HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 529, December 20, 1949529 Proceedings of hoard of Commissioners City of Paducah December 20, 1949 ii At a Regular l.:eoting of the Doard of Commissionors hold in the Commission b j Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.ti, on December 20, 1949, Mayor N Johnston presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their narnes: Commissioners Abell, Allen, Hannin and Mayor Johnston (4). Minutes of the previous meeting Were Rdopted as read. ;7ator line Commizsionor Abell offered motion that the petition of i'ilbGrn Dovidy and wif , $pnset Ave. Dorothy Joan Dowdy and Loren M. Jones for permission to connect -a 3/4 inch crater pipe ip line to a privately owned 2Q inch water pipe line of Loren M. Jones on ;unsot Avenue ry so as to provide water service for domestic purposes to one residence to be construate. uupon the property of said petitioners be received and filed and that the authority sought in said petition, subject to the limitations and conditions expressed therein, be granted. nothing contained in the granting of this request shall be construed as a I i guarantee of pressure or water service on the part of the City of Paducah or its Commissioners of ;Dater :•iorks, and nothing in the granting of said request shall now or hereafter be construed as an obligation or agreement on the part of the City of Paducah or its Commissioners of •later '.'forks to purchase or acquire said water line or any part thereof or to maintain same; no such obligation shall arise should said territory where said privately owned pipe line lies be annexed to or taken into the corporate limits of the City of Paducah, Kentucky. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yoas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Hannin and Mayor Johnston (4). oma Owen 'fiort'n Commissioner Abell offered motion that Adrian H. Terrell, the Attorney for suit against city - settle the City of Paducah, be authorized to settle the suit filed by Dnma 0,ven ',torten in which she asks for recovery of damages in the sum of :;:5872.00 and that the sum of ;'500.00 be paid to the said Drina Owen :7orten and her Attorney, David Reed, in settle- Iment of all claims for damages arising out of the accident oomplained of In said suit , by reason of accidental injuries received by her in a fall on the sidewalk on ,'.'.ay lst, I' l 1949; and that the City of Paducah also pay the costs of court in said action. II Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, flannin and :.:ayor Y Johnston (4). Zlovator-lid off Commiasioner Abell offered motion that the letter of December 19, 1949, fro Aldorson ,.levator l/ Comr,any-convert" Hugh Alderson, doin:_ business as the Alderson -':levator Company, contai.nin^ his bid fo push button converting the city hall elevator to automatic push button control with safety doors, ..—, received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissionors Abell, ;:_.ion, lu:nin and ?::aycr Johnston (4). 1,'artt:a it .:or C:rn-nlsaionor Allen offered motion that tho letter If the Corporation Counsel Suit aru_not fi city - ;a '•: .acor_,onllln,� the pnymont o:.;AGO-00 to l.:rs. t:'artha :1. '.Vetter in settlement of the cit she has file'" against the City of laducah be roceived and filed; that said .`torney 1-a autl-.orlzoe to settle Cai: a•;It by paying, that an:ount toz.othor with the oats of , ,.. _%t a Check for ,7t:G. 'O ego isaucd to :: Uza il. _:Vottor and her i _. _ '1 _.....c ... of t:.r ol.... o :, ^.:1 of acoilental. lnjurlva i silo zu ] J:.Ir. on tho siduwalk In the above montionud suit I ... ..nL '.i �� `tha cal •sae r.c:a b::... v-t� : o ? 