HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 22, Page 126, November 14, 1950No. Proceej;ngs of City of Paducah_ :.o ; c "1,1!,':70 — At a ',ej ular 7aotl[V; of the -pard Of �0:.=:1 :j _ _ .'J::.::i .:r' a 1 ^, at the City -7 .1, ?aciucah, .ontucky, at '7:30 on r, : :., 1950, a: glided and ueon ca'_1 o bile : oil bile follo'„_r' ansr;c, 3d. to their namos: i-ra tannin, Jacobs, im::, 'lin; a and :ay or Johnston (5). inute3 of the previous meeting ,fern adopted as road. ^o._aasioner ;tannin o'fored motion that tho potition of Jeff D. Robinson and wif , ':art!:a .all :,o.inson, for permission to connect a 3/8 inch water pipe line to tho throe y inch cater, ^i a line of Loron '.:. Jgnos, be granted su0jeet to the terms and conditions 6 contaii:od 9.:: petition. It Sa unierstood, however, that in granting the privileges sought in said petiti r :.,ait^er the Cit; ss Paducah nor the Coimaissioners of :rater '.'!orks shall be oblir,ated to t•uy said pipe line or any part thereof and no such obligation shall be obtained or ..e Lnpliod hereafter should t. o torrito7•y to be served by the water line to be laid under the authority herein requested bo taken into or made a part of the City of iaducah n � It is ftixx•thcr understood and agreed that the petitioners will subscribe for catch at the rates naw or hereafter prescribed for mater servico to consumers outside t'.a cit;;- limits and subject in all respects to the rules and rejulatlons of the City n_` a-iucah or its Commissioners of •>ater .;orka which may le now in force or hereinafter .ted. .otbin• L-. the .-rantin7 of this petition shall obligate the City of Paducah or its Co:_..i:aonera of ,rater ..orks to guarantee water prea3uro or service and said water service .c discontinued ti.rou-h said pipe lines or any part thereof at any tjmo when in t. -.o judgment of the commission^_ra of "latter "corks the furnishing of ,iator to the potitioners or their suocess�ra in o,fn rship of the property no,.,., owned by them may Interfere in any :vise v+ith the adequate supply and distribution of viater inside the r,r:t ora: limit`s of the City of Paducah. Adopted on ca --1 of the roll, Peas, - l.:aionor3 :'an _in, Jacob•3, :;ims, 'ihomas and ':'ayor Johnston (5). JaCgbc 0. _ _r .� motion that th,. potit:ion of Cary ' . :;tovona and 3ntD ;lara ._ :,tevens, ;'itchell 1001.•' and Wife, aldrod Jerilyn, Var'il L. ,rico: and C.7 ;i. i -rico, ,,site :}dwards, V. D. (Vado) ::olton and wlfo Juar:ita :rice olton, _ter oral wife, Clara Alin :;euner, o;vners of real cotate lo^.at-ad on and 38 in i::c rag _on County, 7.ontucky, outside the cit limito o: 'or par.:.i3aion anti authority to receive .antev from the :aducah :stor _ ,xtenslono to o rade ' . said petitioners to the privately owned :vatcr :!.i-:: . _ • -. atoll Comya ry or rsour: one of su; pl;iin cater to t: pet,i,lonnrs all of whiet: will ..o for do.1catie pur:oohs o.ccant petit .i:•;: rice and -wife, p;ency . iz•ico desiro to 3oeur•: c,atar i o.