HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 22, Page 118, October 24, 1950Na. '7 Proceedings of ter ling Ire rid. 3t. 'i ;nt Wheeler "L" Street 7-c+srcl of Cc::^icsicnars City of Paducah- Octobor 24, 1950 At a Regular-eotinU of the ward of Commissioners field in the Commission Chanfuer at the City Hall, :'aducah, •�entucky, at 7:30 P.'% on October 24, 1950, ma or Johnston yvealded anu u_on ca Ll of the roll the following answered to their names; Commissioners P u annin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and i.:ayov Johnston (5). ,.:inutes of the p:•evious rvetii , were adopsed as road. Co _:L;sioner Sims o_fered motion that the petition of i:ra. Minnie Sehmaus for permission to connect to the nater main of t :aducah ',later liarQcs located on 2lorth 13th Street a 3/4 inch water pipe line and extend same over and across Lot 14, Block 15, Rin -land dace i,ddition so as to furnish nater to two residences of said petitioner on the Cairo Road located outside the city limits of Paducah, Kentucky, be received acd filed and the requests potitioned for therein be granted subject to the terms and con- ditiona in said petition. it is. understood, haaever, that in granting the privileges sought in said petition neither the City of Paducah nor the Commissioners of nater -+orks shall be ,obligated to buy said pipe line or any part thereof, and no such obligation shall be obtained or be implied hereafter should the territory to be served by the water lines to be laid under the authority herein requested be taken into or made a part of the City of Paducah. It is further understood that the petitioner will subscribe for water service at the rates now or hereafter prescribed for mater service to consumers outside the city limits and subject in all respects to the rules and regulations of the City of iaducah or its Commissioners of -eater • or,a which may be now in force or hereinafter enacted. :;othin- in the ;ranting of this petition shall obligate the City of Paducah or its Commisnioners of l',ater .rorlca to guarantee crater pressure or service and said vratcr service may ..a discontinued throufh said pipe line or any part thereof at any time when in the judguent of the Conmissioncrs of :,uter -corks the furnishing of castor to the I.eti`ioner or her suceeasora in ownership of the property now owned Ur her may interfere in any %'jiae :vit'h the adequate su:%ply and distribution of water inside the corporate 11111 ;f tea ^.i',r o: Paducah. Adopted on call of the Ftoll, ions, Cornr:i.saioners Haunin, Jace'-a, .:ism, Thomas and i.:ayor Johnston (5). 'or;-iLssioner Hannln o:.Pored s:otion that the !.card of Commissioners receive end C11,; ra;.crt if th,) i=hlef of rolico and the City :.tanager relative to thr: installation of a Litr.`. ;.. .1,r .venue aiad ".," Jtroot, and that the Cit;, NanaSor wo diractoz to ties Co�rwny to insta<l a lint at that least?on. '°optod on call o: t: n;_:'L•!aion,jrs La:cnin, Jacobs, maims, Thomas and :zyor Johnston (5 offer�.d raa:io. ]:flat cho rmird of Commissioners a; -,,,rove the eontract -Inr -o _ ,la tPA City Of !a.':•,.cah to Oarnetto Jontor of uravo .:o. '10 in ; loc . of t'•.. Additio:i to Oats ,rnve ^•,,^sntary, all(] that the attached executed con- tract Por the Bale of said Canter, Fr: ,.Art, be da'lJverud tea t1le pnwchanar. Adoptod on esti. or the Roil, feaa, Cor.:aianionors t=annin, Jac•+s, ;leas, Then= an; l.ayor JohnsLo.: Cowaiaxsib�r :r.:::ir: offered oration thAt tr:e !;ity 5:aalat;or to directod to >natruct =-; 2reaeurer Wish each month a copy eP the City Manageris iodgetary Central avenme rde.or t to each mOmbor of tl�e F>eard of to i;ulonurl, sfonera Rennin, Jacobs, Sian, 'Phomas and '♦ Proceedings of N.. �_ .r - _ _. _ City of Paducah__C' --+------------ ;;o:_-.irsionor Jacobs offered motion that the Oath of Oi•i'ice o : tor; o ;t. i?aloy as a V s.rd"o_ _aal.l ,aco:bor of the _oard of i],qualization for the year 1951, be resolved and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissionera Fannin, Jacobs, Ums, Thomas and i'ayor Johnston (5) Lia bility V Commissioner Phomas offered motion that Us ioard of Cornmisnionorn receive, rile end policy Conner .ind•:r8 approve liability policy issued by the United :.tater Fidelity and Guaranty Company pro- toctin� the City of iaducah with respect to work done by Johnnie E. Conner and Ooorge D. tiindors, dba Conner 1 Tiinders for a period of oen year from Septembov 12, 1050. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Comunissionorn Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and i.ayor Johnston (5). 8ctploy G Add- Commiosioner Hannin offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "Ai: (ii DINA,.CE i11•i itional police Amend ordiaanc`+ I';G SECTIO.: 1 OF AN QtDIi7A::CE iITITLED: rA:t QiDI.;A;ICE ESTABLISHI:Ic- TILE rlWMER, RAiJ;{S AM W",: THLY SALARIES OF THE POLICE DE:1A UE' -:T A -:D R3r'EALIid,, Ai L ODDLIA.JCES I:: COM-1ICT HERMVITHI, '.V'ICH ',,'AS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD 0,' CO...�l IOiI;RS 0:1 FEBRUARY 25, 1949, A_;D Y A'•'EATD D JUNE 7, 194911, be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, You -q, Commissioners Fannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5). Transfer =undo Commissioner Fannin offered motion tilat an ordinance entitled: "A:! 03DIJ.4.4E pay policencn % AUTFORIZIW�. TR ISFER OiW THE SU1: OF .=;2,2£30.00 Fit 7i; 'Cis CO iTZ_.0-Z' T FU' TO TFEACCOUieT APPROPRIATED I'OR,PAYI:EiiT OF 711EAi:.i::IES OF POLICEMEN IN ORDER TO PROVIDE SUFFICIEW I FbiIDS TO COVER ZFE ALARIES Or TFfIE SIX ADDITIONAL POLICE O,FICER:i -1 i:E APPOINTED", II - introduced and remain on file for public inspection for two weeks in the completed form in which it shall be put upon its final passage. ..,doptod on call or the Roll, 'leas, Commissioners 'Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and i.'ayor Johnston (5). i Zone property .:a.' or Johnston offered motion that an a- dinanco entitled: "Aa 910. 11:l;:^E APY:r Vl:vs Colored Housing site I_iE FINAT, E: CRT 01" 'ME CITY PLANNING AND ZOiIIN�': CO'.',:I—'1OJ r_--iJVZDZ:ic: 'S;L :;.i' 0'. north 3th OU D- D a2) `LE uTREii'P, .:LI ri . TREST, FINLEY .'0C Ni T' Pi::ALTY IP0,11. J t Ci S D.iOLUi`i0:. ADOPTED 6 _ 'JiL' CI•P_' --A...•_ C.-... I- 1350", .1350", be adopted. Adopted on call of the ,,all, (oas, Cain•nisaionora ; :;:rain, Jacobi 17-13, Thomas and '.:ayor Johnston (5). rater Co_,:an; COmP.lirsienor Simi offered motion that: the ..oard of Coiraairaioncra roeei o and file a ;;oa tier e e artif•iod copy of tiro i:osolution adoptod by tho Cor.::nisaion of ,.ator .corks of the City of Prcucah, Kentucky, recoumrendln:; a decrease of 50,; in do rates charged to tF�o City of i:rlacah for :,ater service be7lnnin;• on ?Ioverabor 1, 19:10, :.ut r.rujoct to the a0nditIona r not Porti: 11 aa'la res:)lution. Adapted on call 0: the Ron, Yaas, Corr-.:nionora "a.nin, Jacobs, .111:.j, ;-msr and !,'.a, -,Or Johnston (5). rprave st ewaa renae ter i:ayor Jc}:n3ton o ferod motion that an ordinance entitled: "A:i : O DI_TA::CL c ruts- cr.a:ra1 ,..:.r :A�.:i:. ...., ,i ' ADE PO `f:E Cf'IY Ur' cit for firs raseetsn 'if, JAr.0 ! P ...I "fOiiGR U.:, .ATaR .,A 7:i 0r 7.ixi i)zt; Aj 11 Tlit r;,AR, 93 FOR 3 2 C''A?C23 :'0% :•'A I�r, : (V Lr8 °R i:® adopted. Adopted on ca 'A �,•�e :n�. � ::•:,:,.;, ';ai,,i.rn ton,rs i-Ar,nin,taco a, .)ima, -noma a anti ::ayur :fohnston (5). ; adjourn ed ` % ) I