HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 22, Page 30, March 14, 1950N.. P­­d;hqs of City of Paducah _ At ri In the o 7,1�AChamber t ti,o Cit" Fall,%Irch 14, .10.';0,.10.';0,-a,. -or Johnston entuclj, at 7:zo r., . n o -o rn 1:1�1 U-011 C!�11. tiro :,,oil the foilowin,: ansvorod L their nar:os: C om, dn n 1 o no ir .o, Tho -..'.ns and nyor Johnston nutes of ti,c previous mcotin7 ':arc adopted as read. ✓motion ne0o -1 � n -x, o;'- that the petition of on,' wife, 1,1 1 ;!:.ro rcsidln� on and near the Schnoidmin !lead, 1.ackey Stroct, Vtoo',;nld LTL the corporate linit of 11nducah for Street and Towle Street outside construct vtsr;^.r :_,kiris along.-, and under said roads and lanes for the service for domestic purroses to the property and homes of potitlon:!_n, be rsco-_`and filed and that the requests in said petition be Erawltod In accorrlance with the to ­.,12 set forth in said notitlori. it in understood, how -ver, that in -rantin­ the privileges soucht in said potition, !jcjth^r tho City of Paducah nor the Commissioners of :later .,orks shall be obliSated to 17uy or maintain said pipo line to be constructed by petitioners, or any part thereof, anti no ouch oLli.-ation shall. ',o octaincd or be imrliod boroaftor should the territory to be served b,,r the vratcr mins to "'o leid under the authority heroin requested be tal:en into Ov r.!;de '! _art: of the City of Taducah. is further understood that the petitioners will subscribe for .,later service at rates no,-,. or hor"fter prozcr'bod for ,,later sorvico to conowacra outside the city 7 z1"q'_.jvc% In all respects to the rules and regulations of the City of Paducah 0r ,o IM, ntor 7.`orl i,a% be no,.-., in force or hereinafter enacted. in '1­� raoltln of H,.1,:, shall obligate the City of 1'adLicnh or its rater 1:ro3z,.urc m' service, and r;al.,.l eater -,o lino or any part thereof at an, tamp villon 7. iini-oncrs o.'.rater ',7oI,1:s the furniz;hin;-; of wator to any of the ou-:cc3cors in of the n_,op:)rty owned by then may intcrforo :--y T;­nly and r1intribution oV as to", inside. th , cor!,orato lin.1 t nn Call of tho :Zoll, ions, that ti:,) lottor ol' T. j_ 'rodley, Cit.; "i nocv, s 2 th In Cal' of tho `o "I,cvarth3n, 1 .1 and a. of 1. toners receive and 3C.10 to the ('ity of aklvonf, the a.,, tt!,) No.— P..d;.g, of, City of Paducah— i7o furV�.a"a 1' e.:ci !attar of -radley oonloainin- a 1' '--111 0' said I I 1;13 be rocol-VO-I ;:I at tho ,,ttorniy for tho city ; a authorized to pvOraf rl i Or - tr 0- eluction an ordinance rrovi-I.In--, for tho acceptance of the Iji(I of tile Coln Oil Com -,any. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, CO-,Lljsaion,x-.q --aunin, Jacobi, -ins, 'ti-IOMS, ard Johnston (5). , Jacobs offered that it the OoGUtcd cOPY Of the o -1t �r Co:,,.tAnsionor -X r�rlait '17%, District �n_,.Inaor to the Nontual,y Utilities Company on ' arch 0, 1050, said A,;r,3o- Cos line the lent _-rantin - Company '-.he ri ht and n ivilc_,o to have conotructid _, to the ",ontucky Utilities Cork _r a 611 .,:clded --tecl Pipe, 3/10" thick cllaConally across Section "C" of tho :`100dMll at Station 141,x74-13 as sho= by the dral'rin� attached to said a,reemont, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the '1011. Yeas, Commissioners Hantiln, Jacobo, :Arm, Tho;xxj rule . . Johnston (5). Payor "a Liability Ins.i Co-cqisslonor 61iin offered motion that the _Foard of Cottnis n loners reco1vo, file and policies t_f R. A..I;r id:713. tOr; al"PrO"c the Certificate of Insurance issued be the City of Ynducah by the United :',tnLea .-.^r Oaje 513ros- -.1dolity ,,'uaranty Company, said ecrtifIcate showin:: the isouanco of sal,I companywo al company. and policy ;":CGL -412G7 to the Zanitary '.arloa.-o Connany, and sold cor- tiftcat^ also shoain- the issunjac o-,- raid company'.,] to the :',. A. I; ;.'idCsrater sanitary -norba,-e Disposal Company pvoviOL! n - auto liability to the 1: s c,.tent of 150,000 for each person involved in an accident and �'200,000 for all feV Ona involved in one accident, and provirlln� automobile property damaoc to the Oxt011t Of „5,000 for each accident, said ooljc-,e3 bein; filed purswint to the P'-'Ovil-'OnU ol, :-,octioll �. 