HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 93, July 15, 1947NO. 9;:
Proceedin6sof v- l of Cor.:-,iasinroma CityofPadacah July 15th. 1947
3lectric slant
-card i,^-oin� nr
'-ter :"sin
3 ,lr
Fogy Kel?hts
At a Re3ular t.:ecting of the i:oard of Commissioners hold in the Conm,laaionerat
"rinber at the City Iktll, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.G!. on July 15th, 1947,
... or Zleaton presided and upon call of the Poll the fol.loviin, an.9wered to their namea:
Conniasloners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, 1.711liams and L:ayor Seaton (5).
?'inures of the previous mocLinCs were adopted as road.
':ayor .:oaton made the followin7. appointment: Charles L. .Silliams hav:.n,;
res l,ned from hia office as City :,:ana�,er of the City of Faducah, Kentucky, and 'being
unable to continue his services as a member of the -lectric Plant board of said City
by reason of his resignation, and it a. -gearing that the tern, of office of John G.
:iussell, as a member of the said •board axnired on February 6, 1947;
1 hereby appoint-, as required by the statutes, i4r. Victor C. aobday, the
City !:anaUer, to serve as a member of said board, and also reappoint John G. Russell,
to serve for a further term of four years, so that said board as now constituted shall
be composed of the following members:
3. L. Lan,,, xhoso term will expire February 6, 1948
I:u hes fc3ni7ht, whose term will expire February 6, 1949
E. S. :arger, whose term will expire February 6, 1950
John C. .^Fussell, whose term will expire February C, 1951
Victor C. HoBday, who will serve during, the oerlod of his employment as
City :tanager
3iGncd, Kayne C. Seaton, 'r.•ayor
Co:=issioner ;illiams offered notion that the petition of IT.o•sard Conner an.l
Des L. Conner, shall iP received and filed and that the request contained in said
petition bo ;ranted, subject to all the conditions and limitations named in said
petition, it being specifically understood that neither the City of Paducah nor its
Comni-3loners of .,ater .orks Fuarantee pressure or water service throufh said pine
lines and that nothirk; in the granting of said petition shall be construed now or
hereafter as an obligation on the part of the City of Faducah to buy or maintain said
ci•^e lines or any part hhereof.
fie water service to be furnished shall be pormlcted only in accordance with al
t raicc or.'rq-alationi non` in forte or hereafter adopted for the sale and eonsumptl,
I! - 'Y rers^rs residlrrt outside the city limits or :a,?u^.ah, Kentucky, and said
_.e Ml 'c. 'Iacastinue,! at any time when in the judr.:nent of the Cgmml9alnnmrn of
o.^ grater to residents outside the Cit; of I:aCu^.nh or
to in the ne`itlon lntorferes ;it r. t.ha .1donuate
rs ,nside the city of Faducah. io;;t.a on ca?.l of the
ianler, Johnston, 31ma, :,111iams amI ayor ).
. +.•r Ln is
tha•. tine rx titian
, .. �: %Tomer ... i Ace an -1 •r, is e,
_ nn :.., ,':n t:a•1 ouLoide the nor;,oratn 11:cit.s0t'
grater lin?tl of 'rev d ,r 1 itr, gra ter
r.Z located ':a the, ;. op•u•tJ .t1.Li
c' ... roce.?v3d :.n. 1'11vc?
In skid Pot -t1 -.:,n !:: `ra,.t.r.:I in .,�cordu :ce wlt.h the ter:'..; bet
i' :r:19,^ato9dr [:a -?ver, in , vrantln^ ti:': ...._. ; a-.:: }r In as id ietition
neitrer that CS*y Fad•.rsh, nor tee t*�� ssior. atu'] i.e o lit abed
L3 tEsr Brit __.e dine .,r ori Tart there`, ria no suer. ....1 ^c-ntained
A iaplic,-. herearter ahoul.Z the to be servaltp be
Proceedings of " '' "n""" City cf Paducah Jnl.y 15th, 1947
It is further andorstooe that tiro petitioner will autscribe for water service'
at ti -e rates no:^ or hereafter prescribed for water service to consur:era outside the
cit,; limits and subject in all repacoLs Lothe rules and reCulations of the City of Iud cah
or its Co-mdscioaero of ;later *.forks which may be nor: in force of hereinafter enacted.
