HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 81, June 24, 1947NO. 11 Proceedln6aoff_oard of Corminsioner•a City of Paducah June 24th, 1047 i At a Pegular Meeting of the Loard of Coemmissioners held In the Commissionnr m 1 ii Chamber at the City Pall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 8:00 P.Y. on Juno 24th, 1047, ?'ayor Seaton presided and upon call of the Roll the 1'ollowing answered to their names: i, Commissioners Friedlandor, Johnston, Sims, '.illiama and Mayor Seaton (5). Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. Victor Hobdsy 41 I.:ayor Seaton offered motion that the oard of Commissioners appoint .jr.I appointed City !� Yanarer Victor Ilobday to serve as City '--anagor of the City of Paducah, his appointment to become effective as of July lst, 1047, and as such to Lo the executive agent of the Mayor and the board of Comnisaioners in the management of the City's affairs, to perform such other duties as may be imposed upon him under the Statutes of the State of Kentucky and the ordinances of the City of Paducah and said Cit;; i•ana,,or to receive li for his sorvicos a compensation ps•ovided for b;; ordinance. Adopted on call of the oll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, 'dilliams and I:'ayor Seat Hon (5). ?lood.rall-Close Commissioner Sims offered motion that the letter written by Yr. L. b. -ate at Adams St. I Paducah Marine i Alexander, Attorney for V'ells Heath, to the Mayor and board of Commissioners with lea ys reference to the closing of the gate in the floodwall at Adamn Street be received and filed, that the City grant to the said "'Jells heath or to his lessee, the Paducah I -arine :lays, the permission to close sold floodwall gate provided the closing thereof is also approved by the United States Engineers Office and provided all requirements and conditions imposed by the said United States Engineers Office are complied with, ar.a that the City request of the United States Engineers Office its approval of the closing of said gate upon such terms and conditions as may be necessary to insure the pro?er and efficient maintenance of the floodwall for the protection of the property within the cit,• against loss by flood. Adopted on call of the Poll, Yeas, Commissioners I Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, Jilliama and L'ayor Seaton (5). Commissioner '.71111amo offered motion that the letter of Curlee Erown, :mceident of the Paducah Pranch of the National Association for the Advancement of olored People, in which he requests the board to appoint a colored person to serve a.9 a deputy assessor in taking lists of property for taxation purposes, be received ..' filed. Adopted on call of the Poll, Yeas, Coranissioners ?riedlandor, Johnston -1111ama and L'iyor Seaton (5). Cc::.r;isaioner Johnston offered motion that the Teed of' Dedication from ,l. to tF.e City of Faducah dedicating as public alleys certain strips '-n3 thro:r ^rcperty as shown on the plat of the He-subdi !pion of' Fnrta of bloc:cs 11 nr.•3 :.' of the ;aldwell-I.Mlory property located on Joe Clifton :rive, rc^civ—'. af:' .., _. .-enptcd on call of the Roll, rasa, Cort:tisalenora vr.iedln,.'.. 'e•.. r.•.. ;;or :,caton (5). -✓ ,... _... f ,. .l••-.,,1 c�rrior, that the Ci• J Jf taducail Pnc',ht. the r !,t l.er, Jr. in the apo,,nt o ,1C.:.UO for Sn .:1oe:c , on the ai'f.' ... f:L'e .,.;;Cern _ .. ..-. .... ...... aYnfloc in the I.:aua oleun .;.?clition to Oa'r. Groa -t to-thorizc.l execute a need to same, b'..... . Lohnnton, 31m3, .:.Illier:a Proceedings of -L'' 2 City of Paducah June 24th, 1947 Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the letter of '?r. T. ,.. £radley, ^ ..e Cit;; En?-inrer, :.lth r.3ferenco to the installatton of a Z.rate on the Sixth Street aidewal:c at tho rear of the Irvin Cobb Hotel, he received and filed, and that henry :oil be au+horlsed to install said gyrate provided, (1) the oponln�; thereof shall not _e more td'an the r"ximum :width of ane -half inch; (2) the vork shall be done at the ., expense of thn owner of the hotel; (3) a permit for said work is issued by the pity -n-Inner and (4) all of the provisions of the ordinanco relating to the opening of any street, alley or rther r'ablic ::ay of the city are complied with. Adopted on call of the :Toll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, 7111liams and 1,ayor Seaton (5). = ✓ + Commissioner Friedlander offered motion that the 1,ttor of Idr. Charles A. ::111isms, the City tianager, dated June ?0th, 1947, together with the plans