HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 22, Page 30, March 14, 1950N..
Pd;hqs of City of Paducah _
At ri
In the o 7,1�AChamber
t ti,o Cit" Fall,%Irch 14, .10.';0,.10.';0,-a,. -or Johnston
entuclj, at 7:zo r., . n o
-o rn
1:1�1 U-011 C!�11. tiro :,,oil the foilowin,: ansvorod L their nar:os: C om, dn n 1 o no
.o, Tho -..'.ns and nyor Johnston
nutes of ti,c previous mcotin7 ':arc adopted as read.
✓motion ne0o
-1 � n -x, o;'- that the petition of on,' wife, 1,1
1 ;!:.ro rcsidln� on and near the Schnoidmin !lead, 1.ackey Stroct, Vtoo',;nld LTL
the corporate linit of 11nducah for
Street and Towle Street outside
construct vtsr;^.r :_,kiris along.-, and under said roads and lanes for the
service for domestic purroses to the property and homes of
potitlon:!_n, be rsco-_`and filed and that the requests in said petition be Erawltod In
accorrlance with the to .,12 set forth in said notitlori.
it in understood, how -ver, that in -rantin the privileges soucht in said potition,
!jcjth^r tho City of Paducah nor the Commissioners of :later .,orks shall be obliSated to
17uy or maintain said pipo line to be constructed by petitioners, or any part thereof, anti
no ouch oLli.-ation shall. ',o octaincd or be imrliod boroaftor should the territory to be
served b,,r the vratcr mins to "'o leid under the authority heroin requested be tal:en into
Ov r.!;de '! _art: of the City of Taducah.
is further understood that the petitioners will subscribe for .,later service at
rates no,-,. or hor"fter prozcr'bod for ,,later sorvico to conowacra outside the city
7 z1"q'_.jvc% In all respects to the rules and regulations of the City of Paducah 0r
IM, ntor 7.`orl i,a% be no,.-., in force or hereinafter enacted.
in '1� raoltln of H,.1,:, shall obligate the City of 1'adLicnh or its
rater 1:ro3z,.urc m' service, and r;al.,.l eater
-,o lino or any part thereof at an, tamp villon
7. iini-oncrs o.'.rater ',7oI,1:s the furniz;hin;-; of wator to any of the
ou-:cc3cors in of the n_,op:)rty owned by then may intcrforo
:--y T;nly and r1intribution oV as to", inside. th , cor!,orato lin.1 t
nn Call of tho :Zoll, ions,
that ti:,) lottor ol' T. j_ 'rodley, Cit.; "i nocv,
s 2 th
In Cal' of tho `o
"I,cvarth3n, 1
.1 and a.
of 1. toners receive and
3C.10 to the ('ity of aklvonf, the a.,,
P..d;.g, of, City of Paducah—
i7o furV�.a"a 1' e.:ci !attar of -radley oonloainin- a 1' '--111 0' said
I 1;13 be rocol-VO-I ;:I at tho ,,ttorniy for tho city ; a authorized to pvOraf rl i Or - tr 0-
eluction an ordinance rrovi-I.In--, for tho acceptance of the Iji(I of tile Coln Oil Com -,any.
Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, CO-,Lljsaion,x-.q --aunin, Jacobi, -ins, 'ti-IOMS, ard
Johnston (5).
Jacobs offered that it the OoGUtcd cOPY Of the o -1t �r
-X r�rlait
'17%, District �n_,.Inaor to the Nontual,y Utilities Company on ' arch 0, 1050, said A,;r,3o-
Cos line
lent _-rantin - Company '-.he ri ht and n ivilc_,o to have conotructid
_, to the ",ontucky Utilities Cork _r
a 611 .,:clded --tecl Pipe, 3/10" thick cllaConally across Section "C" of tho :`100dMll at
Station 141,x74-13 as sho= by the dral'rin� attached to said a,reemont, be received and
filed. Adopted on call of the '1011. Yeas, Commissioners Hantiln, Jacobo, :Arm, Tho;xxj rule
. . Johnston (5).
Payor "a
Liability Ins.i
Co-cqisslonor 61iin offered motion that the _Foard of Cottnis n loners reco1vo, file and
policies t_f
R. A..I;r id:713. tOr;
al"PrO"c the Certificate of Insurance issued be the City of Ynducah by the United :',tnLea
.-.^r Oaje 513ros-
-.1dolity ,,'uaranty Company, said ecrtifIcate showin:: the isouanco of sal,I companywo
al company.
policy ;":CGL -412G7 to the Zanitary '.arloa.-o Connany, and sold cor-
tiftcat^ also shoain- the issunjac o-,- raid company'.,] to the :',. A.
;.'idCsrater sanitary -norba,-e Disposal Company pvoviOL! n - auto liability to the
c,.tent of 150,000 for each person involved in an accident and �'200,000 for all feV Ona
involved in one accident, and provirlln� automobile property damaoc to the Oxt011t Of
„5,000 for each accident, said ooljc-,e3 bein; filed purswint to the P'-'Ovil-'OnU ol, :-,octioll
8 of the ;;arbage and. rubbish disposal franchise. Adoptod on call of the R011, Y'0,18
CorL� sionorc :Tannin, Jacobs, Sims, r1homa3 and Tayor Johnston (3).
