HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 22, Page 322, December 11, 1951Board of Commissioners December 1.1, 195.1 Proceedings of City of Paducah -- At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commission Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.M. on December 11, 1951, Mayor is Johnston presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: t Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5). i Gi Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. tater line Commissioner Hannin offered motion that the petition of Ruedeman M. Harmon and Sunset Ct. „ wife, Esther W. Harmon, for permission to make one connection with a 1 inch water pipe line to the 2 inch water pipe line owned by Loren M. Jones so as to furnish water to one residence to be constructed upon property owned by petitioners on Lots 19, 20, 21 & 22, Block N "A", Sunset Court Addition, outside the city limits of Paducah, Kentucky, be received and i filed and the request petitioned for therein be granted subject to theterms and condition in said petition. It is understood, howeber, that in granting the privileges sought in said pet- i ition neither the city of Paducah nor the Commissioners of Water Works shall be obligated rto buy said pipe line or any part thereof, and no such pbligation shall be obtained or be implied hereafter should the territory to be served by the water line to be laid under the authority herein requested be taken into or made a part of the City of Paducah. It is further understood that the petitioners will subscribe for water service at the rates now or hereafter prescribed for water service to consumers outside the city limits and subject in all respects to the rules and regulations of the City of Paducah or its Commissioners of Water Works which may be now in force or hereafter enacted Nothing in the granting of this petition shall obligate the City of Paducah or Us Commissioners of Water Works to guarantee water pressure or service and said water service may be discontinued through said pipe line or any part thereof at any time when in the „udgment of the Commissioners of Water Works the furnishing of water to the petitioners or their successors in ownership of the property now owned by them may interfere in any wise with the adequate supply and distribution of water inside the corporate limits of the City of Paducah. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5). W,iter line Corsmissioner Jacobs offered motion that the petition of Henry H. Schnuck and wif , Suncet Ct. Mary Kathryn. Jchruck, for permission to make one connection with a 3/1. inch water pipe lin to th,s 2 i. -r. w',;er pipe line owned by Loren M. Jones so as to furnish water to one resi- dence to _.:.1,ructed upon property pwned by petitioners on Lots 1 and 2 in Block "0" Stunset, Court, 6_, tion., outside thr, city limits of Paducah, Kentucky, be received and filed and the regc•ss: petitirned for thrirein be granted subject to the terms and conditions in Said petition. Is _,., . , howeber, that. in granting the privileges sought in said petiti.(n neither C?,, c!' - nor the Corzissien<:r- of Wa,t:er Works shall be obligated to buy said r,^ c r. r ch ot7, •.ion :;hall ba obtained or be i^plied here, -- r) be laid under the authori,y here t.. .. _ t,,•, - ... .. .- .. _. „. .. - a 41 ratee 1. , 9 No. 323 aedings of - -.;';i oC Cr<:.zii_arionerF _.City of Paducah ��'cember 17., 1951 ::o;:-.5nj in the granting of this petition shall obligate the City of Paducah or its Commissioners of Water Works to guarantee water pressure or service and said water n�rvice may be discontinued through said pipe line or any part thereof at any time when in the judgment of the Commissioners of Mater Works the furnishing of water to the ` titioners or their successors in ownership of the property now owned by them may interfere in any wise with the adequate supply and distribution of water inside the r. corporate limits of the City of Paducah. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5)• Commissioner Sims offered motion that the petition of James H. Warner, residing on Dixie Avenue in McCracken County, outside the corporate limits of Paducah, Kentucky, for authority to lay and construct a water line for the purpose of providing water - service to the building located on the property of petitioner be received and filed and that the request in said petition be granted in accordance with the terms as set forth therein. It is understood, however, in granting theprivilege sought in said petition neither the City of Paducah, nor the Commissioners of Water Works shall be obligated to buy said pipe line or ;any part thereof, and no such obligation shall be contained or be implied hereafter should the territory to be served by the water line to be laid under the authority lerein requested be taken into or made a part of the City of Paducah. It is further understood that the petitioner will subscribed for water service �I at the rates now or hereafter prescribed for water service to consumers outside the city limits of Paducah and subject in all respects to the rules and regulations of the City o Paducah or its Commissioners of Water Works which may be now in force or hereinafter- enacted. ereinafterenacted. Nothing in the granting of this petition shall obligate the City of Paducah or its Commissioners of Water Works to guarantee pressure or service, and said water service may be discontinued through said pipe line at any time when in the judgment of its Commissioners of Water Works the furnishing of water to the petitioner or his successor in ownership of the property owned may interfere in any wise with the adequate supply and distribution of water inside the corporate limits of the City of Paducah. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston Water line Commissioner Sims offered motion that the petition of Lela V. Scopes residing on Ber,,er Rd the Berger Road in McCracken County, outside the corporate limits of Paducah, Kentucky, for authority to lay and construct a water line for the purpose of providing water servic to the building located on the property of petitioners be received and filed and that thel request in raid petiticn be granted in accordance with the terms as set forth therein. It in understood, however, in granting the privilege sought in said petition neither the C±_ ty oPaducah nor the Commissioners of Water Works shall be obligated to � but said pipe line or any part thereon, and no such obligation shall be contained or be implied hereaftpr should the torritory to be. served by the water line to be laid under, tirlr+ author±ty herein requested be taken into or made a part of the City of Paducah. � It is further understood that the petitioner, will subscribe for water service at thM _..•.es nsw or hereafter prescribed for water service to consumers outside the city j -itai*.r i-adl;rai; and subject in all re:perts to the rules and regulations of the City 51. r,f ::..c;:r. cr :.... ..._.... ,.sn.:ra of Water Forks which may be now in force or hereinafter � t enactf:. i Proceedings of "c _i of Commi=aigners City of Paducah December 11, 1951 Nothing in the granting of this petition shall obligate the City of Paducah or its Commissioners of Water Works to guarantee pressure or service, and said water service may be discontinued through said pipe line at any time when in the judgment of its Commissioners of Water Works the furnishing of water to the petitioners or their successo in ownership of the property owned may interfere in any wise with the adequate supply and distribution of water inside the corporate limits of the City of Paducah. Adopted on ;Fall of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5) :ter 'line i Commissioner Thomas offered motion that the petition of Marvin W. Tudker, for pe :�ackner lane; mission to make one connection with a 3/4 inch water pipe line to the 21 inch water pipe dline owned by Loren M. Jones so as to furnish water to one residence to be constructed upon property owned by petitioners be received and filed and the request petitioned for I;therein be granted subject to the terms and conditions of said petition. ' It is understood, however, that in granting the privileges sought in said peti- tion neither the City of Paducah nor the Commissioners of Water Wprks shall be obligated to buy said pipe line or any partthereof, and no obligation shall be obtained or be implied hereafter should the territory to be served by the water line to be laid under the authority herein requested be taken into or made a part of the City of Paducah. It is further understood that the petitioners will subscribe for water service at the rates now or hereafter prescribed for water service to consumers outside the city limits and subject in all respects to the rules and regulations of the City of Paducah or its Commissioners of Water Works which may be now in force or hereinafter enacted. Nothing in the granting of this petition shall obligate the City of Paducah or its Commissioners of Water Works to guarantee water pressure or service and said water service may be discontinued through said pipe line or any part thereof at any time when in the judgment of the Commissioners of Water Works the furnishing of water to the petitioners or their successors in ownership of the property now owned by them may interfere in any wise with the adequate supply and distribution of water inside the cor- porate limits of the City of Paducah. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners (Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5). ;rove pay -f Commissioner Hannin offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive and to con for fire nation approve the statement of the contractor for the fire station in the sury of 312,388.66 and that the City Treasurer be authorized to issue check in this amount covering statement of Decemter 3, 1951. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jjcobs, , Lhomac and Nayor Johnston (5). lum Ciear- I Ccr=isnioner Hannin offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive and r,rce- ierter Mr. :;houp file the letter of r, rle T. Shoup, A aintant Corporation Coun:zej „ dated December 7, 1951, relative to the apYlicnticn by the City of Paducah for a reservation of Federal grant monies, under Title i of the Housin,• Act of 11pt.9. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, oa,:izaicners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thc.-as and Mayor Johnston (5). hushing Add. Cc:::issicner Jacobs offerer: motion that the Board of Commissioners approve the rave to Ha..,... sale by the City of Paducah to Har,'__; ''.cCrsy of ,rave No. 133 in block. No. 7 of the "ushinl Additi.cn to Cai :rr,ve "_..:•_r and, that the City Clerk he authorized to execute a deed of conveyance to id cera-�,er? trove. on call of the Boil, Yeas, Cormis:ioners Harn4n, Jacobs, rims, C.R.Ra.iirgs Cec»nisr:iprer Sim.,, the board of Commissioners receive and file w. resign: Board cf cq. i No. -.. .._326 ------....._- 1d Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah December 11., 1951 the letterof C. N. Rawlings in which he resigns his appointment as a member of the Board of Equalization. Such resignation effective as of December 3, 1951. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hnnnnin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston Rushing Add,/ Commissioner Thomas offered motion that the Board of Commissioners approve the Grave to Novella Dudley sale by the City of Paducah to Novella Dudley of Grave No. 132 in Block No. 7 of the Rushing Addition to Oak Grove Cemetery, and that the City Clerk be authorized to execute a deed of conveyance to said cemetery grave. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5i• Robert Stubb-� Commissioner Thomas offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive and fil lefield Oath it of Office r the oath executed by Robert Stubblefield as a member of the Board of Equalization. ryi Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor jJohnston (5). Streets Close; Mayor Johnston offered the following motion: refer to Zoning Bd. I move that the Board of Commissioners receive and file the copy of the motion passed by the City Planning and Zoning Commission in which said Commission asks that this board refer to them for consideration and recommendation all requests for the closing of streets. I further move that before any streets in the future are ordered closed that said matter be referred to the City Planning and Zoning Commission for consideration and recommendation. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, aims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5). St. Light Mayor Johnston offered motion that the Board of Commiasioners receive and file 3100 Jackson the letter of Hay Curtis in which he requests that a street light be installed in the vicinity of 3100 Jackson Street. He further moved that the City Manager be directed to have an investigation made to determine the need for this light and if such investigation discloses that a light is necessary that the City Manager request the Kentucky Utilities Company to make the installation. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, I! Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5)• St. Light Mayor Johnston offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive the letter 3211 Buckner Lane& Maple of the Rev. J. J. Glenn requesting that street light3 be placed opposite 3211 Buckner & Wallace k Lane p; Lane and at the corner of Maple and Wallace Lanes and that the matter be referred to ( the City Manager for investigation. He further moved that if the investigation indicates a need for these .lights that, the Gity Manager be authorized to request the Kentucky Utilities Company to make installation of said lights. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and 3:ayor Johnston (5). Harold :e;ayor Johnston offered the following motion: Since the terms of office of Harold Su111vsr. Cnac Hasfie'd Sullivan and Charles Hatfield an members of the Paducah Municipal Hospital Comrria3ion reappointed Hospital Com will expire on December 31, 1951, 1 move that the said Harold "Sullivan and Charles Hatfi be reappointed as renter® of nai.d commission for further tenr.3 of three years, so that 1,511' tcard an now conntltut^d rhail be composed of the following member3: «, J. P:err_F, whose tens expire:: December 3.1.. 1952 'ef.iie Lcng, whose term expire, -,December 31 1952. . et ver whose term uxpi. Decemb er 31, Her 31,1.953 Sus Smith, w hnce,term expires December 31, 1953 Louis :ick, whose term; expires Decerher 31, 1953 Harold Sullivan, wfose term expir(, December 31, lci54 Charles Hatfield, 'whose term exr).' 'uecember 31, 1954 1d No. 1•� Proce &9� of .._.n_rd_orComminslo==L- .i rvation ,'u:i:i :filum Ciearance Express Tbanks to ".C. & F.H.McGraw Slum Clear- ance Reso. V of Planning & Zoning Bd. Request, Bid: Sewer Pipe ___—City of Paducah.__.__. December 1.1, 1951 Adopted on call of the Roll, Yens, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor `Johnston (5). Mayor Johnston offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION REQUESTI1, A RESERVATION OF CAPITAL GRANT FUNDS UNDER TITLE I OF THE HOUSING ACT of 194911, be adop- ted, and that the City Danger be directed to forward to the Administrator of the Housing hand Home Finance Agency three cert fled copies of the resolution, which shall constitute the City of Paducah's formal request to the Administrator for the reservation of capital "grant monies, together with such other supporting data and information as may be required. 9Adopted on call of the Roll, leas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor i Johnston (5). Commissioner Sims offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION i EXPRESSING THANKS TO THE OFFICIALS OF THE ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION AND THE F. H. McGRAW AND COMPANY AND TO THE CREW OF WORKMEN OF F. H. McGRAW AND COMPANY FOR THEIR PROMPT I (RESPONSE TO THE CALL FOR AID IN THE REMOVAL OF DEBRIS AND SEARCH FOR VICTIMS FOLLOWING THE EXPLOSION OF THE FRANK BUILDING AT SECOND AND BROADWAY IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, ON DECEMBER 7, 1951", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5). Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive and file the copy of the resolution adopted by the City Planning and Zoning Commission on December 7, 1951, in which the Commission recommends that the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah file an application with the Administrator of the Housing and Home Finance Agency for a reservation of capital funds in the maximum amount for which the City is eligible, $389,340 as provided in the Slum Clearance Act. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (50. / Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE PURCHASE BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH OF SEWER PIPE, THE SAME TO BE USED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, STREET DIVISION, AND PRESCRIBING THE SPECIFICATIONS TO BE COMPLIED WITH BY BIDDERS", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnntor. (5) . Purchase Co..missioner Hannin offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE lat 8th & N:onroe for :tG71DI1iG FO. THE PURCHASE OF CERTAIN REAL ESTATE FRONTING 50 FEET ON THE EAST LINE OF extencion ) of Nonroe LCRTH 8TH STREET NEAR THE INTERSECTION OF 8TH AND MONROE STREETS IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH pF•R01 P. W. LMILEY AND WIFE FOR THE SUM OF $6,050.00 TO BE USED BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH IN yTHE EXTE`::3107i OF MONROE STREET BETWEEN 7TH AND 8TH STREETS, OR FOR ANY OTHER PUBLIC USE; PRE:;CRIBING TER:'..3 AND CONDITIONS AND AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPTANCE AND PAYMENT OF THE PURCHAS PRICE THEREOF BY THE, CITY SUL'JECT TO :SUCH TERMS AND CONDITIONS", be introduced and remain on file for public inspection fnr one (1) week in the completed form in which it shall .be put ucc. :final passage. Adopted on Call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin (Jacobs, .... , --no-aas and Mayor Joh.^.ston (5). Th,:_mas offered moticn that an ordinr,nce entitled: "AN ORDINANCE !. ? RANKS, AND MONTHLY .1ALAR1'r:: OF THE FIRE DEPAHIIOL3NT AND REPEALING be odonted. 'rlo}ted on call of the Roll, Yeas, wi , :hc..as aid !:nyor Johnston (5). /