HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 22, Page 106, September 26, 1950Pmesod4w of oard of Commissioners City of Paducah ",o tember 26 1950 P.t a ;--toting of the -card of Coamiasionors held in the Commission Chamaer at the City ::all, 'raducah, aentucky, at 7:50 P. a. on oeptem..er 26, 1950, rayor Johnston presided and u_oon call of the :,oll the following answered to their names: Coresiasionera Fannin, Sins, Thomas and :,.ayor Johnston (4). Commissioner Jacobs being absent (1). t.dautes of the previous meetinG were adopted as read. "rater line Cor.ni.;sioner Thomas offered motion that the petition of 1'arvin Buchanan and wife, 'srxio ''o -aewo c3 Venae uchanan, residing on Homewood avenue outside the corporate limits of Paducah, Kentucky, or permission to lay and construct a victor line for the pur oro of providing victor cervico co the c,uildings located on the property ce received and filed and that the request in said _etition be granted in accordance with the terms set forth therein. It is understood, however, ih grantirC. the privilege sought in said petition neither the City of Paducah, nor the Commissioners of Stater corks shall be obligated to buy said pipe lino or any part thereof, and no such obligation shall be contained or be implied reafter should the territory to be served b the water line to be laid under the outhorit !•herein requested be taken into or made a Fart of the City of Paducah. It is further understood that the petitioners will subscribe for water service at the rates now or hereafter prescribed for victor service to consumers outside the city limits ,.:d subject in all respects to the rules and regulations of the City of Paducah or its of ;.a ter •corks :;bleb may be now in force or hereinafter enacted. :othing in the granting of this petition shall obligate the City of Paducah or its ;c....Lasioners of "rater :forks to guarantee water pressure or service, and said water aervicc ..o discontinued through said pipe line at any time when in the judgment 'of the Colin.- -;cion-rs of :'tater .forks the furnishin.- of water to the petitioners or their successors o the property owned may interfere in any viiso with the adequate au_�ply and 2, ::;Son of water inside the car limits of the City of faducan. Adopted on car.] t'r. ..;_'_, 7oaa, Commissioners _tannin, Sims, Thomas and .-ayor Johnston (4). -_" aioner aannin offered motion that the BLoard of Commissioners approve tdo transfer _ ,Ina Lofton to Rolla Eoyd of the follovring described portion of a cemetery . ilon o° L , ;umber 530, 3oction 21, which is situated on the :•lost aide of _ot wide :,y fifteen (15) foot long." _,:7 the City Clerk bo autherisod .o make the propor tr: sfor on the Sc:?oter crow on ea _ of the Roll, Yeas, Cormnlsaionexs Fannin, ,ims, _itomua land riayor 1chn3ton (4). Liability' polio y doiK] ,,onner 1^warm Let tar =1 :xsava re :iel.aonta Plan pnrbage disposal I Corr.:iaatoner='annin offered motion Uat the -card of Comn-toos.oners receive, fila and a_ni;rovo the cart.'icate ,f .naura:-e ?.cue; to Johnnie F. Conner and Goor`o E. .tinders, ;ficin^ w cloaca as ^_w.nor „in]ors ahowir,,_ covera;.e by the United ::tater 111dolity an.i .naraaty ^.or; any and the ^,ity of :aGccah un c: tt.o contractors liability ;,olicy iss:e to the aaii Cor.::yrs ;in,!,.r*; analso a r--rforranco uond oxoeutod by ,inders as princlrsla and united ;T,atea r`i.iallty anrf r:uaranty f'ompany aj surety on ,e;,tem..er 12, 1950, i, conneetl,on with e.<eavation work to re performed is the said iodorn. Adopted an earl of the ;l011, Yeas, .^,orasissionara t°ann'1n, .ima, 'horn::i:z euxt Johaston (4). Ce: ^i::afa Er anain olfere3 m tion that the _oar:i of receive Una fila: l c: iex:te3r 7. ._-=r,.