• an ice crea: , a, who desires to aocjxa watt::, :.. • a drive-in boater snit ,. site:i wife, J"nita ,rice olton, who desire ty, seq,ue water fell a ;-rncery itcra, be reecivou fi-.•; ... _ - o:eln be runte;i s0rrcirain to the teras and aowht in aai 10 Proceedings of :: -•.' 'oc. 301. .a.. ,.-xounda :eterans viilage kdv. bids for so of tuildi nZ.s ^.o:: btary ^rave k :;ahinr ..ddition Edward Crines of --pruck lcodwall Tiept Cxark Air Linos t?srkley Airport No.— 127._--. City of Paducah aril.ox J.', 1J;0 `--'----.--_-- under the authority heroin roquosted be to%on in:o or made a part of the City of i-aciueat. It is further understood that the petitioners will subscribe f'or ,rater service at the rates now or hereafter prescribed for water oarvice to consuraora outside the city limits of i-aducah and subject in all respects to the rules aria re; ulationa of the City of raducah or its �,oinminsioncrs of .rater ;or::a v:hich may las noa in force or hereinafter enacted. :in,^_ in the ranting; of this petition shall ouli^ate the City of .-aducah or its s':onors of Eater .ior1:3 to guaran too preaaure or sorvice, and said gator aorvicc ay discontinued through said pipe line at any time uhan in the judgmont of its ^onunisyionors of .rater ..or' -s the furnishin ; of nater to the petitionero or their successors in ownership of the property owned by them may interfere with the adequate supply and distribution of water inside the corporate limits of the City of Paducah. Adopted on call of the.Roll, 'eas, commissionary .:[annin, Jacobs, Sims, Phomas and Ta ror Johnston (5). Commissioner Hannin offered motion that the letter ad C. L. Timberlake, eroaidont l of the '-;est iientucky Vocational Training School containing advices concerning theplans ; of the school for beautification of its grounds, be received and filed. Adopted on CQ J` of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, aims, Thomas and T,Tayor Johnston (5). , i Comcniosioner Hannin offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive and file the letter of the City of "'aducah T unlcipal :lousing Co,nsaission requesting that app-o- priate action be ta!:en for advertisement- for bids for the sale of dwollinS unita on the' pronorty of the Veterans '1111 age. Adopted an tail of the :;ell, Yoas, Commiasioners J Ha:lnin, Jacobs, aims, Thomas and T.Tayor Johnston (5). Commissioner 'tannin offered :action that the board of Comiai,ycionara a?.provc the contract for the sale b,• the City of aducah to 8dward Geinas of .',rave .,o. 71 in T lock 'o. 7 of the i:uzhin; Addition to Oak urove rometory, and that the attached exaeutod contract 'or the sale of said cemetery property be delivered to the pu�chaaer. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yoas, C,omsnissioners !tannin, Jacobs, Olms, Thomas and 'ayov Johnston (5). Co.s;iasloner Jacoba o'Cox•ad motion that the ).card of Corraniasionero receive and file L o 1;i_la of .,trucle ''•ornoke ;:later Company and W.iter ale sarvice comrany, for aale to ;t -:e CIry Of vadricah Oone 01 drive Dick-Li,,._c :,,lata 'with all cath, ail filter, hoator, canoe top unci aoptli--ltt; to 'o ttcr of !':;no Tluoff, T'laodwall. ,a7,rcnt;ndent recu,vaonciin^ that the .:.