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Minutes Book 21, Page 74, June 10, 1947
74 Proceedings of 2oard of COmL:issioners City of Paducah June 10th, 19-17 At a Regular Meeting of the Ioard of Commissioners hold in the lomnissione Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 5:30 P.L. on June 10th, 1947, Mayor Seaton presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Cormtissioners 7-riedlander, Johnston, Sims, ililliams and 'ayor Seaton (5). 1'.inutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. Col. Park Pd./ Cor:nissioner Sims offered motion that the report of the City Manager with appropriation reference to the aEproorlation which has been made for the maintenance of colored parks for the year 1947, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll, Yeas, Corcnissioners Friedlander, Johnston, aims, dilliams and Mayor Seaton (5). -star Line Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: I appearing that the .'.'a jrn9 VOX 1/ I' Commissioners of "rater Works have been requested to install an eight inch water main on north 8th Street from Burnett Jtreet toward '?'arrell Street a distance of approx- .j irately 1280 feet in order to give adequate service to customers in that locality and to the Vagnavox Company at its large plant, where a large number of people will be employed; and it further appearing that the installation of the main is necessary in order to supply adequate service including pressure for a sprinkler system at said plant; and that the Board of ':later Commissioners have approved the installation of thi main; ^ :�c.arssien .—j n •f_ab. '{ '! Is nc s f. �J.' , os3 ;;V. R. "r bin'.: cr I I move that the Commissioners of :later .forks be authorized to construct ark Pi. -ht inch main on )forth 8th Street from Burnett Street a distance of 1280 feet towarl Terrell Street. I further move that the adoption of the resolution and the approval of the reco-mendation and request of the Commissioners of Water 'dorks be considered as an agreement on the part of the City of Paducah to pay the fire'hydrant and water main rentals, as provided in the franchise, on the pipe line referred to in the request, such rentals to begin when the water main has boon laid and water provided alone"; the street on which said renin in laid. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Comniasionersi i =riedlsnder, Johnston, 31ms, :iilliams and ICajor Seaton (5). Commissioner .Villiams offered motion that the coavd of Commissioners receive and file the letter of '.r. A. Nance, Chairman of the Church Soft fall LeaFI e, In which he requests permission to operate a conses3lon stand on the softball diamond) at 73r•1 F "iani,inrton streets without bein required to pay an occupational license; and it a,fearin;, that the proceeds received from the operation of the coneoaaion stand wi:l to use•' for, recr0at.ionoi purposes; :urther move that the ,rerniasion be granted and that the Church S0 tbal} Iearue to authnrizel to op0rate t..e Stand for the 3810 of bottled drip:;, wrapped candies ice cream - .,.rr- at2:3rd-n3hin,:ton streeta without being- required ;.u." :_ ... -.. of the 2021, "Inas, Comrnlasionera b'rledlander, I i i .t.. -ion that thn :.oard of Co:ac:ic:a loners i race'.:•^', r. Ir.avrance policy 13311ed uy 'Iho Equity t!,utual In:!urance ^cr.rar._ /e, :'8ncy ;; ;.7oas rnnstructLon C'onpany' ar. i/c, tt:g ^! t;; _ .: ;r:oa of oma :) • Dar rrnm iline 7, 1347, tor -ether elth r; r.7 dame r an: J. i. 1 011 c:xe^,8:08 l,, ':ce .:1,ialiby and ^es cy, :r. r,ia am -:ant o ;',,.;0 dat+id J-,rne lb= - 7; also tta tend alter ::S^;:.r a....... axoe-:tel Ly the .cercaens ,-„t:4e1 Casulaty re =,u. C :.aced t%y 15th., 1'e e, wt.i k cunla ar::l :r—. .. _ -_.ea as req-,uIrad un ..r t'e 0:131 ani of an, 3 ;e,;t®+.c,�.r 29, 134. NO 75 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah June 10. 1947 Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, aims, 'William and 1::ayor Seaton (5). Reports Commissioner Johnston offered notion that the reports for the month of 31cig. inspector h Fire Dept. ??ay, 1947, submitted by the Building Inspector and Firo Department be received and Y..ey, 1947 filed. Adopted on call of the Poll, Yeas, Commissionors Friedlander, Johnston, Sins, .7illiams and Mayor Zeaton (5). i I hater :gain Commissioner Johnston offered the following motion: Xavier Yopp, owner t'onroe 27-28 of two houses and lots (houses under construction) and of two vacant lots on Monroe Street between 27th and 28th streets, and J.D.Merryman, owner of tract 27, block 4, L it which consists of 207 feet fronting on h[onroe between 27th and 28th Streets, which is unimproved, file with the h:ayor and Board of Commissioners a petition, representing that each of the above named parties is the owner of the respective property referred to in said petition; and said parties petition the 'Mayor and ward of Com ansioners f r the extension of a 6" water main on Monroe Street from 27th to 28th Streeta, a distan e i of approximately 546 feet. Each of the above mentioned petitioners own unimproved p property and have paid to the Paducah ':rater '7orks the f olio win, amounts in cash: Xavier Yopp $36.00 plus the utility tax of :,J.08, the minimum charge for two lots g (;j13 and 14 in Block P , and J. D. Iderryman, the sum of eiLhteen dollars plus the utility tax of .54y, the amount due for one vacant lot. 