HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 22, Page 24, March 7, 1950No. .. _ .. _ __ _ —
Proceedings oCity of Paducah : arch 7, 1950
;t a '.?egaln.r :oct.lnZ of the Loard of Commissionera hold in the Commission
Chamber at the City Sall, Paducah, Kontuolcy, at 7:30 F. f., on i..arch 7, 1950, :'ayor
Johnston presided ane upon call of the Roll the follo::ing answered to their names:
i ^c:-:�iaaionors Nannir., Jacobs, Sins, Thomas and ::ayor Johnston (5).
"3nutes of the previous mooting wore adopted as read.
a ter lire! (� Commissioner Fannin offered motion that the petition of hpron ;.'. Jones, J. i.
uc::n'r !.aro
Ztt:bblefield and attie Stubblefield, owners of property outside the city limits of =au-
:a ter lirt.3
Forth th.
::cnh, -_entucicy, be received and filed and that the requests contained in said petition be
Zranted subject to all the conditions and limitations named in said petition, it being
specifically understood that neither the City of "raduoah nor its Commissioners of ':,'star
er]s ruaranteo pressure of water service through said pipe lines and that nothing in the
rant in: of this petition shall be construed nor or hereafter as an obligation on the par
of the city of Paducah to buy or maintain said pipe lines or any part thereof.
,he water service to be furnished shall be permitted only in accordance wittr
all the rules and regulations now in force or hereafter adopted for the sale and con- I
s:znption of rater by persons residing outside the city limits of Paducah, IContucicy, and
said service may be discontinued at any time when in the judgment of the Commissioners of
:rater '.:orhs °mho furnishing of water to residents outside of the City of Paducah or throug4
the pipe lines referred to in tho petition interferes with the adequate supplying of watoii
to persona inside the city of Paducah. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners
Fannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and :,syor Johnston (5).
V Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that the petition of R.i'.Boll, T.E.Boll,
7irs-:all Jones, Jr and erife, Deloris larger Jones, owners of property outside the city
IL-7.itr of Paducah, Tentucky, be received and filed and that the requests contained in
sai% petition be r,ranted subject to all the conditions and limitations namod in said
-1eoVtlor., it boin7 specifically understood that neither the City of Paducah nor its
Co--rias_oncrs of '.fator t or::a Cuaranteo pronsuro of water service through said pipe lines
jand that nothing in the L:rantin.- of this petition shall be construed now or hereafter
as an oUigation on the part of the city of Paducah to buy or maintain said pipe lines or
any part thereof.
the wat r service to be f urniahod shall bo pormittod only in accordance with
all the rulos an. ro ulatiens no.-, in force or hereafter ndoptod for the halo and con-
' suet tion o. vrater by
p person.- roslciinC outside the city limits of ''acfi.eah, ::e:ntcc''y, and
n sair'_ a .- '^.o may to disccntinur,3 at o :y tune w.::cn in the judSmont of tt:o Cor-^iosionors of
Water ;r.-ka the furnishing, of water to, residents outside of the City of Paducah or throa�•t
� the pipe ?inoa wafer:. ..:-: i. n interfpros with the adequate ur^^'a �: ::a;.c•
_ to parsons Ln :'n eQ on caSI of the Roll, eau, _ainlonc,ro
thadli6aA ,A• a f:lnanui tl roport of the iadueah
!•:Ioptod on call nP the Troll
-leap ,.� . . � ..
!.t.nt"n ..)
Proceedings of: Dara of Commlisn.'.pncrs City of Paducah arch 7. 3-050 ---__
lity ;a-iisaioner Jacobs offered motion that the Certificate of inotwanco iaacwd to the
Raker F. City of Paducah sho:inz; liability coverage of said city and Ro^cr P'. Chriatio under the
policy of the United .]totes Fidelity and Guaranty Company .:o. :;-:C-158G61 and the on -
r eoraemont under which construction and erection work performed b;i the s aid Rorer F.
Christie is covered under said policy, be received filed and a crated. Adopted on call
of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and :.ayor Johnston (5).
