HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 77, June 17, 1947NO.—. 77 Proceedings of Ponrd of Commissioners City of Paducah June 17th, 1947 :'e quest for St. Light v ::onroc St 25th - 27th ":a ter line Calm Road r/ :1t a ^egular 1.Icoting of Cho :card of Commissioners held in the Commiaaionerat Chamber at the City Fall, Paducah, Fcntucicy, at 7:30 P.Y. on Juno 17th, 1947, h:.layer Seaton presided and upon call of the Roll the follo:•:ing answored to their names: Commissioners !•'riedlander, Johnston, aims, Villiams and Llayor Seaton (5). 7:inutes of the previous meeting wero adopted as rand. Commissioner Sims offered motion that the petition aigned by tr. L Mrs. W. L. Dunn, at al., requesting that a street light be installed on LIonroo Street in the vicinity of 25th and 27th Streets be referred to the City Wanager for investi`ation as to the necessity of the installation of a light in that area, and that the City ,'an ger be requested to report his recommendation to the board of Commissioners at t^e next meeting. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, 7:1111ams and Mayor Seaton (5). Commissioner '.Villiams offered motion that the petition of R. L:. Jones residing on Oaks (toad outside the corporate limits of laducah, Kentucky, for authority to lay ,and construct a water line for the purpose of providing water service to the building located on the property of petitioner be received and filed and that the request in said petition be £ranted in accordance with the terms sat forth therein. It is understood, however, in granting the privilege sought in said petition neither the City of Paducah nor the Commissioners of Vater .='orks shall be obligated to buy said pipe line or any part thereof, and no a uch obligation shall be contained i or be implied hereafter should the territory to be served by the water line to be laid under the authority herein requested be taken into or made a part of the City of Paducah. u It is further understood that the petitioner will subscribe for water service IRI at the rates now or hereafter prescribed for water service to consumers outside the IIcity limits and subject in all respect to the rules and regulations of the City of oducah or its Commissioners of water works which may be now in force or hereinafter enacted. Nothinr in the Frant.ing of this petition shall obliggte the City of Paducah or its Commissioners of '.later ;rm`ks to guarantee anter proisuro or service, and said water service may be discontinued through said pipe line at, any time whop in the ju-'�ricnt of the Commissioners of :'rater :";oras the furniahlnv of water to the petitioner or Choir succesaors in ownership of the property owned may interfere in any wino with '.t;e adequate supply and distribution of water inside the oorr,orate limits of the city :a+:eoh, ;..dontnd on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners crledlander, Johnston, lr,s, •.i:liana nn,] "a or f.ent,n (5). Co.-minasonar :ams ot'fercd motion that the _card of Commiaaloners receive and I'll Chan. A. ..illinma, the rSL,v I.'.nnagor, in which he recoemnnda the I:y th') "Ity rf ;Nducah 1'03• takin- assessments at -.alum 4or- r •, tr,rn•.ar.r. iu t:h^. yt;ar 1Jb9. Adopted on call of the I(oll, ..11ilur:a and "ayor ..Paton (5). _ -l'.1 nn t `.i innnn' 1 -ort of the sty of :'1 r.:, lt'?.� C. ..cu3lni, at Paducah, ::e 11 ca.-i•-.pted an � NO. Proceedings of !'02"d of Conmiaaioners City of Paducah June 17th, 1947 7,ushir.- Commissioner ••illiams offered motion that the board of Commissioners receive .::'.1ition to Oak Grave Cem. and file the letter of the Cit;; Engineer, Yr. T. A. Bradley, in which he recommends Letter of Yr. T.A. the establishment of an addition to Oak ;rove Cometery to be known as "Rushing Additi .