-an 1% `eaver, ireatar of the iadtmah-Y4Craozan County 4644th ^D%n; t. cartai Ln,z ir:S'oraatron ae to hie Impression of .;.:_' . :Ian for the Proceedings and disposal of garbage. Adopted on sail of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Sims, Thomas and i,:ayor Johnston (4). Commissioner eiannir, offered motion that the financial rol:ort of the Paducah ii•unicipal housing Commission stlo..ing the financial condition of tho Paducah Veteran's Village as of AuZ,ust 31, 1950, uo received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commisalone Hannin, ;ims, Thomas and t:ayor Johnston (4). Commissioner Siris offered motion that the Loard of Commioaionera approve the payment o the damago claim of _Tilghman in the sum of •;116.00 on account of the damages to his car when a oveeper opeorated by Edward L. Gusts, an employee of the city, carne into collision with said car at or near the corner of 9th and Llnnroe Street in Paducah, icentucky, on September 27th, 1950, and that said damage claim be paid when the ovinor of said car has croeuted a release of all claims against the said 13dward L. Cuata and Un City of Paducah by reason of the damage sustained b; him in said accident. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Sims, Thomas and 1..ayor Johnston (4). Commissioner Sims offered motion that the aalrd of Commissioners receive and file t'e letter of Gene Sumner, Chief of Police, advising that he has inspected the tyro -:ray radio communication system purchased by the city from the Radio Corporation of America and that , it complies with the specifications contained in the contract 6f purchase, and that the system be approved and accepted, and that the City Treasurer be authorized to pay on the purchase price the first and second installments as provided under the contract of sale. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Ihnnin, Sims, Thomas and Kayor Johnston (4). Cammissionor Thomas offered motion that the hoard of Cornlisoionors receive and file tt 'report of the Chief of police and the City L;anager relative to tho installation of street li;hts at 6th and Terrell Streets, 26th and Park .,venue, and Plunkett Hill at 12th .;tract and that the City :.imager be directed to request the Kontucky Utilities Company to make installation of lights at the above locations. Adopted on call of the :;oll, Yeas, Commissioners Hanhln, :isms, Thomas and Unyor Johnston (4). Cort».issioncr Thomas offered motion that the letter of "'illiam A. 1.;illor, General Counsel for the '.:ashville, Chattanooga and ut. Louis Itailway, stating the reasons for tha £ilioof an al -.plication by that company clith the +kailroad Corr,loalon of Kentucky for discontinuance of ..aasenrer trains 105 and 106 betwoon iaducah and Iiazol, ilentucky, be rccoirod and filed. :,looted on call of the dollo 'leas, Co::vniazionera I?lnnin, ;;ima, -as and :'ayor Johnston (4). Co:iimLsianer Tho.:As offered motion that the =oard of Co.rmminatonara raceivo and x'lle tt letter of tht, eaalay ;mule and Granite Company containia,; advicoa concoruint, the coat { of rc„lack:;• pia. s i:, t; -in :oat 'ontueky 1'ausoleum : uildi: ;, and that the sum of ,110, the a --punt pf tt:e l:acility of ttza City of faducah f:,r =lntonanco of slid ou.11din; In I i trio year 1956, -a oxpe:noied. Ior thn purpoao of ❑raisin; the ae:sire refori'a,i Co ill suit: i latter, and that, the ar.lpunt xa srpendcld tie et:argad to tna cani;ino,lt i'urul. Ac1ppT.ad o„ � call of the Noll, Yeaa, CaCi4.1aL'ietbara ',u:n1n, .;Ams, i'horals :,.i --yor johnatpa (4). ?kayrrr Jchraton a_'.ered the following inptlnn: ..iAy69 havia nasi,. ,.. „'r,,-: t,la ;OxItion as a m9mr.:er o: the City la nin;- .onin„ Commission,,- I fie^. , , Bar” As a ®=liar f: 90.1'3 Gem:astll"a: .