HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 22, Page 111, October 10, 1950Proceedings of icard of L;o rt.i::sionnra _—.City of ::o ter Connoc- tion 40 th o Central L.':. Jones extend lines oct000r l0, 19:0 At a Regular •soetlnr of the --o: rd of COm;,d,aaiOI1Or;; hold irr tno Corumi:ialon Chanbor at the City Hall, Faducah, Kentucky, at r:30 P.i:. on i:otobor 10, 1950, L:ayor Johnston presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to then• names: Comminoionera Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas a.d Idayor Johnston (5). I.:inutes of the rwevlous inoting were adopted as read. Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that the petition of Loren i;. Jones for permission to connect a two inch water pipe line to the si.-c inch water main owned by the said Loren Id. Jones at a point near the intorsection of 40th street and South Central Avenue and to extend said two inch crater pipe line westerly on South Central Avenue a distance of approxt.mately 600 feet and to connect a lu inch water pipe line to the pro- posed two inch extension at or near the intersection of North 4lat Street and :south Central Avenue and to extend said lz inch water pipe line in a southerly direction along 41st street a distance of approximately 340 feet and to connect a 3/4 inch nater pipe line to the two inch water pipe line on South Contral Avenue and to connect a 3/4 inch water pica line with the lu inch line on North 4lst Street to supply erator for domestic purposes only to one residence to be built upon Lots Nos. 10 and 11 of Block F and one residence to be built upon Lots `:os S and 9 Elock G of Gregory Heights sub -division co the City of Paducah, be granted subject to the terms and conditions contained in said petition. It is understood, however, that in granting the privileges souL;ht in said petitlo. neither the City of Faducah nor the Commissioners of '.Nater :forks shall be obligated to guy said pipe lines or any part thereof and no such obligation shall be obtained or be L;_olied hereafter should the territory to be served by the 1:'ater lines to be laid under ti -s authority herein requested be ta':cen into or made a part of the City of Faducah. it is furtter understood that the petitioners will subacribo for water service at the rates no's or hereafter prescribed for water service to consumers outside the city limits and subject in a.:l respects to the rules and regulations of the City of laduoah or i' i, .1to Comrnissionars of :.ator .orka which may be now in force or hereinafter enactod. p :iothing in the granting of thin petition ahall oblitute the City of Paducah or it 17.nmi3sioners of .',star ::orks to guarantee wator pressure or service and said water sorvie nay bo discontinued threu_,h said pipe linos or any part thereof at any time when in the jV_I,t,4rIt Of ti.e ;Of=A23iQner.9 of :rater �ior::s the furnishing; of water to the petitioners or tnoir saceessora in ormership of the property no:: owned by them rAy intorfore in any aiae with the e equnte au ply and cistributlon of water inside the eorl,orato limits of ti: it; o:' ,rdlcah. :,daptad on call of the Hall, Yoas, Cor--mi:.aionora IfEthni,11, dacOus, 1s:1 no.:.as ar.0 ':a or Johns ton (6). .a tar lira Comnlsoioner ..1 �e ol'fored the following motion: 'ti;c `i'raciin , Corporatlon, Juoob :-adinon ':Z -2c A. r;oaanl'lelE, ear an, ..uvior ,;,1, and Clarorce Cole ."rile with the Vu�or ctrl • curd oT oic:: a rn,tltion, ru_ -' ... .. •, cat each of tho auovo 1iar..ed ; artloa la tt:O armor o t;..e res-,ectiva ;.ra,: :'; Lo in nuic: potltion and that said jroporty adj,31nz do street :acntioho; r,; i:.ftlonm°a potition tlto wayrr awl .'coca Of to authorize the _.. ;:or aloin along Vadivon .:trod Brom 25th street to 2_th street, a total :._;;tans': xci. tt?ly 14:a feet. 