HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 22, Page 603, June 23, 1953Na. - 603 - Proceedings Proceedings of City of Paducah June 23, 1953 _ At a Regular Fleeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commission Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.M. on June 23, 1953, Mayor Cherry presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Clark, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (4). Commissioner Jacobs being absent (1). Mayor Cherry offered motion that the reading of the bSnutes for June 9th and June 16th, 1953 be waived and that the Minutes of said meetingsas prepared by the City Clerk be approved as written. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (4). plater line ✓ Commissioner Morrow offered motion that the petition of Lucian Houle and wife, Theobald Lane Odessa Howle, for permission to make one 3/4 inch connection to the 2" privately owned water pipe line located on Theobald Lane and owned by the Schneidman Road (Vater Line Number 2, for the purpose of furnishing water to one garage only upon a lot located at the corner of Schneidman Road and Theobald Lane in McCracken County, Kentucky, and outside the corporate limits of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, be received and filed and; that the request petitioned for therein be granted subject to the terms and conditions i in said petition. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Johnstgn, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (4). (dater line to Commissioner Morrow offered motion that the petition of Herman J. Robertson and Twinkling Star' Trailer Court carie Mitchell Robertson to make one lz inch connection to a proposed 6 inch or S inch i water pipe line owned by Paducah eater [•forks, so as to furnish water to not to exceed I fifty (50) trailers at Twinkling Star Trailer Court, located at the intersection of Friedman Lane and Hinkleville Road or U. S. 60, and being bounded on the east by Friedman Lane and on the north by said Hinkleville Road, owned by said petitioners, located in McCracken County, Kentucky and outside the corporate limits of the city of Paducah, Kentucky, be received and filed, and that the request petitioned for therein 1 be granted, subject to the t erms and conditions in said petition. Adopted on call of the roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (4). Letter T.A. ✓ Commissioner Clark offered motion that the letter of T. A. Bradley, City Engineer, Bradley, City EnZineer dated June 22, 1953, relative to the condition of Thirteenth Street north of Adams lath St North o: Adams Street, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark., Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (4). Liability V Commissioner Clark offered motion that the Board of Conunissioners receive, file policies Gec. Dupree and approve Certificate of insurance issued by the United States Fidekity and Guaranty G.}f.Torian Company protecting the City of Paducah with respect to work done by George Dupree for a period of one year from June 16, 1953; also Certificate of Insurance issued by the same � company protectin the City of Paducah with respect to work done by Goorgo 41. Torian for a period of one year from June 11, 1953. Open 13th 8t.✓ Co Missioner Clark offered motion that the offer of Bertha Stacey and husband to Accept offer Borth,=ta!oy sell a strip of l 7, !,and , .-"*Octu Gull Ind 'o •Oct wide, and nprovements thereon, adjoining; the wont side of C•itY the Washinz-ton Junior ilig:h &chool proporty, and OxtendiAZ southw:ardly .from the south line' of Broadray to the north lire of the :;tanloy 0. Pottor property, to the City of Paducah,' i:, ntucicy for the sum o ;5,600.00 bi accspt•_d, and that the Corporation Counsol bo 1 directed to prepare all necossary title instruvic nts rind ordinances in connection thorewiCh. Adopted Gn call of the i.oll, ya,2, Cor..;issioners Clark, Johnston, Vorro;r and Mayor Charr; , Proceedings of Board o£ Cenmi Gsi overs City of Paducah. June -.23 1453 Water Co Commissioner Clark offered motion that the "SE7TL1;RMT: CITY REFUSE ACCOUIIT GarbaC VVV settleiont i11:ay 31, 1953" from the Paducah :•Dater Works be received and filed. 1 -ay 1953 ;. 1 He further moved that the check in 'the amount of :}10,166.32 be turned over to pPPthe Financo Department to be deposited to the General Fund. Adopted on call of the PRoll, Ycas, Commissioners Clark, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (1E). Bond it. C. YI Commissioner Clark offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive, file J enni.n;; s incrcase and approve the endorsement of the American Employers' Insurance Company to be attached ;,4000 to MCO to and form a part of Bond No. SY-151970 issued to R. C. Jennings increasing the amount Lof said bond from ;)4,000 to %7,000( Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners C11^.rk, Johnston, 1•:orro:•r and Mayor Cherry (4) . Slum Clear- Commissioner Clark