+. _:1' �':e !a;il:� iSe•3 tr7:• Of L'l.;e card of i o;,aU: sioners _ City of Paducah 11optembor 26, 1950 Veterants iso ng Report r 40 August 31, 1 Pa;; claim of 1:s. TilEhman dama�;e to his car yr street sweecor Fay instal to RCA Street lights 6th Terrell 26th Park :lunkett ?fill 12th Letter of N.C. , '3t. L. R. R. ..iacontinue tr. `ns 1'S-106 ;:ars pieL':2 1(9 re'.lyCS ala:.a 1^.tter .sasle as a, so that said coma iseiar, as mal► cpnat.t'..ta:a si.a? +_ :.o co,:,osod p_' tN.e :.les _. . Ira: t No. Prece j;'.v of '" "� _--City of Paducah _ •' � ca- 26, 1950 (1) Stuart Johnston, :-Officio I:10mber (2) T. A. Bradley, City <n::in-Q'r and rx-Officio "icmuor (3) A. E. (Jack) Colo, City :..Ember whose term expires :.ar. 19, 1952 (4) John i:aeDonald, City :.:ember whose term expires 19, 1952 (5) Schultz Rij!;s, City ::amber whose term expires rar. 10, 1954 (6) . C. RinL„ County i'.ombor whose term evpirea October 15, 1953 (7) J. T. 3abol, County engineer and ex -officio member Si;;ned Stuart Johnston, idayor j ) Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners !!a nin, aims, Thomas and ,ayor Johnston ! (4). I::ayor Johnston offered motion that the hoard of Commissionors receive and file the lettD3 of Schultz niggs, Chairman of the City rlanning and Zoning Commission, together with a 0 copy of a motion adopted by said commission relative to the closing of certain street and Alloys within the area which has been selected as a colored housing site. Fe further moved that this matter be referred to the City Engineer for investigation and recommendation. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Tannin, Sims, Tlhor.as and L:ayor Johnston (4) . n or Johnston offered motion that exoneration ;;14661 thru 14876 inclusive, oe received 1.0_6c and filed, and that the amount of .A,813.50 be exonerated on tax bills as shown on said exonerations. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commi:;sioners Hannin, :Sims, "homas and _.'ayor Johnston (4) . :atition :.ayor Johnston offered motion that the petition of V. E. Doublin, and others, the 01- G'a 28th petition of ?'ra. Vernon Daniel and others and the petition of Ess. Ifara Timmons and others Jac.:a on ntccitizens residing in the vicinity of 28th S Jackson Streets, requestin3 that 28th street to covered with white rock and tar, and requesting that an investi;ation of conditions at 23th and L'sryficld Road and dchnoidman Road be made, for the protection of children p( attcndir'Z the ;:.::ma Forges :school, be received and filed, that said requests be referred f to the City :tanager for an investigation, and for reports of his findings and rocommoadati n i at the next regular mating. Adoptod on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, :;iuz, Tromaa and :.:ayor Johnston (4). P.xnd e Corr-aizaionor aannin offered notion that an o_•diaonce entitled: "A:? O';DT::;i:CE APrROV11M Zoning, Ohio :it `:C% J1:'iAL 7tE:0iiT Ce' ;I7.f PL;:;NIiiG AILD P.O1117M COL::JIs I0N TO AEiui,J .:7 -SECTIO:i 3 Or 2 C: A. O'DI.;,.:r:Z ._,"IMED: "A. O;� ::.:iOVIP(G 73; L:a .....OHT 0:' l .=:D ZC:M:C CCI.`.'Z.,.: :i .-327--7i:L! WR TiE'LUe:I:.,r 0?' Pii0PER'CY 0:7 OHIO L? Hsi .T Tiro. . J; 03ES AI?D PitESCRLING 'Q:E PEJALTY TO EL III A RESOLUTION ADOPT: D _Y !IdE CITl 1949", WHICH ORDI`lA-CE �iA3 .;DC Tr:D i:e adopted. Adopted on call of the Boll, i.omaa and 'Ayor Johns ton (4). 