HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 89, July 8, 1947Proceedings of- ""'' °' "`- ' t'p"'I'n City of Paducah ul.! +th, 1.9,17
.. ';c_ular i'corinv of ttic -card of Coceaiaalone rs hold in the C,,.%:i::::in;.tr;;r
q Chamlm:• tho City !!a11, Paducah, ::entucky, at 7:30 orcloc:: ?.I,. on July cr.u, 1947,
..a•ror ;Seaton presided and upon call of the ;toll the followinf: answered to their namoa :
^orciisaiaa_rs 1''ricdlander, Johnston, aims, '„illiams Oral mayor Uoaton (5).
/ :;inu`es of the provioun mcotinL -,ern adopted an read.
r: for ; -I ” Cor_nissioner 1712liams offered nation tont the peULlon of A. r:. Lows and v:ifo,
:',rz'Ictto J. Lore, be received and filed and that the request contained in said aoU Li n
be ;ranted, suL•ject to all the conditions and limitations named in said ;atition, il,
c^inl, specifically understood that neither the City of raducah nor it:o Conanlssioners
ester ":or'cs guarantee pressure or mater service through said nice lines and that
it nothlnC, in the granting of said petition shall be construed now or hereafter as an
o'cliCAtion on the part of the City of Paducah to tuy or maintain said pipe lines or
any part thereof.
The raster service to be furnishdd shall be
permitted only in accordance oath all
rhe rules and regulations nova in force or hereafter adopted for the sale and conaumptigr
of cater by persons residing outside the city limits of Faducah, Kentucky, and said
service may to discontinued at any time when in the judgment of the Commis aioners of
:^ter "orkc the furniahinr of "rater to residents outside the City of Paducah or throur
-he pipe lines referred to in the petition interferes with the adequate supnlyin� of v
:rater to persona inside the cit;, of :ar:.:cah. :adopted on call of the ?toll, Yeas,
Co=isoionevs driedlander, Johnston, Cima, l7illians and L:ayor Seaton (5).
"o'er lino ✓ Commisaioner .:illiams offered notion that the petition of I:oren IL. Jones, E. D.
-re,-ory ::ts. i
:'ichols, Jr., and wife, and John 71. Nci ni^ht and :vifo, property owners in the ,;re„ory
iHei hts 4ddition to the City of Faducah shall be received and filed and that tho
request contained in said petition Le :ranted, subject to all the con,11tions and
lirnitatlona named in said poLiLion, it eine specifically understood that neither the
city of raducah nor its Commissioners of .later '-or;ca 7uaranteo pressure or water
cervico tiirou-h nail hipo lines and that nothing in the "rantinc; oi' sold petition
shall conatrue,d now or hereafter as an oLUZ;ation on the part of the City of .aducn
yq to bu•-•' cr maintain ani_i pile lines or any part thereof.
Q Toter service to Lo furnlalied ahall be ;artalCted only In occ^rdanco with all
now in force
or hereofteI' srl:,f,l-.7 C1 I'O:• the gale an:! CanaL1.'.iltA'.n
"rn -)utsirio the city limUa ;., ,nr,.rc'^:, ori as:d
any Uno w en In t'ao _ ,^ ..:,ainsionera of
h qr t1;,'
;r,r.ition in offords the
:c:i, J
da:y, .,.:lf i(;th, 1JI7, I
°'a;'oI' Anel all , a:I in o:1
Proceedings of L ° 0''" is �; --onr,:3 City of Paducah J ,1 ; _ th. 19-17
/ ,:�::nlcoloner Johnston off^roc: motion that the Zonrd of Cocualssionerc receive and
c a.—Ilicatlen of 1 -ho :'aCnavox Con^any for exemption from municipal taxation for
a r^rlcd o. 'ire (5) fears. Adopted on call of the Holl, icas, Comni::sloncrs
_;•ic-11^ndcr, Jchnoton, Dims, ••illiams and L'aror .teaton (5).
Cornizsioner ;' iedlander offered motion that the "ol.lcring reports for the month
-rt ._ cc. received anc'. filed: tiro Cepart:rent, City Physician, L'uildin Inspector
lice `era:•t ont. Adopt ed on call of the Roll, Yeas, Com"danionern Frledlonde:
Johoca_n, Sins, iilliams and Vayor Seaton (5).
CocrUssioner Friedlander offered ;notion that the letter written by %r. Victon C.
,,day, the city nanaor, v:ith reference to the requests of the Rev. ;.....Nance for the
installat on of a street light, at 23rd and P:ashint-,ton .Streets, the oiling of the stree
in the vicinity of the ball park of the Church Softball League, and the appropriation
of funds for Installation of additional lichts and poles at said park be received and
fled: that the board afprove the recormenlations made by the city monacer by authoriz
Installation of the a_'nresaid street light, and by declining to make the other
roeriations requested. Adopted on as 1 of the Roll, Yeas, Commiasioners
cdlan:�r, Johnston, Sims, iilliams and V yor Seaton (5).
7apor Seaton o:fered motion that the sum of •.15.00 be appropriated for payment
of the fee for membership of :'r. Victor C. ::oi;day in the _international City :.tanagers
.._ceclation. =he anount to a_propriated to be charfcd to the proper account for such
c under the n—ort_onment ordinanco of 1917. Adopted on call of the i01.1, -'ran
:loners 5riedlonder, Johnston, -ims, iilliams and a,•or ;ont.on (5).
^.or issioner Johnston offered motion that a :,esolution entitled: "A RL'30LUTION
C 'U.:1Ci= L TAXWF' O:: .:R :.,. 07 CI• JI'iu (5) YAR THE ::-A ti UvAC'MIidO
C; :: iC r CC..'.PA. Y, LOCATED Oi. 220R lfi IGHTiI STH cT Iia
C3c:7JCKY", be adopted. Adopted on call of the 'toll, Yeas,
;aaioners _riedlander, Johnston, Sims, 5;illiams and L'ayor ;,caton (5).
r _r.5 ! Cr---'_^sion�•r .:1•'a offered motion that the L.oard of romw:issioners rescind the
on July ist, 1927 under which thero viae Intro:;ucei
�"• ?c n^ r. for public inspection in its completed form
n:1 an ordinaaco providinm for an increase In the
,)ter buses operated by 2'ar;; lcrnnda .Jtewart, and
ion of this mntion is in .... ds and .^+^•zea,
Proceedings of ' --1 of '01vilL ns onern City of Paducah July; 8, 1987
1P.0 I'Hase Boz
Catcher �a
10.00 nor M.
iespoct'_pn in the cozplcteci fora in which it shnll be nut upon its final passa,o."
:daptnd on call of the :all, :'oas, Cormisaioners :'riedlander, Jofanaton, aims,
,rillis.is and -ayor .;eaton (5).
Com:^issioner Friedlandor offered motion that the attorney for the cit, prepare
for introduction at the next meetint^ an ordinance providin.7 for the increasing of the
compensation which :'r. Tiller shall receive for his nervicen, said ordinance to
provide for the payment of the additional sum of „10.00 per month for his services.
Adopted on call of the Roll, 'leas, Cornissioners Friedlander, Johnston, maims,
',illiams and ?'a for Jeaton (5).
On motion the mectin� adjourned.
City erlc�`y