HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 22, Page 115, October 17, 1950Proeeedfags
;ater line
!ientucky St.
.star � •:r:ection
'0oaiand _ive
No.—. -1'15. - — -
_.card of Commi+:siono.,zi -- ---_.—Cay of Paducah cc i;er 17, .l:•50 -------------
v At a Regular "eot:ing o?' tl!o -oard of Con,oti..aioaora c, w in the Commission
Chamber at the City -all, c'aducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.'!. on Octoi,or 17, 1950, 'ayor
Johnston presided and upon call of the 11011 the following answered to their names:
Co:rmi-'sionors tannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5).
Liinutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read.
Commissioner Hannin offered motion that the petition of Frank A. Foatwright and
wife, Lenia Agnes poatsmiGht residing at 192 Kentucky Street outside the corporate limits
of Paducah, Kentucky, for authority to lay and construct a slater line for the purpose of
providing water service to the building located on the property of petitioners be receive
and filed and that the request in said petition ce granted in accordance with the terms
act forth therein.
It is understood, however, in granting the privilege sought in said petition
neither the City of Paducah nor the Commissioners of Cater '.Yorks shall be obliated to 'ou
said pipe line or any part thereof, and no such obligation shall be obtained or implied
hereafter should the territory to be served by the mater line to be laid under the authority
herein requested be taken into or made a part of the City of raducah.
It is further understood that the petitioners will subscribe for water service atI
the rates now or hereafter prescribed for water service to consumers outside the city III
limits"of Paducah and subject in all respects to the rules and regulations of the City of
raducah or its Commissioners of ,pater '.:orks which may be now in force or hereinafter I
Hothing in the granting of this petition shall obligate the City of :aducah or
its cormissioners of ..star Storks to guarantee pressure or service, and said water service
may be discontinued through said pipe line at any time when in the judgment of its Comm-
issioners of iater :forks the furnishing of crater to the petitioners or their suceesdors
In ownership of the property owned by them may interfere in anywise with the adequate
supply and distribution of :nater inside the corporate limits of tho City of 'aducah.
Adopted on call of the ::oll, Yeas, Carrsiaaioners Hannin, Jacobs, ;I=, Thomas and
Cayor Johnston (5),.
Coru!iasioner Jacobs o('forod motion that the petition of D.B.;Tilaon, Jr. and .-;Ifo,l
Aelen F. 'Alson, for pormiasion to make tsro conneetiona with a V-1 inch water pipe line
to the two inch wator pipe line owned by Loron i. Jones ao as to furnish water to one
residonce a constructed on the east one-half of Lots 7, G, and 9, S_loek C, a!ucndod
plat, Aver.:...-; .-o jub-division frontin- on'.;oodland Drive outside tips city limita of
6aducai , .,.r.,.. .:=oeoived and filed and the request pot_aoned for therein r,e -.-ranter
i conditions contained in Laid petition.
It Ll ur::ter. teou, ro'nover, that iu grantin;; the priviloc'o sought in aald peti.lo
neither teie ^itJ of ;&dLicDh ri,.r the Corrmi,, ionero ?! ricer ';oa::a shall 110 eclit:ated to
Luy said pipe line or any part .tin•oof, and no .!1,::i. 0:1,on shall rd obtain,l 01• ue
i_ -.:sled hereaftor sho.rld trw territory to Lo s--. .: ,rater lino to ie laid unler
the a-tr.,zity hcrelr. rem�eate.5 :.a ta!uin into a: . „ o.i tLO City of ariueah.
it is turuier unlorstood t�:at the petit -'..it e.. i ao,'criL-;, fo!• xutor cerulea a
Vie rates n^, or horsefter i esoriued for mater nesv...,.. t.r, •;,n _uayr❑ t;.,
city llssits and su-jeot In a;.l respects to the rules a:.
;edweah or its Goemiselaners of Aster .corks wlsieh may '.., :: .. , . _ ,,.co or tn!,c1nr,:
e.;ac to :.
Proceedings of _ So "=--------- City of Paducah Cr. tOJEr 17, 1356
a cry
- nj 1
Jo nos
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Chas. Boyd
Fz won
I. c,.._ _rantin; of this petition shall obliFato the City of Paducah or
its j1on.:.. ,f rater :forks to uarantoa outer nrosaure or service and said viater
service may ba ..continued throu h said pipe line or any part thereof at any time when
in the judgment of the Coruuissioners of ':rater 7,'orlca the furnishing of orator to the
;etitioners or their successors in ownarship of the property now owned by them may inter -
,'are in anywise viith the adequate supply and distribution of outer inside the corporate
limits of the City of Paducah. Adopted on call of the Poll, 'yeas, Commissioners Fannin,
Jacobs. Sims, Thomas and rayor Johnston (5).
Commissioner tannin offered motion that the 'roard of Coramissionera receive and filc
the Financial Report of the 'raducah Veterans S•'iilage and the Rhodes-nroady Court.
Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fannin, Jacobs, Sims, 'Phomas and :.:ayor
Johnston (5)
Coimnissioner Fannin offered motion that the Board of Commissioners approve the
contrz:ct for the sale by the City of Paducah to Henrietta Jones of Grave He. 69 in
_lock ;do. 7 of the ?tushing 84dition to Oak Grove Cemetery, and that the attached ex-
ecuted contract for the sale of said cemetery property be delivered to the purchaser.
Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and _'ayor
Johnston (5).
