HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 22, Page 135, November 28, 1950No. -- 135 - - -- -- Proceedings of_ Board of Commissioners City of Paducah Nevembor 28, 1950 _ At a Regular t4oeting of the board of Commissioners held in the Commission Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.M. on November 28, 1950, Mayor Johnston pre - aided and upon call of the Roll the following answerod to their names: Commissioners Fannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and 64ayor Johnston (5). Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as road. Mrs. Georgia Commissioner Fannin offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive and filo Beyer -Deed ✓, Veterans the quitclaim deed under which Lra . Georgia Boyer has convoyed to the City of Paducah two Village site triangular strips of ground comprising a part of the lands to be used as a sato for the development of the now housing project at 23rd and Ohio Streets, said deed being of record in Deed Look 292, page 259, in the McCracken County Court Clerk's office. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Rannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5). Cemetery Deed Commissioner Fannin offered motion that the Board of Commissioners approve the con raj Grave Rushing ' Addition ✓ for the sale by the City of Paducah to Jahn Topp of Grave No. 74 in Block No. 7 of the John Topp Rushing Addition to Cak Grove Cemetery, and that the attached executed contract for the sale of said canetery property be delivered to the purchaser. Adopted on call of the Poll, Yeas, Commissioners Fannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5). Liability ✓ Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive, file and policy -Dr. Chas Billington approve the Certificate of Insurance issued by the Fidelity and Casualty Company of Ta i York, protecting the City of Paducah with respect to work done by Dr. Charles Billington for a period of one year from July 31, 1950. 6dopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, I CommYssionera Hannin, Jacobs, Siris Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5 ). i Street Light / Con•missioner Jacobs offered motion that the Board of Coaumiasionera receive and file Tully & J Gilson the report of the City manager and the Chief of Police relative to the need of a street light at Tully and Gilson Streets and that the City !:onager be directed to request the Kentucky Utilities to make installation of a street light at this location. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and r.Ayor Johnston (5). St. Light Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive and file 118 Union 3t the report of the City 1[anager and the Chief of Police relative to the need of a street light at appro.d matoly 118 Union Street. He iur ther moved that the City L[anager be directed to request the installation of a street light at this location. Adopted on call o: the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5)i Chargca in i " Cor_•risaionor aims offered motion that the City r..anagor be directed to (1) replace all; Traffic signs airnals anall stop ai_na in the city with large reflector stop signs; (2) place all atop signs and other traffic alana and signals at such locations where they can be easily anon and � to cause ail obstrsctcona at all intersections, as far as possible, to be rpmovod; (3) to' remove the traffic li,:ht from fifth and Jefferson Streets to 4th and Jefferson atroots; to remove the traffic li;ht frog.. the cornor of 13th and Park Avenue, at which, location _our -way stops are to be c2V:1�liahod by ordinanoe; (4) to make every effort poaaibl.e to or.force regulations ;:rchiLiting angle narking; and to m:ako a concentratod effort to keep a:l safety Sones and school Zonon cloarly marked at all times. furti,ar movei that the Corporation r:,,unael prepare for introduction all ordinance ceaignatint as a Boulevard that -Ortion of Joi'feraon atroet extendini; from the west line oi' 4t1: streat to the east line of &th street. e itxt:.er moved *,rat this motion i.e introdueod and remain ort file for one week for No.