HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 490, September 13, 1949NO.
Proceedings of City of Paducah
-.):i — -,lonora held _n the Co::i.�!on
31 r,, nt t'..0 "'Ity .:all, ntll,.,�-y, at -:30 !1.:,*. on 3optomber 1.3, :'.ayor
or .i -on tPie :,oil the follovrin; ttinvmrod to treir
17� nrs Aal:n, -,q!tnin at;,,'. 7aycr 1am Johnston (Z;). C,)nmisa loner
—.a previoua rn.oeting,*.ere adopted as read.
11on o_fcrod notion that the petition of honk !:ootwrIrht and 'rife
rcobdInC, on Kentucky Avenue outside the corporate limits of Paducah,
—nt for sutho-.,,-'ty- to lay and construct a walor line for the purpoac of providing
.!co to the buildinz located on the proparty be roccived and filed and that th
91r.1 petition be ,ranted in accordance with the tern-, set forth, tLcrolrl.
in prnntin,- the privilel-c sou;,ht in laid petit -on
Sit; of nfluonil, nor the Corminginne-o of .rater shall be o,l I %.ated to
lf'.n.- nny ::artt h, creof, o,' no such ol lication shall be contained or be
. r,
til'] the territory to ',a nerved by the vator line to be laid under
tc- n,:t'--rity herein requested be taker, Into or made a part of the City of Fauticah.
-t ij 'urther unciorsto,C that the rollitioner will subacribc for water service
.rtes no,.*., or hereafter- prescribed for water service to consuncra outolde the city
in all vo--7octs to the rules and -cculations of the --Ity o.' Paducah
of .eater -',or1k-- which may be now in force or hereinafter enacted.
In the ,:rrntinZ of this petition ul:all obligate the City of or I a
z; ,.i of :.rater ''or,o to guarantee coat^r pressure or service, rnd soi<' .,:atop
my te pipe line at ony thio .-.,hen in tL,: mont of
.star of water to the motitioncra or their
:rt.; nay interFiro int!.
any ilse
the corporate I
if the -It;:,
at nl��!
Citp of Paducah
Proceedings of , - � _ 1 `,r• 713 .
r_ny ',.a discontinued throuZ:t said pipe line at any time when Ir, t`.t:
tile oncri of .rater the of eater to the petitionerspetitioners0their
J�S, in :,..,;:lcrsl-.!p of tl',' pr:^Porty ov,,nedi tany intorfcva in di::
a- i t r 1 '.rater Inz a or, We L 0 1 irni to a:
wa,pt-_--", 'n -all of the ,'toll, ions, Cnz.:._'jaioners Allen, Nui,nin and )r 0
,);"t Ky. c�sl Conninsioner Allen offered motion that the Z-oard of Commissioners receive and
ctlo :"to file the letter of t^a "est Kentucicy Coal Company -equestini: a permit to make a
9epre3oion in the _-'ast side of ;,juth Second ::trent cet'acan 7ot;ncasae and Ohlo ::treaty
ns r ,,a for the locatlon of a conveyor under a raiirc3d car statlone,2 in the center
ril� .;tract, also to extend its conveyor ever and across Chia Z tr act
q:,.:i the riven for t! c transnortation of coal to its bins.
moved tlint
-'at !--a c;-.nct jocsl�ion of sold depronnion
r 'c',
-oc-1vcd on call of the Roll, Yeas, Com-.ilsulon•.rz
-.....,.'n anC. 'h or F:• a 7L in joh n z to 1 (3).
' !a
-ulldIr". C. C.).-.Lio loner Allen offrrad notion t he t the' --.card receive and file the attached
letter the City :manager, dated Joptember 0, 1949, :,ecom:-.isnd_1nZ: adoption of the
edition of the '.-,ational LuildinC Code as the Luildin,,, Code of the Cltc of Paducah
t^c attached letter from the :;tate giro 1.7arnhall, "Qtcd July 203, 1949, showing
said National Luildln,: rode has teen approved Lj the State Fire LArshall. Acl.,�ptc
on ca 11 a. the poll, Yeas, Corimiazioners Allen, Fannin and 1.1yor Pro Ten Johnston (3)
Co=,:13oioner Allen offered motion that the --card of Con-mia3ioner.,: recelvo, fila
j Moo certificate of Insurance issued. Ly the Fidelity and Cazutllt, Company 1
to Pay "lack and Zen and the City of Paducah on itucust 24, 1949j said cjz•tlf:
cover�olicy on account -)t' i1sLility av-1nln1. cut of the
curbs n%ll ':utters, 31st Jnc:son to
nn. a ' q o t,
to tcl! t",
1:j ions or til,. i vat -,n - -I: a trn, t
:;::0. Adopted in call of C,): --n,
j h,
D naton (3).
"fored motion that t* -,o ',-•,,,ntal werlo Lt;,)
Ly T:at,re,-arc' In;-, a nearc
USer o"I
n -troet be received an.; uo
It, tion - t
n nf -9 ti c,jj
Froceedinss of City of Paducah
i (I A
_�.'Z Y� :0 TIP;, ,-RTATI`O: COAL I' 'r I
-::C 71�- ,.:D ME CITY (7- TO !DUX�'T: .,'CR TI!E C171 A,.'
:D : -.ESCPI- T'I� TE 7 ':a 0: CO'_
Le adapted.
Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, ro!-z%-
n. 7:-.nin and ._'ayor Pro Tan Johnston (3)
n !,)n the r.eetln, adjim-ned.
1949 AfPr?OVLD