HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 66, May 20, 1947:G NO ' Proceedings of ormcl of Commissioners City of Paducah 4'sy 20th, 1947 At a Regular Meeting of the Board of ^ommissioners held in the Commission Camber at the City Ball, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 orclock P.M. on May 20th, 1947, "s;;or Beaton presided and upon tall of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Friedlander, Sims, '5illiams and Mayor -eaton (4). Commissioner Johnston beim absent. Yinutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. '`airy Commissioner '•lilliams offered the following motion: I move that the 'toad,✓/ petition of Janes 7. Roberts and others, residing on and near the Benton and Oaks Road ^stocky t. and Kentucky Street outside the corporate limits of Paducah, Kentucky, for authority tc, lay and construct water limes for the purpose of providing crater service to the I buildings located on the property of petitioners be received and filed and that the h and that the request in said petition be granted in accordance with the terms set fort' therein. It is understood, however, that in granting the privileges sought in said petition neither the City of Iaducah nor the Commissioners of :later !forks shall be obligated to buy said pipe line or any part thereof, and no such obligation shall be contained or be implied hereafter should the territory to be served by the water lines to be laid under the authority herein requested be taken into or made a part of the City of ]aducah. It is further understood that the petitioners will subscribe for crater service at the rates now or hereafter prescribed for water service to consumers outs id the city limits and subject in all respects to the rules and regulations of the City o y� Feducah or its COMMi3sioners of ':';star I7orks which may be now in force or hereinafter [' enacted. F Pothinf, in the ^rantin of thistit; 1 r g pe on sha 1 obli£ate the city of aducah or its Com.iasioners of ';a ter 'orks to guarantee water pressure or service, and raid water service may be discontinued throu4h said pipe line or any part thereof at an,r `..re when in the judgment of the Cocmmissionera of '.star ',;orks the furnishing ,f vrater to any Of' the petitioners or their successors in ownership of the property cwncd hi them :rsy interfere in anywise with the adequate supply and distribution of a'er iasi'.^ car---.rrt.e limits of the city of Paducah. Adopted on call of the Scar, ^. i.ecrr I•riedlander, Sims, '7illinma and %fayor Seaton (4). .;!ms offered motion that the renort Fora: FPHA -,21 '.'Is. Title In•'. ::ontuoky for the period endin=. April 300 1947, submitted by the! rai "'^pains :o^: isnion, a,er.ta appointed by the City of Paducah to --Orar•e t . 7cnriin- ..•nsoct^, s. receiver! nut: filer]. Adopted on call of the :I, Comes, ns +.onern Fr'edlander, S1rs, :71111ams and :'ayor ::eaten (4) ro`:as":•.':-= -.•. ,.fared tcoticn that the Cor!•oration Counsel be lirected! arcs at ti.e next mnetlnl an ordinaries authorlsin the sale to ..-...: .,_.... .. ..._,.:inr' lots: � n --t-net for t.hn sum of ,35.CO cash ae l;orth F.aat. csrner ,f ;parser and ;,arlcor s.. aaah. cash. a't Yeas, ^.riRalo�wra :r15 ar ,r. ...--s, „1111.