::o thin in. c"a -ranting of this petition shall obligate the City of laducah o '
its Commissioners of :.ator forks to guarantee water pressure or service, and said cute
service -sy be discontinued throu_h said pipe line aL any time when in the judgment of the .
Corrissioners o" "rater -:oras the furnishin•- of water to the petitioners or their nuccocs-
ors in o*anership of the property owned may interfere in any wise with the adequate
_ an3 dtstribution of water inside the corporate limits of the city of Paducah.
opted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, 'Williams
:'ager rcaton (5).
Commissioner aims offered motion that the letter written by i,.ary Deronda
Ste.rart, owner of the Paducah Duo Company. to the Honorable .:'gyne C. Scaton, ;.:ayor of
the City of 'aducah, in which she rejects the oiler of the City of Paducah to settle
by arbitration the controversy with reference to the bus fares which she should
chnrZe for operation of taotor passenger buses upon the streets CC the City of Paducah
be received and filed, and that the Corporation Counsel institute as soon as possible
a si:it sCainst the said :ary D. Stewart, for a mandatory injunction to require her to
restore all of the Luses, schedules a-.4 routes which were in effect prior to July 14,
10^_7. Adopted on call of the Poll, Yeas, COMMiaaioners Friedlander, Johnston, Nims,
'Alicros and !'ayor Seaton (5).
Co.•—issioner ":illiams offered motion that the letter of 'r. Joseph S. ,-'reelan ,
..i1�r3n, Public Affairs Committee, local Iaducah, Kentucky, Socialist Party, L.J.A.
_.. .A; ch he requests the :.card of Commissioners to institute legal action to compel
_acs^ H,= ''ampany to furnish adequate bus service or relinquish its franchise,
-� _7--ef73ately to"a the necessary stops for the establishment of a muni-
. -rated ',:uo system to be operated on a non-profit basis Ly a non-
_ -.- ^nr:•asnion, Lo received and filed. Adopted on call of tho Poll,
- -- ; hnotcn, Sirs, VIilliams and L'.ayor Seaton (4), Camuinaioner
_- S_'nloner Jahn.^,ton offered motion that the action of the "aJor appolntin�
, actor C, ::otday, to serve as a member of the Llectric :.ant
Y of :a^.acuh, onli also a;pointinZ John ;. Russell, to serve as a
1-1 a further ^1.ad of :our years, beginninc .obruary �, 1Ja7,
^all of all, 'tf-as, CommIssionovs Frlodlandor, Johnston, I
1290, 12Jll,
that the amount
:,ratod i
Proceedings of ` -' -,ivi,,1ons City of Paducah July 13th, 1'J47
7'a ter '7orks ' I
Co -mission ✓- I
Anpoint Nater
77orzu Board
Cor,iisoloner Z:1= offered notion that an o.,C".n.cnco ontirled: "A:; U,DI::A:.r:L
%".71: ou:, C", '4070.29 FDI 1,: I C- 'i:.., J!U.'::'F`;,"L
RE14DEIZED 11; ',!:E
n-_-'C,7.'rU11 3, 1946, i-D;;CAH III FAVOR OF TME
-I-- .,C-10:1 ai, T!!--. T;it,rlo";AL C;j- IROII PIPE VS J. A.