Disapprove � Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive and file
disposal tLe letter of Roy R. Vance, Attorney for the R.A.Bridgwator Company, dated February 21,
1950, which latter was received by the City 7,;ana6or on February 23, 1950, and is a no tic
that the R.A.DridGwater Company, holder of the tarbage and rutbish collection franchise,
has selected as a site for the disposal of garbage and rubbish a tract of land contains
S2 acres and 150 poles, being the property conveyed to ;:iss Louisa Rothrock by J._.
�i Rothrock, ..^,r and his wife, Iss. S.A.Rothrock, by dead dated i'ay 15, 1954, and recorded
? �I in Deed Each184, page 82, in the I:cCrackon County Court Clerlt's Office; and that; R.A.
?;rid6water, doing business under the firm name of the R.A.Bridgwater Sanitary Garbage I
Disposal Company, be notified by the i-ayor that the site so selected is not a-provod.
Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fannin, J cobs, Sims, Zhomas and :'aye-
Johnston (5). i
Disapprove Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive and film
^artage .% I
disposal the letter of Roy if. Vance, Attorney for the R.A.Brid6water Company, dated '.arch 1st,
' site
s. 1950, in which letter the said R. A. Lridgwater Company, holder of the ,arbago and ruLbi
collection franchise, notifies the city that it has selected an a site for the disposal
of garbage and rubbish the two tracts of land referred to in said letter, one being the
same property conveyed to Charlie Hopkins and Rollin I'.opld ns by L. A. Albritton by deer]
dated April 17, 1916 and recorded in Deed Gook 112, pago 15, .".cCracken Ccunty Court
Clerk's office,the other boinU the property convoyed by .aymo -.C. :^heeler and Charle
:heeler to A Tate, Horace ''ills and Toni A. "ills by deed dated :'.%y 11, 1901 and
recorded in Dead 2oolc 63, para 221 in anid Cl;rk'c office; and that the avid i. A.
: ridgwater, doin:,! business under the firm name of the 1:.A.rx1d6wator ,>zn1tary Carta;io
Disposal Company be notified by the i.'ayor that the alto so selected is not approved.
darted on call of the !,all, 'leas, Connnisaionorn :Tannin, Jacobs, ;Lna, Thomas and 'afor
Johns tan (5).
iiadget of :.onrdCan.-..i eloper Thomas offerees motion that the ':pard of Co;m,:3s3innern receive, file
of i�ducat.ion
and apread upon ti -.e minutes the bud; or of the '.o^rd of Education of the City of Padurrah
for thhe yes:- 1950, +.o.atcer with a cortificd copy of the resoll.ition under which said
=. urd, has requester": t:.o levy of taxes for school per;osos at the rato of .,1.rG on each
i d 2n,,nal nroporty in the City of iaducah, Kontucl.,, nLuLjoat to
_.,. .-wo 1,1/ en orch ,1C0.t 0 of valuation of rola . ... ..•.r:; ;msl nrnf:-
t for the coca traction o achool bull J nn ; i :i%1,1 yaar�
01ranl ahards eziajoct to tftxuC:-,n 1.I1 :: _d year.
A ,:_ed on ., -1 o. 0'.0 .;a;l, `Lana, Cc::: 1,,, :uaa-winln, Jacnba, .Irmo, "hoxas sill C:ayor
F' "!Arch 7, 19;::0
'�a':Patile ::oyer Und
7amnLna. oners
of a':..;csh
Pro:eedings of
Faro; o (;o-.nizslonoro City of Paducah "r'' n 12M
Tighe follo•:an- resolution is a fart of ttte ninutos of a called meoting
of the :::anrd of 13ducation held "onday, :'arch 6, 1950• All monbors
*;;cro rrosant at this maottn except Dr. Abell who ti:•aa out of the city.
