HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 493, September 20, 1949493 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah September 20, 1949 At a Regular Meeting of the board of Commissioners held in the Commission Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.M. on September 20, 1949, Mayor Pro Tem Johnston presided and upon call of the Roll the following answeaed to their names: Commissioners Abell, Allen, Aannin and Mayor Pro Tem Johnston (4). Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. KU Purchase- Commissioner Abell offered motion that tlxe letter of Adriah F. Terrell, the Revenue Bonds Vote by people Attorney for the city, with reference to the necessity of postponing until November 7, postpone Nov. 1950 -Terrell 1950, a vote by the people on the question as to whether revenue bonds shall be issued{ li for the acquisition of the electric system of the Kentucky Utilities Company, be 1 received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Fannin and 1,.ayor Pro Tem Johnston (4). Fetition-St. '4U Mayor Pro Tem Johnston offered motion that the petition of Clyde D. Hill and Lights on South 10th ; other residents and citizens of the City of Paducah requesting the installation of ii street lights on South Tenth Street between Broadway and Adams Street be received and filed, and that the matter be referred to the City 1,anager for investigationand recommendation. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allem, J Fannin and Mayor Pro Tem Johnston (4). Deed lots to Commissioner Fannin offered motion that the City of Paducah accept the offer of ' Frank Beckd:4-� baugh, Jr. Frank Beckenbaugh, Jr in the sum of X625.00 for the purchase of Lots Nos 4 and 5 ,lashington St on the South side of '.lashington Street between 29th street and Nahm street, and that the Corporation Counsel prepare for introduction at the next meeting an ordinance authorizing the sale of said property at that price. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Fannin and Mayor Pro Tem Johnston (4). i Resolution of 1:a yor Pro Tem Johnston offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive Electrical Porkers �r and file the letter and resolution of the International Brotherhood of Electrical ",orkers requesting that a rigid set of rules and regulations for electrical facilities installed, repaired or maintained in the city be made effective and enforced. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Fannin and Mayor Pro Tem Johnston (4). Veterans Housing Commissioner Abell offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION Resolution L'S relinculsh AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR FRO TMI AND THE CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A REQUEST THAT THE HOUSING Interest AND HOW: FINANCE ADMINISTRATOR RELINQUISH AND TRANSFER TO THE CITY OF PADUCAH ALL FROPF'RTY RIGHT, TIME AND INTEREST OF THE UNITED STATES IN VETERANS' HOUSING PROJECT fy -7-15140", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Fannin and Mayor ero Tem Johnston (4). Resolution of Wfiyor Fro T:m Johnston offered motion that the board of Commissioners receive Electric :-lantL. Eoard a.rd file a copy of the resolution of the Electric Plant board of the City of Paducah .ecor- endinr the reponl of the ordinance adopted on May 10, 1949, ordering an election on November B, 1040, to datormino the question whether the city shall issue and sell revenue bonds for the purchuse of the electric utilities system of the Kentucky 'Utilities Company, and also rococo and.ing that an ordinance be adopted nrdering that su^h election be held on November 7, 1950. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Car.. iealoners Ate!!, AJ_len, Fannin and Mayor Pro Tam Johnston (4). Veteran's Fcusin>7. i(ayor Fro Tena Johnston offered motion that a lfeanlution entitled: "A RESOLUTIOj a -prove salver :f removal .' AFFRO'1INV; Tm WA:'7ER OF REMOVAI, iROVI::ION: O' _1ECTION 313 0' THE LANHAM ACT :II TF provisions RESCEC7 ' OPROJECT KY -V15140 1N 'rAD!-rAF, KENMCY.Y", be adopted. Adopted on call Of the Poll, Yeaa, Coe=lssiprera Abell, Allen, Fannin and Major Fro Tem Johnston (4).: 1 424 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City cf Paducah September 20, 1949 i t'.'est Ka Coal Commissioner Abell offered motion that an ordinance entitlod: "AN ORDINANCE Co -amend agreement f PROVIDING FOR THE A'—=? -1R -1T OF THE AGREEMENT ENTERED INTO BETWEEN THE CITY OF PADUCAH AND THE WEST KENTUCKY COAL COMPANY RELATING 10 THE GRANTING OF PERMIT.; TO SAID COMPANY ' FOR 'MAKING AN EXCAVATION IN THE EAST SIDE OF SECOND STREET BETWEEN TENNESSEE AND OHIO STREETS, AND FOR EXTENDING A CONVEYOR OVER AND ACROSS OHIO STREET BETWEEN SECOND STREETI AND "LFE RIVER FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF COAL INTO SAID COIMPANY'S BINS; PRESCRIBING THE I ON TERMS OF THE A6ENDMENT TO BE LADE, ARD AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR PRO TE'd AND THE CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT AS ALTNDED", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Hannin and Mayor Pro Tem Johnston (4). Repeal KU Commissioner