•s ata! NO. 67 Proceedings of Poard of Coxmiss Loners Cify of Paducah r,'a y 20th, 1947 Pelt Line 1,i7h,:ay ^..a or Casten o fered motion that the Loard of Comnisaioners receive and file 1000 E.L.Ross property i the letter of \r. J. F. Stigers, Chief Locatin,, Engineer of the Cocunonwealth of Kentucky, with reference to the ocqulsition of certain ri;+ht of xray to to used for the construction of the belt line highway in Paducah, Kentucky, that the City of Paducah approve the payment of tho sur_ of ,1,000 to E.L.Ross, at al., in settlement of the purchase price for Parcel ;io. 1 referred to in the said J. F. 3tigeral letter, and that the Mayor be authorized to advise the said J. F. 3tigera that the payment of ;1,000 for that parcel has been approved. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, I Com^:issioners Friedlander, Sims, '..illiams and "ayor Seaton (4). Par'cinlr 1.'ster Yayor Seston offered the following motion: It appearing, that through mistake Bid of Mi -Co i Co. ! and oversight the bid of the Mi -Co larking Meter Company which was submitted to the City of Paducah within the time I ,/ provided in the notice of the request for fids was not received and filed with other bids on MAf 13, 1947; I therefore move that tha bid of the 1.:i -Co Parking Meter Company in which said company offers to sell 100 parking, meters to the City of Iaducah for the sum of 1;56.50 per meter, charging for installation ;;4.50 per meter, be received and filed. Adopted i II1 on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Sims, 17illiams and :,:ajor Seaton (!4). Pelt Line Higtm%aIy Commissioner Friedlander offered motion that a Pesolution entitled: "A RESOLUTI 11 Approve Grade A' PROVIN3 THE GRADE FOR TFL^, CCI1STRUCTION OF '1112 iiELT LINE HIGH'. AY IN THE CIT -C OF PADUCAH, KENT'JCKI, ACCORDING TO IME FLAILS OF '111E MPART;EIT OF IM,11.1AYS 0, THE CO'.:B10N- i4EALTH Or' KENTUCKY", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners I Friedlander, Sims, ;illiams and V.ayor Seaton (4). Zoning Ky. Ave Commissioner Friedlander offered motion that an Ordinance entitled: "AN OhDINAN E 19th to Lahm Amended ( APPROVING THE FINAL REPORT OF THE CITY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIOU TO AY'SECTION 2 OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: `A11 ORDINANCE AFPROVINJ TIL. FINAL MrORT OF THE CITY FLA.'^;Iid4 AND ZONING COii!%•ISSION PROVIDING FOR THE ZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY ON LOTH SIDES OF KLNTUCKY AVENUE FROM THE ;PEST SIDE OF 19TH STREET TO ':HE EAST SIDE OF :SARI.: I AVENUE AS A RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT, AND PRESCRILING THE PENALTY TO EE Ir.:POSED FOR VIO- LATIO:; OF THE PESTRICTIONJ SET F'ORTIi III. A RESOLUTIOII AWPTED DY THE CITY PLANNING AYD �j Z0NR,^ C,C:1bSI33::':1 ON JULY 7th, 1941!, AND AYENDINi 3ECTi0:1 0 OF SAID ORDINArCE, iVHICH WA3 ADO ---ED BY ME BOARD OF CO!•,ImI:;SIONfRS ON JULY 9, 1941", be adopted. Adopted on call ;f the Zoll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Sims, 'l;illiams and Payor Seaton (4)i ming !'enroe (,'e.,missioner Friedlander offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN Ol!DINA:.r E ;e M t h �• ^^n3a9 vI?L;L `r:_=CRT OF 'Ill's CITY PLili:riING AND ZONING, CC::'1_;SiOI; TOA311) SECTION `AN ORDINANCE AYPROVINr TRE r 1NAL !u; ORT GF TH:1 CITY :... -n-OVIDING FG!! TIE EONIr1:; C. : i`�OPERTY LOUNDEL` _ ......-. . ,,DI30N, AND ...,':RI . ,. _.. 'P ......:Gll9'ii !.. ,,:.i.,1' �t'L•....... ......G ,.,.. Jii•:iiit.,Or; ... _.... ...-. ... ,,....:',' . ...... .ci'! .,.d.: ... .. .... .... .. hL., x:704. is A.; ' .....,.�'f .,...... .. 1'. FRErARED .Y J. _. ..,,..., .;UltVtitelt _'.G39, A., r./.':.�.,......,,.... .l:. ,_;'IRICr 0:, I .ALU;IO:, 1939', AL:.. -4M bi ::14 cOAHD Or _ ..:. W7, ,,. ". la. , Le aflopted. Adopted on call of -music;spa ani 1•ayor Seaton (8). I i, NO. Proceedtngsof `oarl of Co:mmisnioncro City of Paducah !.