HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 22, Page 44, April 11, 1950No.
Proceedings of ^artt 0 Co::-.ioil:ro City of Paducah '•p'''"2 12
la:• ootln' o:ciao • card of Cor.diclonoro held in the Conlaisaion Chau'—c:
=atuoky, at 5:50 1. on April 11, 1950, :;ayor Johnctnn + c-
_r1e3 anti upon call c-' the ,oll the folloviln` o.rlsviorod to their namoa: Commisslo.,::;l
a:In, Jacobs, ;limo, • erlas and .ayor Johnston (5).
inuteo of t1 -.o provious mnetin_- erero adopted as road.
+;o.-ni.:sioncr Jacobs offered motion that the letter of the City :.:ana;;or, diked
Aril 11, 1950, relative to the condition of the sidewalk in front of the Gettlomont
•'u3o bo veceivod and filed. Adoptod on call of the!Zoll, seas, Cornrlicsienors
.Iacobs, .ora Thomas and Fayor Johnston (5).
Cor::issionar Jacobs o.:ferod :notion that the Board of CowliZZ11on0ra reoeive and
file the letter of ::. Andorson, Street uperintendent, dated April 11, 1950, In ::inch
he advises that the v:ork done by Charles DouZlea 3ooe in straetc and public rays has boo',
com^loted, inspected and approve d.
.-c _urtl.cr Moved that the City :anaLor be authorized to sign the a':i;achod "Hotic
^ancellat-ion" o_ the 'gond of the said Charles Dou4'-3s Roac. Adopted on call of the
ill, Yeas. conindcsioncrs Tannin, Jacobs, Z-Tmo, Thomos and :'ayor Johnston (5).
Com:id aioncr maims offered motion that the letter of the City I:.anaZer dated -p;dl
10, 1950, to other with the bids submitted :_y E.i'.calley dotricutin� Company, Standard
,il Cmarary, 71d -Continent Petroleum Corporation and -hell Ill Company be received and
Ne furthor roved that all of said 'cic'.s be rejected and that tie City :,:ana,,or
directed to rs-advertise for U's based on specifications to be furninhod by the cit;;
peed on call of the Roll, Yeas, Cormnissioners '.annin, Jacobs, Sima, Thomas and
or John*..,., (5).
'=ims offerod motion that the _.card of Comiiss-onors receivo, filo
finale c•_=ncurnnce ics'.ccd by the fidelity and Casualty Company to
. ,roaeh •.. t... :t'; n.' v:c, i, for a par-od 0;' one from ..prll 17, 1950;
the �nitod 3tatoz :fidelity and (maranty Company to
oyd and Jon c 'fcativc until ..u'--„ lu, 1^i 0,
..:d .;on in ti)o amount of
o-. l..,ionuY "-�A sin, .r'aC0 a,
t O Original oxecutod a rOC::i nt ...
r,.^„rnl loctric -upply OOr aOra ti On in c. ...-
_...._=iy for maintenance of the s tops and
,:loptod on call of the :,0"_1,
..�:.... .. , , .... , ,!ohnn ton (. )
nP Co :ir.; ionor8 a;...: ova payrn:n : of
.'tohtoct on call of t'