HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 22, Page 564, March 24, 1953c . He further moved that the City Manager be directed to make an investigation to determine the number and location of street lights that are needed and make his report to this Board at the earliest possible date. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yoas, Commissioners Clark, Johnston, Morrow and Kayor Cherry (4). Hughes McKnig�i Mayor Cherry made the following appointment: The term of office of Hughos McKnight Reappointed Electric Plant!as a member of the Electric Plant Board having expired on February 6, 1953, I hereby ' Board ��I reappoint the said Hughes McKnight for a further term of four (4) years, so that said I IIBoard as now constituted shall be composed of the following members: E. S. Barger, whose term expires February 6, 1954 John G. Russell, whose term expires February 6, 1955, I, H. Strickland, whose term expires February 6, 1956 Hughes McKnight, whose term expires February 6, 1957 Approve Commissioner Morrow offered motion that the Board of Commissioners approve the appointment Hughes MicKnigir action of the Mayor reappointing Hughes McKnight as a member of the Electric Plang Board u ;l of the City of Paducah for a further term of four (4) years from February 6, 1953• if Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Johnston, Norrow and Mayor Cherry (4). C. Bodine, Jr. I•iayor Cherry made the following appointment: I, Robert C. Cherry, i.yor of the City ;•'anger Electric City of Paducah, pursuant to the authority vested in me under the provisions of KRS plant hoard 96.760, hereby appoint Cornelius Bodine, Jr. the City Manager, to serve as the fifth member of the Electric Plant Board of the City of Paducah, Kentueky, and to serve as II the fifth member pf said board until the termination of his employment as City P•ianager. This the 24th day of !larch, 1953. Signed Robert C. Cherry, Mayor. 1 14 I hereby ratify and a I: Y Y approve the action of the oyer appointing me to serve as th i fifth member of the Electric Plant Board of the City of Paducah, Kentucky. This the 2x day of March, 1953. Signed Cornelius Bodine, Jr, City Manager. Appoint- appointment Conzais nioner Johnston offered motion that the Board of Carmissionera approve tine Bodine Electri action of I:a or :lotert C. Chert a Plant board Y Y Ppointing Cornelius Bodine, Jr., the City Manal,or, to serve as tiro fifth r..cr.,brr of the Electric Plant hoard of the. City o:C Paducah and to aervf as such r.:e: ber curin-; the torn oC hio employment as such City i anager, ao that said boar as net constitut+ici shall I. ccr_Ironod of the foliowin" :i.enbers: L. !urger, klh030 term expires February 6, 1954 i Jrhn G. Russell, whose, term expires Pabruar;r (''6,_1.95". , 1955 3. if. Strickland, whose terra e;,piren r'ebruary 6, 1;+5 . Hughes McKnight, whose term expirea February 6, 1957 Cornelius ;iodine, for the perioi of his employrc•nt us City Nana^e.r Adopted on tail of tae {011, Yeaa, Commissioners Clark, John ton, t:orraw and Mayor ) Cherry i I i Board of Commissioners Narch 24, 1953 Proceedings of CiEy of Paducah Policy Farley Cpmmissioner Johnston offered motion that this Hoard receive, file and approve Plumbing Cc pp Bonn j.1-i.Harn liability insurance policy issued by the Fidelity & Casualty Company of Mort Yori�, pro - Contractor tecting the City of Paducah with respect to work done by F. I1. Farley, doing business !, as F. I:. Farley Plumbing Company for a period of one year from Idarch 31, 1953; also th•: bond of J. ,'•_. Harper & J. E. Gray, doing business as J. I•I. Harper, Contractor, in the t i amount of :j1,000 dated Earth 18, 1953• Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Corvaiacionc Clark, Johnston, korrow and i'•:ayor Cherry (4) . Request Street Commissioner 14orrow offered motion that the letter from W. M. Berryman dated Lights Forest Hills March 20 1953 requesting street lifhts in the Forest Hills Pro•ect be receiveda nd £'11 c . He further moved that the City Manager be directed to make an investigation to determine the number and location of street lights that are needed and make his report to this Board at the earliest possible date. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yoas, Commissioners Clark, Johnston, Morrow and Kayor Cherry (4). Hughes McKnig�i Mayor Cherry made the following appointment: The term of office of Hughos McKnight Reappointed Electric Plant!as a member of the Electric Plant Board having expired on February 6, 1953, I hereby ' Board ��I reappoint the said Hughes McKnight for a further term of four (4) years, so that said I IIBoard as now constituted shall be composed of the following members: E. S. Barger, whose term expires February 6, 1954 John G. Russell, whose term expires February 6, 1955, I, H. Strickland, whose term expires February 6, 1956 Hughes McKnight, whose term expires February 6, 1957 Approve Commissioner Morrow offered motion that the Board of Commissioners approve the appointment Hughes MicKnigir action of the Mayor reappointing Hughes McKnight as a member of the Electric Plang Board u ;l of the City of Paducah for a further term of four (4) years from February 6, 1953• if Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Johnston, Norrow and Mayor Cherry (4). C. Bodine, Jr. I•iayor Cherry made the following appointment: I, Robert C. Cherry, i.yor of the City ;•'anger Electric City of Paducah, pursuant to the authority vested in me under the provisions of KRS plant hoard 96.760, hereby appoint Cornelius Bodine, Jr. the City Manager, to serve as the fifth member of the Electric Plant Board of the City of Paducah, Kentueky, and to serve as II the fifth member pf said board until the termination of his employment as City P•ianager. This the 24th day of !larch, 1953. Signed Robert C. Cherry, Mayor. 1 14 I hereby ratify and a I: Y Y approve the action of the oyer appointing me to serve as th i fifth member of the Electric Plant Board of the City of Paducah, Kentucky. This the 2x day of March, 1953. Signed Cornelius Bodine, Jr, City Manager. Appoint- appointment Conzais nioner Johnston offered motion that the Board of Carmissionera approve tine Bodine Electri action of I:a or :lotert C. Chert a Plant board Y Y Ppointing Cornelius Bodine, Jr., the City Manal,or, to serve as tiro fifth r..cr.,brr of the Electric Plant hoard of the. City o:C Paducah and to aervf as such r.:e: ber curin-; the torn oC hio employment as such City i anager, ao that said boar as net constitut+ici shall I. ccr_Ironod of the foliowin" :i.enbers: L. !urger, klh030 term expires February 6, 1954 i Jrhn G. Russell, whose, term expires Pabruar;r (''6,_1.95". , 1955 3. if. Strickland, whose terra e;,piren r'ebruary 6, 1;+5 . Hughes McKnight, whose term expirea February 6, 1957 Cornelius ;iodine, for the perioi of his employrc•nt us City Nana^e.r Adopted on tail of tae {011, Yeaa, Commissioners Clark, John ton, t:orraw and Mayor ) Cherry i I i No. ;66 Proceedings of-_'�oard of Commissioners _ City of Paducah 1•7arch 21-1 1953 .'©port of �/ idayor Cherry offered motion that the report of the Board of Equalization Board of Equalization for the year 1953 be received, filed and spread upon the Minutes. Adopted on call a of the Zoll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (4). r STATEIMT OF REAL & PERSONAL PROPERTY ASSESSMENTS FOR THE 1953 CITY TAXES j� CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY REAL ESTATE & 11IPROVE'•LFUS (FULL RATE) 1952 Final Assessment by Board 019,568.6 1952 Omitted Bills 12,715 1952 TOTAL 019,581,360 1953 Net Increase thru Assessor 1,219,930 1953 Gross Increase by Board 0534,575 1953 Gross Decrease by Board 3,2$0 1953 Eet.Increase by Board 531,295 s 1953 TOTAL NET INCREASE 1,751,225 1953 TOTAL REAL ESTATE & IMPROVEMENTSx21,332,585 PERSONAL PROPERTY (FULL RATE) 1952 Final Assessment. by Board 10,959,$40 1952 Omitted Bills 651,730 1952 TOTAL 11,611,570 