=.'noi:o : otcr :;alas ca accepter]. :e f•%,tit•jr :a•✓ca tt:at an ordinar;co ;a .., coPtin;- tiro _1cl of ;trj llr .ernoko ..ottt Cn::;:a, L,: the aum of 1,513.5F3. ...cni,ad oil call U-! .:0'1, Yeas, Co=.L;sionera .a pin, 6aaets, :oma, )'ho:as•a and !a,'ar d0haatan (i;). 1 Conuia+sioncr Jac,,:..; oCfo ,r,ci snotf.on Lint tiro letter of ;•r. Paul J. ,'r•ct ora, ric T%nw,,er o.`:he Czar;. :_ir .•ln,s, .ina., aitli ruferonec to rase malcirn - jilts for his ccmpanyss use e: the .e»;ley Air. ort be reforro-.1 to the ,ud;c:; : ..;-r,-,.•t :'n:•- i paration for necessary attention. adopted on Call o.i' tha :to:1, .1a, JeQGba, -ms, ','homas and 34 or Johnston (d). "osr,issioacr JACO"-M offered motion ttat tUa •oard of r.::a.:aio:+ra rear ive ar.,, fi1 tr.e re-rrt of the +_t;r :..are^nr ar,:f #:C h1 f of .:,lice :,,,1 that the City t.attagor :.o Proaaadngs of >oard of Core issiotr.rs City of Paducah betercen 12t1i and 13th Str .ot, apFro::i::ately 25 yards from t'r:e Day .:uraory. Adopted on gall of the :011, Yeas, Cor._iissionors I;annir., Jacobs, Sims, Thoiaus and i:ayor Johnston ^eat Con- Co--rasaionor Sims offered notion that the Board of Comanisaiohnra receive and -,1 _.. - filo the letter of J. E. Lozzo, Secretary of the _aducah Central Labor Union, roquestin.i tli:ity o= 'adacah. ta`,e a, nrop:,lato action to continue in affect tr.e hent Control -end-eco::.'ocr 31, 1950. Adopted on call of the 1,011, 'teas, Cmuiiasionora ?ia:inin, a__, lms, Thorvas and t.:ayor Johnston (5). ^w,etery ;c:..i,L:ioner :;ims o-fered motion that the 1.1oard of Commissionors approve the 0,rave ushir contract for the sale by the City of laducah to .lillic Cisco of grave Lo. 72 in block :,ddition Tillie ::o. -, o: the F.ushin;; :addition to Oak Grove Cemetery, and that the attached ozecuted con- Cisoo tract for the silo of said cemetery property be delivered to the purchaser. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Co=issionors ISannin, Jacobs, aims, '11iomas and Mayor Johnston (5 ), =d. of �! ':ayor Johnston offered motion that the letter of the 1)oard of :qualization dated 3qual. ension _7ovember 12, 1950, request_nl� an estansion of time to December 9, 1950, be received and 0 tiro f11ed. and that the extension be ;;ranted and the board continue with the work of eeual- izin;; the asaessr..ents against real and personal property until that date. ..dopted on call of the Roll, Yoas, Comm slone ra Fannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and i`ayor Johnston ':id -west (t). Sar, clo. A, -roe -.ant iayor Johnston oeferod motion that the -oard of Comnissioners receive, fila and _._ability rolicy a_.!;_ov^_ the .0?plenental agreement entered into between the City of (aducah and the ","id - 0n1 .eat _-ducts Corporation, dated ;Tovcmber 14, 1950, said agreement providing; that tho company construct alon-;and directly in front of the building at 935 Isonroe ..troet in : ..._:a'r., Kentucky, a ::ooden loadin,- dock, ramp anti steps of the dimensions speci:ied i^_::%i6 agreement, rut aui;ject to the terms and conditions set forth therein; ttat tLo -card of ion:isaionera also receive, file and a;:prove the public liability inz,::anee c;rt_t';eate 1.a:: u: the Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York ahowin;; to ror.,o.•ation and ti;() City cf Paducah under its co ::ith ,:io creation, oraternhip, maln-,onance or uoo of the als; the bond of till Vld-::oat Di,iry I-'roducta Cor- Caaualtr Compang of .;o:: ',ork as its surety, ❑ail bond in., ;rsnteola- to the City of :-aducah the complete roatorat'_on of tt.e _ .�_ ,. h-, ravn;::n nccen2ar*, for the erection of said platcor r gas bear, nano. A^:p to on oa.l of the o__, {aaz, Cor_:tisaionors haiclrin, eacoba, „,,dnar:ca entitled: ".... 1 T;1 J; x01u :N GC'RM.tui 25, IfY1'y' adopted. A- `opted gxi call �'f t r xanln. Jhoo'ott, :Las, ;ossa and 'ayor . No 129 Proceedings of—' City of Paducah D'j ;: t,r. .'ferod motion that in ordinance Gnti ticd- ",,t salav:: -,Uco i Dept- EATAJ 0-D! C U . M - 'A.i 011DIAi,-.CE -21311A,,Ll,;i:Lv; T.It. .iU ;,­I�z:i C-` WE rOLICE DSPART-:4IT A ,iEPEALI �': ALL O.'Mlil-,. ' ;7 ';,'iilCli .�'AS ADOWED L, Lir: BOARD OF Coj.j.jjaj�.o.JLRz; 0.1 v1E_RtjAjj1 28, 1949, CCTc-ai-�j 24, 195011, be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Ycaa, Co­-i.iioaionDrc Eanain, Jacobs, Sim, Thomas and ',:ayor Johnston (5). ranic Commissioner Sims offered motion that an ordinance entitled.- "All OADI.­1­CE c;;lary police KS 417D 1,',ONTUY SALARIES OF THE POLICE DSeART.*!SJT AND h-.- ,part-- ESTA�:LISIMIG MME XMI-LER, RAN. Establish ALL ORDINANCES IN CODPLICT [B-119.7ITH", be introduced and remain on file for pifullo inspection for at least two weeks in the final form in which it shall be put upon its final passage. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commisaianera Uannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and 1.-.ayor Johnston (5). Additional Commissioner Thomas offered moti-on that an ordinance entitled: "X; Revenue and appropriation RMEALIN-. Aii ORDI,Iii..'CE ZITITLED: TA -7 ORDL!AiiCE AFP110FRIATING rOR CERTAI:4 AL Fojeal PURPOSES I.! THE YEAR 1950 THE SUITZ 0? 7:38,505 AAMCIPAT61) P'RO.M, TIE COLLXETIO: O'r' TA)(1.3 LEVIED AGAI:13'r PERSONS OULOYED B -f OTH&RS, A -,7D A-1.30 YAM.' LICE.TSE.3 LEVIED AGAI:T 1.iT eFIWONS FOR ME rRIVILE;E OF OPERATIT.f3i AUTO .'-1O-IU3 AND i:!)TOR VZHICLLS I.N ME CITY OF PAUUCAH; AND PROVIDING FOR TUB A!1FORTIO1F.1a!T OF SAID KITICIPATED REVENUE FOR 6UCH UR--- 950n, VIHIC11 WAS ADOITTED BY UE LOARD OF 0.- AU�IUT 8, 1 be Adopted. Adopted on call of the TZoll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, i Thomas and iayor Johnston (5). !;umber, rank Cc-rc,-,.Iz;sioner Thomas offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "Ail ORDIJA.;CE salary fire V -opt-Repeal RE-r2ALI','.i All OiU)*-1'.