;-.;IT '10. E-2928; Ai:D T". ; e-URTHILD' 3M.: Or .2,C98.552 IAVM;T OF T wl' JZ;;7*_::T
fl,A7:: 1:.l ACT_O_! 01,NATIO:-AL CAST IRO -I FIFE CO'.:kA!Tr, AGAI,'lJT J. C. RIE�M,
ET AL, 31ti.T NO. E -2934s TOGENER WITH TIE INTEREST ON Dill) JUD3,,:EINTS", Uc introduced
and remain on file for public inspection for one ,ioek in the completed form in which
it shall be p -it upon Its final passage. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yean,
Commizoioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, 71illiams and T.'ayor Seaton (5).
I'ayor Seaton offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINA:ICE
...LID TO BE KNO'-71! AS VE 1CC7Z,!I.j3ION2Rj OT TO I -E' COI.'FOjED 0:0 TF CE
i-21,0121713 2::D FREMR T-'I.',r THEIR Q7,ALI1YICATIO:!3, TZF.',:3 Or Orr ICE, PO'.7ER A:, -D
.7EIGH :'-'AZ ADOPTED BY TFF LOARD OF 01.- i?UCUST 6, 194611,
le adopted. Adopted on call of the roll, Yeas, Cor-mijo loners Friedlander, Johnston,
Sims, Williams and I.:ayor Seaton (5).
?Payor Seaton made the following appointment: It appearing from the records
of the City of Paducah that on tuEust 14th, 1945, Edwin J. Paxton, Sr., ',7. A. Blackbuit
and Parkor Bray were appointed to serve as members of the Commiasioners of ater Vorlm,
their terns of office to expire on the following dates:
Parker Bray on Au-.u3t 14th, 1046
.;. A. Elacictiurn on .uruat 14th, 1947, and
7-1win J. Paxton, Zr., on August 14th, 1948
And the hoard of Commissioners havin,, adopted on August Cth, 1946, an ordinnne
providing that tho Co".:13sionora of rater 7.'-or':.q shall serve for Indefinite terms,
i c t to renoval ty the Legislative .--ody of Ltio City for cause, the a-!,olntmento to
the subject to the a,-roval of the city Iocl3lative Cody as pl,OVICIed
of the board of Comnlailonnra, I h^_reby appoint
train -'lncicburn and ;Or' -ter Lray to :servo no the "Cor,7aj,;a Ion
terms, subject to pcnoja]. by tf4e �:tty cf,jaltiva a_jy
31C.ned '.-ayne C. _:Oaten, 1.:ajor
0=1 f.3 11,; -1-.- . - �... .
Olf0red motion that :he _,ar! of
the action of C. :,,,,or f)f, 1;i -,e City cf Paducah
A. Blac'tburn an! L,lw,,, serve z1:1 the C -,-
indefinite ta �;!Ly T:C, , .131ative Z-o",ly for sauce.
--i on ea,:
, -ns and
Proceedings of City of Paducah J,.il•- i s t,, 1047
^.."t O!- :3 ":." 2,11MER OF .,_."D Y[: AR", to introduced and
on f.le for ublic :Inspection until the transfer of funds as herein provided
11 ....'peen published as required by law earl shall be put upon its final possa,e
o'ich publication. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commiaai.onera
neer, J f asten, 'Arts, ,tillisms and L:ayor Seaton (5).
^c loner criedlar.-dor offered notion that the letter of :.r.Victor C. I3obday,
^_i t, - rich rsfov:nce to the necessity of purchasing and Navin, a new boiler
install.z! at the City :Tall, to received and filed. Adopted on call of the Poll,
Cos.-iissiorers :,riedlnnder, Johnston, -Irna, d Iliams and ;;ayor Seaton (5).
.r,_:issicner maims offered motion that a I:osolution entitled: "A RESOLUTIOIi
L = ^2 ADYELT29_ lCi; 'r_TnS YO:: 7M PXICHASE ..:;D I:i3TALLA1 0
- T13
_I D .i..H Y BIDDERS", be adopted. Adonted
call o' the oil, ',caa, Co.mz isaionera Priedlander, Johnston, Sims, Williams and
,yor Seaton (5).
0 r. motion the meetin,, adjourned.