1953 Net Increase thru Assessor 117,845 1953 Gross Increase by Board 105,125 1953 Gross Decrease by Board 1953 Net Increase by Board 105,125 1953 TOTAL HE, I::C_!EASE 222,970 1953 TOTAL PERSONAL PROPERTY 11,834,540 GRAND TOTALS 1953 Real Estate, Improvements & Personal Property (lull Rate) 33,167,125 1953 Real Estate, Improvements & Personal Property (School Rate only) 74,650 1953 Bank Shares 1,184,120 1953 Agricultural Products 335,290 1953 Polls (6969 C ,;;1.50) 10,053.50 City ': bUdt et 1953 BOARD OF EQUALISATION Kayne C. Seaton, Chairman E. J. Kortz, Jr, Sheriff G. R. Maley, Clerk is i?,ayor Cherr•;.offered�motion that the Board of Commissioners receive and file the bulrot prepared by City Ilan„cr, /Cornelius Bodine, Jr. for the year 1953, said bud --et centainina his 1953 8urket i:cssa;;e and other information relative to the revenues aari e=arditures. He furth:,r I:ovcc that copies of said budget which have been printed, be :-.;.de available for distritution an;] ;hat a public hearing be held on said budget at -- - -- :3asting a: the ua rd o:' Carz:3ssioncrs on ;:arch 31, 1953. Adopted on call Ucr_Iissfoners Ci%j;; , Joixnston, :.;:reit and •'�zyor Cherry (4). 1)53 A 10. r:,. , c:. ” Call c -'.011, Yeas, Co .mizsior _ rs Clar;c, Johnsta., No, Proceedings of, City of Paducah- avch 2); Request I -,ic z Clark offered motion that a Revolution entitled: "A RESOLUTIO.;. Asphalt , REQUESTING THE CITY !.-,A:-,IAG TO ADVE-RTISZ FOtt BIDS FOR THE PURCHASS OF TILE CiTYIS REQUIREI-21,':T OF ASPHALT FOR THE YEAH 1953 (APP1ROX1I.ATLLY 20 TO 30 CARLOADS!) TO BE USED III STAM MISTRUCTIO11, -.'.',ORK"$ be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Johnston, Morrow and 11-layor Cherry (4). Gas 1-lains Coru.iissioner Johnston offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTIOI! Grass Plot AUThMIZING THE CITY ENGINEER TO GRANT TO THE WESTERN KENTUCKY GAS GOT-TANY PuuaTS TO LAY GAS IN THE GRASS PLOTS OF CERTAIN STREETS, AND PRESCRIBING THE CONDITIOOS UPON WHICH SAID PERLITS SHALL BE GRANTED", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Johnston, Morrow and Kayor Cherry (4). Contract Commissioner Clark offered motion that an ordinance entitled: 110 ORDIIIABCE Water Go. Colored AI,D17.G SECTION 1 OF A:,.' ORDINANCE ENTITLED: "Aid ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION Park Bd -fM., ';J'ater line OF A CONTRACT BETIVIEEE1 THE CITY OF PADUCAH, BOARD OF PARK COM-IISSIONERS (COLORED) AND THE Stuart 1.elson PADUCAH 'UATER 1,.1ORKS REGARDING THE LAYING OF A WATER MAIN EXTENSION FROM TILE PRESENT WATE Park 1-1AII! Oil HINhLEVILLE ROAD TO PROVIDE WATER FOR STUART NELSON PARK, AND PRESCRIBING THE TERI-IS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF", WHICH WAS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF 001�111ISSIOIIERS ON 1,:ARCH 10, 1953", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Johnston, Morrow and Mayor Cherry (4). Amend Commissioner Morrow offered motion that an ordinance entitled; "AN ORDINANCE Garbage Ordinance AMIDING SECTION 1 OF ARTICLE III, ARTICLE IV, SECTIONS 1, 2 & 3 OF ARTICLE V, SECTIONS 2 & 4 OF ARTICLE VI, SECTION 2 OF ARTICLE VII AND ARTICLE XII OF All ORDINANCE ENTITLED: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR A REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICE FOR THE CITY OF PADUCAH; PRESCRIBING RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING SANITATION AND THE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF REFUSE; PRESCRIBING CHARGES FOR SAID REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICE AED THE 1,.IETHOD OF FINANCING SAID SERVICE; AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF SAID ORDINANCE, WHICH WAS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COT-11ISSIONERS ON DECEI-MER 16, 195211, be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Jacobs, Johnston, Korrow and Mayor Cherry (5). On motion the meeting adjourned. ADOPTED �I/-1953 APPROVED --ayor Ulty Clerk