L. L. 79L t hl a
Comnlo3loner 'Phomas offered motion that the hoard of Co=:Uooloacra rQcolvo rm(l f.11
a�:rconon t
pay court
the letter of L. L. ' at�iis in which he a_roes to pay all costa of Court and to "Ll �c
costs ': taNO-C
in to,*, 3:'it
sufficient a;:iount at the auct.-Lor. of proporty to cover the ciLyfa claim for ta;zol and the
costs of Court if his attorney is authorized to file a suit ;or L[,,,i to onfwao Its
property I.yln- bctw-:On the Old Clinton io,-,d -i' t!t(! alloy t.1 -at
:;trod noar 31st ntvoot. op ted on cal'. t lio.'oll ,
Jambs, .-iMs, M!OraflU n0l, on
! ability
ool' fila
offered !.lotion UUrow
nn'razlty GO'. pally, sold "1 ol icy
n, In connoction on..': o. Ila
wulka, atr-oots w-.' -7 w! y -'l ';Y loyd T..
1950. ..-A"pt-3d on 1('01 jf .-:oll' _o.: 1
and Mayor Jaihnaton (5) -
Schulte .111:8
?%Yor -7nhnston
L 1.- 1
�.',ngg C
-�-s tt nerve Is a nember, Of xnjO cor,:
Proceedings of Of Cot '130 - OoOrn
City of Paducah arch
J .1 t.
Johnston .radet,17.o colloAnZ aointmw
:, havv.-
l- j,on!, c,oc,od to aorve ,s a momber DC the oal,(.1 of Cot i;A.-:j.*,on,..m
-oln- elf -31,10 to continue In office us a morabor of the -aoartl 0f C IV t 1 -arvice
that John P. Ryan be almointed in Lho place and stand of the said .'oor6o
o 0 to serve an u ncnbor of tile -0,1rd of Civil .service Camirsionoro and to fill Out
torr: of the said Goori!c Thomas, so that said commission an nor: onstituLcd
o :,01 oc 'tho followin-, members:
- -
ox tori! a_rites -, )itcs December 0, 1950
tore c:cr-i.-es 1)000mbor 9, 1951: and
torn adpires Docei-abor 9, 1952
(31 -,nod) Stuart Johnston, 1-1ayor
.7 -nnor Jims offorQd motion that the netion of the ':ayor appointin John
rvico Col(r.Aunionorz In the r)lvco and -.tcr of the -card of Civil
in inoli,_,ible to nerve by reason of his election as a City Co:-
:,-O,.,Od. Ldopted on call of the Rollo yoas, r!ommiosloncrs Fannin,
:--jor Johnston (5)
1.10 his pr I
-!,)nrr 'annin offered motion that the letter of C. J. floss statin_ ap ov
th, site ocl.:ictod by the -j_ouzin7card for the construction of the ne,.,., colored housin7
toOthera copy of the litlor written by him to th0 Sun Democrat ^or
+...Iication is connoctlon with the snine --ibject ",latter be rocoived and filed. .-cIopt)d
call of the 1o1Z, Yeas, ComUnuioners I-annin, Jacobs, Dins, 11-ionns and. "ayor Johnston
1.....,ion:. . .:.:in o:'fercz! notion i.hat, an ordinance entitled:
ray -oil r's tna n
tax ord.
Proceedings Of oard of ;a:. i o ,_,n,.":_ _ . City of Paducah -- -----
Aaaerted in the .,un -Democrat notice of said hcarinw. .Adopted on call of th. a011, %'yeas,
Commissioners tannin, Jacobs, 31ma, 21ionas and :'a;;or Johnston (5)
Coo. Thomas Commissioner 61mo offered motion that the letter of Comniaaionor reor;;e R. Thomas
view's re-
"ayroll tax in which he sots forth his views, opinions and recomminr;ation.s,, with reference to the pr -
gonad payroll tax ordinance be received, filed and 3ivon consideration by the mornbers
of the 'oard of Commissioners. Adopted on call bf the Roll., Yoaa, Commioaionova
7annin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and ';ayor Johnston (5).
Airgort Commissioner Sims offered motion that an ordinance ontitlod: "A:1 O1ZDI"dA'.'CS
roc :ant
^ians.i.cnt us PROvID=:.. 503 T'S `i__, ?. L:i] _.�D JT -•:, n' 7+i
::M i tart'J,
a`_rcr.._'t T`_. YA DUC -cCRAC C T",T i +', _ r. n;
._„STAR'_ AIIiCRA T AL A iA�IDIF:Z AR3A, ra:l _ .,_.._.. ii., ":BCG'C
be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners *annin, Jacoba, :;ima,
(i Thomas and',.:a:Tor Johnston (5).
On motion the meetin adjourned. L
I",ADOPTED �w . 1i! „2� 1950 APPROV
V i
YC�/.f21�_� 1