1^, a::,; -T dv.J' by the ; oard of-xiucation of Paducah, l:ontuaky
t!:at there be imposed and levied by the tax lovyin authority
of the City of Paducah, Kentuc'sy, the ad valorem tax of one
dollar and thirty-six cents (;1.36) on each ;;100.00 of real and
personal proporty of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, subject to
taxation for the year 1950, the same being necessary to be
raised to support and maintain the public schools of the City of
Paducah, Tentucky, less the estimted sum to be raised from the
Stato Common •",chool Fund.
"B'3 IT F;RTi r, RESOLVED by the Board of Education of Paducah,
-ontucky, that the to.. levyin- authority of the City of
Paducah, ?entucky, impose and levy an ad valorem tax of fourteen
cents (14y) on each ,;100.00 of real and poraonal property of
the city of Paducah, Kentucky, subject to the taxation for the
year 1950, same being necessary for the baildin , maintenance,
and comnlote equippinr. of the School L'uildin_- :Fund, in addition
to the •„1.36 rate for school purpoaos.
'r^-3 TIC TTT.T?T:.'i RESOLVED by the `oard of Education of Paducah,
:antucky that it request the tax }ovying. authority of the
City of Paducah, :'entucly, to levy the maximum rate allorrod by
late on ban:: stock taxable by the board.”
Very truly yours,
Lao F. 1'o:rell
Attos t;
Ethel ". Rice
Board of Education"
For School Year 1949-50
o-, ala ric
?n the :;tate Loard of ducation
I rnnkfort, Kontucky
In co::clianco t;it'r_ tho lar: anal the regulations of the Stato (oard of LOuca6--1on, 'ae,
itl:o °card Of "lucation of the above named school district, horoby submit to you for a_,prov
Al cur ':onerwl Dchool ..url.— t nhosin- the ootinated o::pendituroa, tho oatimatod receipts,
".o-atoc' 1•:vy srooiCi;d by this :-oard, and the County Clcrk'a cortificatlon of the levy
!grant•:d _'or w.coe,.ln cohnol year T:ly 1, 1949 to Juno 30, 1050.
E_ 9 months for all clornontary aohools
fo-r a torr; of Cannus 6004
0 nont'r�s for all hi„h schools
-aS. ... .... ....... 21,690.00
Tnr,?uia a-, ,cyrnnts :or sala:tas o: ,crintendonts, aosistant suner-
intor.,�.ata, c'_cri w.d ateno-:•.erhe,rs fn. :i�,;,^.rintendenta, attendance
cars and othr,,r cornus enumeration F:tten:lance personnel; also oxpen-
`Itu,res ^:� .. l;n- r,r.J ;t;r,a. r-isca:'anoOu3 oxnonsos in connoction
w".th t!�,-int. n c ?us:o a _periditurea for surety bonds
of a' "'i^ . :Iom, .. WJ . )::-,O noa or 1-lui ine:;a
adminiatr. '
cludre�. .... ....... • ...
.. ... ....... • ... ,
for fue
� b j
No.- - 7
�•ch 7 79' 0
dings of
n^^d n; ;o: n::.L:;;ion •r-; _ City of Paducah
900-499 t':11I:T;i:3, :Ca . CL( `: rL.,"^!'... .............. �.f'O' 000.0
Include a'i exponditures Aldo for repalro, re:lacomentand raaintonau.nn of
the school plant. 7,500.0
500-599 PIKED CHAP,GEJ........................................................
Include insurance promiums, rent and contributions. ,500.0
600-659 ALt::1LIAR" SER ICES .... .�
....... .................
Includo aalarios and expenses offield r;or'_oracnagod in promotion oI' health
activities, cost of school athletics and play,;rcunda, tranaportation of pumila,
including the hire, operation and maintenance oC vehicles, payments mado by
the local system for lunches, and other community services, extent tuition
to other districts.
A. TOTAL CURRs.T-iXPEITSES, CODES 100 TJ C50 T'-CY,UJ1V3 63$,7^1.9
661 TRf.:'SFER OP WITIOIT TO OTTER DISMICTS ...............................
700-799 CAPITAL OUTLAY .. ... .... ...... ... ,; 9,000.1.
