric Supply Corporation located in the street at 301 South 2nd Street. Adopted on I'll of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Yayor Johnston (5). .ssistart J Commissioner Hannin offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDIn =iconse ';olL ctor FOR THE APPOIN7,3I1T OF AN ASSISTANT LICENSE COLLECTOR TO BE TEMPORARILY EMPLOYED FOR A .7 pointed PERIOD OF THIRTY DAYS; PRESCRIBING THE DUTIES AND FIXING THE AIdOUNT OF HIS COMPwERSATION; AND AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF THE SUM OF J200 FROM THE CONTINGENT FUND TO THE ACCOUNT fAPPROPRIATED FOR PAMIENT OF SALARIES OF MIPLOYEES IIT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY TREASURER% be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, �.homas and Mayor Johnston (5). ='i^o �;Lief+s'� Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDIP:ANCE Car- Contact C.:;. -:akar ACCEPTING THE BID OF C. N. BAKER, DOING BUSINESS UNDER THE FIRM NAIiE OP C. N. BAKER & SON, FOR SALE TO 'BIB CITY OF PADUCAH OF ONE 1950 OLDSMOBILE, MODEL 88, DELUXE FOUR DOOR SEDAN BY TRADING IN FOR SAID 10-7 AUTOMOBILE THE 1940 BUICK NMI USED BY THE FIRS CHIEF, AND AUTIORIZIid.^, THE CITY MCNAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE THEREO", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Thomas and :ayor Johnston (4). Commissioner Sims Latter ✓ :rigor Johnston offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive and filo the !raffia ra g. !otter of IT. T. P. Calloway, Assistant Traffic EnginOer of the Department of Highways a in which he advisas that the Department will shortly arrange to mkko a survoy for the �u 0so o: aacertaiaiR the numbor of vei:icles entering the city at the city limits on i' the novaral rajor roads, and also if possible a parking purvey. Adopted on call of the !+011, Yeas, C0=13aicnora 1%nn1n, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and [.:ayor Johnston (5). on baler J0hn3ton o:'ferod motion that the i.oard of Commissioners receive and filo tho ,.0 k ld of I<urray HOd,7013 in which ho of fora to sell to tho City of Paducah 13,722 board feet 0f trcate.. -:od and +pito Cak for the sum of X1::5 par thousand board feet. Adopted .a call 0' t o ::011, 'zeas, Coamissionora i'.annin, Jacobi, :,I,_, Thomas and :iayor Johnston (C,)• .,_faro^a .:aria:: ..::c ., ordira:. t . _ 0c 0r� i510d: 'A.. )ItU'L:.ALCS A;dT:ORiZIidC :cu'.' 9 .._. Cl;"? ._:Ai.... i•. ._,T::K :a ;Y, A ........ .._ .a. !I;. :d t 1jaCHA-iE (I• 13,722 s § :9gcs A..7 . __T TREAMD RSD „_., WFIM T,iJ J,... ... ,..T;. 911:i ., ,w Mid Rn30LLMOS UNDER ME CIN . , .,; ;..:. -A.; RZ 'TRT:;=) 3'% ,:TAI:; 1;ZDS, f No.._'—___ Proceedings o/ Board of Co:amissionors City of Paducah July 11, 1950 AND PROVIDING THAT TIME SUm OF "r1842.47, TiJE PURCHASE PRICE FOR SAID LUIZER, BE CHARGED TO THE APFROPRIATIO4 TO THE STREET DEPARTMENT IN TIU,' YEAR 195011, be introduced and remaih , on file for one creek for public inspection in the completed form in which it shall be put upon its final passage. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5). I Fetition ✓ Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that the Board of Commisolonors receive and file resurface 6th screot tine petition of Annie L. Brooks and others, in which it is requested that north sixth street be resurfaced. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, I Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5). On motion the meeting, adjourned. I Q ADOPTED S - / -/ S % APPROVE) mayor("- city ayor(" C' y Q1GrX