HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 22, Page 102, September 12, 1950No. I 2 Proceedings of of Cor_ac::ionars City of Paducah Jopt ember 12, 1950 Ata angular eotin;; of the Loard of uomriiaslonars held in the Gotuaisaion 'dater 1 43rd St t'ulon, exoncrato t,.roperty r•:r,, r,SCyf tarso 1 Chambor at the City :all, Paducah, lontucky, at 7;50 P.;:. on September 12, 1950, 1.ayor Joh.nston presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Corzaissioners Fannin, Jacobs, Sims, ?nomas and Payor Johnston (5). ::inutos of tine previous meetings were adopted as read. Cor-miss-oner Sims offered motion that the petition of T. Ray and rife, Ruth Ray, for permission to maize one connection with a 3/4 inch water pipe line to a 2a inch rater pipe line owned by Loren E. Jones so as to furnish water to one residence to bo constructed on Lots 15 and 16 , block 1, Thurman-Mlinerva Addition facing on i.:inerva I -lace outside the city limits of Faducah, Kentucky, be received and filed and the request oeti.1oned for therein be granted subject to the terms and conditions contained in said petition. It is understood, however, that in granting the privilege sought in said petition neither the City of Faducah nor the Commissioners of ?ater :works shall be obli- gated to tuy said pipe line or any part thereof, and no such obligations shall be ob- tained or be implied hereafter should the territory to be served by the water line to be laid under the authority herein requested be taken into or made a part of the City of :aducah. It is further understood that the petitioners will sub cribe for water s at the rates now or hereafter prescribed for water service to consumers outside the city limits and subject in all respects to the rules and rebulations of the City of raducah o; its Commissionera of eater '.'orka which may a now in force or hereinafter enacted. :othin3 in the granting of this petition shall obligate the City of Paducah its Co-n7L:aloner s of later :5orks to guarantee water pressure or service and said water service may be discontinued tcrough said pipe line or any part thereof at any time whon i the judEment of the Commissioners of nater .+orks the furnishin„ of crater to the petitions or t:-:eir successors in ownership of the property noir owned by them may interfere in any .,loo with the adequate supply and distribution of water :inside the corporate limits of ti - City -,_ :educah. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Couanisaioncro Har.nin, Jacobs, Sims, "t,.zas and 1,ayor Johnston (5). Vayor Johnston offered motion that the petition submitteu by ?;onry r'. Kulon aee;?i.r- ezoncration from l:aymont of city taxes on 25 acres of land situatod within the city lir..itc u: recd %'od filed and that the matter be referred to the City ::anugor iti cn,.in;er f;r lnvostl;:ution. Adopted on call of the Fell, leas, Commissioners in, Jacoio, ..aa: ,-hoc<a unci !"a;or Johnston (5). or. 7otnstn,- .... _od retic.. ti -it the petition signed by ia1,3. .;ora-M.phrey .r.• .. .:roe .rcr ri<i;fie -trcot to idoyors ;;treat and ,.ors ;;trod o. witi:out ex;enoo to ti:e propert. C—norn 1 :r. A•lopted on cati of tha :;ell, ':cas, ;:'fere, ... t' -at tine :.oard of Corwaiscionera tea• .. _., - .f the :hies' of ,o?ic- n::- v.o recnr..:.a ri' tie City ;'a;;a r:r ieau- .,.:-1 Adams ..trc,t:;, an,i of it atr'.c.., 1.':,.';t lit tLIi4 sites:. us, 3-Anr.:r., ;aa •.,z, :,irm, t ops a:a_ ... :. ?pard o; Oom'ii::slonox,s ^,entembor 12, 1950 Proceedings of City of Paducah Ltery ✓ Commissioner t!arain offered motion that the report of Oak Grove Cemetery for the Roport AVC-ust 1950 month of AuSuat, 1950, be reaelved and filed. Adopted on call of the Holl, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and !;layor Johnston (5). Cemetery Commissioner Fannin offered motion that the :.card of Commissioners approve the Grave Rushing Add; contract for the sale by the City of raducah to Charlie Tyler of Grave No. CC in Llock Charlie Tyler1 No. 7 of the Rushing Addition to oak Grove Cemetery, and that the attached executed u contract for the sale of said comatery property be delivered to the purchaser. Ado ptod y on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fannin, Jacobs, Sims, 'Phomas and :-:ayor Johnston (5). Return Commissioner Fannin offered the following motion: I move that the Loard of Comm- L•iab policy, I.F.Gregory.