-- 1.36.. _ Preceedin9s of Eoard of Comnassioners City of Paducah November 28, 1950 public inspection in the completed form in which it shall be put upon its final passage Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and P.:ayor Johnston (5). Cemetery Commissioner Sims offered m otion that the Board of Commissioners approve the Deed -Rushing Addition to contract for the sale by the City of Paducah to Leslie Buchanan of Grave 11o. 76 in I.sslie Fuchanan Plock No. 7 of the Rushing Addition to Oak Grove Cemetery, and that the attached execut (grave) contract for the sale of said cemetery property be delivered to the purchaser. Adopted call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston riousigr, ✓ Payor Johnston made the following appointment: Ccr::ission Farold 17agner I hereby appoint Harold 17agner as a member of the City of Paducah Municipal a-rointed Housing Commission to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Wayne C. Seaton, the said Harold 17agner to serve until July 22, 1952, the remainder of the unexpired term of the said 7layne C. Seaton, so that said board as now constituted shall be com- posed of the following members: Stuart Johraton, Payor and ex -officio member Louis Igert, whlse term expires July 22, 1951 Harold Plagner, whose term expires July 22, 1952 J. L. Munal Jr., whose term expires July 22, 1953 Joseph H. Habacker, whose term expires July 22, 1954 Stuart Johnston Mayor Earold Commissioner Thomas offered motion that the Board of Commissioners approve Tagnsr'a V appointment the appointment of Harold '::agner to serve as a member of the Paducah Municipal Housing 'c:ousinE Co=iscion Cornission in the place and stead of ',vayno C. Seaton, who has resigned, and that the approved said Harold 'lragner serve during the remainder of the term of the said 71ayne C. Seaton which will expire on July 22, 1952. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Payor Johnston (5) James Reblacn ?Zayor Johnston offered motion that the Board of Commissioners approve payment salary thru :cc 31-50 of the salary of Police Officer James Robison through December 31, 1950. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and 1.'ayor Johnston ;5). Serer Covin Commis sionor Fannin offered motion that Kr. T. A. outside Fradloy, the City Engineer, city -:.r. T.✓ and ?r. John. P. ?.urt, Plumbing Inspector of the ::cCrackon County Health Department, be A.:r adloy John !.[urt roquestod to attend the meeting of the Eoard of Commissioners to be hold on December 5, attend m^ot!ng, !VVD, for the purpose of giving the rcard specific information as to the names of those non -rens enta whwe property is served by the City sewers, together with such further Inforration as wlll onable the Loard to detornine the action it should take to roquiro non-reaidor is to discontinue the use of said sowers. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yana, Co r. .stoner: Fannin, JaCeLa, 3ima, 'Phomas and ?Layor Johnston (5). i 4 -way atop Cocassicncr Fannin offored motion tNO; art ordinanco entitled: "AN OR,DI',,X.CE 1 13tk: ;- !'mark iatrcd.:cod E3?AbLI£sIil?! I Ct„i-.,;.Y 3”?., AT T:_., Iii';EUwiiCTiO:i OP 13TH AND PARK AV :;tip I;,x _ C19'Y PAS Ctiz, ._..TC^, �j ..:..NOP.? .. THE L'UTIE3 0 V - - TFE 4?P:RATOR:, OI' li4iICL'.?S :'lFu: Ar:iiOttCl[- a All Ei _. 