HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 22, Page 591, May 26, 1953Na. 591- ------- Proceedings of 13nar•1 of Cnrnni ssi nnors _.__ City of Paducah !-lay 26, 1953 At a Regular Iieeting of the Board of Commission held in the Commission Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.M. on I•lay 26, 1953, Mayor Cherry presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Clara:, Jacobs, Johnston, 4iorrow and b;ayor Cherry (5). ;Mayor Cherry offered motion that the reading of the Iiinutes for i•lay 12 and I -ay G 19, 1953 be waived and that the I•Iinutcs of said meetin as prepared by the City Clerk be approved as written. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, I•iorrow and Bayer Cherry (5). "iter Connection / Commissioner Clark offered motion that the petition of I. Donald Farrington and Rustic Avenue ,✓/ his wife, I•Iary Lee Farrington, for permission to make six 3/4 inch connections to the 2," privately owned water pipe line, owned by A. E. Cole and I. Donald Farrington and wife, i -Lary Lee.Farrington, so as to furnish water to six residences to be constructed upon any of Lots 1 through 11, Block B, or lots 7 through 19, Block A, Gregory Heights Addition to the City of Paducah, fronting on Rustic Avenue and for permission to make I three 3/4 inch or 1 inch connections to the 2" privately owned water line owned by Loren I.I. Jones on North Central avenue, so as to furnish water to three residences to be con- structed upon lots 16, 17 and 18 and part of lot 15 in what is known as "Reserve Ground" Gregory Heights Addition, all of the above mentioned lots located outside of the corporate limits of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, be received and filed and that the ! request contained in said petition be granted according to the terms and conditions in i said petition. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, I Johnston, IJorrowa and Mayor Cherry (5) Street light ✓ Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that the petition signed by Mrs. M. L. Skinnerl Tennessee St btw 907 & 909 and others requesting a street light on Tennessee Street between 907 and 909 be received and referred to the City Manager for investigation. Ifl He further moved that if upon investigation it is determined that said light is needed, that the City manager authorize the Kentucky Utilities Company to make such installation. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, I•Iorrow and Mayor Cherry (5). Petition Continue parking Commissioner. Jacobs offered motion that a petition signed by Iters. Pete Fowler or. .ridge Wit. and others stating that to ban parking on bridge Street would not hasten the flow of traffic or solve any traffic problem, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the i ✓ Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and b<lyor Cherry (5). Petition Commissioner Johnston offered motion that a petition signed by J. F. and T. W. Complete alley 25 to 27 j'onroeLangston and others requesting the City to complete the alley parallel to and between to Madison Sts Madison and Monroe Streets from 25th to 27th Streets be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (S). 'rlater connectiory Co=issioner Johnston offered motion that the petition of William L. Austin for Husbands Rd r Permission to crake one 3/4 inch connection to the 2" privately owned water pipe 'line located on the Husbands Road, so as to furnish water to one place of business con- structed upon three lots fronting on the Horth side of the Hasbands Road in McCracken County, Kentucky, be received and filed and that the request petitioned for therein be granted subject to the terms and conditions in said petition. Adopted on call of the; Roll, Yeas, Co—issioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnatod, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (5). Nu.- -. . _ - Proceedings of Board of Commissioners _ City of Paducah. _ Ak1y 26, 1953 Petition Improve all- Commissioner Morrow offered motion that the petition dated May 23, 1953 signed ey N 25-26 Lindsey -Park by Royce 11. Gregory and others, requesting the opening, ditching and improving of an alley running parallel to North 25th Street and North 26th Street and running from Lindsey Street toward Park Avenue to an existing alley now joining North 25th Street and North 26th Street, be received and referred to the City Manager for investigation. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (5). Lease Slum J Commissioner Clark offered motion that the copy of the motion adopted by the Clearance office space Planning and Zoning Commission recommending the execution of the lease tendered by The Sargent-Gerke Company covering office number 205 at 311-313 Kentucky Avenue to be used in connection with the Slum Clearance and Urban Redevelopment Program, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (5). Refund perm3,t Commissioner Clark offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive and "illiam B. Britton ✓ file the card from Guy Utley requesting that the City refund to William R. Britton the Ranfe Service sum of :4.50 paid by him for range service which he did not use. He further moved that the sum of $4.5o be refunded to Pb:-. Britton. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (5). Approve Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the statements rendered to the City of payment Serer bills Paducah by Black & Veatch, Consulting Engineers of Kansas City, Missouri, dated I -arch HHFA funds 31, 1953 in the sums of W:L6.12 and ,4094.10, and one dated April 30, 1953 in the sum of 41300.00 be received and that payment thereof be approved when proper funds are available, and the City Treasurer be directed to pay same from funds in the HHFA Seiner Account when said funds have been received by him. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (5). Contract / Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the Contract entered into between t)e Brandeis Shovel City of Paducah and Brandeis Machinery and Supply Corporation for the sale to the city of, a bulldozer shovel, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (5). Contract / Commissioner Morrow offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive and Wooldridge Lircestone file copy of the contract entered into between T. M. Wooldridge and the City of Paducah for limestone for the year 1953, also the Performance Bond executed by the said T. I.I. aooldridge. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, .arrow and Mayor Cherry (5). New uae Deto - Co_missioner 11orrow offered motion that this Board receive and pass to the mination dlua Claar- Paducah Plannin, and Zoning Co:mission rfor further consideration the reports and maps � arcc ' submitted by Fenneth L. Schellie and Associate:: on the "New Use Determination" of Study i Areas "A", "B" and "C" of the Slum Clearance and Urban Redevelopment Program. Adopted on call of the Roll, Teas, Co,nissioners Clark, Jacobs, Jo}m:;ton, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (5). Contract Fetter Cr:=in3ioner Borrow offered motion that the Contract centered into between the lielilar Ci.t.y of Paducai: and Henry A. Petter Supply Company for thy. Salo to the City of a 50 i horsepower bciler, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Itoll, Yeas, Cc.:nasionera Clark, JaCob5, JOinston, :-crrow and Mayor Cherry (5). I N.. proceedings of Board_ of CommissionersClty of Paduceh�_ NIaY� 1953 Bid Tick on ✓ Mayor Cherry offered motion that the bid submitted by Tick Bros, Inc. for purchaso Scrap iron from the City of scrap iron at 6th & Campbell Streets be received and filed. Adopted and call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry O. Contract Mid-/, Mayor Cherry offered motion that the executed copy of the contract between the Continent ✓ City of Paducah and 1,Ud-Continent Petroleum Corporation for furnishing the city its requirements of gasoline, etc. for a period of eight months beginning May 1, 1953, be I received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow anf Mayor Cherry (5). Gas Mainsin ✓ Commissioner Johnston offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION Grass Plots AUTHORIZING THE CITY ENGINEER TO GRANT TO THE WESTERN KENTUCKY GAS COMPANY A PERMIT TO LAY GAS MAINS IN CERTAIN GRASS PLOTS IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, AND PRESCRIBING THE CON- DITIOIdS UPOA 117HICH SAID PERM•IITS SHALL BE GRANTED", be adopted. Adopted on call of the: Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (5). Request Aids / Commissioner Johnston offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION truck Elec. / Inspector REQUESTING THE CITY i•IANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF ONE NEWEL!1953 IdOD ONE-HALF TON PICK UP TRUCK FOR USE BY THE ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR, AND PRESCRIBING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS UNDER. WHICH BIDS SHALL BE SUBMiITTED", be adopted. Adopted on call of j the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (5). Request bids Commissioner Morrow offered motion that a Resobution entitled: "A RESOLUTION truck Public Works Dept REQUESTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF 0I4E NEW 1953 IIODELi ONE-HALF TON PICK-UP TRUCK FOR USE BY THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTI•JENT, AND PRESCRIBING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH BIDS SHALL BE SMUTTED", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Pdorrow and Mayor Cherry (5). Request bids ✓ Commissioner Morrow offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION Be okkeeping I•!achine REQUESTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF ONE BOOKKEEPING I MACHINE FOR USE IIJ THE FIMIANCE DEPARTMENT, AND PRESCRIBING THE TERI•IS AND CONDITIONS i t UNDER ;•fNICH BIDS SHALL BE SUBMITTED", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (g). Lease office Slum. Clear `/ Commissioner Morrow offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE EXECUTION OF A LEASE ON OFFICE SPACE TO BE USED IN CONNECTION WITH THE SLUM CLEARAIJCE AND URBAN REDEVELOPMENT PROGRAM", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Couunissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (5). Plng anniands Yayor Cherry offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ZoninZ THE TRANSFER OF THE SUMI OF $9,000.00 FROM ACCOUNT NUMBER 2200, PLANNING COMMISSION, TO THE CITY PLANNING AND ZONING COM[AISSION", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Ycas, Commissicn,•rs Clark., Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor dherry (5). Contract Mid- , Co=i;sioner Clark offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "All ORDINANCE continent AUTHORIZIIJG THE CITY M:AIJAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH THE MID-CONTINENT PETROLEUM CORPORATION FOR THE PURCHASE OF ALL REGULAR AND E_HYL GASOLINE, DIESEL FUEL, MOOOR OIL, CHASSIS LUBRICANT, GEA? LUi;E OIL AIJO AIJ•PI-FREEZE FOR USE BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH IN ALL OF ITS GOV?H!Ow";TAL OPERATIONS FOJt A PERIM OF EIGHT MONTHS BEGINNING MAY 1, 1953; AI;D PRESC.RIBING Th:; TEFC-IL AIJD CO;IDITION. UPON WHICH SAID PURCHASES SHALL BE MADE", be adopted. Adooted on call of the Roll, YeaG, Commissioners Clark, Jacob G, Johnston, Morrow and Yaycr Cherry (5). -- Proceedings of Board of Commissioners ___-,___ Gey of Paducah --_May 26, 1953 Accept bid Tick Bros ✓ Mayor Cherry offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "ADI ORDINANCE Scrap Iron I ACCEPTING THE BID OF TICK BROS, INCORPORATED FOR PURCHASE FROM THE CITY OF PADUCAH OF CERTAIN SCRAP IRON OWNED BY THE CITY AND LOCATED AT 6TH AND CAMPBELL STREETS; PRESCRIBING THE TEB2•TS ADTD CONDITIONS OF THE SALE", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (5). Remove J Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the petition signed by Harold Sanders rubbish No 10th St and others requesting the City to force the owners of the Peach Growers Association caused by fire to clean and remove all rubbish from site of building destroyed by fire in February and referred to the City Mgr for investigation on North 10th Street be received and filed/ Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark., Jacobs, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (5). On motion the meeting adjourned. ADOPTED s4 L APPROVED blayor City Clerk