HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 22, Page 8, January 24, 1950i
Proceedings of = o='='-� 1 "o.'i"0 =On ' a City of Paducah anuay
;';a ter
At a Regular LaetinG of the roard'of Commissioners held in the Co,<,,ilsoion Chamber
at the City Hall, Faducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 F.i'. on January 24, 1950, "ayor Johnston
presided and upon call of the Roll tho•follo.,in_- answered to their nausea: Co:,ninaionars
rannin, Jacobs, Sims, :homas and :'ayor Johnston (5).
:'inures of the previous maetinr :sere adopted as read.
Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that the petition of Cdus Reid and wife, Fosaic
7-ar.^_es ?led, residin3 on Lenton Road outside the corporate limits of Paducah, Kentucky,
for authority to lay and construct three water lines for the purpose of providin;:..,.,star
ser7ice to the three buildings located on the ;'rp'ert:; of petitioners, be recolved and
fled and that the request in said petition be granted in accordance with the tarns
set forth therein.
It is understood, however, in ,rrantin,;•thc priviloge sought in said petition
reithor the City of Paducah, nor the Commissioners of .later 3orks shall be obligated to
buy said pipe lines or any part thereof, and no such obligation shall be contained or ho
i;plied hereafter should the territory to be served by the water lines to be laid under
the authority herein requested be taken into or mado a part of the City of Faducah.
It is further understood that the petitioners will subscribe for .:ater service at
t're rates now or hereafter paeacribed for water service to consumers outside the city
limits an,] subject to the rules and reGulations of the City of Paducah or its Coruh-
isaloncro a' .rater 'Sorko �-,hich may be now in force or hereinafter enacted.
:;othir.- in the granting of this petition shall obligate the City of aducah or its
Car_ iaalonero of .iter : orks to -uaranteo water pressure or service, and said crater
sarvico my bo 'is^_ontinued through said pipe line at any time when in the judgment of
t^a Co_-:issioners of ::star :.odes the furnishin_r• of water to the petitioners of their
^esa�ra r o:inorship of the property owned may interfere in any ''alaa with the adequat
an •7_..tribution of r,ator inside the corrorate limits of the City of Faducah.
.,_ -,n c all of the Roll, Yeas, Commlosioncrs Jiannin, Jacobs, Sims, '(homes and :ayor
john- t --r: ( �.
Core ter issioaer "r,..:z. o_'...,. motion that the dead under which i•ass ':ary . Jones
tranafe F03 cnnveyerl to uley on 7ecenber 6th, 1349, a space 20 foot len•• on the
Dr. L. `
Duley south si, ,:vner and side of Trot 'Io. 79, Stiction 5, Oak ^rove Cemotory
':nue :•:•' 'once Avorue in caid cemetery In the 'a t;r c:
5irectel to note on
,3.? lot. adopted on call of the 9' ,
Car_ c,aas and :.ayor Johnston (5).
?treat Csiceisaianer HA,, a In o.fered • ...ion ':'�a': i^n lett:r of January ?.2, 1950, :v=the
't hfa
City Manager, reia'.':. :;llat2en of street li,:htn alone tho t:eltline hi-ftimy be
:eiga' of the P-.o:l, 7::r:3, Con>,ivninr:ors i:'snain, Jaco:-s,
t t*e letter.. ,
Proceedings of =oard of Cot:ucissioners City of Paducah January 24, 1950
Col. .ark ;.d+. Commiso loner Jaeoba offered motion that t're letter of Jnnunry-10, 1960, from
let ter :Yay. 1
-land o`%• • -and, reconmending LYvs• Poarl ieyton to fill an oxiatinZ vacancy on the Park
_:r_l (colored) be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Co,nmiasioner
to Pus Co
rc instate
*,—us Service
-"U request
has rates
letter Corp
L^d case
7U case
nub. ::rvico
C0=. i.^... .. ^,Ii
?'7 Can tato
°ile motlOn
,..-in, Jacobs, aims, Thomas and ;[ayor Johnston ( ).
Commissioner rims offered motion that the letter of January 22, 1350, from tho
City ;.tanager to 1,xs. t.:ary Deronda Rinks, ovrner of the Paducah Lua Company, be received
and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Comn:iz—oloners :1a :nin, • acoLa, aims,
Tnorcas and ;,:ayor Johnston (5).
Commiasionor `_nomas offered motion that the letter of January 23, 1950, from the
Corporation Counsel, relating to the recent request by the Kentucky Utilities Company
for an increase in ,as rates, be received and filed. adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas
Coia:,issioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and 3.ayor Johnston (5).
Mayor Johnston offered motion that the attached copy of a motion adopted by the
31ectric Plant Eoard at a called meeting on January 24, 1950, recoilnondinc employment o-
Judge James J. Stites of Louisville, Kentucky as special counsel to assist Adrian 7-.
Terrell, Corporation Counsel, in the rrosecution of proceedings to acquire the local
electric system of the Kentucky Utilities Company, be received and filed. Adopted on
call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and ;,ayor Johnston (5
?.:ayor Johnston offered the following motion: ire Electric Plant Board having
recosmendod the employment of special counsel in the proceeding, to acquire the electric
utilities system of the Kentucky Utilities Company as provided under the franchise ordi-
nance and having su,6ested the name of JudZe James J. Stites;
I move that the Attorney for the City be authorized to Sot in touch with Judge
Stites for the purpose of findin„ out whether he ti:•ould be available for such employment
and the amount he would charge for all the services he might be called uoon to render
in the prosecution to conclusion of the pz-esent suit or v;hatever other suits are
nacessa•ry for a final determination of the ri"hts of the City to purchase said system.
Adopted an call of the Ro11, Yoas, Commiisalonora ::annin, Jacobs, 3i,is, 1homas and
::eye:- Johnston (5).
t,ayor Johnston offered motion that the attorney for the city be dirocted to file
with the Public service Comiiission a motion for continuance of the heavin;; upon the
a;._licotLon of tiro ._cntucky Utilities Company for ccrrilasion to ^_han.-c its Can rates fro
rates a;,clioablo for manufactured ;;as to rates applicable for .natural 4as and that the
Cocacioaion ro_%o.,;ted to postpone said hearin: for a rcriod of ri:_ty (co) days in
order to ora;,In - rte in the zas industry to ma?:e a survey for tt:e ;,ur,,oao of tc:rci_"yi
at amid hearinZ. :claptcd on cail of the Roll, Yens, Cor.:issioa r'> !:arnin, Jaroba, L-:3
:'"iomas and ::&yor---nhnntrn (i:).
Cn mptioa :-,o ,n -3tlr.= a•i,journnd.