*.ay ^0th, 1947 croinsj 1.'a;Ior Seaton offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "A;I ORDINX[CE ;ecutc Deed'e:' AUTHORSZIIIG 'IHE ldAYOR AND CITY CL^sRK `[0 EXECUTE AND DELIVER TO .7. F. SC 110G.OI1I3 A DEED Correction OF CORRECTTOTI TO A LOT AT THE SOUTH'.+EST CORNER OF I:INTH AND bACHMAN STREETS IN PADUCAH, KENTUCKY", to adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, -ims, '.Villiams and :Jayor Seaton (4). Cemetery Deed Commissioner VIilliams offered the following motion: It appearing that the uplicate Laura P. ✓I deed under which Laura E. YcGuire surchased from the City of Paducah Lot 12 in Sectlor "ctluire One of the Oak Grove Cemetery has been lost; I move that the City Clork be authorized to execute and deliver to the said Laura 8. McGuire a neer deed to the property purchased by her, showing on the Cemetery records the date on which said new deed was executed, provided the said Laura E. !I r.cGuire shall furnish to the City of Paducah her affidavit that she has not trans- ferred the title to said Cemetery Lot to any other person since purchasing the same from the rity of Isducah on January 14, 1018. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, i! Comnissioners=riedlsnder, aims, V-illiams and Msjor Seaton (4). Zonin,r Par:,✓ Commissioner Williams offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINAI, Realtf Co Amended A PROVING TIE FINAL REPORT OF THE CITY PLANNING A D ZONING COMMISSION TO M.11al1D SECTIOr 0 2 AND 3 OF All ORDINANCE E,:TITLhD: 'AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE ZONING OF THE PARK REALTY CO"TPANY ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PADUCAH AS A RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT, AND PRE- SCP.IEING B GILDING AND CONSTRUCTION RESTRICTIONS THEREIN, AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOI VIOL, TION THEREIN', AND ADMIDING SECTIONS 2 AND 3 OF SAID ORDINANCE i'91IIrH 'VIAS ADOPTED ( T. -HE BOARD OF CONMISSIONERS ON DECEi,BER 2, 1937", be adopted. Adopted on call of I' the Poll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Sims, Villiams and Y.ayor Seaton (4). .ban hire Commissioner `r'rledlander offered motion that the Corporation Counsel be di- r.•an�,aic�ers -In tions rected to prepare for introduction at the next regular meeting of the .Board of Corr i3sioners an ordinance requiring the owners of all bulk stations where gasoline is stored to install and maintain a foam type fire oxtinguiaher 31assem or other type of s,3ten equally efficient, -said ordinance to provide a penalty for the failure of any owner to protect his property against fire by the use of such equipment. Adopted call of the roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Sims, •illiams and r.'ayor Seaton (4) ce-etery J ^,ormmissioner •-illiams offered motion that the attorney for the city prepare f pro,.^rty i:o Chief laaul:e lntrod.:ation at the next regular meetinr an ordinance providin•,. for the execution and moat R:o. 31 American .elivery of a d, -ed to the Chief Faduke lost 1io. 31, American Legion of 1'ontucky con- I.er ' or: v- ln-• to sal3 ;oat of the Anerlcan Legion a lot of land located on the south side of l,ryrrle Street exterr..lnr east: from the present Legion Lot to Oak Street and extending z'^ ..- .,.--:•emea'. .e1.1on lot to R'a;,nolia :itreet. Adopted on call oT_: the poll, as, _._ irr.••r. ,: ^•Ier, irg, 'lill.lam3 anci Mayor Seaton (4). _.. r...,.. r-oc`.:r.•' ad�ourre:d. I ,,.__ .-_� Vii, �. �2_____.__.._._l�•I7 i i .._ iitCJ;.11 �/,/�/! �_�-•�, Q IiuGP.uI►7iV G