HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 22, Page 633, August 21, 1953Proceedings of hoard. of Corni.asioners City of Paducah - � 2 • ' -'`" i; At a Called !--,acting of the Board of Cormissioners held in the Co,'..nission Chamber o<' the City gall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 5:00 P.N. on AiK;ust 21, 1953, Payor Cherry presided and upon call of the Roll the following,' answered to their names: Coruaiss3ionera h Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, I•'_orrow and :<-tyor Cherry (5). l :ayor Cherry offered motion that copies of the notice of Called i•ieeting to be held at 5:00 P.hi. on August 21, 1953, served on Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston and :�:orrow, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, harrow and Layor Cherry (5). Petition All _Cormissioner Clark offered motion that the petition signed by Roscoe Vaughn 2500 flock Center and others requesting that an alley be opened in the 25 00 Bloch: of Canter Street runnin3 from Georgia Street to Virginia Street, be received and referred to the Director of Public :'forks for investigation and report soon as !; p possible. fAdoptod on call of k e Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, I•lorrow and _-nyor Cherry (5). Contract P Commissioner Clark offered motion that the contract entered into between King- Police cars j. King- 'doodah Joodall 1iotor Sales and the City of Paducah For sale of two (2) Plymouth Automobiles Filed it for use in the Police Department, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas. Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Jo hnston, I•iorrow and Idayor Cherry (5). I Cemetery Grave in; Commis ioner Clark offered motion that the Board of Commissioners approve the sale j Rushing Add. Dellis snMae by the City of Paducah to Nellie Arae Jackson of Grave No. 131 in Block No. 8 of theJackso ! ( IIhII. Rushing Addition to Oak .Grove Cemetery, and. that the City Cleric be authorized to execute N a deed of conveyance to said cemetery grave. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and Nayor Cherry (5). Contract" I Peter Pirsch Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that the contract entered into between the Peter Eire Truck ;, Pirsch & Sons Company and the City for one (1) 750 Gallon Triple Combination Pumping I. Engine, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and idayor Cherry (5). Liability policies 2; Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive, file uonds and approve the following: t.C.':orrow E- R.L.Hu-Isey Gula' Ref. Co V indorsement to form a part of Permit Bond iia. 2543927 issued by the Fidelity & Caipley Re31ty° E.L.Griffin Casualty Company to R. C. Morrow & it. L. Hulsey, d/b/a i•;orrou fi Company and in favor of the City of Paducah, Kentucky. Bond of the Gulf Refining Company in the amount of ';2,000.00 dated Au ust 1, 1953 Certificate of insurance issued by the Houston Tire �s Casualty Company, protecting the City with respect to work done by Shelby Construction Co. Inc. and Chipley Realty Company Ln;il January 18, 1954. Policy issued by the Connecticut Indemnity Company to protect the City trit-h rfspect to wor.k done by :, L. Griffin for a period of ohe year frori Jrnly 214, 19 53. Adoptod 4 or. coil o ti:, :.all, Year, Cor-mi3sioner3 Clark, Jacobs, Jonston, Morrow and i•:ayor Churryi(':). Cemetery Grave y Ruahiryg Add + Corission<.r>'orro.a oi'fered moCion that the hoard of CO'Missionors approve the uq.jo; . Myrtle Rabsrtmon by the City of Paducah bo :'yrtle itoi,arta;on of Crava No. 129 in Bloch: No. li oP ti.0 ` RuahirZ Addition. to Oak !,rove Ce:mtory, .:oN that tli�-' City C1uri: be authorized to rxecute I a deed .s' ccnvaryr.ce to said cemetery ;:,'• n:. iopted on call of the !tall, 1,,zl Coaziasionars Clark, Jacors, johnst:c :, ..r,: ra:; :..... ;•or Cherry (5) . N-634— _ - Proceedings of Rnard of (,nrimiqMnn­q city of Paduch Au ust Wil, 1 59 TransferCo.,missioner Johnston offered the following motion: I move that the Board of Cemetery loi To "red G.Comialssioners approve the transfer of the north one-half of Lot No. 69 in section 5 of Oak Grove Cemetery, less and except that portion thereof occupied by graves, the plot conveyed bein_- 15 x 22 feet, from David C. 'Jabts to Fred G. Relunan. I further move that the City Clerk be directed to make the proper transfer on the Cemetery Register. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, lJorrow and Rayor Cherry (5), Contract Mayor Cherry offered motion -that the contract between the City and Petter Supply Petter Firer.en's Company for firemen's helmets, be received and filed. Adop ted on call of the Roll, Eelnets Mel Yeas, commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (5). Contract J Mayor Cherry offered motion that the contract between the City and Petter Supply Petter fire hose Company for fire hose be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Filed Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, I-lorrow and Mayor Cherry (5). Mayor Cherry offered motion that the letter from Oscar Talma,-e, City Treasurer, .3.'.:antz reL-;ardinr, refund of "l-50 to 111r. T. B. Hartz for duplicate payment made for an electrical permit, be received and filed. Since duplicate payment was made for said permit, I further move that the amount of j1-50 be refunded to ?Ir. Blantz. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and 1.:ayor Cherry (5). I-layor Cherry offered motion that the letter from Oscar K. Talmage, City Treasurer, t 311ar-non ro,,ardin refund of Electrical Permit in the amount of ii?50.70 to Shannon Electric Company elec Co. of Nashville, Tennessee, be received and filed. Since the building and electrical permits have been waived on all new school buildings, He further moved that the amount of -'?50-70 be refunded to the Shannon Electric Conpany. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnoton, borrow and 1:ayor Cherry (5). Public Hear. Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION inn on Air Pollution AUTHORIZING Ti ; 1-100it AND CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE THE TIMI AND PLACE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO DETERl-allE -;'IHETH:-,R OR NOT THERE 13 NEED FOR AN AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT, UNDER THE PROVISIOIN3 OF SMATL BILL 110. 147 ADOPTED AT THE 1952 SESSION OF THE GENERAL ASSMBLY OF THE CalrOMIEALTH OF be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yons, Commiszicnoro Clark, Jacobz, Johnston, liorrow and Mayor Cherry (5� . City eznrine(r/ (,O:-­2136iOnc,,r Jacobs offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "Ali ORDMAV "'rant V CE fu �,.rrits for AUTRO,;U:; Tl ZI!iiE CITY EN'GliiLM TO GRANT TO THE I'MTFRN KENTUCKY GAS CO1.1pZY PE -11TS TO ;:as rains if grass plots LAY GA3 PLO'_';; Or AliY PU3LICLY DEDICATED STREETS IN THE Cilrj OF pADUCA11, ilia.'TUCKY, A,:.D PjtZzcpjLIjiG THE CO DkMi'O UPO`J WHICTI SAID PER1-11TS SHALL BE GRANTED be dopte'l. "opted or: call Of the doll, Ye,--, Cofmiio3ioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, ,--orrow and ".ayw Cherry (5). Holidays cobs offered notion that an or,,jj.rj;Ancu njtjtj,j: 11A!j 011D71 AI 'y 'A�lj QWL`A:;C-" FIXING IRA,IDAY�; III TH;-' C11i O:' P4Ij, UCAii D rj 23, 195211, bo adopted. AdGj.ze_, on ca_! C- Clark, JacoL3, Johnston, .sorrow all'i cr C.,-.orry J,j. Na.- Proceedings of Board of CQy linsionerr city of Paducah nu ust 21, 1953 Purchase Rea: Commissioner 1-lorrow offered motion that an ordinance entitled: All ORDI1iAl,CE Estate from ✓ Petter open PROVIDING FOR THE PURCHASE OF CERTAIN REAL ESTATE FROMMIG 14 FEET ON THE ITORTH LIlls 13th St OF KEN'TUCKY AVENUE ADJOINING THE PADUCAH JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL PROPERTY Ill THE CITY OF ,PADUCAH, FROIA STANLEY D. PETTrR AND HIS MFE, ANNA W. PETTER, FOR THE SUM OF %)2,000 TO BE USED BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH IN THE ERTEITSION OF 13TH STREET BEWEENN BROAD-dAY AND KENTUCKY AVENUE, OR FOR ANY OTHER PUBLIC USE; VRESCRIBL71G THE TEM -:,S QND CONDITIONS AND ii AUTHORIZING ACCEPTANCE AND TIM PA)9-1ENT OF THE PURCHASE PRICE THEREOF BY THE CITY SUBJECT TO SUCH TERl-lS AND CONDITIONS", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (5). Approve Su I LIX Commissioner Morrow offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "All ORDINANCE division Cornell Place APPROVING THE FINAL REPORT OF THE PADUCAH PLANNING AND ZOITING COl9-aSSIOlf RESPECTING THE No. 4 ; SUBDIVISION OF PROPERTY ON THE 111 -PST SIDE OF OLD l-1AY-1PIELD ROAD BETWEEN 26TH AND 29TH STREETS, APPROVING THE PLAT -OF SAID SUBDIVISION AND SUBDIVIDING SAID PROPERTY". be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and 1--layor Cherry (5). Rezone prop- Ii Commissioner Morrow offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "All ORDINANCE erty bdi. 3rd, 4th,APPROVING THE FINAL REPORT Or THE PADUCAH PLANNING AND ZONING C01,111ISSION RESPECTING THE Husband -I George REZONING OF PROPERTY BOUNDED BY THIRD STREET, GEORGE STREET, FOURTH STREET AND HUSBANDS STREET AND AIMMING THE PADUCAH ZONIllG ORDINANCE 30 AS TO EFFECT SUCH REZONING", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Korrow and Mayor Cherry (5).' Toe bid Mayor Cherry offered motion that an ordinance entitled: IFAII ORDINANCE ACCEPTING e ",; dizgal, - House &I lot :�XTHE BID OF JOE 14. WIGGINS FOR THE PURCHASE FROM THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, OF A HOUSE 8th Z, !-;onroe , AND LOT AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF 8TH STREET AND MONROE STREET IN Ip PADUCAH, KEljTUCKY; PRESCRIBING THE TEMAS AND CONDITIONS OF THE SALE", be adopted. Ado . pted on call of the Roll, . Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Jiorro,, and mayor Cherry (5). Accept bid yor Cherry offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "All ORDINANCE ACCEPTING T11V LyinStzn sites i:;ns BID OF LYLE SIGNS, il-ICORPORATED, FOR SALE TO THE CITY OF STREET NA1.1E SIGNS, GALVANIZED POSTS AND ASSLKMLIES, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY LIANAGER TO CO1'iTRACT TO PURCHASE SAI Ar be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, v-orrow and 1-:ayor Cherry (5). Petition Co-�Lal--sioncr Johnston offered motion that the petition si ad by J. Lawrunc( alley between Fn '�Irz Monroe L: and other residents of the 2400 block on "..;adison and 1.7onroo requostinZ that thc.- city open i-adison from 24 to and construct an alleyway bet-vicen Monroo and Nadison street-, runnin.- from 24th street 25 through to 25th stroot be received and referred to the Director of Public Works for inventi..-,a-,;ion az%u rOPOrt az soon as possible. Adopted on call of the Roll, yczjs, Cor=-issionero GL -Ark, Zacobs, Johnston, Norrow ami .11ayor Cherry (5). On / el -4 2.. - I