`TA:!GE ENTITLED: IA:i OilDir ;,A.;CE BSTA-`,LIS*1I'NG 7TU'ZR RAI K3 AliD 71.0,11THLY SALARIES OrI., O;, TFE FIRE D-LAHT.L: 'Ii V A:�D 22z�ALIU�.! ALL aZ.)*1.:A.1'CE.; IN CONFLICT HERZ.7IT11q1, iiiJICH ,JAS ADOPTED B'Z F BOARD OF CO."".T �;:; tCJ,'R�, ),: r'E'-UUAZ-:, 2,9, 2, ..I - 11 be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Haunin, Jacobi, Thorns and :.a; w Johnston (5). Tra2for fund i Kayor Johnston a-.fored motion that the motion 2or tho introduction of aa ordin'Unco „.dl U o nal ­olinenen - I/ ontitled: C.a i,,;T,'OR1ZI1,d M1, ..2,280 1i0:7 -7, Coji '..T a -��IAMD PAY71,`�,'T 1, TH- Q�' zOLICE::—' TO _.CC( 1,:7 'L * -�O- . -7,;, T '(V COVER 7iE 6j)I,Alui�., T-1 ZIX A:)bI'fiC-.iAL .011ICE Jrr1CZlS motion YIQ3 passed at tho zvictiM- oL rd o ro r 3 a a of the k f 3 mmin I n3 - on Octobcr 24, 11�,50 and provided that it ahou16 on file for �,UL-jie Inal.-,ectlon for t=o wo"jka.in tine co=ploted form in which it ahall -Lo %,ut upon its flwl passu; o, Co withdrawn. ;.dopred on call of the lioll, Yeas, COLs:tsalonora 11annin, dracol,a, ",Imzj lbomaz aad jCen2t­ (5). on-UVI 1 servic®v/ Cca�.iOaI­ CIII�r :u.-nin o`orud motion t!.,at an ordinance entitled: "A- O;;iDL:A.,�.,..' 0CZitTAIN 00 Tit- CM OF VADUCA!" 0 CIV;L ScRVICZ; ILKING TlCc A14OUNT OF lnHz A WAT;,' 0.1 a':lC!j CZL 3AjAjjjBj 1;" and lla;*ain on ft!"n.• t ­ inspect -1, aa L4 1r4 com-lote,! In vj;:J,,J, it t,.q Adopted ea call no. ThomAn Ar Ne. Proceedings of-__ _ ' - s'.Un•'❑ City of Paducah ';ovembor la, 1950 c_ 1 :is c_ :_ ,n r an ordinance entitled: "Ai; ORDI:iA.:oE _'Ai : •t'!Cr nd 8 Cd 4, lrP'LHD: ii ; : Or' 'ICII-el OIl::AUCAli, IiTC{Y,I' .. CiL :i: RULSS AIID REGULATTO_.9 rU L.'i' TO Tl!E PROV13I0fI3 0? RRS 00.500 TO C.--0; 5i" THE AirOIilT:;-IT OF A .:OARD OF CIVIL SERVICE C0.':T:i;S:IOIIit3, PIXIf%; ..� II.G Y-iE QVALIr'ICATI0713, TER:53 0;• O.::T C,E, ;'C. :;:.; 1_0 DUTiE,i OF SAID COIZ: 7"13 <;tiL-,., a ,7j ICH 7IiB .0.,.:7 _ .._ � �C_, CC... _.,.: tO-.1....., .:i:1LL ... 10113 TO A. ,LLC L.. .. -. U'r..-•- - ---.-• I' -GA-- 0.. --1,A-'-- _. _ :U L :I'LOY iStJ IN d.?C I.L I� G L ,._....C:.,.r 1::D REOULATINTJ-.iv:I_ REIN; A.D 1 ._.SC(1 ._... THE J:,,, f_... ,=0 :. _ _.. L:.. <. CO%DUCT U: ., :I, _ LG_ 3 A1,CECTED T - G%= A: D IME CAUSES _-.. .. :_O:i s REPRIMANDED, SUSPIaIDED, DIS?ZI33ED Oii REL'.OUED &RoM :.,5_LOY- C .::v ±1,_... :0:: .:D E3TA;=a1I1r, A REIMEt.'121T SYSTEM Ai.D THE CREATION 9 0_' r, __.a L.. 9 C. :.0.. Uii Ai r02'PI':':-1 Za CITY OF ;'ADUCrIfi, Y 0_ IT Or' _..rLOYSE;3 FOR THE 0_ 6_11D :u:;D; F::O:_-,:. 71.:._.T OFA ;'OARD 0' _..T .i SAID FUND; FIXIiIG A D _ ._.;L's.< ___1C1TIOilS, 1 „'iES OF SAID "OARD OF T2LD'r,. G Y RILES - _-.ID r.OA D 7N TRU ^t� S A:!D ;,TL .-. o __ L a __C.i TO T:_ A;:D .LLO,;,k::CE C,,. _.._..._ ITi r::... ", ..-ICiI .:A.3 ADOFPED Y .._ -OA;Ll CO::.:"F.