HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 22, Page 37, March 28, 1950Proceedings City of Paducah t. t a 403ulsr tinG Of the .card of Cormnaisalan C ommin 0 loll at the City :All, Paducah, 1�ontucky, a; 7:30 on 23, 1930, ?Fajor procided and upon call of the Roll the folloran answered to t1ioir names: Cn: L:;2Ion:)ro Jacobs, '.Phomas and !,-.ayor Johnston (3), Conl:11.;ji­!Jr)j'j Tannin arid •Aria baln�; al_­,,..-it (2). 7'jnj_,Fao of-the previous riaetlrx�:. .,.,are adoptod as read. line i Corarissionor Jacobs offcrod motion that the petition of '..:. '.I'clly an,, :-rife, Dorothy -ch .-.Va. Tarlo folly, for permission to connect a 3/4 inch water pl.po line to the I,. inch nrivatel ly o,:.,ncd wator pipe line o: R. IN.' Pell and to extend said line a .Ustanco of approxim"Ita �y it 3r0 feat to the property of petitioners located on the North aide of ;:Innich. ;:venue between 36th and 37th Streets outside the city limits a.' Paducah, Kentucky, be received and filed and that the requout petitioned for therein be Granted subject to the tors int conditions contained in said petition. it is un,11orstood, however, that in 73ntinj: the privileges souf*ht In laid petition neither the City of Paducah nor the Cor27inuionerj of '..ater 11.orl,,3 shall be obli�atod to buy said pipe line or any part thereof, and no otzch oblI:;atIon shall be obtained or be I implied should the territory to be served by the .-.,ater line to be laid under the author- ity heroin requested be talcon into or made a part of the City of Paducah. It is further understood that the petitioners trill subscribe for .rates service at the rates now or hereafter prescribed for 'aa ter service to corisumors outside the city limits and subject in all respects to the rules and re.-:1ationo of the City of Paducah its Commissioners of ','.'star .,Tor`3 'which may be noxi in force or hereinafter enacted. ­othrv- . f - . in the Grantin-, of this petition shall obliZate the City of Paducah or 11ILts Co=Assloncrs of '.-'orks to j;uarantee r.uter pressure or service and said tutor servile 1, may be discontinued throuZh said pipe line or any part thereof at any time .,:hon in the judrraont of the Conumizinionars of ater ..'or%cs the furnishinZ of orator to the pobitIqn-i-s III or successors In ownership of the aroperty no,,,, o-.-inod by them n'Ay:Lnterforo in any I wiue the adequate supply ane distribution of rater innido tic car limits of Illi tl%c of Paducah. ;4OPtGd On cail of the !'oil, Veno, Coi_Anji.on,rn Ricobn, ihor.xlo and -,hriaton (3). n ','o Jncob3 o.i'fcrod motion thut the petition of Paul Ale:zandor and wife, ::v,(Aor, residingon 0,alra 1, owl in :,ccracl:')n count*,,, outside t1:o corlporat 1 ITII to a :ontuclky, for authority to laJ and construct it :rater lino Por the "n - wator scrvico to tl-!.a '1;ull'in loautoJ nn 1:'o �1'ty 0' nAlt.:011- rc—"I lvc,7 filcd' an-1 that the request in nail .-c 7- -yu-nLod la a ^cor,!,a:cel arjvor, in ;_:rantin" the nrivl? ht 1!-t nnidTDotition n,�Itiqrl Ion ate„ -,,,-'zj 'ai c'Jjt!,j ,:j or 1,0 31_,,lied i in ler the a In- .-Ator aorvice at th aona)zna,,,e. Outside the city limits. r"11)z; and ro,--alationn 0", the C 'tt, No. City of Paducah arch' ' 19;0 ^oma.:3ssior.:rs of •ater '.:oa'rs to _,uarantoc _,asuro ^r service, and sold mater aerv_.cc 1-ny 'ae lsecn inuod th-ou .h said _ripc lino at any time whop in the ju'C:iont of its Co: 17—'.on-ro o_^ '&ter ''ors the furniship,; of cater to the potitlonors or their succoasorn in cr. srahip of the: property owned may rotor_ore in any wise with the adequate oupply ands c.°stribution o= crater inside the cor_-orate limits of tte City of Paducah. Adoptee] on en 1 ^ell, .:bas, Go:;.•::issiotmrs .=:coba, 'lixovgs an9 '.ayor Johnston (:i). ._... loner ,,hor_sa of_'erad rnotion. that the potition of ,..:.Cavo for permission to no connection h a ono inch nater pine line to a 2' inch :•rater pipe line armed :. Loron `.'. Jones so as to fu--nishrrater tc one rosidonce to be constructed on Lots 91 and 42, .lock C, .'