HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 22, Page 63, May 23, 1950Proceedings of Board of Commissioners
,'ater Line
No 32nd St and
Park Ave.
,,ator lino v
City of Paducah May 23 1950
At a Regular mooting of the Board of Commissioners hold in the Commission Chamber
at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.M. on May 23, 1950, Mlayor Johnston
presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners
Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5).
Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. i
Commissioner HannHn offered the following motion: l7. E. Harris and wife Alice C.
Farris, owner of a house and lot located at 3200 Park Avenue and owner of a tract of
land facing North 32nd Street and Ora Griffith, owner of a house and lot located at
804 North 32nd Street, file with the Mayor and Board of Commissioners a petition rop-
resenting that they are the owners of the respective property referred to in said
petition; and said parties petition the Mayor and board of Commissioners for the ex-
tension of a 6" main along North 32nd Street from Pines Road to Park Avenue and on Park
Avenue from North 32nd Street to the city limits, a distance of approximately 2500 feat.
Petitioners w.E.Harris and wife, Alice C. Harris, own a tract of land facing North I
32nd Street and they have paid to the Paducah later ,Yorks {1552.00 plus the utility tax
of $16.56, being the minimum charge for 23 lots for a period of two years from the com-
pletion of the laying of the above mentioned water main.
It appears from the endorsement by the board of Commissioners of the Paducah grater
'.7orks that said request and petition comply with the franchise provisions and require- j
I therefore move that the petition of W. E. Harris and wife, Alice C. Harris and
Ora Griffith be received and filed and that the Paducah ':later 'Torics, through its board
of Commissioners, be authorized to extend a 6" main along Horth 32nd Street from Pines
- I
Road to Parc Avenue, thence on Park Avenue west to ti -e city limits, a distance of approx-�
imately 2500 feet, so as to provide water service to the above described property on
North 32nd Street and Park Avenue.
I further move that the adoption of this resolution and the granting of the request
contained in said petition be considered as an agreement on the part of ttn City of
Paducah to pay the fire hydrant and water era in rental, as provided in the franchise, on
the pipe line and conneetlon referred to in the petition, said rontala to begin when said
water main has been laid and w+ator provided for on said section of forth 32nd Street
fron Pines Road to Park Avonue, thence on Earl; Avenue, w:oot to tho city limits, a d13-
tanco of apfro.Urately 2500 feet. Adopted on call of the Roll, Youn, Comnisaionera
Hannin, Jacobs, ;iaa, Phomas and ;:nyor Johnston (5).
Comr.:ic icner Jacobs offered motion that the petition of Gone Clover for permiaion
to connect a 3/5 inch rater pipe lino to the 1 inch privately owned wzttor pipe lino of
;i. B:. bell and to o7ton3 said .Lino into property of petitioner locatod on the oast side
of 37th :;troot or ;.illian Avonuo, Paducah, Kantucky, be received and filed and the ro-
quont Fotitlonwi for thoroln be grantod subjoot to the tor= and conditions contained
in said rot=tion.
howovor, that in ,;ranting; the privileges aot�;ht in said petition
neitL'ez the City of Yarucah Cor tLe of i,'ater ,;orl'a ahal.l be oblif.atod to
c,;y said pigr; ling cr any hart thereof, and no a ueh obligation shall to obtained or be
-;lie,t h,•rea_'ter should the torritcry to to sorvud by the water lino to bo laid under
ti -e s:tt:_wit '-.rein reo,.eatcd be ta.�an into or mado a part of the City of lndueah.
Na. 1 64 _
P,xeedinys of __.ear _9 City of Paducah may 23, 1950
It is further understood that the petitioner will subscribe f or water service
at the rates now or hereafter prescribed for water service to consumers outside the
city limits and subject to the rules and regulations of the City of Paducah or its Comm-
issionors of Tater Works which maybe now in force or hereinafter enacted.
Iiothing in the granting of this petition shall obligate the City of Paducah or
its Commissioners of Yater Works to guarantee water pressure or service and said water
service may be discontinued through said pipe line or any part thereof at any time when
in the judgment of the Commissioners of ;pater ~'Works the furnishing of water to the
petitioner or his successors in ownership of the property now ormed by him may interfere
in any wise with the adequate supply and distribution of water inside the corporate
limits of the City of Paducah. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners
Fannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5).
Vater linos Commissioner Thomas offered the following motion: R. C. Morrow, Robert C.
Y 26th V;
Cherry, Edla Dunbar, J. E. Thurman, Mrs. Floss T. Williams, Ortance T. Long, Charles R.
iro rhie
car -t. i fis
Bell, Rosa A. Coltharp,•Thelma Kajor, Alfred Legey, Mrs. Ed. Schwering, E. V. Miller
and D. 0. Thurman file with the Mayor and Board of Commissioners a petition, represent-
ing that each of the above named parties is the owner of the respective property re-
ferred to in said petition and that said property adjoins the street mentioned therein;
and said petitioners petition the Mayor and Board of Commissioners to authorize the
laying of a 6" water main along North 26th Street from Park Avenue to Mildred Street,
a total distance of approximately 1700 feet.
