HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 22, Page 16, February 14, 1950No. .'' Proceedings or -- o-' r,o=ir innero City of Paducah. 'oL-ruzry In 1950 -- At a Regular ].:coting of the Board of Commissionors held in the Commission Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.r. on February 14, 1950, Mayor Johnston presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Fa :nin, Jacobs, Sims, 4homas and Mayor Johnston (5). Sinutes of the previous meetin were adopted as read. ..'ter mr-iissioner Hannin offered motion that the petition of John L. Roof for authority line Orchard to tap a privately ormed water line vaned by persons named in the petition filed with th Fei�7hts Commissioners of the City of Paducah on October 24, 1944, providing water service to residents in what is known as Orchard Heights Addition be received and filed, and the request made in said petition be granted in accordance with the terms therein set forth and be subject to all the restrictions and limitations contained in the order entered Cetober 24, 1944, `ranting• the privileges to persons residing in the section lmovrn as Orchard heights Addition outside the City of Faducah to receive water service. Adoptod on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, r1homas and i.Elyor Johnston FlatforLI Commissioner H'Innin offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive and file on side walk " the letter of tie General Electric Supply Corporation requesting permission to build an 2nd ez b :ash. Office entrance platform and steps on the 2nd street side of its building at 2nd L. 7lash- Coneral �lectrio; in ton streets, said platform and steps to extend no more than 42 inches from the build- ing, to be 42 inches high and 7 feet 6 inches long; that the permit be granted upon the condition that the General Electric Supply Corporation enter into and execute an agree- ment assuminr: the entire responsibility for the maintenance of said platform and stops, a+reeinr to indemnify the City of Paducah against any loss or damage it may sustain by reason of the accidental injury or damage to the property of any person as a result of ethe maintenance of said platform and steps on the public way, and consentin` that the pe -r,aicaion to use that part of the street for its platform and steps nay be withdrawn at f any time. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissionors Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, r1bamas and !'ayor Johnston (E). n" ror-nissionor ]Tannin offered motion that the Loard of Co+mnission:rs receive and filo t>.e notice of the Division of ;'ptor Transportation, that on '..arch 17, 1950, at 10:00 A."'.. In the ^,minty Court onm of "orracken County, Xentucky, a hearing will be hold upon the it a..clicatioa Of P,clon _r.mr., d/i;•/a :nducah Consolidated Taxi Lines, for a common carrier certif.'" tq to ocorate a motor bus line from Paducah, Kentucky, to the municipal airrprt, :..r ley .'Ic•1:. Pte lire to Lo or, _oratod over Hirhway 62 and the County iii�hway to .%:e air .rrt, a t"tal-Untance or' 12 riles. ;adopted on call of the Roll, Ye,.a, Co;::"_:o1c:rats '..snir., Jaco:a, ..�-�, ea anti :'.ayor Johnston (5). Jacoba offorr,' at the letter (If Victory Lod e 1x27, 'inter- na t 1 nter-nation.:.' ..:3; r:: - .. of 'erh:.riar, _resain orNositlon to n payroll tax, be :•ecaived i ar. ca:l ;f F. r, .,.1.1, ass, ro. •,:::+ionnta 1Iannin, Jacoba, ',ims, es nae ...at the "o 0 „ .atsl in. t`:u S 'sVii, Ca of tte o'.?, :'cos, rescis3!onera No. 17 _ Proceedings of [oard of.Com.iosionors City of Paducah 'curuar;; lh, 1950 r Cavniasioncr Sims offered motion that the board of Commissioncro receive and file spcct .on urcau re- y� the letter of G. F. Parker, fanaDer of the Kentucky Inspection Bureau, in which he advises ,obscco warehouse that an amondment of the ordinance to permit the Farmers rut -ley 'iiarohouao to construct a 9 & Finley iwarehouse at 9th and Finley Streets would not be approved, such structure being in viola- tion of the building code now in effect. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commiasione rs, Fannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and T.?ayor Johnston (5). KU Gas incre-', Commissioner Sims offered notion that the Board of Cor:miasionora receive and file ase, hearing not necessary, the letter of Ralph F. Aessinger of the Fublic Service Commission, adviain� that the Co . 7 ission has ruled that a hearing will not be necessary for approval of the gas rate schedule which the Kentucky Utilities Company has filed for changing the rates applicable to manufactured gas to those applicable to natural gas; and also a letter from Adrian F. Tarroll, Attorney for the city, in which he advises that it will be necessary for the city to initiate the proceedings for a hearin; before the said Commission if the quostion+J IIas to the reasonableness of the rates is to be raised. Adopted on call of the Roll, 1 illli 1' Yeas, Commissioners Fannin, Jacobs, Sims, 'Thomas and :".ayor Johnston (5). I Opposition Commissioner Thomas offered motion that the Board receive and file the petition j Payroll Thx signed by Fred Robertson and others expressing opposition to a payroll tax. Adopted on y call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5)G Paducah Bus Co Commissioner 'Thomas offered motion that the letter of ts. James G. Wheeler, attorney request transfer II to Paducah for ;.:ary Deronda Rieke, doing business under the firm name of Paducah Bus Company, requasLng Bus Company, 1 a corporation; that the City of Paducah consent to and approve the sale and transfer of the Paducah Bus Company system and properties by the said t.ary Deronda Rieke to tho Paducah Bus Company, q b a corporation, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Co:mainsioners 1 C I i Fannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5). is Holiday :'ayor Johnston offered motion that all City Employees, with the exception of the "'ashington'a Birthday p police and fire department personnel, be allowod a holiday on i7ashington's Birthday, N' February 22, 1950. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commnisaionors Tiannin, Jacobs, 31mH, f hj Thomas and :ayor Johnston (5). i FloOdun.11 i. S:ayor Johnston offered motion that the copy of the letter written by Russell E: Russell c AFon' n•incera Axon, Consulting Engineers, advisin; rr. F. G. Dyar to proceed with the onZineoring •ropea:l with ti _rocectionI„rI studies in connoatlon :rith the flood protection works at Paducah, be received and filed. J Adapted on call of 'the ?011, Yoas, Commissioners 3Iac,nin, Jacobs, Sims, 'ihomaa and',,'ayor a Johnston (5). j LOrraw Toney ;,for Johnston offered motion that an ordinance ontitlel :: ORDINA:iCE AUTFORIZ-I Ii .. `;, ^--- a ;.7:D CITY TREASURER TO BOTMO NOT l^'d:; J!J n K% HUH ..r .` .......✓ (-.1�0,GJ0.00j DOLLA113 FOR T.; `: C 11 Oi-I CA'T, 1 TOTEt ., ..., _ I I 3ECUis 7,::1 romaln on ..1.. :'_, :n:„est _.. ,r Ono n,,:'.: 1•"• .'e c,',-'':.' .,+ •:!; 1•.: ::h211. 'na pit'.u•'•nn its ;.tnsl pa:,sa(;o. Adapted on as?1 ok i' .1-innias and Layer Johnston (5). on ;-tuzse1l c`.lon thu.f: tt:e let,Ter from 1Ion ':uaooll, tn;•ot'or• VII& the tele4rr,:. :'_ 'r. .;eltar ';. ,•rt -n;;, .trr,rnay •�a:viral, be racclvo<i +end filed. � Ado,,_s,i•, c Li: :, _ '11-: .•n ':af:n in, Jacobs, 'ir::;•q,om a and :aycr Johnmton (5`~ r / ayoj_ I