.ursot Cott t :addition outside the city limits of Paducah, .'on'tuck , be rcc�ivcd and failed ane'. t'r:e request petitioned for therein be Zrarted su': jcct to the terms ions contanod in said pctit-ion. understood, ho -::ever, that in ,:rantin the grivilc�ca sou ixt in said petition the City o_ .Paducah nor the CorL:3aaioners of :Dater ' or'.cs shall be obli;_atod to buy said _Apo line or any part thereof, and no such obligation shall be obtained or be 1, -!died hereafter should the territory to be nerved bf the crater line to be lai:l under th aut'iority herein requested ba taken into or made a Dart of the City of iaclucah. 't is further understood that t'ro petitioner :rill subscribe for crater agruice at the rates nor: or hereafter prencricod for dater service to consumers outsido the City Limits 5-.17-jcet in c.._. the :-ales ar.d rc`'l•.lations of the City o^ cadacah or Ito rc a 3s:;ienars .. bo nor, in force or hereinafter enacted. ?othin in c'itlon shall gblifate the Cit;; of raducah or its ter 'or'.ca to -too rater prosoara or service and ❑alai rater ❑er c : 1t:,rou:h said = line or an;; hurt tl.croof at any tino rrhon in +'•o csioncrs •ov'ca the furn_afua; n' :rat:or 1:0 the ❑hip o_ nroperty no., owned by .r:: 'n _.'ore in an; .. c o; distribution 01 •.;inter ina:uio t1 -•o col-ox•atc '._<:i::s :a _ ^,r,';nr_ call o.' the ,:011, coir, Co :- iaaion:rs .Jac_ i ' o; t} :c flood unoor v,b.ich'. il.l:c:c• .. i'icorpaa C.roso an 1•:er low's 27 in the Calc be .-A to entcr on the co:,:otory i for tha ., optad on call '.: the ;±o'.', rt __ttor pf Leo Ltvin`sto:x, _. a ta to conn tract a crn . � ., ...,•n as cal1 n� ti,o ..o'..1, :can Cq _ iaaigtr.3.r: .,,oOr 'a'7at car." ren nn it 0 ..onatraot a na7:tjR card b, No. Proceedings of --- --- - _— _ _ .___ City of Paducah -- cr:-i .00 ..%1C has lacn paid for i.' .;10 bul.:! :ban, ^w,nis: J.on:1.3 Jacobs. 5hoc:Na to-iO :'ayor Johnatp:a , 'c. asior_'hoi_as offored notion that tiro certificate of im"I'­.• ,:I _ ow , V,Cas 1t, :rn:oany of :leer _orl: to T,ayr . lack xn l ':1111x ., nn _u the City of ,aducah, said cort,•i.fi.cato a m.,In ..._ „cin a:u;.._ _ olicy :J11 -170:5 from 4:U' -,vat , 194C to W ;us t ct'.�7n �:7.th the di,_:in^v, oponin , excavation aui', veconrtvuct on in atreeto, ..:,V::: i 1 ru'.1'_c .rays, be received, fil-xd and approved. ?dopted on call of the :Zoll, , ^o^Iznvioners Jacobs, Thomas and i'ayor Johnston (3). -_ 7,a or Johnston offered motion that the letter of Dr. Lour, ::. '"cavo :Ilth refer- _ . ,<.-. __ ✓ -.cc to the deplorable conditions :•which exist at all dips- cwlt'Uri thy, city and -reco:c - 'lia, strict onforcomont of the ordinance fixin: minimum staniiarllo for cn7lccttnr os3n� o" Zar':aZe be received and filed. .doptod on ea7.1 of the Jacobs, Tnoms and layor Johnston W. ^7 ro.' ^yor John ton o' »ed n tion that n o.,dinanco rC=. i^ct _ _:i CI . 19::0, p r.,:' CO:. 01, ID PU?C :SZ$ L...L .'r. pNp . ZD ', be aaonted LC.opted on call of the loll, •cas, Coruld-asioners daeoba, Thomas P f.nd :'ayor Johnston (3). ayor Johnston offered notion t hat an ordinance entitloc:: ".:': Oi;:)3: ,; .C'; ' .:i`'! LDl'al r.._ . -OTT 0.? LIC_7...:0 t C3 Pt D C f O-)UCf .;, t I ,TT `C C,, I I i t Proc*O&ftqS Of Co: .i City of Paducah arch 22, 1V"O A.7 L T ':G T, C- 5AID TJPO:'. bo recoivod an filed atid that said ordinance be referred to the attorney for tho city for an opinion to (1) it is nae i:.*rAch the board has a. InZ;al riht to pass, (P) whothor the .nn, ordinance and su:,:,,ortin:: affidavit m -et the requix"enonts undor the provisions (3) the petition contains the oiCnaturon of a number of voters least 23,. of the total number of votes cast for both candidates for 'ayor at I,zt ri,occod.lnr ro_,ular election for :.ayor, and also contain.- the other data requirod n, Iz: ,, :,roviziono of said statute. -.dopted on call of t",e Roll, Yeas, ConUcaionoro and .'n. -or Johnston (3). "On motion the racotirK; adjourned. it y