HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 511, November 9, 1949NO. 511 Proceedings of - onrd of Cor_aisaioncrs City of Paducah=Sovembor 0, 1949 ?; November 9, 1949 Communication of. Tommy Russell Adjourn I.:eeting At a Regular meeting of the Board of Commisaioners hold in the Commission Chambe. at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.I.I. on November 0, 1949, Itayor Pro Tem Johnston presided and upon call of the ;toll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Abell, Allen, Hannin and Mayor Pro Tom Johnston (4). li *ayor Fro Tem Johnston offered motion that the communication of Tommy Russell be received and filed and that same be read at the Adjourned Regular meeting to be held on :'zdnesday, November 9, 1949, at 7:30 P.M.. Adopted on call of the Roll, 'leas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Hannin and Mayor Fro Tam Johnston (4). ,`.iaror Pro Tom Johnston offered motion that this regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners be adjourned until November 9, 1949, at 7:30 P.Y- Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Hannin and Yayor Pro Tem Johnston (4). ADOPTED _ 1949 APPROVED Mayor City Clerk Adjourned At &,Aegular Keeting of the Loard of Commissioners held in the Commission Chamber at the City Fall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:50 P.i:i, on November 9, 1949, itayor Johnston presided and upon call of the Roll the followin, answered to their names: Commissioner Abell, Allen, Hannin and Mayor Johnston (4). Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. Ru-Jell Doctor � Fosp e Green / s Doctcr Commissioner Abell offered motion that the letter of the City L:anager, Dated ✓ bills sola. November 2, 1949, rolatinr, to i°r. Rudelle Green's request that the city pay his doctor !,:Cra letter and hospital bills and full salary while absent from duty following; his recent fall 7 down the elevator shaft, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yoas, :I tl Commissioners Abell, Allen, Hannin and Uiayor Johnston (4). i Fey R:delle :,rly Commissioner iMen offered motion that the city pay all hospital and doctor'a tills 4reen�s E ;oarital biild incurred by Ruaelle Green as a result of his fall down the elevator shaft and his full salary o salary until `?ovenbcz• 3C, 1949, by which date he probably can return to duty. Adopted n i; call. of the :�1011, Y -:ea, Cori issionors Abell, Allen, lfannin and Payor Johnston (4). Of 4-c us 1. Corinlaoloner Allen offered motion that the letter of the Foard of Equalization date .Ime :Invember 0, 1945, ,. ntln az a;tension of t.imc to Decombar 1949, be received and that tho n,.trpal;8 ';a g -ranted and tie, board continue with the work of aq:alicin, pan onoennrz:nSs a;-ainst real and porsonal prorarty until that data. 6 Adcrted in ca:l. ').' tl:e Roll, 'eaa, Conmiasionors Abell, Allon, ?iannin and uayor Johnsto City zrpioyee9 Cc.=Lnalnner A.__., re rotl.or. t^.at VIIlatter of ndrian H. Torroll, the attorne si,,e ,,.,y V y >ec TarreI .or ✓.s City of -,adccah, ..:th re.^eren.".e e authority if the .:pard of Commi:,aionoro :'ct-: a IIair; attorney, the eanintan;r.. n enunael 1,11n.tiro city Clerk, by rent a' t residence :.0 toldn of tna ��.. ,., .r� received „nd fllod. Adopted on cal!'' --_..Italonars Alol'. r—!!Ir. and L:ayar Johnston (4). :r_•asa _-1, . : f'ered r..r.