HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 22, Page 512, November 25, 1952Proceedings of Board of Cormissioners City of Paducah I:ovember 25. 1952 p The Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah, Kentucky riot in a regular meetinS in the Commission Chamber of the City Hall in the City of Paducah, :gator 1 Gra�ory i:tom ',tater 1 Sunset Ct. Add ?esolution Hosiery .dorkern I.iabili Policy A.II.Cr Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.il. on the 25th day of t:ovomber, 1952, the place, houx and, data established for the holding of such meeting. The '-Iayor Pro Tem called the meeting to order and on roll call the following answered urccant: Cwaissioners Clark, Johnston, l:orroa and ::ayor Pro Tem Jacobs; and the follo-wing trera absent: .ayor Cherry. The i_ayor Pro Tem declared a quorum prosnt. —ayor Pro Tom Jacobs offered Lotion that the reading- of the :iinutao fo= I:ovaWber 18. 1952 be waivad and that the iiinutes of said r:aeti,u; as prepared by L Lo ..lty Clorlc be approved ae written. Adupi--' on call of the Roll, Yeas, Co:c;missioners Clark. Johnston. =iorro:t and :ayor Pro Ter_ Jacobs (4). Ca_;issiouer Clark offered notion that the petition of B. H. I•layhngh for permission to ,a;.;ce ono 3/4 inch connection to tho 2 inch privately paned water pipe lin owned by Loren :_. Jones so as to furnish water to one residence to be constructed upon the property owned by pe 5tiora-, T a portion of Lots 4 and 5 in Block oCII of Gregory Heights Addition to the City of Paducah and fronting 54 feet on the northeast side of 42nd street in IcCracken County, Kentucky, outside the corporate limits of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, be received and filed, and that the request petitioned for therein be granted subject to the terms and conditions in said petition. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Johnston, i:orrow and Iiayor Pro lem Jacobs 4). Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the petition of Roe Wilkins and wife, Bonnye Faye '.'Wilkins for permission to make one connection with a 3/4 inch crater pipe line to the 2?r inch water pipe line ovmed by Loren i -I. Jones so as to furnish wator to one residence to be constructed upon property ovmed by petitioners on Lots 1, 2 and Block "F11 Sunset Court Addition, outside the city limits of Paducah, Kentucky, be received and filed and that the request petitioned for therein be granted subject to th,z tprnz3 and conditions in 'said petition. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Cc •issioncrs Ciark, 'Johnston, Borrow and I:ayor Pro •llbm Jacobs (4). CM--1rdesioner Clad: offered motion that the Board of Colinissioners receive an. file the `aaolutio.r, adopted by the - secutive Committee of Branch ,!23, The American ederation of hosiery :iorkers relating to increase in the payroll tax and a garbage roll.^coon cyst,. - Adopted on call o:i the Roll, Yeas, Cormii^,sionors Clark, Jollnnton, :-orroi: and ayorrro Ter, Jacocs (4). Cc.ra-do;;ioner .iohnoton, o'.'er-=.d motion that the Board of Cor-lissiorers receive file .,na approve tho Certiloicate of Innurance issued by the Connecticut Indernity Cc::p :y protecting the Citl; of ea;ucah i,h respect to work done by A.II.Orman :or a rvrio-i o: or. Year „ .. . 17, 1952. Adopted on call of the 3oll, .