-radicy, pity Shgineer together with a plan to be followed for the placing of graves, monuments and markers said addition. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, ";illiams and 14ayor Seaton (5). Pond 7..;.� Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the E-oard of Commissioners receive, uEus tun C. Vsr.3evelde approve and file the bond of E. l'.'. Augustus & C. Vandevelde d/b/a Vandevelde E Au,-ustus, executed by The Fiedlity and Casualty Company of Now York, an Surety, in the amount o. 1000.00 dated June 11, 1947, which bond was executed as required under the provisions of an ordinance adopted by the Board of Conmissionors on Ooptember 24, 1946. Adopted on call of the :loll, Y^as, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, 'iilliams and P.'ayor Seaton (5). Close 19th v/ t Commissioner Friedlander offered motion that the attested copy of the judgment StreeS�^la,y to Jeffcrson, rendered in the I.'.cCracken Circuit Court in the action of the City of Paducah vs. C. T. Allen, et al. closinF. for use as a public street tiose strips of ground 60 feet in width between 17th street and 19th street and running from the north line of Broadwsy to the south line of a 15 foot alley, and from the north line of said alley to the south line of Jefferson street, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, 'leas, Co missioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, ;4illiams and L:ayor Seaton i ;ale of 7lood/ Corniosioner ';Ylliams offered motion that the letter of Col. E.B.Talley wall „rty -nxe:r'.nto ' of the ^orps of Engineers, Louisville District, addressed to Adrian H. Terrell, ,r.itea 3tate3' Corporation Counsel, in which the said Col. Talley advises that the United States y_a entitled to the proceeds derived from the sale of any property no: required Ifor use in connection with the maintenance of the flood wall, together with the ! codes of the letters attached to Col. Talley+s letter of June 16th, be received and filed. bdopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Zino, 111lisno and L'ayor .leaton (5). ;ratoa in ra a or :.eaton offered motion that the letter of Henry E. ::oil, Proprietor of the sidewalk rear of ^o:.'u :r it ^')'-b, in which ho re,uests permission to im tall adequate grates in the flnto1 al3ezral� at, the rear of the Irvin Cobb Hotel as per the plan attached to letter be rcce.iverl oral filed, ant; that the natter to referred to the City r;..s, 4:r :.• n1ntions. Adopted on call of the iioll, Yeas, Commi aioners �, ••1'1` ana '..0yor .;oaton (5). r the 711 notion: 'U.S. Kennedy ?' Sons Navin,, a,Iilea tI .nntrue t a tobacco warehouse at 1010 r e -'-'Y, which warehouse shall be conntrust.edl .. - - ... e ^nr,�.. ., , anal+_ .over an area r.P2 ,OQ-0 scgure' .... n`....., � a .�. _ 5,•....-�L ,lin^, a:., r•. ,. a +,, .^ai •: a on r.pril Y, In t.�Io1; 1l1a1-etion author l# nut::ide thO r: o'. <:reat.c.. t!:er(, ant? the ec•erir.4 a:j area of a ...r.:,rdoear.diiior. of 5). Proceedingsof�oavd of Comal3aioners City of Paducah Jima 17th, 1947 'a3 & Oil 'ontracts -o-id property 1:l,,anis Clu 13th St) Anend ua •;Chloe 79 I therefore move that i7.L.b:onnedy Sons be granted a permit to construct acid Ynlleirtg, at 1010 b:adioon ,treat provided the plans and specifications in other respects :!;eat the roquLremrnts of the building code and the structure is approved by the buildinC inspector and Fire Chief. Adopted on call of the 'loll, (oa3, Comsis3lcrcrs Fr1adlander, Johnston, maims, Williams and Mayor Soaton (5) Co;r esioncr Sims offered motion that an Ordinance entitled; "Aii Oi;DI:IA;XE U T ;1?% REGULATE: ?'