HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 87, July 2, 1947Proceedings of G'onrd of Cor.tlrs.tonors City of Paducah July 2, 1047
Stn foment of
Plea of Guilty
Judgment ✓
,'t n Called ::^o tin, of the f osrd of ^or::iasion-rs held in the Cocmd::a.ion
or al. the City Hall, r-aducah, !.antucky, at ::30 i.:'.. on July 2nd, 1947,
7'z -or =eaton presided and upon call of the :,oll the following snowored Lo their
r.'.r1os: Conni.iaionrra 2riedlander, Johnston, aims and Vayor Seaton (4). Commianione
„illiams ceinL,absent.
aoetinl was called for the purpose of hearing charZea preferred by
Charles P. "lilliams, former City L-anagor, a;ainat V. C. Stubblefield, a police offic
Payor Seaton o:'fered the following motion: I move that the Eoard of
Commicaionors receive and file the statement of char_ -es preferred by :;,r. Charles A.
t'lilliams, former City Manager, against V. C. Stubblefield, a police officer, of the
City of Paducah, together with the statements referred to in said 'Statement of
Charges, :which Statement of Char,,es and accompanying statements were filed with
Sarah Thurman, Cleric of the City of Paducah, on June 30, 1947. Adopted on call of
the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims and S:ayor .ieaton (4).
Mayor Seaton offered motion that the plea under ct.1ch the defendant,
V. C. •Stubblefield, ac!cnoviledged his Built of Violatin- Rule 21 of the rules
�overnin police ol'ficers of the City of Paducah by reason of his failure to retort
for duty in said department on June 28, 1947, be received and filed.
Adopted on call of the :,all, Yeas, Comniesioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims,
and ::ayor £eaton (4).
Mayor Seaton offered the followin motion: V.C.Stubolefield having
filed with the Loard of Commissioners a plea of guilty to the charge that on June
28, 1947, he was absent from duty in the police department of the City of Paducah
:aithout permission in violation of Rule 21 of the rules and regulations governing
police officers, under which rule an officer may be reprimanded, dismissed or
suspended for the followin3 cause:
"21. Laing absent from duty without proper permission"
And the defendant havinL- pleaded not guilty to the charge a at on June 28, 1947,
he •.wsa intoxicated whtlo off duty as a l.e_cd In the atatonent ,f charges filed
has A. ::illisms, the forner City !'ana•,er;
C. :;tubblefleld boln,- rnrn•eoentod b;; counsel and having requested
i:':','r.n3_•s tta%e such action sa mi_ht to proper Cy reason of his
v: des of said denartt.r_nt;
". this cruse havinZ been submitted to the :=oard of Cp ata aaionors upon
thq oral. at rf r.!;ar=oa ."il�d by Chas. A. Silliams, the formor ^i ty L-anuL�er,
at; nts .riled In sn;.r,ort. of said r.tmrSes incl t! -c office.;•ra ;aha of auil.ty;
rr•.a ".at. the .onrl Or Commissioners adopt in suid l-rocooding tho
.,"i.lor:l^ f!ciin=•o p;. fnc,. rrrl t•n.lr�rlont:
fn^iar.t, '1. C. Stut-blofLuld„ Lua Leer, t:1. r, 1' lolnt:n
t _ 'hn Oita of ;:iducah, riuntu^.::y, ur::.
Pt-."`nt U. r!::rn:sspd, A.-) otod, or suafa,nc:ect for td:•, toltp:aL;;
ay :;StF.rntt � o5.5r .m;wina.ien". i{{
n... a is I
in'` ntl.y lr O:.71"oJ that tte ,+ei'c .
Proceedings of 11 City of Paducah July 2, IN",
tu.ble''ield to an:1 ho is hereby `Lven a suspension of 10 days from duty 1n the
rolice department of the City of Paducah by reason of his violation of the afore-
oald rule. 'rovlded, however, ttiat said officer may, if he desires, remain on duty
for said ten dad period and relinquish his rlt*ht to ten days of the vacation period
to which hi is entitled is the year 1947.
2. It is further ordered by the aoard of Commissloners that the charge that
on June fBth, 1947, the defendant vias intoxicated while off duty as alleged in the
slater.=nt of char"es be, and the same is hereby dismissed. Adopted on call of the
!',all, 'leas, Conanissioners Yriedlarrder, Johnston, Rims and .:a; or Seaton (4).
On motion the meeting adjourned.
3D `iii" "-i 1947 AYP- OVZD
L/ v
City Clark