HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 527, December 13, 1949No.—_ 527 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah necember 13, 1949 I At a Regular p;eoting of the Hoard of Commissionors held in the Commission Chamber at the City ball, Paducah, ientucky, at 7:30 P.?.;. on December 13, 1949, mayor Johnston presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: a i. Commissioners Abell, Ilan, Hannin and mayor Johnston (4). ?,;mutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. Gas £: oil,,--" Commissioner Abell offered motion that the letter of Lecember 10, 1949, with ?Lids i attached bids for sale of gasoline and oil to the City of Paducah during the four months period beginning January 1, 1950, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Hannin and Yayor Johnston (4). Street Lights /// Commissioner Allen offered motion that the board receive and file the memorandum dead end of ll Jarrett St. of the Police Department and the City L?anagen and that the City Manager be directed I to request the installation of a street light at the dead end of Jarrett Street. h�I Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Hannin and mayor Johnston (4). Dump 4th St II Commissioner Allen offered motion that the letter of Lecember 3, 1949, from letter Frincipals Russell Mille and Beulah Stratton, Principals of branklin Junior High and Elementary Franklin School Schools, requesting removal of a hazard on the rourth Streetside of their school, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Hannin and Mayor Johnston (4). City Maragerls Vayor Johnston offered motion that the letter of December 13, 1949, from the Resignation I/ (Victor Hobduy) City oanager, announcing his resignation to be effective about February 1, 1950, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas Commissioners Abell, Allen, ?tannin and Mayor Johnston (4). Civil Service Mayor Johnston offered motion that the letter of December 13, 1949, from George Commission U Request for Byrd and ':7.3.Fellers, members of the Civil Service Commission, requesting that members salary I of that Commission be paid 1:10.00 each for each meeting not to exceed two (2) meetings per month if members of the Municipal Housing Commission are to be paid salaries, i be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allo Hannin and `Zayor Johnston (4). ^,Urbane ?ran. "ayor Johnston offered motion that the letter of Pev. L. S. Liles, dated remember letter uev. L,. :sites 8, 1949, relative to the ordinunce recently adopted by the uoard of o=tissioners for the collection and disposal of garbage and rubbish In the City of Paducah, be rece,ved and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissionors „boll, ;,llon, F.anni. and tlayor Johnston (4). ;x^aarationa e'ayor Johnston offered motion that Exonerations ;tj14169 through ;}14660 inclusive 1418x1 thru c- :4x60 o remained Ana filed, and that the amount of 7,340.55 be exonerated ontax bills as s?.;wn on sold exoneratirns. wdopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissionora Abe 1, .:11en, P?annin an..1 Y.ayor Johnston (4). I I ;inking urvi ` :'syor Jchnst.n offored motirn that the Board of -o,,�;.iissioners receive and rile latter City the ..tt,r of ..y:erter 11L, 1940 from x'r. Henry Colllna, the J.Lty `Proasurer, relating '_:reasurar to t%e s,:rp:c:n ur.;,u_':ulatl0ns in tiro sinkirng fund w,,4ch are available f:�r investment. Ad call .. tl.e ':oil, leas, ,bell, .,lien, :iaranin and :,layor V t Qua � 711 V,k ;c �asalar.er .eel:. .,: fera;3 r:, tion that an ordL unee entitled; "..i: O-tDI:;A:10E Centr6C to 4 A CO11?R:.C': .,.111 7. _.. 13;,--Y -I,1a U'_il.^r COMPANY .:? '1i:,. . _ : }?:'<[?i]. ,rI '? l'IJ-C T.1".iH',._ ..._.... lUu? CDF-T4 PAP. Yh^r i FRFC�- , OF FOUR 31:...... ' . 