offered motion that the statement of Kenneth L Schellic and ance Pay Kenneth Associates dated June 15, 1953, in the amount of y800.00 covering completion of services S charm lie .'800.00 sped�fiod in Paragraph 3, sub -paragraph (e) of contract of employment dated February 21, 1953 and the copy of the motion containing a recommendation of approval adopted by the ,Paducah Planning and Zoning Commission be received and forwarded to the City Treasurer. In view of such recommendation, he further moved that the City -Treasurer be authorized to pay the statement, for that purpose using funds advanced by the Housing !,::d Home Finance Agency for the Slum Clearance and Urban Redevelopmeht Program. Adopted cll of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (4). "Guide ✓ y Commissioner Johnston offered motion that this Board receive and pass to the Estimate Report" ,Paducah Planning and ZoninZ Commission for further consideration the report submitted by Slur_ Clecr- ance 44r. Fred H. 1•iorgan entitled "Guide Estimate Report." Adopted on call of the Holl, Yeas, IC Commissioners Clark, Johnston, Morrow and Pdayor Cherry (4). Settle Clai:i Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the City of Paducah pay to R. 111. McNeil rT.Id.b:cFieil 4 the sum of w4.00 in full settlement of his claim for damages to his residence at 1314 Jefferson Street in Paducah, Kentucky, caused in January 1953 by a truck owned by the iCity of Paducah, and that the City Treasurer be authorized to deliver to the said R. I9. 1•Icileil a check for X4.00 payable .to him in exchange for a full release for said damages. !'Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Conmissioners Clark, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (4). Contract ' Commissior^er Johnston offered motion that the executed copy of the Contract YruZ-Thomas? Pick. -up tru5k between the City of Paducah and Krug -Thomas Truck & Tractor Company for sale to the /l'City Of a pick-up truck, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Johnston, 1:orrow and I:ayor Cherry (4) . Contract J � Cci=isaionor Johnston offered motion that the executed copy of the Contract betwoa Taylor -Wilson Pick-up the City of Paducah and Taylor -Wilson Chevrolet Company for sale to the City of a pick-up truer. truck £or use by the Electrical Inspector, be received and filed. Adopted on call of thf �rcll., Yeas, Ccr._;333ionerz Clark, Johnston, i"arrow and Mayor Cherry (4). Open 23ti: yl, Co issionor Johnston offered motion tint the offer of Stanley D. Potter and wife ,treat --ccep offcrto cell stria of land 1f, feet wide, and improvements thereon, adjoining the west lino of Stanley D. cotter sellydashin,,,tcn Ju. -,:.Gr High School property, and e:tending,; northwardly from the north line of land tc CW ment':CkY Avenue to the south line of the Dertha Stacey property, to the City of Paducah, iKertuc;:r far the 3= o. :,2,G0C.G0 be accepted, and that the Corporation Counsel be directe( to prepare all necessary title instr,,:acnts and ordirancos in connection therewith. Adoptee' gon call of the Roll, Zeas, Cc^ _s3?cners Clark, Johnston, ?Sorrow and :ayor Cherry s i Na.- -- -605 -- - - -- - Proceedings of Board of Commissioners - City of Paducah June 23, 1953 I Mayor sign ✓ Agreement City Depositoryi exchange securities i Refund Build permit to Richard Wiggins '•Iarket Analysis Study Areas A B & C Slum Hearance Commissioner Morrow offered motion that the Mayor be authorized, on behalf of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, to execute the Third Supplemental Agreement between the City, the Citizens Bank & Trust Company of Paducah and the Cityzens-Fidelity Bank & Trust Company of Louisville, Kentucky, providing for the substitution of 3-;100,000.00 United States 2?6; Treasury bonds due and payable December 15, 1963-68, in lieu of 34100,000.00 United States 2;b Treasury bonds due and payable December 15, 1952-54, to be held by Cityzens -Fidelity Bank and Trust Company of Louisville, Kentucky as security for depositis made by the City of Paducah, Kentucky in the Citizens Bank and Trust Company of Paducah, which substitution was approved by an ordinance adopted on June 16, 1953. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (4). Commissioner Morrow offered motion that the letter from Oscar K. Talmage, City Treasurer, dated June 23, 1953, regarding refund of A-00 paid by Richard Wiggins for a building permit be received and filed. Since it appears from said letter that the building permit oras not used, he further moved that the sum of N4.00 be refunded. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, i Commissioners Clark, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (4). Commissioner Korrow offered motion that this Board receive and file the attached j letter from Mr. Kenneth L. Schellie dated June 15, 1953, and a copy of the motion per- taining thereto passed by the Paducah Planning & Zoning Commission. He further moved that this Board receive and pass to the Paducah Planning and Zoning Commission for further consideration the report described -in the letter as "Market Analysis for Study Areas "A". "B" & "C" of the slum Clearance and Urban Redevelopment program. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (4). Refund payroll,,,,,, Dayor Cherry offered motion that the letter from Oscar K. Talmage, City Treasurer `ax to T.O. Kleckner Gulf regarding refund of payroll tax paid by the Gulf Refining Company for T. 0. Kleckner, Refining Cc i one of its employees, be received and filed. Since it appears that the stun of 019.2$ was not due to be paid since Mr. Kleckner only works part time in the City of Paducah, he further moved that the amount of :19.28 be refunded. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Johnston, i•Iorrow and Mayor Cherry "lura Clearar. Mayor Cherry offered motion that the statement of Mir. Fred H. Morgan dated June 1$,j Contract pay Fred ilorj;ar+ 1953 in the amount of N1775.00 covering completion of services specified in the contract1) of employment dated April 24, 1953, and the copy of the motion containing a recommen- 1 dation of approval adopted by the Paducah Planning and Zoning Commission be received andi forwarded to the City Treasurer. In view of such recommendation, he further moved that the City Treasurer be authorized to pay the statement, using for that purpose funds advanced by the Housing and Home :Finance Agency for the 3lura Clearance and Urban Redevelopment Program. Adopted on Call of the i!ell, Yea_, Commissioners Clark, Johnston, a'.orrow and i:ayor Chorry (4). nide on Police :.:for Cherry offered motion that the bids submitted by Taylor -Wilson Chovrolut cars received i an -i filed. Company, Peters Motor Company and King -Woodall. Motor Sales for the salo to the City of Paducah of t:ic (2) polies errs, be received ant filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Coc-aissicrers Clark, Johnston, Idorrow and '.ayor Cherry (4). I na.— ---- _ _ _ 6.06 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah J.une_23_� 1259 Library Board ✓ Mayor Cherry made the following appointment ch --s 'dilliards appointed j. Robert Rottgering having tendered his resignation as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Public Library, I hereby appoint Charles A. Williams as a member of said board to fill the unexpired term of the said Robert Rottgering, which term expires on June L;, 1956. Said -board as now constituted shall be composed of the following mem Airs. Lula Reed King whose term expires June 14 1954 Dr. Raymond Roof whose term expires June 14, 1j54 David Fine whose term expires June 14, 1955 Mrs. Clarence Bennett whose term expires June 14 1956 Charles A. Williams whose term expires June 14, 1956. J.L.Iuna1, Jr Mayor Cherry offered the following motion: The term of office of J. L. Munal, reappointed / Hous irg / as a member of the City of Paducah Aiunicipal Housing Commission trill expire of July 22, Commission (' 1953, 1 hereby reappoint the said J. L. Munal, Jr. for a further term of four (4) years, so that said board as now constituted shall be composed of the following members: I' Robert C. Cherry, Mayor and ex -officio member �I Joseph H. Habacker, whose term expires July 22, 1954 A. A. Goren, whose term expires July 22, 1955 ( Harold Wagner whose term expires July 22, 1956 J. L. Munal, Jr. whose term expires July 22, 1957. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor I/ Cherry (4). Accept bid [ Commissioner Clark offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE National Cash Reg. c ACCEPTING THE BID OF THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER COI.IPANY FOR THE SALE TO THE CITY OF Company on bookkeeping;, PADUCAH OF A BOOKKEEPING MACHINE FOR USE IN THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT, AND AUTHORIZING THE machine i CITY MIAGER TO CONTRACT TO PURCHASE SAI•IC11, be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, N, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (4). I; Clerk-tymist� Commissioner Morrow offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE Police Dept , PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF A CLERK TYPIST AND PRESCRIBING THE DUTIES AND SALARY FOR SA1,2311, be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Johnston, borrow and Mayor Cherry (4). Accept bid Commissioner Morrow offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE King -Woodall police cars'' ACCEPTII7G THE BID OF KING-WOODALL MOTOR SALES FOR THE SALE TO THE CITY OF PADUCAH OF T'.•70 (2) 1953 PLIMUTH 4 -DOOR SEDAMS, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO CONTRACT TO PURCHASE SAI•_, ", be introduced and remain on file for public inspection for at least one (1) wee': in the completed form in which it shall be put upon its final passage. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (4). On motion the meeting adjourned. ADOPTED cc P,Q /`i 1953 APPROVED or CL� j