'alt . ; .:1 o LProceedings of =care] of Commissioners City of Paducoh )acomber 20, 1949 :1�1Cn al ire :,Ydrants" Cammissioner 11ann•in offered motion that the board receive and file the latter ::argor .atcr _;ins of 2ocembor 6, 1949 from the Kentucky Inspection Bureau to Mayor Stuart Johnston ro- latinC.. to the need for largor water mains and additional fire hydrants in certain parts of the city, and the latter of Docembor 20, 1949, from the fire Chief to the City ?:.onager recommending that such larger mains and fire hydrants be installed immcdiatel . Re further moved that the City ;.:anagor furnish copies of the foregoing latter to the Paducah .:aterworks Commission and that the Board of Commissioners request said commission to install larger ,.cater mains and additional fire hydrants as outlined in the letter of Docember 6, 1949, from the Kentucky Inapeetloh Bureau at the earliest practicable time. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Fannin and::ayor Johnston (4). --,ten Coma;issioner Hannin offered motion that the letter of Adrian H. Terrell, _ ` Attorney for the City of Paducah, :with reference to the settlement of Dema Owen Vlorter. 's suit against the City of Paducah by compromise, be received and filed. Adopted on at 11 of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Hannin and Mayor Johnston (4). arnor i31ovator Commissioner Hannin offered motion that the letter of the City Manager dated :::g Co-lettor convert City December 16, 1949 and the letter of the '.7arner Elevator manufacturing Company dated ::all elevator ::u.1. butte. December 13, 1949, relative to converting the city hall elevator to automatic push no lotto City "'ana.,• r button control, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Conunissio era Abell, Allen, Hannin and ,,;ayor Johnston (4). ::cliday , ,.:ayor Johnston offered the following motion; Since Christmas comes on Sunday, ^hria`aa 1909 I move that all city employees, with the exception of the personnel in the police and .ire departments, be ;ranted a holiday on iaonday, December 26, 1949. Adopted on cal of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Hannin and :':ayor Johnston (€). Gas o: C 1 / Coa:iscioner Abell offered motion that an ordinance entitled; "AN ORDIYANCE Contr&ctr .-._. .I'1 -i :...,:,GER TO ENTEIR INTO A CONTRACT 1'1I7H E. ?1. BAILEY DISTRIL'UTING 0? GASOLINE AND A CONTRACT :lITPI 1.iID-CONTIIIENT PZTROLEW.1 QR THE TY OF OIL, TO DE USED BY TRP CITY INGOVERi,i:IL•'NTAL 6PERATIOPI mCR A ..,.. D FOUR, MONT1 S BEGINVING JAMARY 1, 195011, be adopted. Adopted on call Of the RG11, Ycaa, Com"iasioncrs Abell, ::lion, Hannin and ?dayor Johnston (4). !!*,,-.art of ul0 / Cc=isaionor Iia::nin offered motion that the City ,.:anagor's Raport of Sale of Carba o _rar.-Lica franchise created under the ordinance entitled: "A`! ORDINAI:CE CREATI!,G 1, BRAIICHISE 0 A:.-: rACILITIES FOR 4I:E COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL 0' !ARBA(E C. i',.' .c:,.': -.;:7J=; PROVIDING FOR THE SALE Oa` SAID FRA`ICIII31 _ .. . "TOT '''f20 N TIP?.9tL0 AND PROVIDE': 6,optod on call of the Roll, Yeas, Co nian1cnr_.r ,, .:.1, iSarni:_ :.r, ; or-:nhnnton (3), Cormiicsioner Allen I, Lids cr ,•.o Ceeainslonar I?arnin o:1-,•15 ;.at Cie .:nard of Conm,isalonor.I receive ant ra nC K receivo- fil* the ,Ids Of the ersSnaZ ervica '; :..;any o!' Cincinnati, Ohio, and c: file] :;.A.I:rid owator , sing . ,Ir.eas as t ...A.Er idgevator , ocrany anr; ; rini,;ary a:rba,;c ...i. , ocal. Company, Qf -...... ...........,- , for the P.rcheaa a franchiae craat,.,d un. r _. ' ...^a o.' i ra ..eve :Der ti , Zs40. A?Gptel on call of tre --- -.