1350 to intr educed and re::nln on file � NO. 2S Proceedings a . =oard of-or.unisslon:°rs City of Paducah ?'ecomber 13, 1949 for one il) )seek Por public inspection in the completed form in which it shall be put upon its final passage. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners ,:bell, :ill Hannin and ?Mayor Johnston (4). '.".nnlclpsl Comnissioner Allen offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORIINANCE ANENDI G Housinr ✓ Commission SM -TION 2 OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: 'AN ORDINANCE RELi.TINr, TO THE CREATION OF A MUNICI (salaries) L^ST FAL HOUSTNO COI.^.•:ISSION FOR THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AS PROVIDED BY CHAPTER 113 OF , THE 1934 ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE CO.Y.MONIIEALTH OF KENTUCKY; THE MAY.ING OF SAID CO=ISSION TO BE A BODY CORPORATE; NAMING IT THE 'PADUCAH MUNICIPAL HOUSING COY^113aON1; E`SPOYlERING SAIDCO1MISSION TO ACT AS CONTEMPLATED, PERMITTED, i.ND DIRECTEI BY CHATTER 113 OF THE 1934 ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSE%BLY OF THE CW',MONINEALTH OF KENTUCKY EI^O'VERINi SAID COYYISSION TO DO ANY AND ALL AND EVERYTHING PERMITTED, DIRECTED AND/OR CONTEMPLATED BY SAID CHi)PTER 113 AFORESAID; DIRECTING THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF PASUCAH O NOMINATE THE MEMBERS OF SAID COMMISSION AS PERMITTED BY THE AFORESAID STATUTE; Ii FIXING THE SALARY OF THE CHAIRT'AN AND MEMBERS OF SAID CO?'MISSION; *DIRECTING SAID COMMISSION, P:I3EIT ORGANIZED TO PERFORM ALL OF 713E DUTIES P RMITTED, DIRECTED AND AUTHORIZED BY SAID STATUTE AFORESAID; TO BORROW MONEY AND COOPERATE li'ITH THE UNITED STATES HOUSING AUTHORITY AND AITY AND ALL OTHER FEDERAL AND/OR STATE AGENCIES ON SLUM CLEARA?:CE AND LOW COST HOUSING PROJECTS IN PADUCAH, KENTUCKY; APPROPRIATING OF $1000 OUT OF THE 'CONTINGEN'CY FUND' TO BE PAID OUT OF SAID FUND AND EXPENDED BY SAID CO?1LiISS- 13N FOR PROPER PURPOSES; AND REPEALING ALL WIS IN CONFLICT HERv1;ITH', S4TICH WAS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ON JULY 18, 1933, AND AMENDED ON AUGUST 31, 1943; ANO AUTHORIZING, THE TRANSFER OF THE SUM OF $1,040.00 FROM THE CONTINGENT FUND FOR PAY`•rZNT OF THE SALARIES OF THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF SAID C0131ISSION FOR SERVICES RENDERED BY THEY WRING, THE REMAINDER OF THE YEAR 194911, be adopted. Lost on call of the Roll, Naas Commissioners Abell, ..11en, Hannin and Mayor Johnston (4). Pe-Appropriat'on Commissioner Hannin offered motion that an ordinance entitled; "AN ORDINANCE fun's 1943 I/ ?RQVI_,ING FOR THE RE -APPROPRIATION OF CERTAIN OF THE PUBLIC FUNDS AND ;;2,011.00 IN i. ATDED FEVE', OF THE CITY OF PADUCAII FOR THE YEAR 1949 BY TRANSFERRING UNUSED APPRO- FRii. FOR CERTAIN PURPOSES TO OTHER PURPOSES AND ALLOCATING INCREASED REVE14UE OF :2,011.00; SMIFYI17G 7713 TRANSFERS TO BE ;LADE AN_T NEW APPROPRIATED AMOUNTS; AND aEPEALI?; ALL 03DINANCES IN CONFLICT THXREINITH" BE Introduced and remain on file for two (2) weeks for public inspection in the form in which it shall us put upon its final passage. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, -ellen, hannin and -ayor .,ol'•nston (4). nlnkin; Fund, Mayor Johnstpn offered motion that an ordinance entitled; "AN OHDII-NCE AUTHORIZI ?nvest1- Treusjry :'IE C17f TRE.:37nn'R T. II:1E,S: SiI" v'JRFLUS ACCUMULATIONS IIT THE SINKING HUN,: OF THE ion^a CITY )'r PA'XTCAII, KEN-:TCF.y, :. ..... ..,_. .:ii, . 51?:-J`1T OF SAID FUND THE SUM OF ;;100,000.00 ".I:AS'•TrY d0I1R fii .... .,..I. Q'A' ...•., Pi SCRIBING ,11E'r:I?,.. IF BONDS re ul'-pted• Adopted on call of the Roll, Mass, p;x!sai.rers .,.+..:.I, ..i. ler,, ?i-:..r'r. un<I Vayor .Johnstun (4). ;n .,:t1... .::e m,sot.ng uc,ourned. n s� 1043