'Ai ...Ease"?S; C:i; _z iI:{i:19 fG'ia IENALTl FOR THE VIOLAT_1ON Th REOF", iE intra?,:ced and re::aln cn £Sia for one, week for ruLlSc inapedtion in the completed i .err, Sr, whsle '_t a":'L.e ;.ut upon its final passazo. Adoptod on cal] oi' ttaa Roll, I) Yeas, rc. =-.isicr_rs :iar.nir., dacn:a, .._a, ;comas and ;:rayor Johnston (5). i I i rn 1 10 No. - - _137 _ _..-_ . _- - - Proceedings of Board of Commissioners _- Cay of Paducah INovembor 2A. 1950 _ .Ion -Civil ✓ Commissioner Hannin offered motion that an ordinance entitled: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING Service Employ- ees salary FOR AN INCREASE IN THE SALARIES OF CERTAIN EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, increase 117.0 ARE NOT SUBJECT TO THE RULES OF CIVIL SERVICE; FIXING THE AMOUNT OF THE SALARIES OF SAID EMPLOYEES AND THE DATE ON WHICH THE PAYMENT OF SALARIES IN THE INCREASED AMOUNT SHALL FECOME EFFECTIVE", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5). Civil Service Commissioner Hannin offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE A7,1ENDINr Ordinance amen- ded -salary SECTIONS 7, 8 AND 9 OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: 'AN ORDINANCE PLACING OFFICES AND POSITIOTCE increases OF TRUST OR EMPLOYMENT III THE SERVICE OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, UNDER CIVIL SERV RULES AND REGULATIONS PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF KRS 90.300 TO 90.990; PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF A BOARD OF CIVIL SERVICE COUMISSIONERS, FIXING AND PRESCRIBING THE QUALIFICATIONS, TERMS OF OFFICE, POWERS AND DUTIES OF SAID COMMISSIONERS; PRESCRIBING 1HE RULES BY WHICH THE BOARD OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS SHALL BE GOVERNED IN THE GIVING OF EXAMINATIONS TO APPLICANTS FOR EMPLOYMENT; FIXING THE NUMBER, CLA33IFICATIOIT AND SALARIES OF ALL EMPLOYEES IN EACH DEPARTMENT WHO SHALL BE AFFECTED BY THE CIVIL i SERVICE RULES AND REGULATIONS PROVIDED HEREIN; AND PRESCRIBING THE RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE CONDUCT OF'ALL EMPLOYEES AFFECTED THEREBY AIv'D THE CAUSES FOR WHICH ANY EI.IPLOYEE MAY BE REPRIMANDED, SUSPENDED, DISMISSED OR REMOVED FROM EMPLOYMENT BY THE CITY;! j PROVIDING FOR AND ESTABLISHING A RETIREMENT SYSTEM,AND I E CREATION AND MAINTENANCE OF A PENSION FUND FOR APPOINTIVE EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND AUTHORIZING THE LEVY OF A TAX AND THE ASSESSUENT OF EMPLOYEES FOR THE CREATION AND MAINTENANCE OF SAID FUND; PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF A BOARD OF TRUSTEES TO ADIMINISTER SAID FUND; FIXING AND PRESCRIBING 'ME QUALIFICATIONS, TERN -IS OF OFFICE, POWERS AND DUTIES OF SAID POARD OF TRUSTEES; PRESCRIBING THE RULES AND REGULATIONS BY WHICH SAID BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND ALL APPOINTIVE EMPLOYEES SHALL BE GOVERNED WITH REFERENCE TO THE GRANTING AND ALLOW- ANCE OF PENSIONS AND OTHER BENEFITS AND PROVIDING A SEPARABILITY CLAUSE, 1 WHICH WAS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF C0I2MISSIONERS ON DECEMBER 2, 1947, AND AMENDED ON AUGUST 8, 1950111 be adopted. Adopted'on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5). ParY_ine on ✓ Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE 6th St & FY Ave 1501 from PROHIBITING VIE PARKING OF VEHICLES ON BOTH SIDES OF KENT(JChA- AVENUE FROM THE PROPERTY intersection LINE OF SOUTH SIXTH STREET 150 FEET EAST TOWARD SOUTH FIFTH STREET; ON BOTH SIDES OF KENTUCKY AVENUE FROM THE PROPERTY LINE OF SOUTH SIXTH STREET 150 FEET WEST TOWARD SOUTH SEVENTH STREET; ON BOTH SIDES OF SOUTH SIXTH STREET FROM THE PROPERTY LINE OF I.ENTUCKY AVENUE 150 FEET NORTH TOWARD BROADWAY; ON BOTH SIDES OF SOUTH SIXTH STREET j FROM 1HE PROPERTY LINE OF KENTUCKY AVENUE 150 FEET SOUTH TOWARD WASFI!ZTON STREET; r-ESG'RIBING TN.E PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREAITH", be introduced and remain on file for one week for public inspection in the completed form in whivh it shall be put upon its final passage. Adopted on call of tho Roll, 'leas, Comsasiortiro Hannin, Jacots, ;,inri, Thorns and Mayor Johnston (5). :;a .cor, rani ✓' Con -1 uloner Jacois of'forod motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN OHDINAIxE salary fire deI-artr.