Fannin offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE -lection Ordinance v REPEALING AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: 'AN ORDINANCE ORDERING AN ELECTION BY THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, TO BE HELD ON THE REGULAR ELECTION DAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1949, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, TO DETERMINE THE QUESTION WHETHER OR NOT THE! CITY OF PADUCAH SHALL ISSUE AND SELL REVENUE BONDS IN THE SUM, OF NOT EXCEEDING TWO MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS (;','2,500,000), BEARING INTEREST AT A RATE NOT EXCEEDING THREE AND ONE-HALF PERCENT (3j%) PER ANNUM, PAYABLE SfiNI-ANNUALLY, UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF KRS 96.550 TO 96.900, FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING FUNDS FOR TIM PURCHASE OF THE ELECTRIC UTILITIES SYSTEM OF THE KENTUCKY UTILITIES COMPANY AT THE PRICE OF TWO MILLION SIXTY --FOUR THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED NINE DOLLARS (w2,064,109) PLUS THE APPRAISED VALUE OF ADDITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS IN SUCH ELECTRIC UTILITIES SYSTEM LESS THE VALUE OF PROPERTY RETIREMENTS WHICH HAVE BEEN 14ADE SINCE THE COMPLETION OF THE INVENTORY OF THE FHYSICAL PROPERTIES ON TEICH THE APPRAISERS BASED THEIR VALUATION{ AS OF THE 1945-46 PRICING PERIOD, FOR PAYMENT OF ALL PRELIMINARY EXPENSES WHICH HAVE BEEN OP WHICH MAY HEREAFTER BE INCURRED IN CONVECTION WITH OR PRECEDENT TO THE ACQUISITION OF SAID SYSTEM' FOR NECESSARY ALTERATIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS IN SAID SYSTEM, FOR CONSTRUCTING SUCH TRANSMISSION OR TRANSPORTATION FACIDITIES AS MAY BE NECESSARY FOR THE DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY PURCHASED FROM THE TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY, TO PROVIDE A CASH. WORKING FUND FCR THE MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF SAID ELECTRIC UTILITIES SYSTEM, FOR PAYMENT CF I T£REST AND PRINCIPAL ON SAID BONDS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES INCIDENTAL TO AND NECESSARY FOR ACQUISITION, ESTABLISHMENT, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF SAID ELECTRIC CYSTIC;; AND DIRECTIING THE CITY MANAGER TO CERTIFY THE QUESTION TO THE COUNTY COURT CLERK -':R ^AID ELECTION A11D TO ADVERTISE SAID QUESTION IN THE PADUCAH SUV -DEMOCRAT, LY F,!:L'ii.LS, AND BY OTHER MEANS", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Atoll, Allen, Hannin and Yayor Fro mem Johnston (4). j KU oder sr. Imayor Fro Tem Johnston offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE Election I Novent,cr ', CRDERIIC AN ELDCT:Ct' BY T:1E :;UALIF'IED VCTF.R3 OF THE CITY OP PADUCAH, KENTU'CK'Y, TO BE HE�.D 1950 ON 7TE RE,"T AR ECTION DAY, NOV ZEER 7, 1950, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, TC DETERMINE THE tiUE:,T'ON 6{HETicR CTt NOT TIE CITY OF PADUCAH SHALL ISSUE ARD SELL REVENUE FONDS IN THE SUM OF NOT £XCEEDItiG TWO MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS e,2,500,000)� i,FARTNG :13TERE3T AT A RATE NOT EXCEEDZrG THREE AND OI{ii-HAIF P:•7{CEt'i' (34%) PER A%NUM, PA?A! LE S': PFI -ANN ALLY, N{L=R Tr-- rRC715ION3 OF KR3 `J6.5EO TO 9C.0O0, FOR THE PURPOSE OF, e';1D3 FOFt Tn Fi;?CHASE OI' THE ELECTRIC UTILITIE;3 3Y -ITEM OF JUE KENTUCKY IMES COki'ANi A? T{t rRZCE C:' WO MILLION SIXTY -^OUR THOU AND ONE HUNDRED NINE -LA.4S (r2,C:74,7G3) 'GUS 'nFE AiRRAIJED V,;LUE OF ADD Z; AND :i1ItO1;EMENTS IN SUCH EL£',':RIC Un1LITlF:S J'faT£M L333 2 VALUE IF FP.t'i•ERTY RET.IRENiEJTS ,YI3iCH HAVE BEEN MADE "B ".. CY..'L...tv FIY.;..nAL tcCFrRTI1: r.+. ri 1r!, ;,E AiPRAISIRS AS=D tFEIR +ALr'A 'i ,,.• 0 ..__ 154F,-40- FT. CIN:, FERIOZ1 FOR , � A- . Ei"tc..Z.LfZNARY ='E_Xr :.:o S :Y•^.v.. I°.A .: c5..i mo•1C1, -'aa :.: i. ;^PJ Z:C 1.i:3wT0`: AIT OR No. 495 ProceedinEs o . Board of Commissioners City of Paducah September 20, 1949 PRECEDENT TO THE ACQUISITION OF SAID SYSTE7d, FOR NECESSARY ALTERATIONS AND IMPROVEMEN IN SAID SYSTEM, FOR CONSTRUCTING SUCH THANSN,ISSION OR TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES AS MAY I' I!i BE NECESSARY FOR THE DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY PURCHASED FROM THE TENNESSEE VALLEY ' AUTHORITY, TO PROVIDE A CASH 770RKING FUND FOR THE MAIP7TE[dA?PCE AND OPERATION OF SAID I; ELECTRIC UTILITIES SYSTEM, FOR PAYMENT OF INTEREST AND PRINCIPAL ON SAID BONDS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES INCIDENTAL TO AND NECESSARY FOR ACQUISITION, ESTABLISHMENT, OPERATI N AND DIAIP7TENAPsCE,OF SAID ELECTRIC UTILITIES SYSTEM; AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO II CERTIFY THE QUESTION TO THE COUNTY COURT CLERK FOR SAID ELECTION AND TO ADVERTISE SAID I QUESTION IN 71IE PADUCAH SUPT-DEb:OCRAT, BY HANDBILLS, APHI BY OTHER MEANS," be introduced, and remain on file for at least one week for public inspection in the completed form in which it shall be put upon its final passage. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Fannin and Mayor Pro Tem Johnston (4). On motion the meeting adjourned. ADOPTED 1949 APPROVED.>Z4.G Mayor rQ � Tg m City Clerk Comm ss oner ; I .