HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 22, Page 636, August 25, 1953No.--. 636 3oard of Co,rriss' oners Cit of Paducah Aumut 25 1953 Proceedings of_ r 'Water line Cool: Street lr P" Contract for .water rain Lindbur, St Pr Ccs. s_ ,Per. _ �Fleaderaon At a Regular I.- oting of the Hoard of Commissioners held in the Commission Chambox of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.M. on August 25, 1953, mayor Pro Tem Jacobs presided in the absence of I-layor Cherry and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Johnston, H•Iorrow and idayor Pro Ten Jacobs, (3). Co.,Taissioner Clark and Ma- yor Cherry being absent (2) . I•ayor Pro Tem Jacobs offered motion that the reading of the I'dinutes for August 11 and August 21, 1953 be waived and that the I•Iinutes of said meeting as prepared by the City Clerk be approved as written. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commission- ers Johnston, RIorrow and I•Iayor Pro Tem Jacobs (3). Cormissioner 2•iorrow offered motion that the petition of Elton Lee and wife, Dorothy Lee, for permission to make one 3/4 inch connection to the 14 inch privately owned water pipe line owned by Thomas A. Harr and wife, Esther Harr, and David E. Douglas and wife, Peggy Lee Douglas, so as to Furnish water to one residence to be constructed upon a 50 foot lot facing Cook street in i•IcCracken County, Kentucky, and outside the Corporate limits of the City of Paducah, be received and filed and that the request petitioned for therein be granted subject to the terms and conditions in said petition. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Iorrow and A;ayor Protem Jacobs (3). Mayor Pro Tem Jacobs offered motion that the petition of David Elven Douglas, Jr. and wife, Peggy Lee Douglas, for permission to make one 3/4 inch connection to the 14 inch privately owned water pipe line owned by Thomas A. Harr and wife, Esther Harr, and David Elven Douglas, Jr and wife, Peggy Lee Douglas, so as to furnish water to one residence to be constructed upon an 80 foot lot facing Cook Street in McCracken County, Kentucky, and outside the corporate limits of the City of Paducah, be received and filed and that the request petitioned for therein be granted subject to the terms and conditions in said petition. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Cormiissioners Johnston, iorrowi and i•:ayor Pro Tem Jacobs (3). Cormi.ssioner Johnston offered the following motion: I move that a contract entered into on the 24th day of August, 1953, by Paducah Water Works, party of the firot part, and Jar:es L. Bridges and wife, Jane Elizabeth Bridges; Claude 11. Smith an•i wife, Ccci1.::ay Smith; Harry i9. Coovert and wife, Dorothy Coovert; 11alter J. Zemin ar:d wio, .,c r,_ ..r;,nr'cain; and Reba Hamilton, parties of the second part, relating to the const_ -.".c _un of a 6 -inch cast iron water main from the intersection of the Rentor i.oad ari9 Li*v i, ;: ;tr�:et, in a southerly direction and along the west rile of Lindber;; Utreet ar,I;ro_::: .':, ._ - • CU .'eet to a paint, approzimately 50 feet norths of an alley, and leaatc•: :1r::....,_.._. County, Kentucky, rrd outaide the corporate limits of thr. City of r.:c.:..- _nd filed, and that oald Contract be approved in accordance with o: call. of the Roll, Yeas, Consaissionero M;;plicatiomi of Will Hondcrzon as a no _ .: , in Lh,: CoumaL•y to bc: dumped in the Johnin c c : h:entucr r c v.tud for a period of si_. } zw....._ ._ r„c,._ .. ;� o.._i_... , ...;rt the City A:anagor be, 3L._ 0:: .all 01 bhrJ !(0.11, No.___632_._-.. _. Proceedings of hoard of Corcrriscioners City of Paducah Aumizt 25, 1953 'relater Company Comiissioncr Lorrow offered motion that the "Settlement: City itefuse Account- - Settle:ient Garbage July 30, 1953" as prepared and submitted by the Paducah Water I'lorks, be received July 1953 and filed, and that the check in the amount of ;)11,846.43 be delivered to the Finance Department to be deposited to the General fund. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, ,Commissioners Johnston, Idorrow and Mayor Pro Tem Jacobs (3). Street light I4ayor Pro Tem Jacobs offered motion that the City I•Ianager be directed to have the 28th & Goodsan I; Police Department make an investigation as to the need of a street light at tiie inter- section of 28th and Goodman Street. If upon investigation it is found that a street light is needed, he Further moved that the City 1-ana3er authorize the Kentucky Utilities Company to install a li ht at the above location. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, i:orrow and Iayor Proton Jacobs (3). Garbage onlyj Mayor Pro Tem Jacobs offered motion that the application of J. D. Forrest as a permit for V private Coll- private collector of garbage only, no refuse, in the City of Paducah from the F. 81. ector - J.D. Forrest N Uoolworth Company and Morgan Cafe to be transported outside the city for feeding, i purposes, be granted for a period of six months upon payment of the fee provided by ordinance, and that the City I•anager be, and he is hereby, authorized to issue such I' permit. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, T,Iorrow and Mayor Pro Tem Jacobs (3). Purchase landI'i Commissioner Johnston offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINAI;CE Gla Linger /' Stern Sewer AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF CERTAIN PROPERTY OF OLA LI?ICER AND HUSBXiD, PAUL LINGER, FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES, AILD PROVIDING FOR THE TIi1.I•'S AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH PURCHASE", be introduced and remain on file for public inspection for at least one (1) wcel: in the completed form in which it shall be put upon its final passage. Adopted on call of the i Roll, 'leas, Commissioners Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Pro Tem Jacobs (3). Repeal Ord. Commissioner Johnston offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE work prisoners on streets u REPEALING All ORDINANCE ENTITLED: 'AAI ORDINANCE REQUIRING PERSONS COT-11TTED TO THE CITY PRISON OR COUNTY JAIL IN DEFAULT OF PAYT•11IT OI' FIRES ARID COSTS III'OS. D BY THE PADUCAH POLICE COURT AND PERSONS SENTENCED TO II•IPRISONMENT FROM THE PADUCAH POLICE COURT TO -TORY. UPON THE STREETS, ALLEYS OR ANY PUDLIC 'dORB OI•' THE CITY', WIlIC11 WAS ADOPTED BY THE 11,0Ai3D OF COFH.lISSIONERS Oil JULY 14, 1953", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, j, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, T•iorrow and t:ayor Pro Tem Jacobs (3). I'crcors cog_ 4+,-- Cormicsioner'iorro;t offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "All 03DINANCE ed to City jai work on srreetp ItSrrlR:tl?;r. PE::301;S CO;I3TTE.D TO THE CITY PRISON OR COUIIT'Y JAIL, IId USI'AULi' OF PAY -1.1211T O:= Iia;3 Ai' L COI;T.: ATOS SD BY THE PADUCAH POLICE COURT, TO l'IOP.K UP0;1 TI'lE STRis1 TS, ALLS'rr' Ott AM P(J?SL1C : u:ci: OF THE CITY", be adopted. Adopted on call of 'the Moll, Yeas, Cor ::: c :: J,,hnsron, : orrow and Tiayov Pro Tera Jacobs (3). i Purchase land ,o. .:_.,.....,., ro:t 0ffo^ ; r;otion that an ordinance entitled: "All O:U)II;A1.CB Korrow Easkin • Storm Sewer C,' : C aYTI F07 FU.I,T! 1UPOSk:S, Ai:U G' ;;OCci 1l lr, he introduu:d ,u: r. tr::ca.in err iulic i or, onn (1) in the corapletod Voir! In til:lch It si:c' I -:t r i per: :'F.rcr �pteu o' ...al of tilU ;011, 'euo, Conr.:icsiona:, No.- . 633 _ --- _ — Proceedings of Board of Commissioners city of Paducah August 25, 1953 pportior—nent / Cor-missioner I:orrow offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "Aid ORDINANCE 19;3 A:Ir.ded Purchase la C. E.I�IcCut ch Storm Sewer Prohibit rrailers etc on Jefferson bet 13 do 31s Ab' IiDIItG SECTION 1 OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: IAN ORDINADICE FIXING THE APPORTIO1111WT E 0? TILE PUBLIC FUNDS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, IMITUCKY FOR THE YEAR 1953 AI.D APPROPRI- k ATIIiG THE PUBLIC RL-VE11UE XID IIICOI-�E DF THE CITY OF PADUCAH TO SUCH PURPOSES1, 1MICH ;;AS ADO? ED BY THE BOARD OF COLS ISSIOiIE_RS OH KAY 121 1953", be introduced and remain �. or, Pile for public inspection for at least one (1) weel: in the completed form in which r it shall be out upon its final passa_-e. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Cor:.missioners Johnston, Liorrow and Mayor Pro Tem Jacobs (3). J1ayor Pro Tem Jacobs offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "API ORDIIIANC. yAU HORIZIIG TIM PURCHASE OF CERTAIH PROPERTY OF C. E. PdcCUTCHEN FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES, I AILD PROVIDING FOR THE TERAS AILD CONDITIONS OF SUCH PURCHASE", be introduced and remain i �,on file for public inspection for at least one (1) week in the completed form in vinich it shall be put upon its final passage. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, I•iorro:•r and I-iayor Pro Tem Jacobs (3). bayor Pro Tem Jacobs offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "API ORDINAIM. P-ROIIBITIUG THE OPERATIO:7 OF TRAILERS AND SEPS-TRAILERS Did JEFFERSON STREET IDI THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KE.TUCIY, FRO, THE WEST LINE OF 13TH STREET TO THE EAST LINE OG 31ST STREET A11.0 PROVIDING PENALTY FOR VIOLATION THEREOF", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Noll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Norrow and I-_ayor Pro Tem Jacobs (3). On motion the meeting adjourned. i / ADOPTED 1953 APPROVED 7 'J -T yor Cit Jerk