HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 22, Page 681, December 15, 1953No. .. _ ....- 681 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners Cify of Paducah D.combor 15, 1963 At a Regular ,,eeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Coix.:ission Chamber !r of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.M. on December 15, 1953, i•ayor Cherry presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners filark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and '.ayor Cherry (5). !,:ayor Cherry offered motion that the reading of the 1-Unutes for December G and December 11, 1953 be waived and that the Minutes of said meetings as prepared by the City Clerk be approved as written. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yoas, Commissioners. N j/ Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Idorrow and Kayor Cherry (5). ''later line on Commissioner Clark offered motion that the petition of C. L. McClanahan and wife, New Benton Road I. Naude McClanahan, for permission to make one 3/4 inch connection to the privately owned water pipe line for the purpose of supplying water to a Barbeque Stand and the extending I� of a present water line noir supplying an ice cream stand for the purpose of supplying a trailer residence in rear of property owned by petitioners fronting on New Benton Road is in 7;cCracken County, Kentucky, be received and filed and that the requests petitioned for therein be granted subject to the terms and conditions in said petition. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, I•LorrowJ and !:ayor Cherry (5). Settle Claim of� Commissioner Clark offered motion that the claim of J. R. Tomlinson, Kevil, J.R.Tomlinson Kentucky, Route jtl in the sum of ;j64.45 for damage done to his automobile by a city refuse I packer truck on November 15, 1953, be allowed, and that the City Treasurer be and he is hereby directed to issue a check of the City of Paducah to the said J. R. Tomlinson in said sum after securing a full and complete release. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, i•Iorrow and Mayor Cherry (5). V Hospital Add. Commissioner Clark offered motion that the statement from Thomas J. Nolan in the Pay Gus Harris ji amount o£ ;j7,000.00 for services rendered by Gus Harris, also the letter from the Paducah Municipal Hospital Commission by its Chairman, approving the payment of said ii account, be received and filed, and that payment thereof be approved and the City Treasurer be directed to pay same from funds in the Riverside Hospital Buildin,G, Account. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Codmissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, I'•:orrow and •, :Mayor Cherry (5). Liability policy Commissioner Clark offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive, file Brady Tho :aason bor. and approve liability policy issued by the Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York protectin„ the City with respect to work done by Brady & Robert Thomasson d/b/a Brady 'i hc:�anson %.. -on fora period of one u 2 � � p year from ecembor 9, 19>3. Adopted on call of � ;i:a 7'011, Yeah, Cocn-aissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, iorrow and ":ayor Cherry (5). Gonsract "r:ir.: _ Cor .Issioner Clan: offered motion that the Contract b and between the City of I:OGlail -file Y i aducah, "ent•,ucky, and :'? „-;loodall :rotor sales for one lo' ' >73 �• • C ,'.od:;l 101-2.2 Canopy xnresn Truck be rcocivr:: and filod. Adopted on call of the roll, Yeas, Co:maia.^,iorecs CZ ri:, Jacob , 'o::nntcn, ;:Orrow and :'.ayor Cherry (5). a t 27tH :: Commissioner Clarl: o .°ernd r,ction tk>at the report of tl:e Palict: Dcpartc:ucnL con- I a'oiico Dept eernin: the need for a street: li ht at 27th i. Trir:,blo ;tracts be rcecived and filed an,,, that the Act:r.. i ::anu ar be authorize to roqu,.nt• the Itentucky Utilitios Company tc, Fake installaI.ic < cf nu ;e. .,dGptc:i or, cal]. of the :'oil, roan, Corn.tissioncrs Clark, i Jacobs, ..c-hastcn, -'.c.-row c..d :':ayor Ch^rry (5). fl Proceedings of. =o__ o_•e:.issioners City of Paducah December 15, 1953 :1c Jic:L_� Co=issioner Jacobs offered motion that the claim of Robert J. and Rita Wurth in .S Ob ert ;urth v the sum of ;192.00 for damage done to their property at 1952 iiadison Street by the lty Street Department on June 17, 1953, be allowed, and that the City Treasurer be, and he is hereby, directed to issue a check to said parties for said amount after securing a full and complete release. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, I Jacobs, Johnston, b:orrow and i-.ayor Cherry (5). Lee1 Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that the acceptance of Morris A. Lee, Certi- c ontract-f ie fied Public Accountant, of a contract with the City of Paducah for auditing the city's financial records for the calendar year of 1953 be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Ilorrow and L"ayor Cherry (5). Hospital Add? V Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that the statement from Thomas J. Nolan & Son Pay Seth GieT in the amount of :;29,545.$0 for services rendered by Seth E. Giem <: Associates, also the letter from the Paducah Kunicipal Hospital Commission by its Chairman, approving - the payment of said account, be received and filed, and that payment thereof be approved and the City Treasurer be directed to pay same from funds in the Riverside Hospital Building Account. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Narrow and mayor Cherry (5). Hospital Add J Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the statement from Thomas J. Nolan & S ns pay Presley h in the amount of *9,450.00 for services rendered by Presley Plumbing & Heating Company, also the letter from the Paducah Municipal Hospital Commission by its Chairman, approv ng I. the payment of said account, be received and filed, and that payment thereof be approved and the City Treasurer be directed to pay same from funds in the Riverside r Hospital Building Account. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, I Jacobs, Johnston, 1•:orrow and Kayor Cherry (5). Col Pa car` Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the City Treasurer be, and he is hereby, B oral e ^o_lec; authorized to collect the sum of :2054.00 for the redemption of two (2) Colored Park Board bonds as approved by a motion adopted lday 19, 1953, which motion provided for the receipt of .;2038.00, it appearing that extra interest in the sum of w16.00 is available. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, orroa and Layor Cherry (5). Refundepai Conaicsioner Johnston offered motion that this Board receive and file the letter Pcrr::it to 1.C.Docsett from Gro K. :alrage regarding; refund of Repair Permit to Herman C. Dossctt in the a2ourt; of ..4.00. :;ince it appears that this permit was not used, he further moved the jai•:: a -cunt be refunvicd to 1'.r. Gossett. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Comm- iseicners Cl rh;, Jacobs, Johnston, :sorrow and Mayor Cherry (5). i Liability Co=issioner 3:orrow offered :zoticn that the Board of Commissioners receive, file policy & b Hank Bros and approvQ liability policy _ su d by the ocurity Insurance Company of ides; liaven, !! I:ret::cti=;; t.:. Tit,' of Paducal, with rc:zpact to work done by Hank: Brothers for a poriol of eno year frc� pec•::icer 1, 1953; also bond of tiu; ;;aid Hank Brothers in the ar;ount Of ;10C✓J.GG dated .. ;cc..b:r 1, 1953. Adoptn< on cal] of the ;toll, Ycac, cc'_-, Jc:;nston, .Orrow ar,i Layor Cherry (5). I No. ___ —.____ 6, ,3 . .. . Proceedings of Board of Conmiissioners �__ City of Paducah December 15. 1953 '.efund 310c permit to R.C.Chandler r .1/ Indorse legislation Lover Cumbe: land Proj. Close alley btv Fulton Tz Blow Sell land to Gulf Refinin Company i Layor Cherry offered motion that this Board receive and file the letter from Oscar K. Talmage regarding refund of the sum of ,7.00 to Roy C. Chandler for an Electrical Permit. Since it appears from said letter that a permit for this work had previously been obtained, he further moved that said amount be refunded to Is. Chandler. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston Lorrow and i:ayor Cherry (5). ilayor Cherry offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION INDORSI:I THE PASSAGE OF PENDING LEGISLATION IDE14TIFIED AS S-1144 FOR TIM CONSTRUCTION OF THE WIER CUI•IBERLAND PROJECT", be adopted. Adopted on call of the icoll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, I-lorrov and 1.layor Cherry (5). Commissioner Clark offered motion that an ordinance entitled: 141N ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CLOSING OF THE PUBLIC ALLEY EXTENDING BETITEEN FULTON STREET AND BLOW AVENUE IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, ICEIITUCKi, AND AUTHORIZING THE CORPORATION COUNSEL TO INSTITUTE A SUIT FOR THE PURPOSE OF HAVING SAID ALLEY LEGALLY CLOSED", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and � Mayor Cherry (5)1 ' Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AII ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND F.f'•POUERING THE MAYOR DF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, TO EXECUTE, FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, A DEED OF COIIVEYA14CE TO THE GULF REFINING C0:•1'ANY OF ! REAL ESTQTE LYING BETWE0 THE PROPERTIES OF THE GULF REFINING C01•T'ANY AND FERGUSON Ii PROPERTY, AT AND NEAR THE MOUTH OF ISLAND CREEK, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY", i be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, 1:orrov and I:ayor Sherry (5) . 1 Commissioner Morrow offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "All ORDINAiIC3 AMNDING THE STATEIIENT OF AlITICIPATED REVENUE OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH FOR THE YEAR 1953; P.EVISING AND AMENDING THE APPROPRIATION! OF THE PUBLIC REVENUE AND IIICOI• E COLLECTED AND TO BE COLLECTED IN SAID YEAR; PROVIDING FOR THE APPROPRIATION OF THE ADDITIONAL REVENUE ANTICIPATED AND COLLECTED IN SAID YEAR, INCLUDING REVENUES COLLECTED AITD TO BE COLLECTS :'IHICH WERE NOT ANTICIPATED AT THE T11.2 OF THE 41DOPTIO14 OF TIL: ANNUAL APPORTIO Ir -MIT ORDINAI!CE F02 THE YEAR 1953; TRANSFERRING UNUSED APPROPRIATIONS FOR CERTAIN PURPOSES TO 0THEI PURPOSES; APPROPRIATING AVAILABLE REVdNUES III THE YEA.1 1953 THAT :FERE NOT 11.CLUD D Ill SIE ANIML APPORTIOINMENT ORDINAN!CZ; FI :G THE APPO.."MONNENT OF THE PUBLIC FMW PO& THE PU3POSES SPECIFIED THEREIN: A:lD REPEALING ALL OStDIIiZ: CES I'iN COIIPLICT H_',_, :'lITII", be re-intrcduced and remain on file for public inspection until the notice of the transfer of funds as provided herein shall have been published as required by tau and shall be put upon its final passage after such publication. Adopted on call Of the :.Oil, 'leas, Cc..nissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, I:orrow and Ieayor Cherry (5). On ...e:: :;in;; adjourned. i ADOPTED d c/ _ oZ /2� ��1953 APPAOIF-ail I