*.: ,.. ... ,:m n r3 ty f the Cay '.:arager wlth refsra; ce .a _ cv at _. rect ts "111.1a.m ,,. I:ar.:ptlo Le "PA'1 :`aas,pCell, n llen, :lone and s Proceedings of '` a = Cornisaioners CttyofP�ducah November 9, 1949 I.,tter John Commissioner Fannin offered motion that the letter of ?Tovomber ••, 1949, from ::ccs 23th:;Jy acin, John. A. Beck, State Commissioner of Uiehways, to the City T.`anager, relating to re- surfacing of 28th Street between the beltline highway and Park Avenue, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, !Tannin and ::'ayor Johnston (4). ;ends and Commissioner Fannin offered motion that the Board of Commiseionern receive, file policies '.Crosch and approve the Certificate of Insurance issued by the Fidelity and Ca sualty Company ' 1.:.. ;rcZorY o; 276w York insuring J. W. Croach and the City of Paducah from !November 22, 1949 to April 17, 1950; also the Certificate of Insurance issued to J. II. Gregory by the New Amsterdam Casualty Company including the City of Paducah in policy No. LSM 243451 �j from October 21, 1949 to August 22, 1950. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, �i Commissioners Abell, Allan, Fannin and T.iayor Fro Tem Johnston (4). 3esolution Commissioner Iiannin offered motion that the Board receive and file the copy of ^tater Co ./;! increase a Resolution adopted by the Commissioners of Yiater 1.1orks regarding an increase in the rates minimum meter charge to all customers both inside and outside the city limits of Paducah and an increase in the water rates to all customers both inside and outside the city linits. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Fannin and nor Johnston (4). ---al Yayor Johnston offered motion that the Board receive and file the letter of ,. november 3, 1949, from the Cita G;anager, listing the following persons appointed by him as nenbers of the Loard of Appeals as provided in the Rational Euilding Code adopted b3 the City of Paducah on 3eptenber 13, 1949: Floyd V:ade, Chairman, for a term of 3 years Brady Thcmasson, for a term of 5 years Anthony Johnston, for a term of 4 years T. A. zradley, for a term of 2 years Frank Ghotson, for a term of 1 year Alopted on call of the Roll, Yens, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Fannin and Mayor Johnst n r Holiday Yayor Johnston offered motion that all city employees, witF the exception of th `,ov. 21, 1949 aolice and fire department personnel, be grantod a holiday on Armistice Day, November 11, 1949. Adopted on call of the Roll, less, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Fannin and I� ;'ayor 3ohraton (4) . i labor Jnionsf :oyer Johnston offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive and file he )'.?.2 --,''a ;• vS :at;on :otter of ,'.drlan E. Terrell, attorney for the City of Paducah, dated October 16, 1949, tonin^ low wit^ reforence to the ctieation as to •ahether the use of the property at 1332 Broadway i.: t'.,) ice: ar "ranns lonatitaten a violation of ti;e zoning ordinance, also a copy of so!,.' ,: letter of Cctcl.ar 25 Tritton to -:r. T. S. V.gller with reference tc r: aar.r, ;, , nn.: that acid Atterneo :nauthorized to notify the officials of said) nnion: to aac;r it tae of said in furtherance of any activities in -WIch they are caro uT,nn t.._. . to ria so, that said Attorney 'co i s tr.orize•_' to incLiS e r _ :.......s a a;;it to enjoin thom from tho use of i 3sid ...il :in,- for any labot uni,r. activity. .dopted en call of' the !:oil, `leas, !Lysr Johnatrsn (4). i+eltline .°'a.,ar ,.;f:r.a`.-... ,:!'err.' ..