` issioners receive and file the letter of roreman E: Lackey dated Aui;uat 50, 1950, re- Foroman Lackey questing the withdrawal for cancellation of the policy of the Noa Amsterdam Casualty 4 Company No. LSM 242996 issued to I. H. Gregory insuring his and the cityls liability in P connection with street excavation work. C pp It further appearing from the report of the Street Superintendent that the said I.F. h' Gregory is no longer obligated to the City of Paducah and that no liability will arise 1 G' by reason of the work performed by him. I further move that the request be granted and that the City Clerk be authorized to i transmit said policy to the Agent for cancellation. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, i Commissioners Fannin, Jacobs, aims, Thomas and I.!ayor Johnston (5). Gasoline bids Commissioner Fannin offered motion that the L-oard of Commissioners receive and file Filed '.'ater Co. Report d-aly 1950 ,emetery Gra Rushing Add !_.::.Gordon ,aGiir.^. ids letter ;':m. Y. �ocopt trindard ?1 tt�r ;:un:y ✓ k Cemetery =rave v- nohirAF Md P ird is wttil i vast the bids of :id -Continent Petroleum Corporation, Gulf rtofining Company, standard oil Company and t.:. Eailey Distributing Company, for sale of gasoline to the City of Faduc Iiih for the four months period beginning September 1G, 1950. Adopted on call of tile Roll,I Meas, Commissionora iiannin, Jacobs, .:ims, Thomas and MAyor Johnston (5). Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that the='inancial Ropa� t of the raducah 'Nater 'i,orks for the month of July, 1950, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll r Yeas, Ca.'7eissionera Fannin, Jacobs, aims, 'Phomas and ::ayor Johnston (5). i CorlU sioner Jacobs offered motion that the -card of Uommissioners approve the con- tract for the sale by the City of Paducah to Id. H. Gordon of Grave No. 65, in .lock I!o. 7 of the ::ushiar 14dition to Oak Grove Cemetery, and that the attached executed contract for tho sale of said cemetery property be delivered to the purchaser. :adopted on call of the ;;011, Yoas, Cor= isaionera Ira nnin, Jacobs, S1ms, Thomas and Layor Johnston (5). rorc.,Ujaioner Jacobs offered motion that the :.pard of Commission',r0 recieva and tiro letter of the r;ity Yanager in which he reeorm;ends t::at the gacolino bid of the ;ta:lc:ard mail `:Gm::any rso accepted. Adopted on call of the ,,,all, Yeas, Commissionura iiannin, Jaccbs, !.:- •i.onaa and iiayor Johnsten (5). '.bred motion that the letter of L. Lundy, Alston of Lhe I :1.14:;r. Church, jrproaain;; thou minks f::•r ellln 0t the atraGt In recoivec; arri x'1L,d. Adoptod on marl of tho 1:011, :'0ao, Jaccbs, .;ima, =horAs arra !:xyor Johnston (5). i;;:.. -._.._psi? ••i�-.:r ._,'erod *.:GtiGr: that 00 -:card of Loz^�J.aalnner:i ar..;.rove tPv .nnt:'acb I for she sale ', tk:e :It7 of k^aauoah to c.Irdie jullivan of t:ravo ..-0. ;l'i in loc:c :0. 7 of� the tush ir. Ad itian to Oak Grove Cemetery, and that the at tacn1,d a eoutoti contract for the Sale of said aeweter7 property ba delivered to the purchaser. ;opted all ca?1 of til -._i, :•tr,s, romttes?•c .:n; ":9:..iiC., J400i;::, -.17.9, _baron and iiayor Jat:ratoa (5). i No. ., Proceedings o{ __nsr^ ?i' ^n::::r.1::sir,n_rs City of Paducah "eptem.uor 12, 1950 4: ='lpodwall � Co":m?