-e:A; --3TABLIZHIN� TI:c :itJJL.ER. RAN73 AND MO:NTH.,? .;,1N.;lt.IF:i v ?M'rMBEP.3 OF T:17 FIRE DEPART6C.NT A;3 REi hLZ:{, ALL CRDINdN:CEfi I?N CO16LICT G Ri'41THt1, to adopted. Adoptod on call of the; F1011, 'Cees, Co-- isaioncra Eannin, Jacoch, Dina, Thomas anS Mayor Johnston (5). No.-- .138 _ Proceedings of_r_oard of Commissioners City of Paducah November 28 1950 _ !:adison St. Cor,:nissioner Sims offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE -oulevard Cnd to 28th DECLARTNG :ADTSON STREET IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KEUTUCKY, A BOULEVARD FROM THE WEST introduced LINE OF SECOND STREET TO THE EAST LINE OF TNENTY-EIGHTH STREET, REQUIRING ALL VEHICLES TO STOP BErORE E117EREIG OR CROSSING SAM STREET AT ITS INTERSECTION INITH OTHER STREETS; PRESCRIBING THE PENALTY FCR ANY VIOLATION THEREOF; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREF;ITH", be introduced and remain on file for one creek for public inspection in the completed form in which it shall be put upon its final passage. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5). Traffic Commissioner Sims offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE Ordinance Suction 14 ATMENDING SECTION 14 OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: IAN ORDINANCE REGULATING TRAVEL AND A=ended introduced TRAFFIC --THE USE OF STREETS BY VEHICLES, STREET CARS AND PEDESTRIANS; CREATING A CETNTRAL TRAFFFIC AND BUSINESS DISTRICT; ESTABLISHING BOULEVARDS, SAFETY ZONES, AND AUTHORIZING THE MARIQNG OF CROSS'BALiS OR ANY ZONES HEREIN PROVIDED FOR, AND THE ERECTIO OF SIGNS AND SIGI;ALS REGULATING PARKING, AND DESCRIBING THE STREETS OR PORTIONS OF STiiEETS THAT MAY BE USED FOR PARKING, AND THE MANNER OF UTILIZING SAME, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY; AND FIXII:G A PEJALU FOR ANY VIOLATION THEREOF', WHICH WAS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COTBdISSIONERS Oil SEPTEI.IBER 14th, 1925", be introduced and remain on file for public inspection for one week in the completed form in which it shall be put upon its final passage. :'uaeer, rank Comeissioner Sirs offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "Aid ORDINANCE salary I/ police ESTABLISHING THE UMMER, RANKS AND MONTHLY SALARIES OF THE POLICE DEPARTI.9ENT AND departrent � REPEAL1110, ALL ORDINAIJCES IN CO.TvMICT HERE'AITH", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5). rar'ripg ✓ Commissioner Thomas offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCEI ^e`er Ordinance A-' IDITIG SECT?ON 6 OF All ORDLIANCE EVTITLED: 'AIl CftDINANCE RELATING TO TRAFFIC AND sac e Amjndad RE,ULATTI;G THE USE OF PUBLIC STREETS IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH; DEFINING AND ESTABLISHING introduced PARKING METER ZONES AND REGULATING AND CONTROLLING AILD PROVIDING FOR INSPECTION OF THE TIME PARKIN05 OF VEHICLES THEREIN BY THE USE OF PARKING METERS; PRESCRIBING LIMITS OF TIyZ FCR PARKING IN PARKING METER ZONES; AND PROVIDING FOR ENFORCEMENT OF THIS ' GRD:::F:;C E 1..1D PU:1ISrjibIEIIT FOR 3113 VIOLATION', WTICH WAS ADOPTED BY RIE BOARD OF COI, If- ISSIO: RS ON JULY 9th, 194611, be introduced and remain on file for one wool. for public inspection in the completed form in rhich it shall be put upon its final Ca33a,?,O. Ad-,ptod on call of the hall, Yeas, Commissioners Fannin, Jacobs, Sims, 7bomac and :aycr Johnston (5). Far:J.nr Cor:miz3loner Thorns offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AT; OIDINAiCE prckii.ited 1:10th u: ✓ REc''iALTT;G Ali O3L'I'41:rE ENTITLED: IAN C%DINA:C 1ROHIBITING T2IE PARKING OF VEHICLES 12th Rocealed 0 ME I,EST SIDE :r ZGU':}: WELFTH y iI T PL'1. 