-;!O L%23 O:I D -LC— :.. _ ,^ 8, 1950, 11 be introduced and remain on Zile for a t L-: at :n,;r,ection in the com_.leted form in viliich it shall :e _hood uoon ;adopted on call of the !toll, Yeas, Commissioners -tannin, Jncooa, Johnston (5). Jacobs o.fered motion that an ordinat.ce untitled; "1i, O D.i. D....IJW—, ( ., L•ARIES C: .__. .:H. _:ia ..Lic _. 0J.', LILT r { a:i` ", r:o introciuced anC remainon file oa at loa..t tiro ieoks in the cotitpleted corm in it :. it _ sc;r..-o. .%dopted on call of the Holl, an 0`•d :i..nao Untitled; " 0?ID_ _ cc, U_' the _.U1], ton tier :•� 3 -. _ _ .. t.'r�. n. _ _.. _.. .,. .,. ', ... .�Ol: and :ti ... .. ,ovikVohlcls over streets . ect!.ori 4 .A_o nd a(' Fiscal *,'Our Established Sell "Veterans villaFe to iTou3ins Corm "Youth "zinor City of Paducah i1i'ferod motion I;Mt an ordinance clitil 13 jL' M:ETLS D: TAU ORDI A T.0 V T OR `i:'::�RI?03j� Qv ':OVINIG �UILDIII(,:, Ai.D OID&H -','(1WCIUrt ES V' Oil, FOP, 71E VIOLTATIO;T OTHE PROVISIONS 11fRZOVI, ICH j,.3 rii; 21, 1940', be adopted. Adopted on call of tho -ioll, Yeas, Comrdsolo=?a ''aiinia, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Fa; or Johnston (5). Commissioner Thomas offered motion that an ordinance untitled: `.i.. ()-fDI,7A-.T0E '11L�TAiLISTMM, 71jM PERIOD FROF JAJUARY 1 TO DECE:,iEU-11 31 AS 1-2 1`1,:C,1L YLATI 0` IFE CIVC --;UC.A-H, .13ND PROVID[i! UA' - T-7 !-:W:: JAHUARY 1, 1950 TO DECZ, - izll, 31, I950, -"2-,L -'11 11": _7 XAL Ti: r'O e.LC.: 17:1:7 IME LAST FISCAL Y!,'AR E iD.L;G Cj D -C--,: 31, 194911, Ile adopted. Adopted on call of the !,all, Yeas, Corami:331oncra iiarnin, Jacob Sims, Tronas and -ayor Johnston (5). 11 Corianissionar ?tannin offered motion that an ordinance entitled- "Ali ORDI.twA CE ::ZQVIDIJ7 FJ'; T[T� :SALE 13Y rr- - N .C- - — .17 CITY OF PADUC All,-., 01111-L22U, -0 CITZ OPADTJC.4jf PUNIC JI -i -I HOU3ING C01,11,1331011 Oz ALL OF M!AT PROPERW 0" 'rT:7 =Z7 7-7 1 E ICI1 13 LOUNDED OU WN EA3-r --iY TV STREET, Ofd THE NORM Lf 22--iD 61fq­?ET, 01; Me KORT`TMST jzY OHIO STREET, ON THE W23T 7y 25 -IH STRELP, AILD Oil IjUF SOUT'H&LST -Y 1 1-1: 57733T, _OR THE SALE T. -:ERZ -OJ FOR '0-7F -U-T;', OF .-,:6,930 PURJUAFT TO All C. FEP Of SAL., -,:-aiUTZD Aim NZIURSD 17 TKL' CITY OF iAD1 WJT TO 7r, -.E CITY 0,, rADUC&1l ?.TPIIC2:PAL CU,!:: W'. A071 rU:Z-;�-:T 'i AN O-U1:7111"LirE ADOPTED 0;7 JILETZ 29, 1950; AiiD AUTIORI,-T„` CLERK 1W EXECUTE A,:D D.MIVER TO SAID C0777:-'1�IOJ A D. -'ZD OF COITIV=A-0-E TO to adopted. Adopted on call of the Roji, Yeas, Coraraiasionera Uhowc ani 'C'::0 Johnston (5). 7' le ayor Johns ton offered motion t:sat an ordinance entitled: "A-: Q, 1) T 0 TICIPATED REVE-M—M Or Ti, G11try, o, Y T7L ROvRIAT,--0..' 0-' THE PU-LIC :CCVE:,UL CO L- 1j-RW1)1:.'! -,'R TITS 0,', R, iMUDI" '] RE'; C,)j (7, F -D .... 1 AT T:,' 'ri-- ADC)MICM . .. ... %.Z 1030; D Villl(ji.L�,,'i- i,,, T .1,! 'ORT -C., T inspection fov two --_j It ::Invil co." 'Unco. adopted on c,-� ,I..oiL, ,.,or Johnston 10r 1; Ila t a t103�1ut-'().n u.ititled: "A k—t (I.; tM AMPnD