'r1e gropert,: belonFla to the fOl10: ion^rs are vucant lots and No._- - 11^------- - Proceeding .at Cc Rod ort Zept. 11450 Conetery Affidavit of Desce:.t I.rs . :• na 'afton Cemetery Fer,ort Sept. 1950 iefurr - k: permit to '!bm - os ter f•nsnge nam "R" .,treet to Joe r;% Su i ♦e Assistant ,,...it era Collector ^.or.tin::e employment c of -=oard of Cor:=-::iGsioners City of Paducah Gotooer 10, 1950 they have each paid to the Fuducah 'aster -or:ca tiro sum of .;24.00 Alun the utility tax of 2� for each lot referred to in said petition, being the minimum charge for tach lit for a period of two ;,rears from the eotupletion of the laying of said :rotor main: The Trading Corporation, Jacob A. Rosenfield, Xavier Yopp, and Clarence Colo. E. H. bowman is the e,rncr of a house and lot located at 2734 2.adiaon jtreet. it appears .rom the endorsement by the ::card of Commissioners of the iaducah ,.ator CCP .:or;t that said request and petition complies with the franchise provisions and require - mer. is . 1 therefore move that the petition of The Trading Corporation and others named here in be received and filed and that the Paducah «ater ''Works, through its Loard of Commiss- ioners, be authorized to lay said six inch main along Madison Ltreet from 25th Street to 28th Street, a distance of approximately 1400 feet, so as to provide water service to the lots abutting lZadison utreet from 25th Street to 28th Stroet, a distance of approximately 1100 feet. further move that the adoption of this resolution and the granting of the request contained in said petition co considered as an agreement on the part of the City of Faduca to pay the fire hydrant and water main rental, as provided in the franchise on the pine li and connection referred to in the petition, said rentals to ;egin anon said water main has been laid and water provided for on said t:adison Street from 25th to 28th Streets,( Adopted on call of the Roll, Yoaa, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, aims, Thomas and 'sayor John: ton (5). Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that the Financial xeport of the Paducah nater :lorl for the month of September be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Y -L -as, Coxmnicsioners Hac.nin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and ..ayor Johnston (5). Coxzniicpioner Thomas offered motion that the board of Commissioners receive and _'ilc the Affidavit of Descent of '.Ira. Edna Lofton, made in connect -ou with the twarsfor of the ce.:etery lot now a -.-,,nod by her. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners :ia^.min, Jacobs, LLy, Phomas .nd i:ayor Johnston (5). Payor Johnston offered motion r,tat the report of Oak Grove Cen:et-ery for the month of-e_r.t3 cr 1350, :,o received and filed. Adopted on call of the ]toll, yoas, Comm- isslonera ::a:.::in, Jacobs, rims, :homan and r:ayor Johnston (5). z; or Jshnstan offered motion apt tnoBoard of Cc it, asionerc authorize the City Vaso;:rer to r"furd to Ton rester, 25:>O Clar':=_ Street, building permit foo in Lhe sur:; of ,_Z.7G. l,:i,pied on call of tno ::oil, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, "hcrxea ead :'a:; cr . ;Pins ton (L). "anti-_ o:'i•er-;c1 r:otlon tint or, ordinance entitled: ✓z", to adopted. Adapted nr ca.l of tine lig 'can, ._._..sio.:•ra :ur.n:r., Jaoci,n, ;ima, Thorian :end Mayor Johnston (8). taxi an crnar: ..., tint:Lt:l.rct; ":..• ......:L..._. - _:( Adjourn mweting Proceedings card of commiasioncrs City of Paducah October 10. 1550. Liayor Johnston offered motion r,hat this regular meeting of the lioard of (;ormn- icsloners be adjourned until Friday, October 13, 1950, at 7:30 !'.I:. Adopted on call of the Noll, Yaas, Commissioners i'.annin, Jacobs, ;ims, Thomas and iLayor Johnston (5). ADO 1?7-: _(� /�% 1950 A.'PROVEDJ--GGL' i soy C or