.i3 IGGI;?G, OPStiIITG OR EXCAVATI; C IN Ail "TRZET, JID&7ALK, ur,i_3 ILOT, ALLEY OR OT;i�;l :UnI,IC '.7:1Y IiJ THIS CITY OF PADUCAH, KE::TUCK'i, M. -D FIXING TI;E PENALTY FOR ANY VIOLATI0IS T`::ME^OF", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, CommiL;oionars Friedlander, Sims, •:illiams and Mayor Seaton (4). Commissioner { Johnston "no". Commissioner Friedlander offered motion that an ordinance entitled; "A.; OLa;;i,.,! AW1110RI'LITNO ThE CITY r4ANAGER TO ENTER INTO CONTRACTS KITH THE I:LD-COd'1'I:E2?`1' IE'IRCLE-U1; CORPORATION AND THE SINCLAIR REFINING COCiPANY FOR THE PURCHASE OF GASCLINI: A:JD OIL REQUIRED IN GOVER:39-EIITAL OPERATJOi?� OF THE CIT! OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, FOR A PERIOD OF FOUR 7ONTH.i FEGINVING JLL3 1, 1947, AND FROVIDING THAT PURCHASES JKALL bE NADE UPON THE TERN;S Ati) CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THE GIDS SUBMITTED by SAID COI,PANIES A:{7 UFO:' SUCH 0.^.iia TER'.`:S AM CONDITIOIIS AS Y..AY LIE REgGIRED bi irE CITY PZANAGER", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, I; Sims, '.7illisms and ":,.agor Seaton (5). Commissioner Friedlander offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "A?C OD&IAI:( FROVIDI'll COR THE GALE A:?D COHVE%NCE TO THc K117ANIS CLUB OF PADUCAH, KENT.-CIil, OF 7470 LOTS OR PARCEIS OF GROUND SIXTY (60) FEET II? .7ID`ilI LET:EE:? SEVENTEENTH STRE3T A"D NINETEENTH STRE3T IN PADUCAH, KENTUCHY, ONE OF SAID LOTS OR PARCELS OF CROUND E'47%;2.1.11,( F'RO',! TIME NORTH LI:h` OF LROAD:YAY TO THE SOUTH LI;;E O_, AN ALL'E'Y, A:JD Trig 0_ri , LtX` E..�1?;d FRO"I THE NORTH LINE OF SAID ALLEY TO THE SOUTH LINE OF JEFr'F.RSON STREET, AND :ICH LCT; OR PARCELS OF "ND HERETOFORE DEDICATED FOR USE AS A tUL•LI(: S'I'RLET TO L..-- AS 3AS EIGHTEEIJJI'H STREET, HAVING EEE CLOSED by A JUDG::'.ENT Or TH;r I'CCRAC`.Er: CIRCUIT COURT; A:iD AUIHORIZIIJG WIE PAYOR A;v'D TAE CITY CLERK TO E4ECUTE A DEED 01• CON1;E(A::CE TO -AID ?PCF 1ETY'', t;c adopted. Adopted on call of Lho Roll, Yeas, Commi.;oionor3 Priedlander, Johnston, Simi, :.il'liams and I,:ayor Seaton (5). S1:rni3aioner aims offered motion that the Corporation Counsol prepare for intro - pa!: the nest regular meetln^ an ordinance authm•irin t'ne I:ejor for and on t o^ th ,it;; of Paducah, is enter into a supr,lo. ^ntary contract with I:ary g "anon%:a ;ro'aart, 'w^er of the franchise for operation o1' motor b•,asos upon the streets Of the City of Intincoh, anonlin^ said franchise by :clea3ing her from her Araemcnt char -e only 51 -_r p=,•. .• .. s3age on L•uo3oa, and p:avldir� ttu,t the rtivas J`or c^rind of one ysar to _...i par person for each Passage talcen on a Lua, thn two toKnnn f cr 1.1;V, .,,in to :,o accepted by the Lus company fall one havever, 'tti,t the fa.•e for any and all students Goin- to ac;:col '.;Cin, Saha 1 has^a, Or for children under 1.' :;ears of &r," at c,rL� time! ,,... ,o, !Ir,,` iJrtt after tk: eznirutler: of one year, the S,( rate as r,o•n in field frann•ise All ,.e oh+,:':-e,i fOr do. t•a: ,in•,ier of the franci;ine te1'10d.1 Yeas, Corr_insloners 'rledleraler, .isms, -911.11x::3 anal ':a;orl No. Proceedings of --onrd. ^ "" 'J loners City of Paducah June 17th. 1947 t. Ion/ scppticn from Co-rii stoner M-lodlondor offered notion that the a plication of the Kodine '-anufacturin -onnsn for ^.:;omption from municipal taxat on for a period of five (5) 3e :e received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, 'lona, Commissioners Friedlander. Johnston., Sims, ".111iann and Va;;or 3caton (5). '• j ..r_::icsion•ar :.lell-)nder offered motion that a Resolution entitled: 0:' XL TA/ATlOii FOR A PERIOD 0, FIVE UNICIFA(5) YEARS THE -'1 Ka til. SS AID PROPERTIES OF TIIE MODIRE LlAAUFACTURII.G COMPANY LOCAT&D AT 31S9':::7 JAC:'.-':; STREETS IN TSE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY", be adopted. Adopted on call of tho '.oll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, ,"illiams and Mayor It Seaton (5). i On motion the meeting adjourned. r2 1947 APPROVED is �` A Cit;• "lent tars