-orrow and :.ayor Pro Tem Jacob: (4). o.^fored r,.oticr: that the ln,tot oC C. .I,.rron :3aton, ;crperation Cojn , , _ to t^e ::3yror. an:1 DoarIl of COLII-duo inners of the Cit-,- of : a ducah, re.,ardin,f-,.,h.e re 3 _—_on of certain property on Clay lltrcot botirec:n 4th .c11 5* etree s :;e roceivel uza file: an:. that hlbe and in hereby autl.ori?,:;1 to t:11W whatever action be ,,:Heves nacessayp to obtair. pousession tharco.', ,.aid r..rop^_rty Jt, "• 411 :lay :;tree*s. Adopted on call of the ,.11 '_:3ae, Corz�nission^ru aOr:ow anti : ,er : ro . . J .coa (4). Ne.---- $13 -- De,^.rd of Commissioners Proceedings of City of Paduceh , ; plot :or is � Cormissionor Clark offered notion that an ordinance entitled: "All ORDINANCE A. Leo -Audit AU_'IIORIi,IIIG THE E.?--PLOYI.0-:T OF MORRIS A. LEE, A CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTAIIT, TO IIAM.; f AN AUDIT OF THE ACCO.UIIT11 OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH AILD ALL CITY OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1952 II1 COI?SID:;RITIOI' OF THE PAM-ZuNT TO HIi•: Or THE SUi OF :;;2,500.00", be adopted. Adoptedon call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark, Johnston, T:orrow and "e:ayor Pro ^em Jacobs (4). Director Conr+,issioner Johnston offered notion that action of the adoption of an Public :forks i ordinance entitled: "AIT ORDIIIAHCE CR ATI -G TIIE P09I'fIOI! OF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC I'l0i'.Y•.S, DESCRIBING TIM, DUTIFr 0 '.T^ ^r'0TY3'P:; �-D Ti --,---.SALARY THS EvR', bo do -"erred until the ne:a: neetin,; of this board. ..doptod oz call of the moll, Ycais, Coir.,issioners Clark, Johnston, ::orrow and ::ayor Pro Te;;: Jacobs (4) . _lactio:::::T Co mesio^•^r 7:0: -ow off ared motion t':at an ordinance entitled: 141II ORDINAIICE ORDEnII'G ... 7-J-ECTIC'' 3Y THE QUALIFIED VOT.3RS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KEFTUCI.Y, LECTIOI'. DAY, IIOV Tr? 3, 1953, = T':3 CITY OF PADUCAH, TO D >_a:; THE QUESTION IIAETHER THE CITY OF PADUCAH SHALL PUZC:IASE FRO:: THE KEIITUCKY UTILITIES C01•2-AHY ITS ELECTRIC UTILITY PLA IIT IF THE CITY OF _ ADUCAI', __. TUC.'r, AT Pi1E ? :IC... CF :1,978,517,IM SHA?LL CO'T,_711-fI . 71 A;;D CPi:"�ATE 4.: U'ICIP:�T. L ^Ti. PL:..:_ .:i e _,__To:::U CCRT n"? i. C!r,1C3 _ . 7 I3'.lUs REVENUE- MIMS III THE I. XIi.M: TOTAL C'.:;.;' 7 .3,383,000 TO PAY THE PUPCi A: PRIC3 FOR SAID EL8GTRIC PLZT AILD TO CO7'ST7=T :,17D :,D=TIO:?.:L FACILITIES A M TO l , �. opted. on call o tho Roll, Yeas, i SnID M CT?TC PLATT + be a dept Commissioners Clark, Johnston, ;:orro:•! and !-ayor Pro Tom Jacobs (4). 'tun Clearance JCommissioner Idorrow offered notion that an ordinance entitled: "AIN ORDINANCE Contract BPFROVII G ZID PROVIDING FOR THE, PIECUTIO d OF A CONTRACT FOR ADVAIT!CE UNDO' TITLE I OF THE HOUSI13G ACT OF 1949, DATED AS OF OCTOBER 11 1952, IJID IIUiiBMtSD CONTRACT NO. UR KY. A -o, BY AID BETWEEN THE CITY OF.PADUCaH, g'I;TUCRY +tii) Tll:: U711T3D STATE] 0: be introduced and remain on file for public inspection for at lcast onu vmrl: in the completed form in which it shall be put upon -its final paasa�c. Adop-c". I on call cf tiro adll, Ycas, Con-,:issioners Clark, Johnston, i:orrmu and :dayor Pro Tori Jacobs (4). G:::otion the r:actinC adjourned. 4S� 4. ?952 APYItGTT'D �A'