Include all payments for land or ne:v -rounds, now buil.'.in_s, neer furniture
and equipment, improvements to grounda and buildin7,a, and neer school busses.
300-c899 DEB SERVICE......................................................... 14,000.0
Include all payments for retiring bonds and all payments for interest on same;
also all refunds and payments of temporary loans, includinS interest payments
C. TOTAL BUDGET APPROPRT_ATIONS (A plus D) ............................ r.20,7•11.:p
D. "_dumber of subdistricts that levy a local tax for retirement of Voted bonds:
Total estimated revenue from such slxbdistrio ta*
Voted ends
FundinZ 'ends
Total Outstanding Indebtedness Holding Co. Bonds Londs are obligation
Subdistrict Voted Bonds c:• of the City. �
::_-Applies only to county school districts in which a subdistrict tax is levied for retire-
ment of voted bonds.
0 C ospect to have on July 1 unexpendod cash L•alanco in -ono -al fund 537.-'1
fl anticipate other receipts from the folloviin•,- sourcesv
10nr 20.00 state per capita, appz'oximately 172,952.00
10 1 ci'al State school fund (cqualisation), aporo;:imately
1OSt; i; r State aid (aCriculture, home oconomics, trados, distributive) G,000.00
1G7:0 :; _:; unsement for special vocational traininv, approximately
10 r^ :'ouu•sement for school lunch pro rara, a,ppro-Imately
"fC_oa from other distrir.ta, annt•oximatoly 6,000.00
est on investment, approximately
„11 other revenue soul^cea, oxcludinr; codes 1.100 to 1130, end
i3OO(b) bolow, ngproximatoly
7. ;ale of nevi bonds, approximately
7 -.cissuo o: bong's, w'nro:.imat:oly
r0 yle of nr•nrn::rty ane? insuranne ndJn.,'. nL'c; 'h,o, ar,proximately 500.00
11;00 ..11 other !ian-revorue) ir•r.r::. ,� - 750. C0
•i' ;
,3rssed Faluat ion o ' ; l - on Cor
this school district )ncai valuation
o:xlus9.vc of real c _z•anchiao tries
Proceedings of_ City of Paducah
q J
card of 5ducatlon 19
r-ti•.al :.. icc, ;ocrocary Chalr^:an
scectfully request that the lev•in;; authority
:school pur.,osos, a levy of cents for oinlcin;;
r school builin _fund, on too ono hudred dollar,
:::on scl ool tax. also a levy of '_ON cents on the
aluat on of all bank shares sudgect to common school tax, a canitatioi
^'1• -ale citizens in the common school district tnonty-nne yearn of ag
^i et nn t 1A, sive years of aZe.
^ oucst i". ho fiscal year 1949-50 is respectfully submitted by order of
rah City lucation on this 7 day of "arch, 1950.
10crotory Chairman
-aaucan kulGyj
•_• the above request was granted on the dny of 19_
-- -- of �y D.C.
6' Cor..;:aionor 7homaa offered motion that the �-oard of Commissioners a_. ?grove
Salo to ru 0r C. i:in%, of the South one-half of Lot 9 in :Sock 1 in the :'ausoleum :Addition
to Oak Orovo Comotery for the sum of ,120.00, said parcel of land boin„ 10:.19 feet and
loen,te•'. at the north east corner of the intersection of Felt Avenue and Stewart Avenue,
fron''-n- on the east side of :.teaart Avenue 10 feet and o:tondin;; back for depth along^
and that the City Clark be authorized to execute a dcod to said cerietcry lot.
dolt _%-nue at an uniform width, for a depth of 18 feet/ ,Adopted on call of the ;ell,
ac, _I. Zlonevo :!a, -:min, Jacobs, Sims, ghomao and ::a;;or Johnston (5).
in, J' ayor Johnston o_fered motion that the City ':tanager be authorized to pay to
the sum of ,20.00 for aettlomont of his bill for rcraira as a result
:nt 'alti^h occurred "arch 1, 1950 whon a police car came into collision luta
10. :adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Comrtlosloners tannin, Jacobs, ims,
ae:: :a.or Johnston (5).
c _...`_onor _'ir,.s o__fored motion that an ordinance ont.tticd: "A': O?2Dl7A-:C7
,:. .. -.. .- .., 1950
1,3,3 -0. '0 T :C:'I i .7 _Y .,.. -) C:t. ..
