HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 22, Page 48, April 25, 1950P,—,dings of"`' :i 1 onorn Arril 23, 19LO ------ --- - --- City of Paducah ,It a ;�o.-ular :-etln; of the -oard of Com:A;1.ilonera hold in the Commission charibar a, the City Hall, raducah, ;:entucky, at; 7:30 on -,pril 25, 1950, ::ayor ,rcaided and upon call o; the 110l1 the followin_� answered to their names: TacoLa, 311izs, '11iomao and Layor Johnston (Z). ':inuto3 of the 'Drcv-!Ov.;j meeting wore adopted as reed. line Cow!-U olonor ',tannin offered ..tion that the petition of Loren ?.1. ''ones for Ds par.11azlon to e:-tend ;:is privately o-.,.,nod I" inch water pipe line on 40th stroet and fine Goad be 1-,r,-..-,.-.,ot! subject to the linitationa and conditions contained In said patitaon and -%st t!le -ocuost of pet1tioner, Frances Fcu;;Iand, to connect a one inch pi:.c line to the 1." inch rater pipe line of Loron :1. Jones, be ,ranted subject tp the teras and con- 6ition3 contained in said petition. It is understood, however, that in ,ranting the privileges sou_-ht In said patitio i 'tiler the City of andvcah nor the Commissioners of ','.ater `•-orlcs shall be obli_fated to said pipe lines or any part thereof and no such obli.at! ' on shall be obtained or be 'lied hereafter should the territory to be served by the rater lines to be laid under authority herein requested be taken into or umde a part of the City of Paducah. It Is further understood that the petitioners will subscribe for water service at .^c rates no;. or he-eafter Prescribed for water service to consumers outside the city limits and subject In all renpecta to the rules and regulations of the City of Paducah or its 'cn:iissloners of -,ater -orks which may be now in force or hereinafter enacted. ::othin- in the `rantinZ Of this Petition shall obligate the City of iladucah or it: 172irr3"r of :ator :forks to .1,larantce water pressure or scrvico and said .rater ser- 'locontinued throu-11 said pipe lines or any part thereof at any time when it; -.n t of the Cor..-.iLsionc-:ra of �-atzr --orl:s tile furnishin: of v,,f ter to the petitionr 3ucccJzOrc in o',-norzhi7 of tile property no*,,., owned by them may I t rfer a An SUPI) limits lY arl� distribution of :rater inside tile cor or_,to I jts Adopted on call of the po]l, yonz, Comtjiaaioners '!arlain, z, -1yor Johnston (5). O'fcllad ,.a ,:;on that the card of Comv.;In.,ionjpj receive :-.n cOtti % foil the: -lurabormana uttzal (,aoualty ro:-,.,--in1, "-':.MvGd under a contracL:l-la :ub-lic -',LU0rl3 of �oator il.nUroas, L ('001-,,20, 000 000 in c onnec tion Y,-t; f'; , or reconatructin,, in an;; r ,poo i city, and that said iauor -o A(loptud on cu- o of 1 Johns Lon a :17 li Proceedings of -o:' _L.:;' n;t.: P laity of Paducah Io recaived and filed and that the attorney fox. the city bo authorized to prepare an o;•dinunce order<nr- the cloainG within the areas mcntloned in scud kettera thono atrcets and public :rays :rich the housing commission doolre to have closed in order to establiah said houaln;; projects. adopted on call of the ,oil, 'loan, Commiasianors !:n:,a1n, Jacobs, :;ims, 3'homso and 1,%yor Johnston (5). _ Comr.:issionor rrhomea offered motion that the City 'lroaauror be authorized topay to 3 the City aseasor, i..abol 2routman, her regular salary throu;;h :,:ay 31, 1050, said salary _ 50 covoring the payment for sick leave which has boon advanced to cover the period from April I through April 15, and payment during; her ?resent disability from April 1C :iirouz,h ;"ay 31, 1950. Adopted on call of the Holl, `leas, Commioz loners Nannin, Jacrbs, Sims, `-homna and '..ayor Johnston (3). Audit -publis Comriiasioner Thomas offered motion that the City iroasurer be authorizer) to gubliuh short form ���////// P�P in the sun-Democrat the condensed form of the audit report prepared by i.:orria A. Leo, the Certified lublic Accountant employed by the City to make an audit of its finnrcial { affairs for the year 19.9. Adapted on call of the Poll, Yoas, Commissioners I'annin, I t Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and ;,.ayor Johnston (5). Truck-En Commissioner ihonas offered motion that an o•dinance entitled: "AA O,DI:IA_CE Division Accert hir>v-i. ACCEFILETO TI:E FID O"r' "CI";C;-;i00DALL KOTOR SAL. N k'OR 'P;_: TO 3 CITY 02 PADUCAH 0_ .. o ala l l lad 10PY :i -.IE3j SOC:C i0 U? C' 01 THE PT LIC L,ORILI"IS T`IE CIT: :.:C :i PO _ M C`f AOR ^.'_.. -...:_-0_'", introduced and remain on file for publle insroctioa for one (1) l In the comnleted form in r:hich it shall be put upon its final pacaa ro. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners I.annin, Jacobs, .1ms, '.hormaa an.1 ,,or Johnston (b Lir.;estono- or ;issionvr Fannin offered motion that an ordinance entitled: .. Curtis '::ilker son - .:CCDr'r::._ 7E SID 0: GJhTi : i i30": R P-L -,ALE „ ,'_ 1AOWL. '9 C on txact ..,.. . .DE„ b., nl c,.l. ,Aioptod on call of tt,.c %07.1, Na, or .rohnston (3). f ;.' udt°: Dtreet !,/ .-.. I. _ .. _ oi..cicd motion that an or;.,ir.-,:cc entitled: "A!: 0-,DL:...:.:, name ct:sn• w' to _.^-.osa..,. .. .: _ - _ TO .'.'t;'C.;A LA:. n 's uu-cted. .,doptod on call of the I Lend .;.rnln, Jacobs, Si"a, 'i7:o:r:a a.;:d :.:a,or Johnston (5). :;meet ^.aa ',)red motion that the -card ofr,-..._'slon-jrz ro',cet the Nidi; aline bids i readvertis au,7:. .n; =ailey Di._,. - _'1 -11 L)". r: _. _. t' .. '. _.. j cit ter,) or. C a No.. -__-v0------ Prc,cedings of_. City of r 1 i April 25, 1050 r Johnston offered motion that the attorney or the city be authorized ':o a _'or introduction at the next n:etin; an ordinance providin for the CrantinZ o_ ninety .3ay o2tion to the City of xnducah :unicipal 'ousia„ Com;aias.011 for the to said Co-:.i:icaion or the sum of 13,500 of all o: that property aliich is or:ned by the City of aducah. .:!thin the follo'::in, described area, to -crit: rounded on V o east by 1! "�" street on the north by 22nd street, on the northwest by Ohio Street, on the by 25th ;troet, on the southeast by Sin .street. Adoatod on call of the Boll, Yeaa, Comsinsionoro iia:nin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and ::ayor Johnston (5). On motion the meeting adjourned. ------- 1950 A. PROV city c ar t