� lienor Thomas offered motion that the :=card of Commissioners receive and latter Col. Pid ood k file the letter of la,. Col. C. Bidgood, Acting District T ineer, concerning proposed supplemental work for the Paducah flood protection project. Adopted on call of the roll Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, 11homas and l.:ayor Johnston (5). 3efu, 1:ayor Johnston offered motion that the letter of .11ton Keelit>r; of the Holinesa _'ldg Permit Church requesting the refund of the building Hermit Tee in the amount of •:ry.00 be rcoaiv d r, i and filed; that the trotter be referred to the City i,anager a d that said ?::onager be Liabilit c'olice C.C.?eaale; ;:asolina / 1 Contract 3ta:.dard 6ity .,as c orlo o:' i.euaa to ,:•:•_ar. Sanitat cn re. authorized to refund said foe after the church building has been completed in accordance with the specifications and its construction is approved by the Building _Inspector. Adopte:� on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and :,ayor Johnston (5). 13ayor Johnston offered motion that the Eoard of Commissioners receive, file and approve public liability policy issued by the United States Fidelity and Guaranty Compan; protectin- the City of Paducah with respect to work done by 0. C. Peasley for a period of one year from August 30, 1950. Adopted on call of the Holl, Yeas, Commissioners Fannin, Jacobs, Sires, Thomas and Vlayor Johnston (5). Commissioner Jacobs offered motion ti:at an ordinance entitled: "Ail ORDINANCE AUT::ORIZIiiG TIB CITY !MAGER 70 ENTER IiM A CONTRACT 7JITH STANDARD OIL COL1PAIv7: FOR THE PURCHASE OF GASOLINE REQUIRED IN GOVERNLIENTAL OPERATIONS FOR A PERIOD OF FOUR 1.;OIlTHS ,�i'Tc-1BER 16, 1950, A.tD PROVIDING THAT PURCHASES SHALL BE UADE Ui O_.i T1 -_w TEEWS Ail COIZDITIO:IJ SET IsORIH THEREIN", be introduced and remain on file for one week for public inspection in the completed form in which it shall be put upon its final passage. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Jacobs, Sims, Thomas and yayor Johnston (6). Com_:icsioner Sims offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDI.,AIXE :... ..._ .,__ ..w_:3ER 1, 1943 EDITION OF THE STA DARDS OF 911E NATIONAL BOARD OF FIRE %-X !N,;TALLA_TION, iZAINTr'.is:> SCE 91D USE OF PIPIih33, APPhIA;iCEti A11D FI'P'PI_:G T:In HATIO;i:',i. TIRE P_iOTi,CTIO.1 A� .3GCIIMON, AilD A.i THE OF THE STAZARD3 0i1 .iAFE IY ADOPTED AND AI',':i0','E PROVIDIN"1 FOR 'ir1E AD:11;1I3- ^,. OP THE rut,_... ._:D REGUUITIOit:i IiELATIIIG PIPING A r :3 AJD r I'P'fI11GS FOR CITY .. ALL ORD1,LI..C,S,, !?R PAR'I'S 0r01iDI.1:..Cc 1 VIOLATION 11PREOF", be adopted. _ o:' aril, :oac, Coc,aisaioners Hannin, Jacobs, aims, 4houms and I•.n„or Thersa ,ffered motion tYAt sun o dinance entitled; _.... i ':C, TP_. .Z:3 AL5 ,,....L: ' ., , ... f1 r p„Y, ;I175 Ai;D PY.IVII&JE3 Ar.LU L' SAID C-. ..,,_.... :'i;t CITY” . ;.,-,..,..- Tlir. 281`; DA'.,' 3. JULY, 1950, . YA�CA''., r.Z T,''C:Y, A, A 3ILE . w seopted. i opte:i 0:1 -all of tho 'cl., ".eas, orZ—.isa:cnyra ::e.rin, JAcc: t, ..ims, 'i'ha^tas aurid Afor J,)-o2ton (5). 1E P,oceedings of of COIImi:;:3:LL,!w1':1 Request for r refund of uilding; Permit _: or the ide 3:ethoaist Ch. m.-----.1-0-9 A __ _ . _ . City of Paducah=odor,.bor 12, 1950 Cocmiasloner 6ims offered motion that Lin: roquost of the ;:ort -h (;ide nethodiot Church that the building permit fee paid by thorn by refunded op referred to the City Lanacor an ;;rat said 3:anager be authorizod to refund said fee after the church buildln�, has boon completed in accordance with apecificatlons and its construction is approved by the uildinG Inspector. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Con-anicsionora tannin,Jacoba, Nims, Thomas and ::ayor Johnston (5). On motion the mootinc adjourned. ADOPi'ED i ur oZ _1950 A PROVE�f7 �� 1 -.ay or 1--ity C or