-- i.. ...... .._ 1 - :"a:.r.ir. an.. ;.ayor Johrszsr. y4). No. 531 Proceedings of Foard of Comminsioners City of Paducah December 20, 1949 Accept bid of 11.:1.3ridZewater r;arba;I.e ^ranchiae Accept bid of Alderson Elev ator Company conversion of city hall elevator Statement ofl Charles Dori Tole -ram Asst. Attorn ;Cncrai C.".Sims inted 00=15siones Co"Laissionor Abell offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A 7E3OLUTION h aCCEFTItIG T;IE BID OF R. A. BRID3EI7ATEP., DOIPIG EUSINE33 A3 R. A. BRIDGE:1aTER SANITARY i GARBAGE DISPOSAL COtSPANY, 0 ICIOXVILLE, TENN23SEE, FOR THE FURCIIASE Oil A F'RAIdCHISE CREATED UiIDER All ORDITFAiM ENTITLED: 'AN ORDINANCE CREATING A FRANCHISE OR PRIVILEGE TO FURNISH SERVICES AND FACILITIES FOR THE COLLECTION A;ID DISP03AL OF GARBAGE AND RU BI3H I'; THE CITY Or' PADUCAH, ICEIITUCIU; PROVIDING FOR THE SALE OF SAID FRANCI113E 03 PRIVILEGE; FIXING THE PENALTIES FOR VE VIOLATION TIMREOF; AND FROVID:IN A SEVER- ABILITY CLAUSE' :WHICH PIAS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OP C0141.1ISSIONERS ON IIOVEI.SER 29, 1949; I FIXING IHE CP.ARGES FOR COLIBCTION SERVICES IN ACCORDAIICE 71ITH THE HID OF THE SAID R. A. BRIDGE.WATER SANITARY GARBAGE DISPOSAL COMPANY AND THE SCHEDULES IN SECTION 4 OF SAID ORDINANCE; AND PRESCRIBING THE TERI-IS AND CONDITIONS UPON I:. -RICH THE SAID it. A. BRIDGE.:'ATER 3.111ITARY GARBAGE DISPOSAL COYPANY LAY ACCE T SAID FRANCHISE", be introduced and remain on file for one week for public inapection in the completed fort in which it shall be put upon its final passage. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yoas, Cor..missloners Aboll, Hannin and Mayor Johnston (3), Commissioner Allen "No". Mayor Johnston offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "Ail ORDINANCE 7 ACCEPTING TF.E FID OF IIUGH ALDERSON, DOIN'J BUSINESS AS THE ALDERSON EIZVATOR CO14PAIlY Il THE A:OU'IT OF '1,242.00 FOR CONVERSION Or THE CITY HALL ELEVATOR TO AUTOMATIC PUSH BUTTON CONTROL, AUTHORIZING THE CIT'i MANAGER FOR AND OII BEHALF OF THE CITi OF PADUCAH TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT FOR SUCH CONVERSION OF THE CITY HALL ELEVATOR, AND PaESCRIBI] THE MK;S AND CONDITIONS TO BE CONTAINED IN3AID CONTRACT", be introduced and remain on file for public inspection for one (1) week in the completed form in V.'hioh it ehal: be put upon its final passage. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yens, Cotmnissionera Abell, Allen, Hannin and I,:ayor Johnston (4). Yayor Johnston offered motion that the Boe,rd of Commissioners receive and fi: y n - the statement of LIr. Charles Dibrian with reference to the attorney General's opinion that it is necessary to appoint a Commissioner to fill the vacancy created on the Boat Of Co;maissioners by reason of Stuart Johnston's assumption of the duties of itayor, to-ethor with the tolegram of 17altor C. Hordoman, the An-giatant Attorney General, in which he advises that "USE OF ',;ORK SHALL. i:i.17,'L'rCi^ICIi 5. 'r.IS 89.520 ;BARE IT MAIMATCR 1. UFON LOA:;"') 0;' CO::'ylIOI:ERS TO VILL A P67i4,::_;.1f VACANCY :UT TIE C07:a:.I:5SIOIr B'C APPOIIIT..ii .,.;:'iL :iJ,T !...:i::itdL EL'=CTION". Adopted on call of the Roll, Yoaa, Co:amiasionera Abell, Allr'n, F,rr,a_n and ;.:ayor Johnston (4). :'a7cr Johnston offered motion that C.G.Sims be appointed to sorvo as eomm- iaaioner a, the City o" ;:aducah for the purpose of fillin the vacc;ncy croatocl by reason ei' .ltuart Joh naton'a cerviec an i,ayor followin.; his period o norvico nn -a,ror Pr Ter.-., th,: saL3 to nerve as a "wmbor of said board until the c'tuly o1r.c ted o.ficara asac:.5 tae euL'.0a tr.Ole offieoa on i•hc first '.:onday in Janaary, 11780. Adopted on o; the 11011, Ycea, Ccn,a&:aionnx'a -boll, .:flan, Hzlr:nin and i:.ayor' ., hratcn (4). !!p� �n tc:a r,. •;9ti:1' sass.; t:crl. tl or _Ly —ortc