HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 22, Page 294, October 2, 1951Procaeding,.[ 7-,,ir" nL' City of Paducah ­-­!tln-� of 11'e Co.r.or cc,!-.mic.;ioners held In the Cminicsion r Padhic-li, Kentucky, at 7:?() on October 2, 1*.ayor 1 0, the 1.1oll the foaloWn_, answf�rpd to th­,-ir mmos: Congicsionors in, "I an �-'_yox- Johnston (1, Commissioner Jacobs being absent. '.irnutes of prevous moQtin„ %-,,ere Pdopted arz read. Co mission • ' 1'ziinin offered :,-,otlori that the Board of Commitzlonut'r receive -ni file the letter pr the Committee representlnZ; the Paducah Police relntive 'Ii: "fferential between the ranks and the prosent rolarleo of the police departmeriL. 1 1 or. c-11 of t. lie R c I I , Yeas, Commissioners. 11-mr. in, S i. ins, Thomas nd yo r J ohn s I; ort Co,I�z:izslon(--r F.?nnin offered motion that the Board of Commissioners approve 7, r 11,; th^ City of Fa.-Juc,:h to Elvira hurray of Greve No. 121 in Bloc}: Z;o. 7 or tl to C,.'k .=rove Cemetery, And that the City Clerk be authortz-Id to '.N"'... :nnvoynn,,i to said mcetery grave. Adopted on call of the Roll, Y!_L, 'q2nnln, Sias, Tho:ms and 1114-a-yor Johnston (4). C3rrx,,7ssloner Hannin offered motion that the Board of Commissioners a approve the liability policy issued by the Connecticut Indemnity Company pz- thve City of 1; :ucah with respect to work done by J. 3. O'Bryan for a period of .n fro-. 28, 1951, also the bond of the J. Z. O'Bryan in the -..:.aunt c,f 1951. Adopted on call of the flo!!, Ypas, Commis ',yo" johx..--on (4). S of' --Ir;- ,n that the Board of Commission: -+r:. rc,.— �-;:ins of Greve Ko. In Block 7 of 'ah to 1 123 rJ. cCc' "trove C, r - c r, n 1 that the City Clerk be author' t c to ­il c,.-r.r.eter:, ._r-- Adopted on call of the Rc' 1:r as -ind Johnston (Ij -it the Board of Co!rmi sloners an he ired motl on th, s prove t or I.r, 7"' r, I. or Si... 2? in 51c, of thy! Rushli, a.,'! tl_.. C71 L-- :;ohorlzei --c a dev,(I on c.til or the ".-I, I'l", I-, r'! 7e'. reeru of Co!jijTjj!.'j on _r yor 11--e City of Pnlucah, dated . rind the Bociz%l oC No. Proceedings of poarl or Cot'T.ls,31c,r'. City of Paducah rs� T.O. 77:;yor Johnston o-cr,-red motion that the 3o3rtl of Comm!L; l 0 thn opiniun of Wvrren Eaton, Corporntion Counsel, relative to ih- on vc-rlllztj cn.aohines, particularly z,s it refer,; to the case of T. 0. Thomas- Adopz.1,-d on rima, Thomas and: - L - Johnston (4). of the Roll, Y-.-�&s, Commissioner,, Hannin, Acca,- / rr Hann in offered --otl on that an ordinane-i ai-.% "AN ORDIN;1':C7. ::,-7r. TH:3 OFFER OF STEIN BROS. e, BOYCE U:1. rOD Sewer BondsN „ , TO ACT AS FISCAL AGEETS OF THE CITY OF P;MUC0 THE -7 REVENUE BOMD5 TO FINANCE TIL-', COST OF Srji'Sp AUTHORIZING STUART joH,,: �To,: TH7 11:;', 71 OF PAUUC.'J: FOR PEHAIF OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, THE LETTER WRITTS..; BY STEIN F,ROj. BO' ^11.1PANY TO THE CITY OF PADUCAH DATED SEPTE`MER 25, 1951, APPRC7- 7-, TE -LU --.S CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN SAID LETTER AS. CONSTITUTrM (,:,-7 1,e adopted. Adopted on call pf the R611 , Yea a, Cr: Thox.a.,: and ','.ayor Johnston (5). 'c:.,issioner Sims offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDI',:A7'.-7 THE CITY T.'.ANAGER TO ENTER TNTO A CONTRACT WITH 14URRAY HODGES FOR THE l N Lumber PURCHASE OF 13,950 BOARD FEET OF TREATED LU14BER III ACCORDANCE WITH THE TE Ju - S AND SPECIFICATIONS SET FORTH IN THE RESOLUTION UNDER WHICH THE CITY MtOiAGER WAS REQUESTED TO OBTAIN BIDS, IN THE SUM OF ;2,7901', be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (4). Accept Bid Ccir.missioner Sims offered motion that an ordingnee entitled: "AN ORDINANCE Chan' i & ha.1ker ACCEPTING A BID IN THE Al-MUNT OF .'4000 FROTM J. C. HABACKER D/B/A CIIASTA111E & HABACKFR, Sewer & 'date 'lines Col. PLIMBER3, FOR INSTALLING SEWER AND WATER LINES IN CONNECTION IWITH SEVEN BUTLD-11-103 LOCA -1` Hos;sing prof' AT THE RHODES-BROADY COURT BETWEEN FLOURNOY AND BURNETT STREETS AND 1OTT! ATM) 11TH JTREST;. TN THE CITY OF PADUCAH; AUTHORIZING A CONTRACT FOR SAID WORK BY AND BFT'.,.- :': THE CITY OF PADUCAH AED J. C. 11119ACKER D/B/A CHAMAINE is HABACKER, PLUT!,BERS, AND PRKCF'. -T-,:G THE 77 , ;Xr, CONDITIONS OF SAID CONTRACT; APPROPRIATING THE SUPT OF NOT 1-,-{(-7.71--"-r—lc) 'r CC.712R THE COST OF 1NJTA1-L1tM SAID SEWER AND WATER LINES, SAID EXPENSE TO 11-: 7900, 11OU31LIG RrjT-'.OVAL FIR':D11, be adopted. Adopted on call of the 1161, toners Hannin, jims, Thoma., an,i rp rz. —�.:Ioner Thomas offered motion tntitlpd: '?AN Cil DINA.rE 7!7 ;-ADUC0 AIRPORT CORPORATICI:, P'IDUCAH-NcCRACKF',: art ATI , 7L, '"X7 OF THE CTTY OF PADUCAE, FT-1,1NG WITH (�7 j1,PFL7CAT1C:7 '7 �:-v 0.1 FAD11r.; FROCI�SSIM THE FOR THE rRAET OF FrD-�RAL TD T:: FTG A' ''.I A :,TRATIC,,' 5UlLnT1!,-, UPON JAII:D AIRPC.,.—,, u . -'.dor.Lvd. Hz4nziln, Sl.ms, Thoir.ab and '!.ayor -I(A.r. AIIPRX)P-14'—e--� - 4,-6-k-