��:i-,r. _...,. a. hwe urgge cc om— Fletion 'ed^,.ei a, _..: i Hers Atoll, Allan, Sannin and .a,.. 4star. (5; (4)• NO. 513 Proceedings of Poard of Commissioners City of Paducah I!ovombor 9. 1949 ji CocPer:ti-,n �! Commissioner Abell o.-fered motion that an ordincnce ontltled; "A_! ORDIITANCE A cme. nt .,CO u..?iticnal unitaN AGREEING TO A FOT_' 07 C••^CP_ZATION AGREE:lENT BET:IEE:i THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND TKE CITY CF PADtiCA11 1•1UNICIPAL ROUSING C0131ISSZON FOR The CONSTRUCTION OF SIX HUNDRED (600) ADDITIONAL UNITS OF LO':: RENT HOUSING UNDER TEE PROVISIONS OF THE UNITED STATES HOUSING ACT OF 1937, AS A79ENDED, AND AUTHORIZING 771E EXECUTION OF SAID AGREE- _C3II111, be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yens, Commissioners Abell, Allen, 1 Tannin and Liayor Johnston (4). urrouFhs Tax Commissioner Allen offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE _:achine ACCEPTI_7G THE BID OF TFE EURROUGHS ADDING IEACHINE COitPRN'I FOR 711E SALE TO THE CITY ( PADUCAH OF A STANDARD STYLE ELECTRICALLY OPERATED BURROUGHS TAX AND EUDGETARY ACCOUNTI I� I '.CHINE; AUTHORIZING TIM 14AYOR TO ENTER IITTO A CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF SAID tIAC iINE; FIND PRESCRIBING ViE TERI•iS AND CONDITIOIIS TO BE CONTAINED IN SAID CONTRACT", adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Fannin IIIto jl and Vayor Johnston (4). Yorris A. Lee Commissioner Allen o_'fered motion that an ordinance entitled: "API ORDINANCE Audit books 1949 I+ AUTHORIZIiiG TILE E?=OYI•:EI:T CF 1'0R,ZI3 A. LLE, A CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, TO ±AKE I A:" AUDIT OF TILE ACCOUNTS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH AND ALL CITY OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1949 I11 CONSIDERATION OF THE PAYGIENT TO 1II1.I OF THE SUL: OF „`2000.00", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Fannin and l!ayor Johnston (4). Lease 2 rooms Commissioner 11annin offered motion that an a•dinance entitled: "All ORDLNANCE 211-13 S 3rd Mn A Hampton PROVIDING FOR THE LEASING OF TING ROOLTS OR THE GROUND FLOOR AT 211-13 SOUTH THIRD STREET IN THE CITY Or" PADUCAH, KEN4UC%Y, TO W. A. 111Al2TON; FIXING 711E REIT TO 3E PAID F011 SAID PROPERTY, PRESCRIBING T77E 7EPh!S OF SAID LEASE AND AUTHORIZZNG TtI, 1.;AYOR A_1D THE CITY CLERK TO DELIVLR A LEASE TO T71' SAID W. A. HArPTOY", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yoas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, fiannin and 3_ayor Johnston (4) Water rates v Mayor Johnston offered motion tnat an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDIIIANCE AIr'R06ING increase Al INCPwA.n.3 I:: T:IE :JATR RATES AND I.'INI1.1U'• CHARGES FOR YiATER SERVICE TO ALL CUSTOKERS OF T11E PAD"CA- 7„T'P, ": ...: ZOTH IIISI'.3 ,, D OUr.';IDE OF DIE COItiORATE LIU.ITG ObTHE CITYI, AND FIXING TM ::AT'ER RATES AND =NI1:U1. CHARGES FOR SUCH 3ERVICESI R T.'„. ':'7-7Z-; 1N T:.16 CIiD .iAi:CE ..,::ALL LE CONSTRUED TO AFFECT 7 iE LXZSTItiG ^ PAD;ICAH AND T. -HE LONE CAK XATr"II _ _ t1CT EXCEPT AS PROVIDE CT 7 TE 1210E FOR `URNZSHIN', :.n_ i; '_0 471^ CITI FOR FIRE I::tC _.• .. -':a _.... ............. ......_ALS C:IARGED TO THE CIT_; A'..!iC iLP; i'ROVILING F01i THEI ORDILAIICES It _ :.r LIC: .. ,.i T,:13 ORDINANCE", i:':+r : i :^c• , an,! rn^•::: on file for public inspection in the completed t'orm in which ;.:t ::;an it Fina: paaaal;o at the next reLular mcetinC. to be hold on n; ';,.r I„.., Jn,o;:tod nn call of the Roll, 'leas, Co:mmiaaionors