311 BROA917AY AND KENTUCKY AVENJE AND ON 7HE 7+^p..3^_ SI:.z GFNORTH TENT[I STREET FROM YRG::.L'lIAY T'O MONROE STREET; FrESCRIb:I;G THE � Ir::iA:.:f .,n TF;EP.EOP; A:+D R2PPIALI:;Yi ALL ORDINANCE-- IN CONFLICT HERLI1I7II1, -�r' ^i? .•AS A;e"FTED cf THE BOARD CL Aii;U::T 8, 1950", be adopted. Ado&ted cn ca:1 of ti -20 --,Oil, Yeas, Cao !s--icrurs Hannin, Jacoia, ins, 'Thonaa and Mayor J-chns ion (5 ). _rohi.it Co ::i9siopar -hcrns OefOred mot on ::at an ordinance ontitlod: waade FetC I -T.;. T?E .Au =.,. .. .viiC:. .,...,_ u 5 NGRi2: .,..:1311 S;`iiEET x'1109 LRoAMIAY n10th. I rzy to -„J c C' 5-.'.4 .. _ L I Monroe •-- - .T .',ii V OLA ... REG:. A.. -M REI::ALTt... ALL ORDINA ;CE3 L; .:•'.: ':C * i.r: .:i :", :ead. n i op ted. : Appte. sn caI 1 cf tf.o 1:011, Yeas, Commissioners '-'asap, Jacobi, :_,, Tho r,a ar,,d ;or Johnston (5). Na.------�-139 -- -------- IProceedings o/ Board of Commissioners City of Paducah November 28, 1950 Revise State- Nayor Johnston offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDIiNANCE ment of anticipated v REVISING THE STATEMENT OF ANTICIPATED REVENUES OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH FOR THE YEAR 1950; Revenue Apportionment REVISING AND AMFaNDI140 THE APPROPRIATION OF THE PUBLIC REVENUE AND INCOM+(E COLLECTED AND 11 Ordinance TO BE COLLECTED IN SAID YEAR; PROVIDING FOR THE APPROPRIATION OF THE WHOLE OF THE REVENUEI ANTICIPATED AND COLLECTIBLE DURING SAID YEAR, INCLUDING REVENUES COLLECTED AND TO BE COLLECTED WIHICH WERE NOT ANTICIPATED AT THE TIME OF THE ADOPTION OF THE ANNUAL APPORTION- MENT ORDINANCE FOR THE YEAR 1950; TRANSFERRING UNUSED APPROPRIATIONS FOR CERTAIN PURPOSESI 40 OPHER PURPOSES, AND APPROPRIATING AVAILABLE REVENUES IN THE YEAR 1950 THAT 'NERE NOT INCLUDED IN THE ANNUAL BUDGET; FIXING THE APPORTIONNENT OF THE PUBLIC FUNDS FOR THE PURPOSES SPECIFIED TiEREIN; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES LY CONFLICT THIEREwITH", BE ADOPTED. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5). Payroll .T�Lx Mayor Johnston offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE ordinance Section 4 ALIENDING SECTION 4 OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: 'AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE IMPOSITION Amended OF LICENSE FEES FOR THE PRIVILEGE OF ENGAGING IN OCCUPATIONS, TRADES AEU) PROFESSIONS III THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, BY ALL PERSONS E24PLOYED BY OTHERS, MEASURED BY ONE- HALF OF ONE PERCENT OF THE GROSS RECEIPTS EARNED ON AND AFTER THE FIRST DAY OF JULY, 1950; DEFINING TERMS; PRESCRIBING REGULATIONS AND PROVIDING FOR THE ALMINISTRATION, ENFORCEMENT AND COLLECTION OF LICENSE FEES; REQUIRING THE FILING OF RETURNS AND THE i GIVING OF INFORMATION BY EMPLOYERS AND THOSE SUBJECT TO SAID LICENSE FEES; IMPOSING i UPON EMPLOYEES TLE DUTY OF COLLECTING LICENSE FEES AT THE SOURCE, EXEMPTING CERTAIN OCCUPATIONS FROM THE PROVISIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING UHAT THE LICE=NSE F EES SHALL BE PAID INTO THE GENERAL FUND FOR PAYMENT OF GENERAL GOVERNMENTAL EXPENSE OF THE CITY; PROVIDING THE PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH; AND PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE', VIRICH WAS ADOP ED BY THE BOARD OF CO=ISSION RS ON MAY 31, 1950, AND AMENDED ON NNE 27, 195011, be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commi sioners Hannih, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Vayor Johnston (5). On motion the meeting adjourned. ADOPTED a�..<c/ -7 �� 1950 APPROVED" r.r-z�iy..-iir Mayor cola i