1 -ontract J Com.;.icaion^r _ ., o ':'^rcrS yeti-. ::-.at an ordinance entitled; " - 1 tondari Ari O.DF:i;� ;(.:... Oil -is. ..3 CF 'f .. i A . C 7 MAO 1 .,t:;t' ()IL COP.ftA:IY I'i.i i 3T.FNa ks L09 - -- - - P.oceedinys of 'oard of Commiaslonors City of Paducah 3opto:!Lor 2G, 1950 Duplicate i dead to 'a s hing t oh St. ; ap. Ch. l Prohibit " parking, in alleys iay salary James Robiso :ct. 1950 Letter 1.x. ?:itchell V Col Housing site Approve 2 Col Housing site CXIP:11SATlON, A: -_D AUTECRILI 4G TE' lRLWFER 0? TFL-: 3Ut.; OF ';;000 FRO,'.! THE CO:1TIiIGEtiT ?U.:D � TO TIBC ACCOUNT APPROPRIATED FOR PAYP,L:NT OF SALARIE:; OF EMPLOYEES IZ1 TriE O.;i•IC 0' 'fiiE CITI TREASURER FOR THE 1'URtOSE OF' PAYING SAID AJ3ISMMUT LICENSE COL sCTOR'S SALARY", cE I_.ITRODUCED A',D REMAIN Oil ME FOR Tao .7SZKS FOR rUrLIC Ij.;PECT 01 IN THE FINAL FORM in which it shall be put upon its final passage. ,,dopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Conmiasioners Fannin, aims, Thomas and ?dayor Johnaton (4). Commissioner Sims offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "A:? ORDI_;Ai'CE PROVIDI'd:, FOR '[fes EY,ECUTION OF A DEED BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH, K&NTUCKY, TO THE eEOPERTS AT 721 WASHINGTON STREET IN PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, TO 11HE TRUSTE33 OF TME VIA371IMTON 3TROL" L"APTIST CHURCH 214 LIEU OF A DERD TO THE SA1.1E PROPERTY DATED TIME _ DAY Or JU.1E, 1942, '. HICH HA BEEN LOST, AND AUTHORIZING STUART JOHNSTON, THE MAYOR, AND 3ATAH THURMAN, T E CITY CLERK, TO ;:XECUTE SAID DEED FOR AND ON BEHALF OF TME CITY OF PADUCAH", be adopted. ,doptod on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, aims, Thomas and Yayor Johnston (4). i Commissioner Thomas offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "Ail ORDINAi:CE PROHI-ITING THE PARKING OF VEHICLES IN PUILIC ALLEYS IN TME CITY OF PADUCAH, AND PRE- SC"S ;ING ME PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fannin, Sims, Thomas and L'.ayor Johnston (4). Commissioner 0ima offered motion that the Loard of Commissioners approve payment of the salary of Patrolman James C. Robison for the month of Cctobor, 1950. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yana, Commissioners Fannin, Jima, enemas and :.:ayor Johnston (4). Commissioner Fannin offered motion that the letter of ?.r. 3.E.mitchell, Esocutive Director of the City of Paducah ?.:unicipal Housing Commission, requesting the board's approval of the property located between North Seventh and 2dorth Eighth Stroats, and , Campbell and Boyd Streets as a site for the construction of the one hundred noir housing units for occupancy and use by colored residents, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners dannin, Sims, Thomas and i-ayor Johnston (4). Commissioner liannin offered motion that Stuart Johnston, i.:ayor of the City of Puduc fh, be authorized to transmit to ?.'r. S, s, Mitchell, 3r., &xecutive Director of the City of Paducah 1.iunicipal Housing Commission, of Iaduoah, Kentuclty, a letter which shnll be in words and figures as follows, to -nit: 3.E.>itchell, Lxocutivo Director City of iaducah ?`unicipal ?lousing Commission ;ho:rza J,3fferson i -lace iad::rat;, ;:eatuc'ry 1 `;ear i'r.' itchell: Ti- is to inform you t -at the city le,-,isiative body has given its cavaful conaLdoration to the selection of a site for the now colored ho In.- proj=ct ''ahlen is to consist of one hundred housin.; units. .:o aC.reo that tho site yon t;ava nmlor consideration, this site uoing bctnaen worth :;evonth and .:orth a ;hth -.traota, and rampboll and .oyd Jtraots, would Ge a:itaLlo and ne n,,:nrove Ilio construction of the new housin„ units at that location. I very truly yew's, 1.Uyor, sty of iurlucoh?° Adopted a: call of the ;(all, '!sus, Commiaalr,nors llannin, .•Sc+, Thomas and :,.uyor Johnoton q<). Cr, ._rtic: t:o .- :eii' sdjournrd. I