Commissioner Fannin offered motion that the attorney for the city be authorized
to prepare for in'.roduction at the next regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners
%n ordinance providing for an increase in the personnel of the police department by the
nloyjjwat of six additional men. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners
a:.nin, Jacobs, Sirs, Thomas and Mayor Johnston (5).
Cor issioner Sims offered motion that the >oard of Commissioners receive, filo
and ap,.rove liability policy issued b,: the United ;tatea Fidelity and Guaranty Company
crotoctin� the City of raducah with respect to work done b•. Charles ,'oyd and J. Boyd
srlea _o?d won for a period of one year from July 16, 1950. Adopted on call
_.o -.i, Yeas, Co:_iiaaioners Fannin, 1Taco',a, Sime, Thomas and :ayor Johnston (5).
;;ims o_fered the folloain' motion: I move that the ..card of Couc::
rile tiro letter of :,...Scott. :Agent, dutod .eptemLer 15, 1950,
;:r cancellation o: the bond of the Lumt;oriaena ,.utual Cusualt;
- -.cued to ',:.%.Chandler in connection with stroet excavation
6i.o re, rt of the otraet Suporintendent t at tiro 0,, Id
ated to .ni Cit, find •chat no liability .:1::1 arlae cy
. ;,:..., ,s-r�.fzt,; .r:. hat the City Clark .:a aut.,orisoci
ID %:on. Adopted on c;;::i o tl?o
-.vLl, ..._�... ..-.... .� .:Uf:rain, .0 ^, ., ..n, .:1*_L', .-,... _..... ori •. .:a;oi'
iGy r75' ._...`.;7t f. ...fEre': ...: ti G., tr1iU Lieu lu'.tJl' „ ... .. -. ,. .__i ..+.... •tu S'.1
- zi... .'ct,. .'a .. ...� .;. P.3 tr°.:ct�a:: �. Y.: r• u,, tit. ,, i UOUCak,
rocai ved anti
j.to S, . ,:as, _._ ..; _ ...; J u au:oi-s, _ivx, "1,ornao
No.— 117
Proceedings of ; Lard "i �;oca,io sioners City of Paducah October 17, 1'✓50
_ N
Ta; no�oston Payor Johnston offered motion , hat the Board of Commlosioncrs receive -n,,. filo the
;:ousiir Coni. letter of .:ayno C. Seaton dated October 14, 1950, in which he tenders his roal.ration
as a member of the city of Faducah 'Zunicipal ITouainG Commission.
iia t)irther mo ad ti:at said resignation be accepted. Adopted on call of the Rol
Zeas, Commissioners iiannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and 'fayor Johnston (5).
Loyce Berryman Myor Johnston offered motion that the letter of Toyce Lerryman in which he declin
decline to
aorvo '--oard of to serve as a member of the :card of equalization for the year 1953, be recalvad and fil
adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Har.nin, Jacobs, 31:,a, `Ihomao and :!a�or
Johnston (5).
Oath of OfficeeP i[ayor Johnston offered motion that the Oath of Office of '::ayno C. Seaton anu C.
d. of _,qual. 'i
i alinZo as rsanibers of t e "r:oard of Equalization for the year .19 1, be racoivod
Adopted on call of the Roll; Yeas, Commissioners Fannin, Jacobs, 'Anis, Thomas ana .:a,,ov
Johnston (5).
O.imialey 9 :ay or Sohnston offered the following motion: Boyce Uerryman, who was appointed I
Eoard of
Equalization to serve as a member of the uoard of Equalization for the year 1951, having declined to
accept the position;
I move that G. L. Haley be appointed to serve as t'ae third member of said 'board so
that said board as now constituted shall be composed of Charles Rawlings, :7ayne ,lea ton
and G. R. Haley, and that the three members of said board, aftor beim first duly skorn ,
to discharge the duties of their office, be directed to elect from themsolves a chairman
and a clerk, to notify t+:e city auditor that they are ready to receive the asscusment
books, and to then proceed with the equalization of all aasosstn nts on .real and peruonol�
H property in the cit;; subject to taxation In accordance r:ith the provisions cf law, LWo ha
nambers of said Loard to receive for the Lr services the salary fixed by ordinance.
Adnptod on call of the Roll, Yeas, Comnisuioners Haemin, llaaobs, aims, +'homaa anti :..,, -,I-
rJohnston (5).
City chvsician Comrxissioner aims offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "6:: G:c:)L:'::.:
rxoata positio !
BCR Tl C :0 CI 11 i HY.;ICIA Jb i 0:i IrV3 TiiEAT,.E14T Or ALL C i'PI- I
ZEES 0: i.. C _ r )UCAI], ...:TUCi;'I; ii.�jCR12 _.: i ?"'j" GJ?IE3 '"C .. _ CI'^{
' iHY.ACIA' S; rLzt.,.: _: .;-_0U,;T a- _ JrR r ....., , ...... _ ,.. I'- _. ..,.E
:;i::- Or 937.50 1._.. TE CO}d^IA'Oh ?0
1C. OCr.- -i li, 195 'a: [. 1, 151;
�L':IL-AI.I:. A� L I:i CONiLICT NEI'Z241TU", Lo i,troduoca and ro,:.ln on Iiic .Cor
Fu!_lic ins;:ectl.on for two -;seeks in the completed form in wLich it shall bo Brut upon alts
final possa;.;a. :o;aed m call of the Roll, 'leas, o:,r:.3ssieners tu::nin, Jacocs, ima,
Thomas and lm; or Sohnstc:n
On Jt1 G1 t-.. _ . dd jollrn L•d. � X r� 1
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