The property belonging to the following named petitioners are vacant lots and
they havo each paid to the Paducah Water ':forks the sum of :24.00 plus the utility tax of
72¢ for each lot referred to in said petition, being the minimum charge for each lot for
a period of two years from the completion of the laying of said wator main: R. C. Morro
Edla Dunbar, J. E. Tburman, Yrs. Floss T. williams, Ortance T. Long, Rosa Coltharp,
Thelma !'ajor, Alfred Legey, Mrs. Ed Sohnering and D. G. Thurman.
It appears from the endorsement by the board of Commissioners of the Paducah
Fater 'iiorks that said request and petition complies with the franchise provisions and
I thoreforo move that the petition of R. C. Morrow and others named herein be
roceived and filed and that the Paducah '.Vater ''forks, through its board of Commissionors
be authorized to lay said six inch main along North 26th Street from Park Avenue to
.!ildred :trout, a distance of approximtely 1700 feet, so as to provide water service to
the lots abuttinr ::rrth 2flth ::treat from 1 -ark Avenue to Mildred Street, a distance of
a; rroximatoly 1706 Scot. Adopted on call. of the i,oll, Yeas, Commissioners Fannin, Jaco
tiims, Thomas and "Ayor Johnston (5).
fi ro= soicnor Fannin offered motion that the ',card of Commissioners receive
and file the bids of !,:ass Yetors, Incorf;oratad, C. N. F;aY_or Y.: Son, Avory H. Green rotor
CoG;Any and !ast 3alos and Cerviee, for sale to the City of Paducah one now four door
deluxe sedan for use by the :ire Chief. Adopted oncall of the Roll, Yoas, Commission-
ers Fannin, ,Ascots, rims, Theses and Mayor Johnston (5).
No. — _._-_.-------
ceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah May 23, 1950
Commissioner Sims offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive and file fh A
letter of the Midwest Dairy Products Corporation requesting permission to construct a now
concrete loading dock to take the place of the old wooden dock located in front of said
company's plant at 935 Monroe Street and that the permit be granted upon the condition
that the Midwest Products Corporation shall assume the entire responsibility for the
construction and maintenance of said loading dock; that the use of said dock is permissiv4
and the privilege may be withdraws at any time and that the company will file with the
city and shall at all times keep in force, a liability policy or policies conditioned
for the benefit of persons suffering injury, loss or damage to their persons or property
resulting from any negligence in connection with the construction and use of said loadibSI
dock by the said company, its agents, servants or employees, or by the City of Paducah,
its officers, agents or employees, and which policy or policies shall provide specific
protection to the City of Paducah from any liability which may be imposed by law on it
by reason of the maintenance of said platform and steps on the public way, said lia-
bility policy or policies to be in an amount of not less than $10,000 for the injury
or death of any one person and not less than X0,000 for the injury or death of all
persons affected by any one accident and not less than :,5,000 for the benefit of all
persons who may sustain property damage in any one accident resulting from the construc-
tion, use and maintenance of said loading platform. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas,
Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and B'ayor Johnston (5).
Opposition�' Commissioner Sims offered motion that the letter of F. L. Fancock expressing oppo-
license taxes
use of revenue sition to the resolution concerning the use of revenues derived from the levy of occu-
pational license tqxes be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas,
Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5). j
rayor's letter Commissioner Thomas offered motion that the copy of the registered letter written byl
to Bridgwater ✓
Stuart Johnston, the Mayor of the City of Paducah, Kentucky to R.A.Bridgwater, the holder
of the franchise for the collection and disposal of rubbish and garbage, dated ?!a y 16,
1950, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Haunin,
Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5).
Eoliday I!.ay 30 Mayor Johnston offered motion that all city employees, with the exception of
personnel in the police and fire departments, be granted a holiday on Tuesday, May 30.
Adopted oncall of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Simi, Thomas and Mayor
Johnston (5).
booting to be 6ayor Johnston made the following announcement: It appearing that Memorial Day,
coin on bay ;
31 :.ay 30, falls on Tucsday, the regular meeting day of the Loard of Commissioners, and under
an ordinance proscribing the rules and regulations for the holding of said mootinf;a, it
Is provided that whor a cr=etin; shall fall on a legal holiday, the regular meeting of
said board shall be held on the following IWdnesday at the same hour;
All perscns will take notice that the next regular meeting of the Board of Come
issieners will to hold on , odc,esduy, !.!ay 31, at :30
Si,,,nod Stuart Johnston, 1,!ayor
N— 66
Proceedings of__ 5oard of Commissioners City of Paducahyay 23, 1950
lotter Commissioner Hannin offered motion that the letter of T. A. Bradley, City
City --,'ng. Engineer, containing explanations with reference to his advioes to R. L. Yyre and Paul
Regard?ng Y
acres in Bynum concerning the number of acres in the proposed housing site at 23rd and Ohio
housing site
Streets, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners
Fannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5).
Meetings Myor Johnston offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE
twice per 4'
1920, A14D A1'ETDED ON AUGUST 20TH, 19461-, be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll,
Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5).
On motion the meeting adjourned.
/j j`
ADOPTED ��j ,L,,� 1950 APPROVED _ z—GG , Gi" E;r
I ayor j
City Clerk