'ihe above amounts represent the agreed rental for the number o^ lots designated for the period of two years from the completion of the i laying of said water main. It appears from the endorsement by the Board of Commissioners of the laducah I ','later :'•orks that said request and petition comply with the franchise provisions and requirements. I THEREFORE, MOVE that the petition of Xavier Yopp and J.D.l.:erryrnan, be received and filed and that the Paducah 'Nater Norks, through its board pf Commissiono•s, IIbe authorized to extend a 6" water main along S'onroe Street from 27th to 28th Streets a r:istance of arproximatoly 546 feet, so as to provide water service to the above described property on '."onroo Stroct. I further novo that the adoption of this resolution and the granting of Y t6;n re^ueal: contained in said petition be conziderod as an a,reement on the part of `he Cif, of :'ad ucnh to pay the fire hydrant and crater nain rental, as provided in ...^ fr,,nchin©, or: t.h^ pipe line and connection reforrod to 1n the potttion, s aid r')ntrlls to tie-in when said ;ester mein has beam laid and water provided .for on said nectinn r,. i7r.;•ae Jtrne Mopted on call of the I;oll, Yeas, Commissioners c'ed'e n•lor, Jchnstar., .*'- 'lIll.ioma and Ma or Seaton (5). cetary creed to ` r Co.^Saion lr :'. iedlandtir ol'1•ered motion that the City of laducah 1-6141Cochrani approve thel he 1':cid sal+., to Mrs. iglu Cochran ".ara1''old of Lot No. 26 in '1oci: ;io.1. on the South side Of! the a.311K-we;y a"" :-r., ,:venue in t.cn ::e, lnolf!1$1 101dition to Oa:: ,;rove Cametery for tt;o ? ft:rt sr r 've brat the 9ity +.legit be aa,thorize3 to execute a deed of 1 Tat. Allnpted on call o;` the !;e11, leas, ^ommisslonars {f jv! 1 tin"! !.u.or I I Proceedings of L'oard Of Commissionors City of Paducah J>.ne 10, 1947 An^n^! Commissioner Friedlander offered motion that the Corporation Counsel ranchiso CrIi^.arro prepare for introduction at the next ro,,ular meeting an oz'dinance authorizing the ?:a;;o rniae fares for inn on behalf of the City of Paducah, to enter into a supplementary contrnct with "ary Deronda Stewart, Owner of the franchise for operation of motor busses upon the streets of the City of Paducah, amending, said franchise by releasin_- her from her A-7reement to charge only 5/ per person for passage on Cusses, and providing that the :ares for a period of one year be fixed at 10� per person for each passage taken on a bus, the sale of two tokens for 15y, each token to be accepted by the bus company for one passage thereon; provided, however that the fare for any and all students going to and from school during school hours or for children under 12 years of ago at any time, ohall be 5¢, and providinr- that after the expiration of one year, the 5¢ rate as now nrovilled in said franchise shall be charged for the remainder of the franchise period. rLost on call of the Roll, Year, Commissioners Friedlander and .7illiams, (2), Nays !Commissioner Johnston, Sims and Nayor Seaton (3). I' :a ter ^o. ✓` Commissioner Friedlander offered motion *hat the certified copy of the _ncrease "o ter .'iaton :resolution of the Commissioners of the Paducah ';later :'ov'ca recorrlending an increase in outsi,e city tho minimus char;e to all customers for water service outside the corporate limits of the City of Paducah be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, Tilliams and Va,/or Seaton (5). Additio,al) Commissioner 31ms offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "At: ORDI=iC stern FROVIDII:? FOR. TIIE LEASING FROM TM DUNCAN METER CORPORATION OF 100 ADDITIONAL ?HILLER '.'LZTI_PL&XCOIII PARIIIIG I,:ETERS A:;D THE PURCHASE OF 3:1ID ;.:nIERS Bf THE CITY O:' PADUCAH, EiITi KY, :;dc; THE CAST OF IN-MLLATION, TO;ETHER 91irII RE11TALS III 'rh^n SUS: OF •;,7500.(0 Ai.L Ft.V!-: BEEN PAID TO THE DUNCAN METER CORPORATION OUT OF THC REVENUE DERIVED FROy 1'H C_ .:',A^'C'" OF SAID VETER S; : UTIIORIZI NG 114.E L:AfOR A`0 THE CITY CLERIC TO MITER INTO iinD T TE A LsASC FO': L'.:7 T EHALF OF THS C I' Y OF FAD XAH, AIM PRESCRILInG TiIE TER;:S ^..:'7I "?C"•: 7 . ; ,-:IED IN SAID LEASE", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Rol., ^as. "07 -=<i's ionern ''riellandcr, Sias, ':illiatas and Mayor .;eaton (4). Cotmissioner tnoton . '.:ater 07o. �%', ^c.^•tissioner -Friedlander offered motion that an ore;inarco ontitled: Increase 'ltetsr rake•, •-.D_... ...._ ,.;6'. ::. Z:: "11E L'INILIUi: CHARGE TO ALL CUSTOL•.:R3 FOR 'r/AT.- �Uteide OBA I L_TILITS OF T11%C ITY Or PADUCAH, 3C :,::C"(.Y, A:,—� _ ..., . :"ice :iA ;s CR U!iI3ri':IC'"', be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeaa, .eissioaers--rindlnnder, Johnatcn, ;rims, rilliams and I:iayor Seaton (5). jI -;98 h O,1 ✓ ^ ':entracts =Ia3ionor Friedlander o[f;rcd motion that an ordinance entitled: :;T -7R INTO CON'DiACT + .. _ -.: ... - - ..._ . :. ... ... _ intl••e..it:c.e,.l , .. _.,in pn y