1, 1951 TO X;LY 1, 1951,
_,. - ..-- -.- .. ,, T. ; °:..., �' C • ^, D " 2:L):;^, -.,0 adopt;d.
_ , .. - ._.'7, .., .- - �--^ � ,-..:c,_�r., JACOiJ.,, ;;i�;ts, '•Stoz:';:. ur.'. ,
Proceedings of)n vo City of Paducah 7 7.9.;n
2 7' 1C
1901, 20, 1947", be adopted. Adopted on call of the R011,
-a Uma, lhomn:3 and :ayol, Johnston (3).
yeas, Comx1jaujonars Rennin, Jacobs, I
joh.n!�Or.jnjcsjonor aims offered motion that the latter of John 7. 7.7acDonald, Jr., with
:"nald,filo ✓
snit 1.,3forenoe to the interact of his client, 7 .1
r. T
. L. ':athisIn the nurchasa Of a utrtl) of
laid lying on the north aide of Jac'mon Street and viost of 313t ,,treat, betwc,.,n an allay
-.%,!tich rcrvez; the property ownara livin_, on Adams .",tract and the Old Clinton :toad, be
vaccivod and filed.
.,e furthor moved tl-.at Attorney John 7, 7.7.cDonald, Jr., be authorized to filo for 11a
11 City of Paducah and prosecute to conclusion a suit for the sale of said PrOPQrtY to satin
ii ho delinquent taxes levied against it, providod no e:: -,.)Once for attorney fees Or cOUrt
costs is incurred by the city; and provided further that the said 7_ L. 1"-athin V1111
marantuo in aritinz to bid at the resulting sale an amount at least equivalent to the
am total of all court costs and all delinquent tixec a,-ainst said property. Adopted on
call of the Roll, yeas Commissioners -tannin, Jacobs, oim-s, Thomas and 7•'ayor Johnston (3).
,,Cc, ri entitled: ",%:I RDEWME AM_E-TDT:,C
and 1:arb, 11 :�ayor Johnston offered motion that an ordinance
:10,uula -.cry (,- I
ordin-inca 1 7 Cc,' A`.' 0-01 MITIULM: OTZDE%:".TC71 DEFI-a'13 'U A_'L_2,.GE1 A11D 12U 1-11":' ,
:7,.-:F77,:: 3TATTDARD3 - C-1 :_D TO U37,3D !:,, CONNIECTD.-:
-EP V�TZJC- 071-.:,
13H, P � CRr V
0 3AL O. PRO.7-', t,ITY CLAU.;E, A:iD
'b"", AD , "I
'Im OP O:T
27, 1949, E.'DED 0:- L_;2ZU.,'U1Y 8, 195011, be adoptod. Adopted on call of t1jo
c.r.cy Coavniaaionera Tannin, Jacobs, Sims, 9.1iomao and ..--yor Johnaton (5).
cr tannin offorod motion that with rospoot to the quoatlon of tha solactlon
-jrninh plat
cite for the now houcin,; project the taro bloc1w of ,round bounded on 111th atroit,
cit alto :;treat, 13urnott strait and :'lournoy strict, the City ::aniror be dirLctad to nrocuro
from the City _nL--.InPov either a proparacl plat of thn oald pz-11port., or the or-11-linal r1ar
in h office oho,,in: t',. --j sower ncroon is i,'. obtain from the --aid City
_nZinr i�io rnol'ttan oDinlLon and roco:y,.�.iondat7.nn o-' constructInC
said bou!,,in, project on said fmoporty from an oli_',: t-! oInt. _dnntad on Tal -1
t h.-(5).
:-,all-, rO:_:j.�z;1orjc2,,s :Tannin, Jacobi, Llo, :i oe Johnston