of I.W. T. .4. Bradley, the City -InCIneer, for the construction of a 30" combination sewer from the existing 102 inch combination sower at ninth Street and Flournoy Street- ;rest along the north side of the I.C.P.P.. to the wrest property line of Terrell Street for the purpose of servant the '.agnavox plant, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Corrissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, Killiama and Nayor Seaton (5). Commissioner Friedlander offered motion that the City 33anager be requested _ r••n^ „ ,n to have the :olive Department made an investiEation for the purpose of determining :'ot.her or not parting of vehicles in the 300 block on 71ashinhrton street should be 1*r.a ,_. ordinance to one hour, and that the City 'anager report his findings rcr, -cr=�;n�'.attors to the Board of Commissioners at the next regular meetlnd;. pied on rail of the Roll, ''oas, Coaatinsioners ,•riedlonder, Johnston, Sims, ':1111om5 and 3•ayor Deaton (5). 'ayor Seaton offered motion that the letter of f.:r. T. A. _radley, tho ity Enrineer, dated June 19th, 1947, and the rules and regulations of Rushing A�ldition to Oal: ;rove Cemetery which has been prepared by the said City Fnginoer, be received anJ filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners ?r10,31nnder, JohnatDh, S1r..s, '.illisms and rayor Seaton (5). C o.nm I ss I on or Sisa offered mof:ion that an ordinance entitled: "e.;. C.;DSi.,,;r- i:: T?i' FAR73 T^ BE CHARGED FOR A KRIOD 0 ` ON'E Y.3AR b011 uT.D ;i'ie,W, ;IDA bTEWAHT, D0111'! v.U.31JE.;.d USDIM, T:IE PURaUA;:T TO THE TER:1Of A,,- O' DiCA::C OF TiTJ CIT OF PAD:;C;,H, .'AII,TAII3 .,:.'H .,AYS II; T t. CI D -.. :._ .. ..... .. "� .... ...... ....... ...... :.Qh:{D C. COr:r<i.;idJ:.._.... C.. ......,:,RY I',,. OITY , intra:iuce i r _.. If,te'i ,rn .q xJ:icfl Lt stu 31 i I i NO.._ 83 Proceedings of Fosrd of Comrlasioners City of Paducah June 24, 1947 Close Streets ( Commissioner 167illisms offered motion that an ordinance ontitlol: "AN Anpr ove P la t Runhin7 Add 1- r1U7naizr:G Th^_• CLO I::C OJ CERTAIN PORTIONS OF 'SULLY STREET, RUSHING STREET "on to Cn': STREET FOR TIT L•'JTAHLI31IC::i:7T OF AN ADDlTIO➢t TO OAK GROVE CEG;iiTERY TO FE i 'W'::!: RU33INq ADDITION' ; DEDICATII�t4 THE LAID '111- TITIN SA:D ADDITION FO:: L':3E A3 1";6ia;T"l; A'.F':CVII:G .:7 FLAT O'' U3HII:C ADDIT-1011 PO CAN GROVE CF"ETERY L: T. A. BRADLEY, CIT-( E;:CP.::ER h; APRIL 1947: AILD APPRCvitfC THE ,RAVES, X.D :'ARKMS PLAN TO BE FOLLa..7ED IN TH3 DALE AND USE OF Cc ::TERY LOTS WiTFIN V SAID ADDITIO'. I": ACCORDA.XE 71ITH A PLAT REFERRED TO AS THE 'LAY OUT FLAT: OF GRAVES, I YONMENTS AI:D MAR'aRS' IY RUSHING ADDITION TO OAK GROVE CEi::=;TERY AS PliEPARED by 7. A. BRADLEY, T11S CITY n.::iNEER IN b'AY, 1947", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, ::Y111ams and :.iayor Seaton (5). Central Labor Cornissioner '.alliams offered motion that the le tter of the Paducah Contra] Union Cormend "r. ':*illinms s/ Labor Union co-nendinv: the City Tanager, Vr. Chas. A. :?illiams, for his sincere �'_ty L'anager efforts to serve the beat interests of all the people of the community while acting as i City ;.:anger be received and filed. ..dopted on call of the (loll, Yeas, Comminsionez J iriedlander, Johnston, :;imn, '::illiams and Major Seaton (5). Flat 3irst ✓ I."ayor Seaton offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AIT ORDINAitCE Faptist Church subdivision I AbPRCVIIIC THE :LAT OF THE .3UBDIVISTOI; OF PROPERTY IN THE PARK REALTY COIdPANY ADDITT_ON, ar-proved i BEING LOTS TICS. 112, 115, 114 and 115 IN BLOCK I.M. 4, IN THC CITY OF PADUCAH, KEZITUCK, THlCff NAS ACCEPTED BY THE CITY PLANNING AND 'ZONING C01.3.Iw3I011 by ITS FINAL REPORT E`BODIED IN A FESOLUT10N ADOPTED ON JUNE 20th, 194711, be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Coamissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, ii1lism3 and Nayor I: Seaton (5). ^eas :han'ts Corminioner aims offered motion t hat the ward of Commissioners o on record :^.ith an expression of thanks to F.r. Chas. A. ':;il.liams for the services renderel L,, him while acting- as City ','anarer, and its appreciation of his ainearety for the coop ration he has Civen the Coard, and the friendliness and courtesy he has shown the me•,::ers in his personal contacts with them concornin^ the management of the city's a"fair.^.. Adopted on call of the Holl, Yeas, Comrissioners Friedlander, Johnntcn, Zirs, :illinma and Yajor Seaton (5). Cn notion the meeting adjourned. ADOPTED n � ty CIerlc i 4 AI PROVED