8 of the ;;arbage and. rubbish disposal franchise. Adoptod on call of the R011, Y'0,18 CorL� sionorc :Tannin, Jacobs, Sims, r1homa3 and Tayor Johnston (3). L. L. 79L t hl a Comnlo3loner 'Phomas offered motion that the hoard of Co=:Uooloacra rQcolvo rm(l f.11 a�:rconon t pay court the letter of L. L. ' at�iis in which he a_roes to pay all costa of Court and to "Ll �c costs ': taNO-C in to,*, 3:'it sufficient a;:iount at the auct.-Lor. of proporty to cover the ciLyfa claim for ta;zol and the costs of Court if his attorney is authorized to file a suit ;or L[,,,i to onfwao Its property I.yln- bctw-:On the Old Clinton io,-,d -i' t!t(! alloy t.1 -at :;trod noar 31st ntvoot. op ted on cal'. t lio.'oll , Jambs, .-iMs, M!OraflU n0l, on ! ability ool' fila offered !.lotion UUrow nn'razlty GO'. pally, sold "1 ol icy n, In connoction on..': o. Ila wulka, atr-oots w-.' -7 w! y -'l ';Y loyd T.. 1950. ..-A"pt-3d on 1('01 jf .-:oll' _o.: 1 and Mayor Jaihnaton (5) - v Schulte .111:8 ?%Yor -7nhnston ha-appotnted L 1.- 1 �.',ngg C zoning -�-s tt nerve Is a nember, Of xnjO cor,: '7 halt or, Proceedings of Of Cot '130 - OoOrn City of Paducah arch J .1 t. Johnston .radet,17.o colloAnZ aointmw - :, havv.- l- j,on!, c,oc,od to aorve ,s a momber DC the oal,(.1 of Cot i;A.-:j.*,on,..m or, -oln- elf -31,10 to continue In office us a morabor of the -aoartl 0f C IV t 1 -arvice that John P. Ryan be almointed in Lho place and stand of the said .'oor6o o 0 to serve an u ncnbor of tile -0,1rd of Civil .service Camirsionoro and to fill Out torr: of the said Goori!c Thomas, so that said commission an nor: onstituLcd o :,01 oc 'tho followin-, members: - - ox tori! a_rites -, )itcs December 0, 1950 tore c:cr-i.-es 1)000mbor 9, 1951: and torn adpires Docei-abor 9, 1952 (31 -,nod) Stuart Johnston, 1-1ayor .7 -nnor Jims offorQd motion that the netion of the ':ayor appointin John rvico Col(r.Aunionorz In the r)lvco and -.tcr of the -card of Civil in inoli,_,ible to nerve by reason of his election as a City Co:- :,-O,.,Od. Ldopted on call of the Rollo yoas, r!ommiosloncrs Fannin, :--jor Johnston (5) 1.10 his pr I -!,)nrr 'annin offered motion that the letter of C. J. floss statin_ ap ov V th, site ocl.:ictod by the -j_ouzin7card for the construction of the ne,.,., colored housin7 toOthera copy of the litlor written by him to th0 Sun Democrat ^or +...Iication is connoctlon with the snine --ibject ",latter be rocoived and filed. .-cIopt)d call of the 1o1Z, Yeas, ComUnuioners I-annin, Jacobs, Dins, 11-ionns and. "ayor Johnston 1.....,ion:. . .:.:in o:'fercz! notion i.hat, an ordinance entitled: T T, q 7 lic ray -oil r's tna n tax ord. n.t -- Proceedings Of oard of ;a:. i o ,_,n,.":_ _ . City of Paducah -- ----- Aaaerted in the .,un -Democrat notice of said hcarinw. .Adopted on call of th. a011, %'yeas, i Commissioners tannin, Jacobs, 31ma, 21ionas and :'a;;or Johnston (5) Coo. Thomas Commissioner 61mo offered motion that the letter of Comniaaionor reor;;e R. Thomas view's re- "ayroll tax in which he sots forth his views, opinions and recomminr;ation.s,, with reference to the pr - ordinance gonad payroll tax ordinance be received, filed and 3ivon consideration by the mornbers of the 'oard of Commissioners. Adopted on call bf the Roll., Yoaa, Commioaionova i 7annin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and ';ayor Johnston (5). Airgort Commissioner Sims offered motion that an ordinance ontitlod: "A:1 O1ZDI"dA'.'CS roc :ant ^ians.i.cnt us PROvID=:.. 503 T'S `i__, ?. L:i] _.�D JT -•:, n' 7+i ::M i tart'J, a`_rcr.._'t T`_. YA DUC -cCRAC C T",T i +', _ r. n; i ._„STAR'_ AIIiCRA T AL A iA�IDIF:Z AR3A, ra:l _ .,_.._.. ii., ":BCG'C "AYOR AM CITY CLIMIN; A.M PREESCRUINC T'M- TERM AM COITDITLG.:- TO UE COU'11:1Ii:ED I .... __."Y be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners *annin, Jacoba, :;ima, (i Thomas and',.:a:Tor Johnston (5). i On motion the meetin adjourned. L I",ADOPTED �w . 1i! „2� 1950 APPROV V i P YC�/.f21�_� 1 I i I 1 i